Chlorine dioxide was discovered over 200 years ago. It's use has steadily expanded into many industries and therapeutic applications despite a near global regulatory blockade on clinical research.
This is great summary of ClO2. I’m an integrative MD practicing for 39 years. I have been using it for twenty years. I am so happy that conventional MDs have become interested in other substances besides medication. Thank you for helping transform the future of health and humanity. Self care is the new heath care.
I have used CD off and on for several years, but I was always concerned with whether the CD was also killing off the good bacteria in my gut, since it’s killing off all the other bacteria in the body. This question has never been fully answered, either by studies I’ve read or Jim Humble’s book. Is there a definitive answer to this? Thank you.
Moderna's Covid-19 virus formula Patented 2013 - #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG
.The US Supreme Court 2013 ruled that only cDNA (Synthetic DNA) is patentable. Isolated, natural DNA is not patentable, but in a nutshell, biotechnology companies can own living things if said things are genetically-modified and not naturally occurring - that means that The Department Of Defense (and others) can literally own a human being if this synthetic code is taken up into your Genome, which a Swedish Company observed to occur within 6 hours from Covid-19 Gene Therapy "vaccines" Injections.
Dr Madej wrote The synthetic mRNA of Pfizer and Moderna, along with the viral vector DNA delivery systems of Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca, change your "genetic code" making you genetically modified, but Moderna Chief Medical Officer Tal Zaks tells you straight up that 1) The shots change your genetic code. 2) The shots do not stop the spread of Covid-19. 3) Tal Zaks says the Moderna shot is "hacking the software of life" and that Carbon Particles and Viral Vectors do the same thing. A vaccinated person is now legally, a "Trans Human".
A Trans Human is a new species which never existed before and by Law, they have Zero Human rights, because they are no longer Human and thus, because no Rights have ever been written into Law for them, they now have Zero rights - but much like the American Slaves up to 1865, when President Lincoln wrote into Law, Rights for them.
Gene Therapy is not reversable, but now described as a forced medical treatment, which Biontech/Pfizer said "should have been licensed as a Gene Therapy Injection (2015)" and which "Targets the Dentric Cells in the Lymph Nodes (2023)" - but why?
Thomas Renz, Lawyer, identified the vaccines as being ModRNA and not mRNA
Dr Francis Boyle, the Harvard educated Law Professor who drafted the Biological Weapons and Antiterrorism Act of 1989, provided an Affidavit that Covid-19 mRNA injections are Biological Weapons and Weapons of Mass Destruction.
Dr Boyle stated that the Covid-19 injections violate Biological Weapons 18 USC 175 and Weapons and Firearms 790.166 Fla. Stat (2023).
The Expose, back in 2019 published that DARPA Scientists were bragging on Twitter that they had made the Covid-19 virus with Moderna - which Moderna went on to Patent in 2013: From that patent for Moderna's Covid-19 virus: #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG
May 17 2024 (Reuters) - Moderna (MRNA.O) said on Friday the European Patent Office had upheld the validity of one of the company's key patents #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG , a win in an ongoing COVID-19 vaccine dispute with Pfizer (PFE.N) and BioNTech (22UAy.DE)
The company has been locked in a legal battle with Pfizer-BioNTech over their COVID shot Comirnaty after suing them in 2022 for allegedly copying its mRNA technology, but presumably #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG.
Pfizer and BioNTech have countersued, alleging that Moderna's patent is invalid, after the companies' rival vaccines generated billions in revenues during the pandemic.
Pfizer said it was disappointed and would consider all legal options and may appeal the decision.
"Irrespective of the outcome of this legal matter, we will continue to manufacture and supply the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine," Pfizer said in a statement to Reuters.
BioNTech said the patent office's decision to maintain Moderna's European patent #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG "does not change our unwavering and unequivocal stance that this patent is invalid."
Could Moderna have created their vaccine, or Biontech for Pfizer their vaccines, without the Moderna Key Patent #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG Covid-19 virus, Moderna patented in 2013, the same year that The US Supreme Court 2013 ruled that only cDNA (Synthetic DNA) is patentable?
Ugur Sahin Co-founder and CEO of BioNTech refuses to take the mRNA Covid vaccine because he says, “we need to ensure functionality of our whole company”
Ugur Sahin refuses to take the jab because he says he must ensure he stays "functional," in other words, he knows that the clot shot renders humans functionless, incapacitated, and seriously injured where they cannot do their job, take care of themselves, or function for their children anymore - or kill them.
Mandatory vaccination is illegal under Australian Law and would be subject to Legal Proceedings under Common Law against Section 51 of the Legal Code.
The Constitution prohibits any form of compulsion, which would subject citizens to medical or pharmaceutical services, including manadatory vaccination. They should remain free to decide whether they wish to receive certain medical treatments, including vaccination and they should not be disadvantaged by any government on the ground of their own voluntary decisions. - as an example of what should be standard everywhere.
"If" natural mRNA DNA is natural to all things and opens the door to Heaven - what door does the Laboratory created and patented cDNA (Synthetic DNA) #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG open instead, after you die - because never before has anyone been "Genetically Modified" with deliberate "Gene Therapy Injections" and made into a Legally 2013, Trans Human, with Zero Human Rights - a genetically-modified and not naturally occurring, GMO "Trans Human Being".
My point of reference - Steve Kirsch's "Substack" and his Million US Dollar Competition for you to prove that vaccines work - his contention is they don't and he can prove it.
No, I am not cDNA #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG vaccinated and I remain Human with my natural DNA mRNA - the above from articles I copied from "Steve Kirsch's Substack" where they and many others, were recorded.
Substack and books documenting research of Dr. Ana Mihalcea M.D, PhD appears to validate your assumption with facts resulting from her research.
Sabrina Wallace of Rumble's 'Nonvaxer 420' and 'Psinergy' among others elaborate upon the Global Agenda now being perfected by the Enemies of Life on the planet in their theft of all God's creation towards absolute power they ALWAYS dreamed of having. Since human beings were assigned a MAC Address since the 1970's, this final phase of their 'Unrestricted Warfare' upon all life has been ongoing and they progress regardless of resistence.
I,too do not understand how it could NOT kill the good bacteria. Especially considering the watery diarrhea it creates…I know that might be the response to “die off”, but, I agree no clear answer.
Also,no information on how to treat skin fungus,even though it’s supposed to kill fungus. I can tell you it stings my skin fungus at the 4 drops dilution,but,didn’t seem to clear it. But,I only tried once due to stinging redness…
I would recommend Jim Humble's book "MMS Health Recovery Guidebook." It has all the various protocols that he and others throughout the world have used for various illnesses and conditions. I'm halfway through it and according to his experience, the stinging indicates a fungal condition, which obviously you know since t hat's what you are treating. His book has a very specific protocol known to deal with mold/fungus. Wat you have mentioned you are doing is not his protocol so that may be why you are not having the success you are hoping for. The book is invaluable. Get the revised edition
Chlorine dioxide saved my life. A while back I was near death and no doctor could diagnose it. I took the chlorine dioxide and it saved me. With chlorine dioxide it kills everything so you dont need to identify it, this is very counterintuitive to doctors. Most want to identify the infection and then treat, but with chlorine dioxide it kills everything much like pool chlorine, you dont diagnose the pathogen, it just kills everything. So you dont need to identify what is in you. But it is wickedly powerful, my first dose was a half of a single drop and my body went numb for an hour, it was almost too much.
I find this one of the the most fascinating aspects. I highlighted this in my last post where I treated myself for some unknown, acute, severe intestinal infection, nearing the need for hospital, and was almost fully better 36 hours later. Not meant as medical advice, just personal experience self-treating as a critical care doctor
I purchased Andreas Kalcker’s book, Forbidden Health: Incurable Was Yesterday, and it has been invaluable in keeping my family and me healthy. It’s my go-to resource for addressing ailments and illnesses.
For example, I treated a growth on my husband’s back, and it dried out and fell off completely—it was truly impressive. Another time, my husband experienced breathing difficulties while ill for a couple of days. Just one dose of 10 cc opened his lungs and stabilized his breathing almost immediately.
There was also an instance when he injured his eye while cutting tree branches. The injury was severe enough that I thought we should seek medical care right away, but my husband insisted we try something else first. I found a recipe in the book for an eye flush with CDS, and within three days, his eye was completely healed. It was amazing to see how quickly the solution worked.
Dr. Kalcker’s book has become my “health bible.” It has empowered me to take control of my family’s well-being, and his knowledge has truly been life-changing. God bless Dr. Kalcker and you, Dr. Kory, for exploring the healing powers of the CDS solution.
I have made several attempts to purchase his book “Essentials” with no luck as his website and Amazon tells me his books are not available in the US. (Both e book and soft cover) How dis you manage to make the purchase?
he makes his book "Forbidden Health: Incurable Was Yesterday" available for free. You just need to download it. Go to the Telegram channel "The Universal Antidote Videos Chat" and on the right where you see Group Info, click on Files and you will see all the files that have been uploaded. Search for the title of the book and you will find it. Download it and keep it to save your life. There are also many other wonderful resources in the files.
Fred when the ingested cds water hits the stomach and the gas is absorbed into the blood stream within minutes it makes it difficult for it to reach the beneficial bacteria further alomg the digestive tract. Also the more detrimental bacteria are oxidised first as they are lower ph. CDS is selective as it only oxidizes pathogens below a certain ph. It is truly amazingly simple with its targeted approach and oxygen delivery at the site most needed. It addresses the common denominator of most diseases thereby earning the "universal" label. To it's own demise...
Thank you Dr. Kory! I first learned of CD & DMSO a couple months ago on AMD’s SS. My 7yo dog has just developed two mast cell tumors. I’ve been using DMSO and CD topically for 3 weeks. One small spot scabbed over and fell off and is completely gone. The other, the size of a marble, is now almost flat and much smaller. Since MCT releases and is aggravated by histamine she is also taking dyphenhydromine 2xday. I don’t know what to attribute her turn around to since I’m throwing everything at it. But thankful nonetheless.
I use a 70/30 Water Medigrade in a gray tub. I don’t measure I just gently dab it on the spots, so maybe 1/8tsp? The CD I use in a spray for nasal congestion and I just spritz it on. Before using either one I highly recommend reading A Midwestern Doctors posts on DMSO.
Thank you Dr. Kory. I recently purchased Chlorine Dioxide “just in case”. I want to be very cautious until I am confident of how to use it and its safety profile.
Your deep-dive into this topic is very much appreciated!
Where did you purchase it? I thought we had to purchase the ingredients and make it ourselves(?) Looking forward to more info on this. It seems like we should all have this in our arsenal for whatever malevolent bioweapon they are cooking up next.
You can get a simply two-ingredient kit from Snood on Amazon. You can can't get it already mixed since it starts losing it strenght in about five days.
This is not the one I was referring to. The one I have used is called "Snoot!". It comes in two different strengths: mild and original. Start with mild. No need to add water after you mix the two ingredients.
Thanks for the shout out! You can also get it on our site: We are the originators of chlorine dioxide topical products and our founders works was the basis for NASA’s “universal antidote” moniker.
Such a lot of crazy/good attention to CDS, Michelle!! What do you think about using the CDS A&B mouthwash equal parts for skin care?? I have been having success with this on my chin ( well, it is near the mouth!!). It seems to work better for me than the single pump bottle that I tried from you for skin problem. I’ve no idea of the “concentration” of either of them but would love to understand the difference—if that is possible! Thanks in advance! ❤️🙏
Yes that is the site I’m on but I’m confused on what to order…. Do I just buy the 1 bottle of CDS or the kit with CD and Citric Acid and mix them together….
If you are older, have heartburn issues or sensitive stomach by the one bottle CDS bottle as it is more gentle on your stomach. No need to mix it is premixed.
Diarrhea is most common reaction which is mostly from eliminating all the crap in your body. Some users think the drops (CD)work better the the CDS.
Not a doctor but a registered respiratory therapist
COVID-19 was a disgrace, I believed till I saw what the system did to us all. I worked extensively in CCU we were the first ones taking care of patients. I witnessed the corporate and government response which was nothing short of doing nothing or creating worse outcomes.
I refused the jab only 2 out of 10 in our department that followed through with not taking the jab. The only way out was a religious exemption.
Never forget what they did. A coworker with a history of Guillain-Barre couldn't get a medical exemption. Took the first dose and l had to help tube her in ER…
Sorry for the rant…
This stuff is the bomb.
Believe what he and AMD and other brave people say.
I understand oxygen, pH, etc.. This stuff is safe at the levels recommended in the links. It is a miracle solution
Don't believe me I looked at it for a long time and researched it extensively also. Do your own research and make your own decision….
Just following the directions. It works and is safe.
"If you are older, have heartburn issues or sensitive stomach by the one bottle CDS bottle as it is more gentle on your stomach. No need to mix it is premixed." ... which one bottle are you referring to that is premixed, please? Is it the "acidified" CDS?
CDS resolved 30 years of HTN however it was mentioned that it lowers co2. This explains why my bp of 80/40 achieves resolution with Na bicarb and hydration. I believe it is also a mild diuretic.
Dr Robert Yoho on SS has quite a few articles in depth on CD, IVR, etc. He has written several books too that can be downloaded for free. His page is "Surviving Healthcare" and it is very good. Dr Yoho is very interesting to read as he is figuring out his own health challenges.
And a Midwestern Doctor's site, too, although he often doesn't allow you to finish his writing unless you are a paid subscriber (and thank you, too, Dr Kory!)
I follow both those sites! Thanks so much… lots of great info everywhere it’s hard not to get confused but it’s always like this at the beginning when I try something new….
Same here, I'm dying to have my husband try it for his Type 1 diabetes after I read an antidote of it potentially healing the pancreas. I too am nervous to try this, with out much more info. Safety is #1 for me too.
Please add Gamma Hydroxybuterate to the list of drugs to be reconsidered by RFKJ. It was wrongfully added to the "date rape" drugs made illegal in the 80s or 90s. It has never been proven to be one, though it is a valuable muscle tone enhancer for those of us old farts whose muscle tone has disappeared due to the statin scam. It is also a safe and effective sleep enhancer without interfering with the valuable "sleep cycle."
It is not important anymore what the FDA says...CDS from what you have written sounds like a therapeutic nostrum, which is invaluable. .In the eyes of many, the FDA has lost all credibility for "Its approval" of "disapproval" of drugs and vaxes... knowing that it has permitted too many products to enter the marketplace, which has damaged and killed millions.. It is a very self-serving bureaucratic agency, which American taxpayers have supported far too long. CDS
I saw a meme years ago that said something like “Everything recalled by the FDA for injuries/death was once approved by the FDA as safe.” That one truth has helped recalibrate my decision making for the better re pharmaceuticals.
CDS is not even in the pharma red book since it is not considered a drug but rather a chemical, so this can be a loophole for practitioners and patients.
Dr Kalcker is doing some trials to prove the efficacy of CDS, he needs money to speeded up the process. We need some of these rich millionaires to step up and help him complete these, the return of investment would be huge in the fight against the FDA, millions of people cured of ailments.
Trust in the one who created humanity for answers...the money will come, when the cause is worthy! Personally, I have received answers....and got rid of every health issue I faced from arthritis to obesity to cancer to colds to sore throats, and more. by simple dietary changes. Nothing is more important than FINDING & REMOVING the CAUSES.
My husband and I have had MMS in our healthcare toolkit for going on 2 decades. It has been a huge help and a very positive route to go in many situations when our immune systems needed a boost. I suggest that people who are new to this topic, read Jim Humble's book. It is a very interesting story of his journey from being a treasure hunter in the Amazon to a timely 1996 discovery of CD's multitude of uses beside water purification. One can learn a lot about CD or MMS as Jim named it, especially treatment protocols. It is a culmination of his experience and sharing this amazing treatment with people all over the world. He is a hero who helped a lot of people help themselves. From 1996 until his passing a year ago he dedicated his life to bringing the knowledge of CD to as many people he could all over the earth.
Thank you Dr Kory for having the courage to post this topic on your platform. You are among the next heroes to emerge along the path of bringing sanity back to health and wellness care. It is about time that people are able to know about CD and to be able to benefit without fear of reprisal. I live on a regenerative farm 45 miles west of Madison (so I am nearby) and as God is my witness, I have got your back in whatever way I can muster if the need comes.
Dr. Kory: Your ability to sense out anomalies in the medical field is exceptional, whether it is Covid, DMSO, and now ClO2. This is similar to Musk’s focus on anomalies in the automotive and aerospace industries.
I may be wrong, but wasn't this what President Trump mentioned at the beginning of the Covid outbreak and he was ridiculed about injecting bleach? Was he bringing this to our attention then?
AMD was part of the group communicating with the White House in early Covid and they were educating them on UVBI (another disinfectant). We believe that is what he was referring to
My relative has had joint replacement surgeries at UBC hospital in Vancouver Canada - each time they have had their nasal cavity swabbed a swab with a substance and then a device with blue light pointed into the nostrils. We were told that this is to kill any bacteria that may cause infection with the surgery. Four joints replaced and absolutely no infection. I always wondered if this could have been used as a prophylactic when patients came to hospital during the COVID outbreaks? Do you have any info or thoughts on this Dr. Kory?
Dr Kory, my heartfelt thanks to you for taking the time and energy to review the literature, research, testimonials, and put it here in such an organized, succinct format. I’m a FNP, have been following your protocols since 2020 to treat my patients and prevent COVID, but found myself vaccine injured and dealing with many of the S/S of those in SM’s 25k club ( 3 years of titer over 25k) I’ve been using DMSO, had bilateral trigger thumb for months that was very painful, not healing, healed in 2days of dmso, 70%. My daily walking steps have doubled since starting it- and I only apply it to my hands and foot. Recently I learned of CD, and it arrived yesterday, but was finding all the literature overwhelming(brain fog is real). Reading this post from you has given me confidence to start tomorrow- my decision, I understand FDA recommends against. I have hope for full recovery, and if I have become a “DNA” machine, hope DMSO/CD can be a tool to mitigate that long term.
Ive been waiting to see how you approach the monumental task of covering all that is CDS...
I also have been trying to drink from the fire hose of text, video, history, arrests, cures and books for the past two months. It is somewhat overwhelmimg. About the time you think you've heard all it does, something else shows up.
Its like the "one bite at a time" method of eating an elephant. Keep trudging through it for us like only you can.
It's just that much harder to do with such a "thin ice" subject. Mercola even dare not tread through this mine field. Blaze the trail like only you cam do. I salute you.
No surprises there regarding the blockade on clinical research. The suppression of medical miracles is an old story, as a herbalist I know it so well. 30 + years ago I was training and learnt about the cholesterol myth, 30 years later the medical profession still recommend statin drugs but some are catching on. We can thank covid for the best doctors awakening and enabling change. Thank you so much for your dedication and research and enlightenment, the world is now a better place.
I’m on this everyday. It’s amazing the multiple applications that can be used for CDS. There’s also quite a few telegram channels, specifically the universal antidote.
Thank you so much! I had no idea that site existed. I’m hopeful I can find the way to treat some skin issues. Looks like a LOT of skin testimonies to learn from.
I am so glad you are writing about CDS, Dr. Kory. I have known about it for years, and hard to talk about it candidly, because its efficacy and safety seem impossible. This is a big step into the daylight - and I will be much more vocal about it. CDS is a marvelous medicine to have, because it is so darn simple to make. It is potent, and needs to be taken with significant dilution in water, etc. But it does so much. And the precursor sodium chlorite, is so easy to get, even in great quantities. Not to mention lemon juice or dilute HCl.
This is great summary of ClO2. I’m an integrative MD practicing for 39 years. I have been using it for twenty years. I am so happy that conventional MDs have become interested in other substances besides medication. Thank you for helping transform the future of health and humanity. Self care is the new heath care.
Self Care is the New Health Care. Love this.
I have used CD off and on for several years, but I was always concerned with whether the CD was also killing off the good bacteria in my gut, since it’s killing off all the other bacteria in the body. This question has never been fully answered, either by studies I’ve read or Jim Humble’s book. Is there a definitive answer to this? Thank you.
I will address this in an upcoming post, but no, the microbiome generates lots of free radicals which neutralize the CLo2
Moderna's Covid-19 virus formula Patented 2013 - #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG
.The US Supreme Court 2013 ruled that only cDNA (Synthetic DNA) is patentable. Isolated, natural DNA is not patentable, but in a nutshell, biotechnology companies can own living things if said things are genetically-modified and not naturally occurring - that means that The Department Of Defense (and others) can literally own a human being if this synthetic code is taken up into your Genome, which a Swedish Company observed to occur within 6 hours from Covid-19 Gene Therapy "vaccines" Injections.
Dr Madej wrote The synthetic mRNA of Pfizer and Moderna, along with the viral vector DNA delivery systems of Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca, change your "genetic code" making you genetically modified, but Moderna Chief Medical Officer Tal Zaks tells you straight up that 1) The shots change your genetic code. 2) The shots do not stop the spread of Covid-19. 3) Tal Zaks says the Moderna shot is "hacking the software of life" and that Carbon Particles and Viral Vectors do the same thing. A vaccinated person is now legally, a "Trans Human".
A Trans Human is a new species which never existed before and by Law, they have Zero Human rights, because they are no longer Human and thus, because no Rights have ever been written into Law for them, they now have Zero rights - but much like the American Slaves up to 1865, when President Lincoln wrote into Law, Rights for them.
Gene Therapy is not reversable, but now described as a forced medical treatment, which Biontech/Pfizer said "should have been licensed as a Gene Therapy Injection (2015)" and which "Targets the Dentric Cells in the Lymph Nodes (2023)" - but why?
Thomas Renz, Lawyer, identified the vaccines as being ModRNA and not mRNA
Dr Francis Boyle, the Harvard educated Law Professor who drafted the Biological Weapons and Antiterrorism Act of 1989, provided an Affidavit that Covid-19 mRNA injections are Biological Weapons and Weapons of Mass Destruction.
Dr Boyle stated that the Covid-19 injections violate Biological Weapons 18 USC 175 and Weapons and Firearms 790.166 Fla. Stat (2023).
The Expose, back in 2019 published that DARPA Scientists were bragging on Twitter that they had made the Covid-19 virus with Moderna - which Moderna went on to Patent in 2013: From that patent for Moderna's Covid-19 virus: #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG
May 17 2024 (Reuters) - Moderna (MRNA.O) said on Friday the European Patent Office had upheld the validity of one of the company's key patents #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG , a win in an ongoing COVID-19 vaccine dispute with Pfizer (PFE.N) and BioNTech (22UAy.DE)
The company has been locked in a legal battle with Pfizer-BioNTech over their COVID shot Comirnaty after suing them in 2022 for allegedly copying its mRNA technology, but presumably #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG.
Pfizer and BioNTech have countersued, alleging that Moderna's patent is invalid, after the companies' rival vaccines generated billions in revenues during the pandemic.
Pfizer said it was disappointed and would consider all legal options and may appeal the decision.
"Irrespective of the outcome of this legal matter, we will continue to manufacture and supply the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine," Pfizer said in a statement to Reuters.
BioNTech said the patent office's decision to maintain Moderna's European patent #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG "does not change our unwavering and unequivocal stance that this patent is invalid."
Could Moderna have created their vaccine, or Biontech for Pfizer their vaccines, without the Moderna Key Patent #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG Covid-19 virus, Moderna patented in 2013, the same year that The US Supreme Court 2013 ruled that only cDNA (Synthetic DNA) is patentable?
Ugur Sahin Co-founder and CEO of BioNTech refuses to take the mRNA Covid vaccine because he says, “we need to ensure functionality of our whole company”
Ugur Sahin refuses to take the jab because he says he must ensure he stays "functional," in other words, he knows that the clot shot renders humans functionless, incapacitated, and seriously injured where they cannot do their job, take care of themselves, or function for their children anymore - or kill them.
By S.D. Wells // Jan 08, 2025,,, NewsTarget contributed.
Mandatory vaccination is illegal under Australian Law and would be subject to Legal Proceedings under Common Law against Section 51 of the Legal Code.
The Constitution prohibits any form of compulsion, which would subject citizens to medical or pharmaceutical services, including manadatory vaccination. They should remain free to decide whether they wish to receive certain medical treatments, including vaccination and they should not be disadvantaged by any government on the ground of their own voluntary decisions. - as an example of what should be standard everywhere.
"If" natural mRNA DNA is natural to all things and opens the door to Heaven - what door does the Laboratory created and patented cDNA (Synthetic DNA) #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG open instead, after you die - because never before has anyone been "Genetically Modified" with deliberate "Gene Therapy Injections" and made into a Legally 2013, Trans Human, with Zero Human Rights - a genetically-modified and not naturally occurring, GMO "Trans Human Being".
My point of reference - Steve Kirsch's "Substack" and his Million US Dollar Competition for you to prove that vaccines work - his contention is they don't and he can prove it.
No, I am not cDNA #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG vaccinated and I remain Human with my natural DNA mRNA - the above from articles I copied from "Steve Kirsch's Substack" where they and many others, were recorded.
I fear we are ALL contaminated by the shedding of everyone around us.
My answer to you, hopefully above - with my concern for the "Self Replicating" viruses
Yes. That’s a lot to process. What do you suggest we mortals do with all that information?
Thank you.
Pray ! God can do anything!
Substack and books documenting research of Dr. Ana Mihalcea M.D, PhD appears to validate your assumption with facts resulting from her research.
Sabrina Wallace of Rumble's 'Nonvaxer 420' and 'Psinergy' among others elaborate upon the Global Agenda now being perfected by the Enemies of Life on the planet in their theft of all God's creation towards absolute power they ALWAYS dreamed of having. Since human beings were assigned a MAC Address since the 1970's, this final phase of their 'Unrestricted Warfare' upon all life has been ongoing and they progress regardless of resistence.
Well,that’s depressing as hell. I hope we are mistaken….if not,then,WTF🤷🏻♀️
I,too do not understand how it could NOT kill the good bacteria. Especially considering the watery diarrhea it creates…I know that might be the response to “die off”, but, I agree no clear answer.
Also,no information on how to treat skin fungus,even though it’s supposed to kill fungus. I can tell you it stings my skin fungus at the 4 drops dilution,but,didn’t seem to clear it. But,I only tried once due to stinging redness…
Thank you to anyone who can answer this.
our microbiome, particularly lactobacillus, secrete free radicals which neutralize chlorine dioxide, unlike pathogens
Thank you!
I would recommend Jim Humble's book "MMS Health Recovery Guidebook." It has all the various protocols that he and others throughout the world have used for various illnesses and conditions. I'm halfway through it and according to his experience, the stinging indicates a fungal condition, which obviously you know since t hat's what you are treating. His book has a very specific protocol known to deal with mold/fungus. Wat you have mentioned you are doing is not his protocol so that may be why you are not having the success you are hoping for. The book is invaluable. Get the revised edition
I saw a video interview with Andreas Kalcker & he stated that CDS does not kill all fungus.....
I think good vs bad organisms operate at different zeta potentials and voltage, at least this is what I remember.
Exactly, and according to Dr Kalckers Substack this week, CDS increases Zeta potential
Thank you.
That’s kinda what Dr Kory said…
Find a recent interview on Rumble "DR ANDREAS KALCKER DISCUSSES CDS TECHNICALITIES WITH MIKE ADAMS" - as I recall he discusses it there.
Chlorine dioxide saved my life. A while back I was near death and no doctor could diagnose it. I took the chlorine dioxide and it saved me. With chlorine dioxide it kills everything so you dont need to identify it, this is very counterintuitive to doctors. Most want to identify the infection and then treat, but with chlorine dioxide it kills everything much like pool chlorine, you dont diagnose the pathogen, it just kills everything. So you dont need to identify what is in you. But it is wickedly powerful, my first dose was a half of a single drop and my body went numb for an hour, it was almost too much.
I find this one of the the most fascinating aspects. I highlighted this in my last post where I treated myself for some unknown, acute, severe intestinal infection, nearing the need for hospital, and was almost fully better 36 hours later. Not meant as medical advice, just personal experience self-treating as a critical care doctor
I purchased Andreas Kalcker’s book, Forbidden Health: Incurable Was Yesterday, and it has been invaluable in keeping my family and me healthy. It’s my go-to resource for addressing ailments and illnesses.
For example, I treated a growth on my husband’s back, and it dried out and fell off completely—it was truly impressive. Another time, my husband experienced breathing difficulties while ill for a couple of days. Just one dose of 10 cc opened his lungs and stabilized his breathing almost immediately.
There was also an instance when he injured his eye while cutting tree branches. The injury was severe enough that I thought we should seek medical care right away, but my husband insisted we try something else first. I found a recipe in the book for an eye flush with CDS, and within three days, his eye was completely healed. It was amazing to see how quickly the solution worked.
Dr. Kalcker’s book has become my “health bible.” It has empowered me to take control of my family’s well-being, and his knowledge has truly been life-changing. God bless Dr. Kalcker and you, Dr. Kory, for exploring the healing powers of the CDS solution.
I have made several attempts to purchase his book “Essentials” with no luck as his website and Amazon tells me his books are not available in the US. (Both e book and soft cover) How dis you manage to make the purchase?
he makes his book "Forbidden Health: Incurable Was Yesterday" available for free. You just need to download it. Go to the Telegram channel "The Universal Antidote Videos Chat" and on the right where you see Group Info, click on Files and you will see all the files that have been uploaded. Search for the title of the book and you will find it. Download it and keep it to save your life. There are also many other wonderful resources in the files.
I cannot find the channel or the book! Help!
Fred when the ingested cds water hits the stomach and the gas is absorbed into the blood stream within minutes it makes it difficult for it to reach the beneficial bacteria further alomg the digestive tract. Also the more detrimental bacteria are oxidised first as they are lower ph. CDS is selective as it only oxidizes pathogens below a certain ph. It is truly amazingly simple with its targeted approach and oxygen delivery at the site most needed. It addresses the common denominator of most diseases thereby earning the "universal" label. To it's own demise...
Half a drop!? 4 drops makes such a tiny puddle I can barely see…
How wonderful that it helped you!
Mix 1 drop of each solution in a glass. Wait 30 sec. Add 4 oz water. Discard half (2 oz) of the water. That's 1/2 drop :)
Thank you Dr. Kory! I first learned of CD & DMSO a couple months ago on AMD’s SS. My 7yo dog has just developed two mast cell tumors. I’ve been using DMSO and CD topically for 3 weeks. One small spot scabbed over and fell off and is completely gone. The other, the size of a marble, is now almost flat and much smaller. Since MCT releases and is aggravated by histamine she is also taking dyphenhydromine 2xday. I don’t know what to attribute her turn around to since I’m throwing everything at it. But thankful nonetheless.
Wish I’d had this knowledge four years ago to help my dog.
Curious, what concentration and form of DMSO did you use? How much CD topically?
I use a 70/30 Water Medigrade in a gray tub. I don’t measure I just gently dab it on the spots, so maybe 1/8tsp? The CD I use in a spray for nasal congestion and I just spritz it on. Before using either one I highly recommend reading A Midwestern Doctors posts on DMSO.
did AMD do an article on CDS? haven't seen it
Thank you Dr. Kory. I recently purchased Chlorine Dioxide “just in case”. I want to be very cautious until I am confident of how to use it and its safety profile.
Your deep-dive into this topic is very much appreciated!
Where did you purchase it? I thought we had to purchase the ingredients and make it ourselves(?) Looking forward to more info on this. It seems like we should all have this in our arsenal for whatever malevolent bioweapon they are cooking up next.
You can get a simply two-ingredient kit from Snood on Amazon. You can can't get it already mixed since it starts losing it strenght in about five days.
Have you heard of Andreas Kalckers protocols….? He talks about a beginning dose of 2ml CDS and mix with 200ml of water….
Is the CDS mixture the two-ingredient kit you see on Amazon…? I would order that kit mix those together and then add it to the water…?
No need to add it to water. It is the right strength after you mix the two ingredients.
Thanks. Trying to get my head around how to safely make this.
CDS • Chlorine Dioxide 3000 ppm
CDS - Chlorine Dioxide Solution
.3% Aqueous Chlorine DIoxide (3000 ppm)
Is this the solution you are referring about…? I found it on…?
I would only need to buy this and mix with water…?
This is not the one I was referring to. The one I have used is called "Snoot!". It comes in two different strengths: mild and original. Start with mild. No need to add water after you mix the two ingredients.
Thanks for the shout out! You can also get it on our site: We are the originators of chlorine dioxide topical products and our founders works was the basis for NASA’s “universal antidote” moniker.
Such a lot of crazy/good attention to CDS, Michelle!! What do you think about using the CDS A&B mouthwash equal parts for skin care?? I have been having success with this on my chin ( well, it is near the mouth!!). It seems to work better for me than the single pump bottle that I tried from you for skin problem. I’ve no idea of the “concentration” of either of them but would love to understand the difference—if that is possible! Thanks in advance! ❤️🙏
Yes that is the site I’m on but I’m confused on what to order…. Do I just buy the 1 bottle of CDS or the kit with CD and Citric Acid and mix them together….
Don’t use citric acid one
Buy the 2 bottle kit and start slow
If you are older, have heartburn issues or sensitive stomach by the one bottle CDS bottle as it is more gentle on your stomach. No need to mix it is premixed.
Go here for how to start CD
Diarrhea is most common reaction which is mostly from eliminating all the crap in your body. Some users think the drops (CD)work better the the CDS.
Not a doctor but a registered respiratory therapist
COVID-19 was a disgrace, I believed till I saw what the system did to us all. I worked extensively in CCU we were the first ones taking care of patients. I witnessed the corporate and government response which was nothing short of doing nothing or creating worse outcomes.
I refused the jab only 2 out of 10 in our department that followed through with not taking the jab. The only way out was a religious exemption.
Never forget what they did. A coworker with a history of Guillain-Barre couldn't get a medical exemption. Took the first dose and l had to help tube her in ER…
Sorry for the rant…
This stuff is the bomb.
Believe what he and AMD and other brave people say.
I understand oxygen, pH, etc.. This stuff is safe at the levels recommended in the links. It is a miracle solution
Don't believe me I looked at it for a long time and researched it extensively also. Do your own research and make your own decision….
Just following the directions. It works and is safe.
Dr Yoho has good stuff too
"If you are older, have heartburn issues or sensitive stomach by the one bottle CDS bottle as it is more gentle on your stomach. No need to mix it is premixed." ... which one bottle are you referring to that is premixed, please? Is it the "acidified" CDS?
CDS, the one-bottle
this one⬇️ I believe is more neutral pH less aggravating to your stomach
CDS resolved 30 years of HTN however it was mentioned that it lowers co2. This explains why my bp of 80/40 achieves resolution with Na bicarb and hydration. I believe it is also a mild diuretic.
THANK YOU!! I really appreciate it… looking forward to starting this!
Dr Robert Yoho on SS has quite a few articles in depth on CD, IVR, etc. He has written several books too that can be downloaded for free. His page is "Surviving Healthcare" and it is very good. Dr Yoho is very interesting to read as he is figuring out his own health challenges.
And a Midwestern Doctor's site, too, although he often doesn't allow you to finish his writing unless you are a paid subscriber (and thank you, too, Dr Kory!)
I follow both those sites! Thanks so much… lots of great info everywhere it’s hard not to get confused but it’s always like this at the beginning when I try something new….
One step in front of the other…
Crystal Clear Chlorine Dioxide...
I'm in the same boat. Aiming for a "test drive" on Tuesday if all goes well.
Please let us know!
For treatment protocols go to Jim Humble's book at It will guide you without fail.
Same here, I'm dying to have my husband try it for his Type 1 diabetes after I read an antidote of it potentially healing the pancreas. I too am nervous to try this, with out much more info. Safety is #1 for me too.
Likewise here!
Please add Gamma Hydroxybuterate to the list of drugs to be reconsidered by RFKJ. It was wrongfully added to the "date rape" drugs made illegal in the 80s or 90s. It has never been proven to be one, though it is a valuable muscle tone enhancer for those of us old farts whose muscle tone has disappeared due to the statin scam. It is also a safe and effective sleep enhancer without interfering with the valuable "sleep cycle."
100% spot on here. AMD covered that one. Unconscionable
God I hope Kennedy adds it. A world of sleepless people and they ban the healthiest most effective sleeping drug so they can sell their rubbish🤦♀️
It is not important anymore what the FDA says...CDS from what you have written sounds like a therapeutic nostrum, which is invaluable. .In the eyes of many, the FDA has lost all credibility for "Its approval" of "disapproval" of drugs and vaxes... knowing that it has permitted too many products to enter the marketplace, which has damaged and killed millions.. It is a very self-serving bureaucratic agency, which American taxpayers have supported far too long. CDS
I saw a meme years ago that said something like “Everything recalled by the FDA for injuries/death was once approved by the FDA as safe.” That one truth has helped recalibrate my decision making for the better re pharmaceuticals.
CDS is not even in the pharma red book since it is not considered a drug but rather a chemical, so this can be a loophole for practitioners and patients.
Dr Kalcker is doing some trials to prove the efficacy of CDS, he needs money to speeded up the process. We need some of these rich millionaires to step up and help him complete these, the return of investment would be huge in the fight against the FDA, millions of people cured of ailments.
Trust in the one who created humanity for answers...the money will come, when the cause is worthy! Personally, I have received answers....and got rid of every health issue I faced from arthritis to obesity to cancer to colds to sore throats, and more. by simple dietary changes. Nothing is more important than FINDING & REMOVING the CAUSES.
Yes indeed!
I agree!
My husband and I have had MMS in our healthcare toolkit for going on 2 decades. It has been a huge help and a very positive route to go in many situations when our immune systems needed a boost. I suggest that people who are new to this topic, read Jim Humble's book. It is a very interesting story of his journey from being a treasure hunter in the Amazon to a timely 1996 discovery of CD's multitude of uses beside water purification. One can learn a lot about CD or MMS as Jim named it, especially treatment protocols. It is a culmination of his experience and sharing this amazing treatment with people all over the world. He is a hero who helped a lot of people help themselves. From 1996 until his passing a year ago he dedicated his life to bringing the knowledge of CD to as many people he could all over the earth.
Thank you Dr Kory for having the courage to post this topic on your platform. You are among the next heroes to emerge along the path of bringing sanity back to health and wellness care. It is about time that people are able to know about CD and to be able to benefit without fear of reprisal. I live on a regenerative farm 45 miles west of Madison (so I am nearby) and as God is my witness, I have got your back in whatever way I can muster if the need comes.
Dr. Kory: Your ability to sense out anomalies in the medical field is exceptional, whether it is Covid, DMSO, and now ClO2. This is similar to Musk’s focus on anomalies in the automotive and aerospace industries.
There are soo many anomalies there, and yes, Dr Kory is amazing.
I may be wrong, but wasn't this what President Trump mentioned at the beginning of the Covid outbreak and he was ridiculed about injecting bleach? Was he bringing this to our attention then?
AMD was part of the group communicating with the White House in early Covid and they were educating them on UVBI (another disinfectant). We believe that is what he was referring to
My relative has had joint replacement surgeries at UBC hospital in Vancouver Canada - each time they have had their nasal cavity swabbed a swab with a substance and then a device with blue light pointed into the nostrils. We were told that this is to kill any bacteria that may cause infection with the surgery. Four joints replaced and absolutely no infection. I always wondered if this could have been used as a prophylactic when patients came to hospital during the COVID outbreaks? Do you have any info or thoughts on this Dr. Kory?
Dr Kory, my heartfelt thanks to you for taking the time and energy to review the literature, research, testimonials, and put it here in such an organized, succinct format. I’m a FNP, have been following your protocols since 2020 to treat my patients and prevent COVID, but found myself vaccine injured and dealing with many of the S/S of those in SM’s 25k club ( 3 years of titer over 25k) I’ve been using DMSO, had bilateral trigger thumb for months that was very painful, not healing, healed in 2days of dmso, 70%. My daily walking steps have doubled since starting it- and I only apply it to my hands and foot. Recently I learned of CD, and it arrived yesterday, but was finding all the literature overwhelming(brain fog is real). Reading this post from you has given me confidence to start tomorrow- my decision, I understand FDA recommends against. I have hope for full recovery, and if I have become a “DNA” machine, hope DMSO/CD can be a tool to mitigate that long term.
Ive been waiting to see how you approach the monumental task of covering all that is CDS...
I also have been trying to drink from the fire hose of text, video, history, arrests, cures and books for the past two months. It is somewhat overwhelmimg. About the time you think you've heard all it does, something else shows up.
Its like the "one bite at a time" method of eating an elephant. Keep trudging through it for us like only you can.
It's just that much harder to do with such a "thin ice" subject. Mercola even dare not tread through this mine field. Blaze the trail like only you cam do. I salute you.
No surprises there regarding the blockade on clinical research. The suppression of medical miracles is an old story, as a herbalist I know it so well. 30 + years ago I was training and learnt about the cholesterol myth, 30 years later the medical profession still recommend statin drugs but some are catching on. We can thank covid for the best doctors awakening and enabling change. Thank you so much for your dedication and research and enlightenment, the world is now a better place.
Check out the testimonial pics on, incredible how healing this stuff is.
here are a series of protocols from that site
I’m on this everyday. It’s amazing the multiple applications that can be used for CDS. There’s also quite a few telegram channels, specifically the universal antidote.
Thank you so much! I had no idea that site existed. I’m hopeful I can find the way to treat some skin issues. Looks like a LOT of skin testimonies to learn from.
Thanks for that!
I am so glad you are writing about CDS, Dr. Kory. I have known about it for years, and hard to talk about it candidly, because its efficacy and safety seem impossible. This is a big step into the daylight - and I will be much more vocal about it. CDS is a marvelous medicine to have, because it is so darn simple to make. It is potent, and needs to be taken with significant dilution in water, etc. But it does so much. And the precursor sodium chlorite, is so easy to get, even in great quantities. Not to mention lemon juice or dilute HCl.
Thank you, Doc for your bravery
Been a user for 1 year
Been a life saver
All inflammation related issues are gone
Almost 70 and feel great
All to CD