Not funny as I read it.

Who does not have a nightmare tale about his or a friend's or a family member's recent hospital experience in USA? A Naples, Florida hospital admitted my brother to its ER for a minor infection and discharged him as a brain-dead quadraplegic 3 weeks later. They tried to kill him twice with indifference before they actually killed him with incompetence.

Professional and record-keeping fraud and deceit covered it all up. No foul, no harm was their attitude.

The system is not failing; it's not breaking.

It's broken.

The medical profession proved the obvious with its unforgivable failures during the China Virus pandemic.

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It's not broken. It's being broken. On purpose. To kill all the 'useless eaters'.

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Yes, Dr. gates will see you now.

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He's not in, but you'll be relieved that a Dr. Mengele, his understudy, will be filling in.

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But it will be about a week until he can see you, so please don't die in the meantime. Eat our hospital food instead, and be happy, for that will be sure to kill you in and of itself.

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I still can’t find your last comment to me. 🤯

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Stupid question: Have you tried hitting the "Load More (Comments)" button at the bottom of each page? Oftentimes, you need to keep going to the bottom of the page and hit the same button again, and again, until all of the comments show (I wish Substack had a "Show All (Comments)" button, but alas they don't). Then use "Edit", and "Find in page", or similar, in the drop down menu of your browser (I use Firefox), and put in your user name, then use the up and down arrows to scan through your comments (or you can put in someone else's user name, or a keyword, to scan through looking for whoever's or whatever comments you're looking for). Onward and upward.

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correction, G, surely you meant...'Yes, Dr. gates of hell will see you now.'

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Useless eaters include the mainstream medics who participated in the Covid fraud, let alone the big pharma fraud that has been going on for decades.



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Exactly. Eugenics, ie Depopulation of billions of people is openly advised now by Schwab of World Economic Forum, Gates etc. Tgey have hundreds of methods for killing from unnecessary wars, 'vaccines' , lab created illnesses they blame on Nature, toxins in water, air, food, hatred encouraged against other faiths, races, gender etc. Fear 24/7 on MSM, Hollywood films etc to cause mental illness...Pure Evil. Its us or them and time is running out

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No it IS broken, and has been since 2019!

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I didn't think it was funny, either. I'm so sorry about the loss of your brother. We have now reached the place where we cannot trust that we will be taken care of by doctors. I think I'll just die at home so they can't get the financial incentive.

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I can face "death by nature" but not torture by doctors.

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You carry knowledge that no one should have. I have similar stories and I am terrified.

I believe that there are things worse than death and our health care system contributes to the unspeakable.

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Thanks for your true story. I know two people who went to the hospital and were left untreated until, in each case, a relative called for the top doctor in the hospital and said they were not moving until something was done for their family member. One had a burst appendix (an immediate operation saved his life) and the other was dying from pancreatic cancer (he was rightfully sent home at least with a diagnosis to ease the way into his death three weeks later.)

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I am hearing of so many people suffering from pancreatic cancer...

We have a friend who was diagnosed last month - he is fit and has no family history of cancer.. they told him they got it early because it blocked a duct and alerted him to be seen.. chemo then surgery ... received an update this week -- it looks to have gone Turbo -- he is terribly ill with high fever -- the doctors have told him his immune system is not functioning properly... they have had to stop the chemo.

He is fully boosted. And no doubt is suffering from VAIDS

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Lots of cancers as a result of the shots. We also have a friend with pancreatic cancer, which has now spread to her liver.

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May she make it to the end without dying in a hospital.

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I hear you. He was an innocent person who trusted the system.

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Yes, per the VAERS data there are many vaxxed people who are now developing cancer, & in many cases it's 'turbo' version. The Covid shots are actually doing 'gene editing'; specifically they shut off the gene that identifies & kills cancer cells. That info was shared by Judy Mikovits or Karen Kingston, as I recall. There are some effective, non-toxic treatments for cancer -- eg, Fenbendazole (an animal dewormer; see Lee Merritt, MD website or https://www.faim.org/a-cure-for-cancer-hidden-in-plain-sight), high-dose Vit C, Protocel (OutsmartYour Cancer.com), Dr Budwig's protocol & others (great group - theTruthAboutCancer.com, see Ty's book). The "Fenben" has helped resolve Stage IV cancers of various kinds. It's vital that vaxxed people detox from the shot contents, which seem to be mainly synthetic Hydrogel & Graphene Oxide, with some heavy metals. See Ana Mihalcea, MD website & substack for how-to-detox these things; also good are protocols of 1) Dr Merritt & 2) TruthForHealth.org/ Lee Vliet, MD, & 3) theTruthAboutCancer (re mRNA shot detox). God bless everyone, especially those who got jabbed ... we need a miracle & his grace to survive this attack on humanity.

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I am so sorry for you and your family! And this is in Florida, where Lee and Charlotte counties are waking up...but Collier has a way to go yet. (I live in Broward...not much better I suspect.)

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The US Democratic Party and Deep State Virus and pandemic. IMO

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Neither side is guiltless.

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I’m very sorry for what happened to your brother but not surprised as I am in naples and have spent many times advocating for my father here in its dismal healthcare system. Was this at NCH or Physician’s Regional do you know? I’ve had run-ins with and complaints filed at both hospitals. And by the way the patient advocate/liaison is not there to help/represent the patient by any means. I learned to trust no one in this system. The only people here you can trust is the Alzheimer’s Support Network, a local group of absolute angels who will truly advocate for the patient and help navigate the idiocy within healthcare staff.

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I heard locals refer to NCH (Naples Community Hospital) as "Never Come Home."

I carry an ID in my wallet (next to my organ donor card) which instructs 911 first responders NOT to take me to NCH.

I made futile complaints to doctors, nurses and staff about my brother's poor medical care. I complained often about poor food service for my brother. I also complained twice about the strong stench of urine near NCH's main entrance. Receiving a hostile response at the front desk, I investigated and tracked the "pee stink" to two rows of empty wheel chairs NCH kept near the entrance. I reported my disgusting discovery to the front desk and urged that the wheel chairs be cleaned and disinfected, but was given another hostile brush off. The "stink at the front door" remained the last time I was there, which was the day my brother was discharged to a nursing home to die.

If one requires hospital care in Naples, in my opinion based on my brother's nightmare experience there, it may be safer to travel north to Tampa or southeast to Miami for competent attention. I have so advised good friends and close relatives in Naples.

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Glad you are speaking up. The "stink" is NOT something to be ignored . . . which they seem to be doing. If nothing else it says "we have no pride in our work.

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It was actually far worse than I have suggested. 'Twas a horrible, lingering dying that literally detroyed the lives of a husband and wife. They went to the ER thinking my brother would receive an antibiotic for a wound on his leg, return home and feel better the next morning. What ensued was weeks of the worst medical negligence and neglect, covered up by records-keeping fraud, followed by years of exhausting litigation, in which the local incompetents and fraudsters prevailed. The locals, it seems, viewed the matter simply as "We against Them." They felt that we were attacking their doctors and their hospital. Home team against the visitors.

Medical incompetents and fraudsters will kill again. Never go to a hospital without a smart, aggressive patient advocate who is armed to the teeth with medical information, documents, records, and questions (in writing) every hospital move, and makes it clear that he is there in the hospital to keep his client alive and to make the hospital pay in court if that does not happen.

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Thank you for telling it like it was and is. We have to get rid of mystique the medical characters have garnered for themselves.

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Some "mystique!"

All the smart college kids nowadays go to law school or get MBA's. Medicine is now just another bureaucracy, not a profession. Med school is way down the list of preferred post grad training. Specialist Docs I use now are not nearly as smart as they were when I was a young man. Nor are they as smart as they think they are. They guess a lot and call it diagnosis. Too many Docs are smug, unimaginative, cowardly, bureaucratic and too used to being unchallenged by patients and nurses. Hospitals are where you go to die of viruses, bacterial infections, misdiagnosis, maltreatment, and drug misuse. I know docs who will not set foot in a hospital, even for their own surgery, except in case of a serious emergency involving them or their family. The medical profession has lots of soul searching and credibility rebuilding to do. Will take decades to regain the public's trust. I will never again trust a doctor.

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I'm glad to hear the youth are NOT setting their sights on medicine as a career. There are a lot of unhappy doctors who started out wanting to help people and now they are trapped in the pill-pushing bureaucracy (not to mention the criminal bureaucracy of pushing the so-called vaccine.) I respect the independent doctors who have built the "no insurance accepted" practices that give them some freedom to be human.

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My docs (except for my gastro doc who drives a Bentley and a Range Rover, wears $3000 suits, owns his own office bldg and outpatient clinic, and is probably making a fortune,) seem depressed and lacking in enthusiasm for their work. Just going through the motions. Sometimes they mumble in a dream-like state of consciousness. When they mumble through their masks (they love to mumble through masks, recommend China Virus vaccines, and support Fauci), I shout at them: "If you want to talk to me, take off that mask and speak directly to me."

It's ridiculous. I feel like a grade school teacher instructing doctors on how to talk to adults.

Now that's a loss of professional status, when a mumbling, depressed doc is lectured by a trial lawyer on how to address patients.

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Thanks for your observations. None of it is shocking. You must have heard how Steve Kirsch offered someone on an airplane $100,000 to take off their mask... the person refused. If you feel like reading about a gastroenterologist getting sued by Glenn Frey's (from the Eagles) widow you can search for . . . . glenn frey's wife is suing the gastro.

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Or it says tge money is tge only reason we are here and patients are worthless

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The vigilance of a mama bear seems to be what it takes. My friend bowed down to the "experts" at the hospital. She didn't guess her husband was dying and "the experts" didn't let her know.

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I am so very sorry about your brother.

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When my 10 year old child broke her leg the NHS refused to send an ambulance. I had to drive her 15 miles to A&E. Traumatic is the correct word for that journey. We were seen by triage and eventually an eye specialist turned up. Her notes said she had an eye problem! Astounding incompetence and callousness.

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Sorry, but this is what nationalized health looks like. You won't die because you can't make the co-pay, but you will die waiting there. What a nightmare. Basically, you need to have enough to get a private Dr and a well-stocked hospital, which I'm sure is extra, but generally beats dying.

Heard a recent story that ambulances were free in UK, but lots of people on Saturday night call them for a ride "to the hospital" which is 2 blocks from their house. No wonder there was a 4 hr wait.

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"this is what nationalized health looks like"

Absolutely not true. Back in the day my mum was treated at home for emphysema. Nurse came out minimum 3x per week. Doctor drove to her house 1x per week to check on her. Outstanding.

BUT IF you starve the NHS of funds you will get the nightmare scenario that seems to be going on now. It's all designed to run the NHS into the ground so it can be bought for pennies on the dollar and have some American HMO run NHS. Won't that be wonderful! NOT

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Starved of funds?

It costs £257 billion a year.

How much would be enough?

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2022/23 NHS budget figure is 180 billion pounds about the same % of budget as Austria and Australia, less than France and Germany and half what US spends. I dunno why it is so bad. It could be that the service is being deliberately manipulated to be very poor so that UK population will willingly accept a different kind of (Americanized) setup. Don't complain too much or you might see the price of treatment so high you have to sell your house to pay for it

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I always wonder why we can't have a health service like France or Germany.

I wonder why we're told that we have to accept appalling care "or we'll end up like the US".

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US health is very poor and might be worse than the UK. It might seem bizarre but Nazis did not go away after WW2 but have used the vehicle of big pharma to wage war against the UK and its wartime allies, poisoning the masses for profit.

In France they eat much better than we do, plenty of good fruit and veg which they grow much of themselves. Germany may be similar. This gives basic good health, a principal key to a good physical life at least. Their medical systems are better, and from limited experience in France they are well organised and have good equipment and not under so much pressure as not pestered by an ignorant population.

But my wife who has been a french teacher tells me doctors are paid half of what they are in the UK so money is not the key.

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Yes, I worked out that it would technically be cheaper to be private. Not that says much for the private sector as it is typically wedded to big pharma which is harmful. It's in the name p-harm-a.



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https://www.bma.org.uk/advice-and-support/nhs-delivery-and-workforce/funding/health-funding-data-analysis#:~:text=Health%20spending%20has%20increased%20significantly,47bn%20of%20ringfenced%20COVID%20funding. A portion of the budget was ringfenced for covid, ie 47 billion, a lot of the cost is taken up by staff salaries and procurement, even at £250 billion it works out to be £4k per person per annum, still cheaper than the American system, especially when its complex medical intervention.

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I am in the UK. It is not money the NHS needs, it is demolishing and rebuilding with what ever's worth saving from the rubble. We don't need most of what passes for health care, private or public. Allopathic model or medicine based on the fundamentally flawed germ/vial theory is plain wrong.

We need to take responsibility for our own health and not leave it to the useless supposed elite doctors. I have had my own experience in 2020 to know what I am saying. Yes, things were better decades ago, but it was still not right. Putting our health in the hands of the state is very dangerous as we see.

Money saved from NHS can go into making sure basic infrastructure functions correctly and we can get good unpoisoned food and water and air. Those things are the best medicine. As someone else said elsewhere on the net, trauma care and some surgery will be useful plus nursing care, but most nursing care is best done within families.

However, family life has been attacked and broken up, precisely to make matters even worse.

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They do the same in our rural town. A man had left the ER after being rested for a non-urgent condition, having arrived in an ambulance. He returned in the night because he didn’t feel any better. Nothing had changed. He was asked why he called the ambulance, and he said because his wife was asleep.

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In the interest of fairness, it's not all bad. When my son had to have his lip stitched due to a playground accident the doctors and nurses we saw were outstanding.

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Sounds like the same hospital system in UK in the 1990s that almost killed an English friend of mine. Although on the UK healthcare system she saved every cent to go to a private physician.

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I went through the ER process with a bleed following a cardiac stent a few days prior. By the time I made it to the “clinician”, a group of 3 staring at a computer screen, one asked me when my vaginal problem started!. Turns out the clerk inputting information made a mistake. When I finally made it to a cubbyhole, a young woman came in and said she was there to place an I.V. catheter in my arm. I told her I had not been seen by a doctor, and therefore, it was not ordered. She said it was routine so that intravenous access would be available if it was needed. I told her I would wait, thank you very much. EVENTUALLY a doctor came in to see me. There was a window in the door, and as exposure of my groin and surrounding areas required privacy, he directed a helper to go get something to tape over the window. I said, how about you just turn the gurney around to face the back wall? He agreed, examined me and said the internal bleeding stopped at my knee, that if it had reached the ankle he would be concerned. I said thank you very much, and that was it. Three hours. Minimal error, considering I was alert and knowledgeable (50 years as a nurse).

My 54 year old son went to an ER with acute and severe testicular pain last month. Ultrasound showed abnormal, with initial impression cancer. Doctor came in and announced good news and bad news. Bad news, you have cancer. Good news, “They can cut it right off and you;ll have a 95% chance of survival”. Went through a LOT in the ensuing hour, C-T of chest and abdomen, calls to City of Hope cancer center, arrangements to be seen, etc. When doctor gave us the copies of the tests, the differential diagnosis included infection, which,considering the HISTORY, was the outcome. Went home with Rx for ABX and that was that, with a follow up with urologist, which we arranged the day after ER visit. Jeez. What a roller coaster.

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I was an ICU/ER nurse for 30 years. There are so many things that have changed, and the healthcare system is unrecognizable as it was when I was nurse. It really gives one an impetus to take one's health care seriously, educate one's self, be responsible for one's health and how we live to ensure that we can stay out of the system. While this is not always possible, as one having been in the trenches, I would encourage everyone to be deadly serious about their own responsibility for their health. Thank you Dr Kory and Dr. Marik. I would have loved to have worked with you.

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I was in Clinic for 15 years, and now medically disabled for nearly 15. It was different.

I loved working in the 1980's and 1990 's when we were the good guys. Thanks for the memories. (And the stark comparison).

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I've been attempting to do what you say and have stayed away from doctors for the last 20 years. But, like you say, the plan is not always possible, but it has worked so far. I have learned about my body and am in a position to escort it, step-by-step, along the way. Although I'm getting very close to going to a homeopath since I already have some self-prescribed homeopathic remedies and they are right there when I need them.

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Do you know Joette? Her blog has transformed my life.


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Oh my! Thanks.

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I took my wife to urgent orthopedic care in Idaho last week. Of the approximately 12 nurses, assistants, etc we observed, or interacted with, while there none looked over 30. Where were the mentors (i.e. the staff members in their 40's, 50's or 60s)? I suspect that they may have left during the bio-weapon rollout as they had retirement plans and zero student debt so could afford to leave rather than take the bio-jab. So we're seemingly left with green beans (who may be well intentioned) but few if any that have any real experience. Note: Thankfully the Doctor that treated my wife was experienced and provided good care.

Grace re your comment "would have loved to have worked with you. " I'm with you100%. I worked for a brilliant engineer and mentor just out of college. The benefits of that were calculable. Without that experience I know I would have ended up in a very different place.

My heart goes out to the young people that are just starting their careers now and to all fellow humans that are experiencing this satanic onslaught. Look to God and stay strong.

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Your observations are well taken. When my friend told me that her 70 year old brother desperately needed someone to talk to (like a psychotherapist) I told her to make sure the person is over 50 because, basically, the young'ins don't know that they don't know.

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I wholeheartedly agree! We need to do what we can to stay healthy and out of hospitals.. I feel sorry for the staff at this hospital, they must be absolutely overwhelmed and demoralised..

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I am so glad Dr Marik survived! 👍

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Good for Dr. Marik to come through the experience with his sense of humour intact. As a retired doc reading the letter is like fingernails on a blackboard. How horrific! i remember as a small child my dad always pointing out to me conscientious workers of all kinds, janitors, waiters, etc. and instilling in me how important it is to have a sense of pride in ourselves and in our work no matter what we do. It sounds like the NHS has worn down its medical workers to the point that little sense of pride or compassion is left. I fear that with the corporate takeover of medicine here in the US we are not far behind.

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The problems are many but much of this is the consequence of the deliberate attack on family life to leave people vulnerable to manipulation by the state run evil morons.

The allopathic model of medicine based on the fundamentally flawed germ/viral theory has ruined people's health.



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That was 2018. It is even worse now. The problem is not the lack of funding. Lots of money gets thrown down the drains of the NHS each year... it all gets gobbled up by various external expert and consulting contracts and God knows what else. They spend billions on vaccines, millions on digital covid tracing apps, hundreds of thousands of pounds for 'diversity training' and 'patient identity sensitivity training' but cannot find the funds for ambulance stretchers. Next level shambles. The mismanagement is so bad it is beyond salvation.

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I saw where the NHS Inclusivity and Diversity wonks (whatever they’re called) were worth 200 k a year, to produce nothing useful.

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What I call them might not be printable here. However, 'knucks wafering' come to mind. Those letters might not be in the right order. :)

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I think you may have meant tens of billions on covid tracing apps (which didn't work).

You're absolutely right about the misdirection of resources and it's not confined to the NHS.

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Hi Jim. I'm compiling a comprehensive corona chronology and don't recall seeing any resources that specifically address the what/why of tracing apps not working. I would very much appreciate a source for your statement so I can add it to my files. Thanks much.

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Well it was a bit of a throw-away line and I should have been clearer about what I meant by 'not working'. There's this, which you probably already know about:


I remember reading stories about people who happened to be neighbours of 'infected' individuals being caught by simply being in proximity - in the same block of flats for example. It was called a 'pingdemic'.


I wish you the best of luck with your chronology. I read that a new regulation was introduced on average every day for a large part of 2020 (don't ask me for a reference!). That probably doesn't count the regional differences like here in Scotland where we had our own special tier systems that no one understood.

We need to display this nonsense in all its mind-numbing stupidity.

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Thanks so much for the sources and your encouragement. It is a gargantuan project that has monopolized my life for three years, and I'm way behind.

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This covers much of the situation as regards Covid 19.


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I tried to expose the stupidity of anyone trying to follow the GUIDANCE which is what the so-called rules were as per gov.uk. My links.


Further sub-links in above but I extract the tiers system which might help explain things.

Or not.





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Well said, and the truth is we never need much of it in the first place. Doctors elevated to 'gods' in reality not that clever after all. I now know more about the real cause of disease than most mainstream doctors. I never though that I would have to say that.

We have been paying large sums of money to doctors to harm and poison us with mainly neuro-toxic big p-harm-a drugs.


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Having done a neuro-otology fellowship with Dr. Robert Baloh at UCLA medical school after my neurology residency I immediately recognized that you had benign, paroxysmal positional, nystagmus or vertigo. You were witnessing socialized medicine in its fullest form: inadequate and relatively unavailable modern equipment, frenzied and unhelpful medical staff for the most part, overcrowded facilities and unnecessary delays in diagnosis. It’s coming to America if Marxists like Obama and Biden get their way. Be warned.

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I thought it had!

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I love all the enthusiasm of the good researchers, doctors and scientists sharing very important solid research/evidence proving the treasonous BIOWEAPONS event…necessary for serious accountability of the maniacal global psychopaths!

BUT more importantly…HOW come the serious enormous elephant in the room is NOT being addressed YET after 3 VERY long destructive years of Treason everywhere?

Where is THE Freedom Movement to unite The People in 1 place, moving in 1 direction with 1 voice with SERIOUS strategic planners who can help with UNITED actions to shut down ALL Treason…absolutely NECESSARY to restore our Republic?

Our government regime is a complete reflection of the people in this country, ruining our lives and that of ALL humanity!

This quote is from Lex Greene’s piece for ALL who value Freedom and want to do something that matters…follow and/or contact this writer!


“No, the greatest threat to every American today comes from only two places, in two forms…

1. Our totally corrupt, compromised and unconstitutional government occupants

2. The American people who have been so intentionally divided, dumbed down and drugged up, that the cause of FREEDOM isn’t even on most people’s list of priorities at all anymore

Our government is now a horrific threat to freedom and liberty everywhere on earth.

But the American people, who continue to allow it, are an even greater threat.”

P.S. Divided our house is falling!

Is it because of lack of unity and serious strategic planning leadership, NO money (Freedom is NOT free), too busy complaining and whining, arguing, defending, praying AND doing nothing, attacking, etc, engaging in actions that CANNOT restore Freedom and Liberty?

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You are absolutely correct. Organizing a freedom movement, esp. these days, is like herding cats. There is so much that needs to be discussed on this topic and so little time. About 20 years ago, I posed a question on a liberty/prepper-type forum that went something like this: If you come out on the other side of a shtf scenario, what needs to be done to ensure the situation we are now in doesn't happen again? There were ~150 responses with only one that actually answered the question. All the rest were "complaining and whining" and pointing fingers at others.

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Glad youse guys are thinking ahead! It is imperative we UNITE. Do not let them divide us for they are experts at it. I am a Marxist Christian but I do not let that get in the way of reaching out to the other more conservative side. We can have all the enablers of this whole Treason and kill-off dig the ditches, clean the bed pans etc etc. We can clean house with all the rich being relieved of their wealth and learning what it is like to have 3 jobs because 2 don't pay enough. We don't have to be cruel but we can be firm and never let the money dictate our nation and culture again for it is always always bad when that occurs. We can build again where we support each other just like in yesteryear. OK, some will say USA is a racist nation built on genocide. It is the elite oligarchs that engineered that with generous helpings of the Ministry of Information and corrupt religious teachings re savages. NOT the Americans I know and who are respected around the world

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A lot is going on behind the scenes that we don't see. The strength lies in the guerrilla movements that small groups of determined individuals can do.

And that includes guerrilling (sic) state officials, federal officials at every level and hammering those officials who are YOUR employees to 'get it right!'.


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Pierre - thank you for sharing Paul's story. Not being a physician, I could not find it funny (but I can certainly understand why you and Paul would). It was heartbreaking and horrific to hear his story (love that it was Paul's own voice telling it). I had the honor of giving Paul a hug at CHD's inaugural meeting in Knoxville in October (sadly, I didn't get a chance to give you one that day too). I met you both the first time in Columbus, OH last May.

I wish he had known during that hospital stay that he would survive because he - along with you - have been vital voices for truth in this psyop we've been living for the past three years. I am truly grateful for the two of you.

"I might have to re-think the idea that spontaneous mass euthanasia by U.K care providers is inconceivable. Whoa." Your humility warms my heart Pierre. God bless you and Paul and everyone else at the FLCCC. My prayers are with you always.

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Midazolam, remdesivir. Which part doesn't sound like mass non-consent Euthanasia?

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The comma. :)

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"With cuts in National Health System (NHS) funding…"

That seems to have been gratuitously thrown in. I 'worked' for the government in another life. If anything, there's an inverse relationship: The more you f**k up, the more money they throw at you to fix the problem.

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Hi Pierre, followed your work for ages. Bravo. I live in West London suburbs and it is Hillingdon Hospital, not Hillington. My kids were born there. It is not as bad as nearby Ealing (as in the famous film studios). The NHS is full of robots. I am a Video British sign language interpreter so do lots of hospital / GP (MD) appointments every day. Staff all wear masks and are nice but brainwashed. Tragic.

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Whoops, that is how Paul spelled it! Will fix. Also, I cannot imagine having to observe those interactions all day.. My god. Hang in there

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My father in law was from Ealing. After serving in Her Majesty’s Royal West Kent regiment and fighting the Japanese in hand to hand combat under General Slim in WW2, he saw the writing on the wall with NHS and came to the US.

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The NHS is simply theft from taxpayers, theft and neglect. I am heart sick of hearing it's the envy of the world. Envy of PolPot types maybe!

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I am in the UK and was misdiagnosed by the useless doctors who should have known better. I explain elsewhere in the comments section. The NHS is substantially a useless pile of .......insert whatever term you feel happy with. There are some good individuals but the system is broken b beyond repair.

I look back over the decades and see it wasn't that great even when it was better. My mother was given Valium for depression which she struggles to come off for a number of years. I also now believe the cancer treatment she had poisoned her and ultimately finished her off. She wasn't that young but died younger than her mother.

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When I was a young pilot flying charters, I flew a passenger to the Mayo Clinic.. I learned that he had been visiting England when he experienced elbow joint pain. A local hospital administered a shot of Cortisol WITH A DIRTY NEEDLE. His arm swelled up immediately. He checked himself out and flew back to Milwaukee and I flew him to Mayo. They cleaned out his elbow joint of infection. The joint was not savable. They fused it at a convenient angle and sewed him up. He recovered but lost the use of the joint.

If you think such incompetence cannot happen in the USA, consider this. Last year I broke an arm in Florida and the local hospital put a cast on it so I could fly home. My home doctor discovered that the cast had been put on my elbow when my fracture was near the shoulder socket. I kid you not.

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HTG, flight cmdr A, if doctors were to fix cars, we'd all end up walking to work...says this ol'mechanic , who is astounded, btw, how these young auto Technicians can accomplish what they do, given the gobsmacking & absurd complexity of today's modern cars.

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Never had the pleasure of dealing with the NHS, but I had more than one frightening and nearly deadly experience in the mid-2000's--one at a Sutter Health hospital and even worse at a Kaiser hospital, where I did check myself out after harsh mistreatment and an unfeeling staff. It's a long story, but the main factors remain the same. Some staff are kind and compassionate (rent-an-ER-doc at Sutter--nope), but then some are cold, mechanical, and arrogant, and really could care less if you suffer and die. I've run into this several times, and realize corporate medicine can never provide human care any more. What Functionally, if you are going to be admitted, you have to have a personal advocate, or staff will mis-diagnose, mis-treat, inject stuff you do not need nor want, and ignore you--too busy, too overworked, too mechanical. Not only has this been my experience in emergencies, but when my wife had a brain tumor removed recently, the experience with a good local hospital was at first fantastic....the neurosurgical team was brilliant, skilled, and caring at a personal level, but later in a recovery ward, I had to be there to deal with a horrible, argumentative, and dead wrong nursing supervisor, while staff left a seriously injured and demented man in a nearby room to scream for hours. Essentially, contemporary medicine has great and skilled people, but the majority are cold, programmatic, and often wrong, and of course, most physicians are ardent members of the religion of so-called "science" and will blap back to you all manner of beliefs that have little or no basis in reality. To all I say: beware and prepare. Never trust people you cannot feel or who cannot feel you.

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With all due respect, you offer help to anyone but how many people can afford your exorbitant fees for a consult - $1250 and $1650 and that doesn't include supplements or drugs or whatever you're offering. I've suggested for free zeolite to a couple of people and their symptoms completely went away.

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At the risk of sounding defensive, this is a common accusation. I do not think you have any idea how much time me and my team spend with and on my patients. I aways go over time and severely. Also, the fee is for initial comprehensive consultation, two follow-up visits, frequent communications and titrations of meds/therapies. Covers months of care. And helps pay for a team of some of the most dedicated, responsive nurses who reach out to patients regularly to check and follow up on them. This fee is so much less than what my patients have paid for even one or multiple providers who have done little for them. I also have devoted a year studying numerous aspects of the syndromes and therapeutic options. Extremely complex disease. I understand many can't afford but my time is so limited as well, I am exhausted daily, I charge more than my partner to limit the demand for me rather than him. Also, I have taken on a panel of pro bonos. Am doing what I can while trying to make a living. Zeolite does not work in vaccine injury and long haul otherwise my expertise would not be needed.

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Dr Kory, you needn’t justify your rates to anyone. I’m of the option that your work with the FLCCC is priceless and the protocols are free. I’ve said this before, but I learned of the Zelenko protocol via a YouTube video by Dr Syed as to how and why it worked. As there were no other treatment options available in early 2020, I “prescribed” it to my son in the summer of 2020 substituting Quercetin for HCQ and my other two children when they contracted Covid in 2022. All came thru it just fine. I tested positive about a month ago and the worst of it passed quickly using the protocol plus prednisone and an antibiotic. My great grandfather, my uncle and my brother were doctors, two of my aunts were nurses as were three of my sisters, so I appreciate the medical profession. Unfortunately, my uncle and siblings have all seen firsthand what high paid administrators can do to the practice of medicine and patient care. Idiots in government make it much worse as we’ve seen the last 3 years.

So thank you for being true to your Hippocratic Oath.

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Dr. Kory I see a physician associated with the FLCCC in NYC (not going to name) who has a similar business model for his treatment of patients and I can only say it has dramatically improved the quality of health-and life-of my husband and two teenage sons. As well, our doctor seems to be fulfilled in that he is able to actually help us and practice medicine on his terms. This is the way. It will take time but your dedicated and passionate defense is well-founded and the model will spread.

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I appreciate what you're saying but the issue is that so many millions have been harmed and many don't even know it yet. I know it's not your responsibility to help them for free if you choose not too. However, maybe you and your colleagues can find a solution for those, which are probably millions, who absolutely can not afford the cost for every family member let alone themselves. They succumbed to the pressure to keep the jobs they have which probably don't pay enough especially with the inflation that's going on.

I do feel it's the responsibility of those of us who are aware of what's going on to help those that weren't aware and want help. If we don't, we might not have a country left. We need people to work and feel good as they did before all of this. Perhaps selfish but realistic, we need these people. Without helping them, we're all going to suffer.

And, zeolite powder does work at least in certain instances. I know people who had fatigue, nightmares, stomach pains, joint pains and after taking the correct dose of zeolite powder (NOT the liquid) they felt better if not back to their normal selves. Many holistic practitioners are using it in conjunction with other supplemental products. Zeolite is a negatively charged natural substance that binds to positively charged substances such as glycoproteins (spike proteins), lipid nano particles (Dr. Ryan Cole and Karen Kingston have both said and I've looked it up, that these chemicals are positively charged so that they can enter the negatively charged cells), and the possible graphene oxide (I know it's debatable whether it's in the vials or not). So, it has helped people. I met someone who said she had nightmares and her daughter was having seizures from these shots. She couldn't remember the name of the product she was taking and showed me a picture of it on her mobile device. It was zeolite powder. She said that cleared up her problems and her daughter was improving. So, zeolite powder is something to study or take a closer look at.

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I am not sure if you are aware of this but in addition to my private practice, I run a nonprofit called the FLCCC (flccc.net). We have devoted ourselves to developing the most effective treatment protocols for all aspects of COVID and have been doing so for 3 years now. The past year we have almost solely focused on vaccine injury and longhaul COVID syndromes. We study, compile, and share all of the evolving science and knowledge of mechanisms of disease as well as numerous suggested beneficial treatments which we call protocols but which are not really protocols. Because the disease is too complex. Anyway, it is all available for free on our website. I would say our companion document to our protocol is the only existing scientific body of work studying this vax injury syndrome. It has over 450 scientific references. Further we are about to hold our second medical conference for practitioners to come learn about vaccine injury and how to treat it. It is also open to laypeople. all the lectures are videoed and then at significant expense, we make them available on our website, although there is a suggested donation, we do not require it. So it is free for those who cannot afford it or can only give little. In addition we host weekly webinars every Wednesday night on various topics, many of which relate to understanding and treating of vaccine injury. Further I am asked to lecture widely both in person and remotely and do interviews where I inform people of these protocols and suggested treatments and in lectures to other providers. I do this all for free, as I consider myself an educator among other things. We are trying to fill a void in a system that has failed in its response to all things COVID. I really am not sure what more one man can do.

In terms of zeolite, if indeed the product your friend used had only negatively charged ions in it, than I do believe it could work. But zeolite in and of itself describes many different types of compounds with varying amounts of aluminum in them. I would avoid anything with aluminum. I myself treat patients with a product called zeta aid crystals (zetaaid.com) to restore zeta potential of cells - the spike protein is heavily positively charged and it is disturbing the Zeta potential of the cells. I have found efficacy with this strategy (but there is no sigle stratgey that works in everybody, or even comes close to working in everybody, although I have several "go-to's" I use in all. I did just look up a zeolite named product on Amazon and it looks like it would work so I stand corrected. But again we have to be very careful in what specifically we are recommending. Another challenge we have is in managing all of the different suggestive therapeutics and compounds that people have used and found some efficacy. It is a dizzying list and presents 1 of the greatest difficulties we have in what goes on the FLCCC protocol. What I use in my practice are several things even many that are not on the FLCCC protocol. And that is because my partner Paul MArik has a very strict criteria before he put something on a protocol that is viewed by millions. I have a lot lower criteria to adopt a treatment in my private practice. Beyond supportive mechanisms and clinical anecdotes he tries to look for datasets or clinical studies in at least similar diseases with similar mechanisms before he will incorporate. I can have our medical informationist look for clinical studies of zeolite see what we can find. If there is enough it will be a consideration to put on there. Notice that zeta-aid crystals are not on there. yet :). Let me know which exact zeolite named product she used. thanks

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I've engaged professional and dedicated alternative practitioners for 40 years, before "integrative" or "functional" practices that accept insurance became a thing. For many of those years, the going rate was $150 for a thorough one-hour consultation (conversation). I was always able to pay out of pocket for such services, even as a single parent juggling work opportunities around home schooling. That first hour includes review of a comprehensive health profile filled out beforehand by the client. It does not include lab tests or remedies. Last I checked, the new patient consult now hovers around $250 -- and ~$100 more in higher income areas.

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$150, for me, would be a possibility. No labs could be done. $250 is a non-starter.

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I guess you have to weigh that for yourself Debra.

$1650 is definitely worth saving someone’s life or helping get them back their life pre-covid/ pre-jabs.

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Please put aside your wrong assumptions. I'm not weighing it for myself. I'm thinking about the millions of injured people that can barely afford food, car payments, mortgage, etc. for themselves and their families who didn't understand that they had a right to reject these toxic shots due to the Nuremberg code, Helsinki codes, the Constitution, and their human rights. Yes, they were brainwashed but we need them to survive this to have a country. Who is going to work at the stores that you shop in? Who is going to build the computer you're typing your comment on? Do you understand that they've poisoned millions of people and the children? What's going to happen to our country in the future with children, if they survive these shots, are disabled so they can't function?

We need to get the toxins out of them and most can't afford anything. We need these people.

This has nothing to do with me personally and what I can or can not afford. You have no idea even if I got vaxxed. You do know what happens when you ass-u-me, don't you? This does have to do with those paramedics, fire fighters, teachers, factory workers, bankers, tech employees, construction workers, etc. who were manipulated and threatened to get poisoned. What's going to happen when they can't work and we end up paying for their disability payments? Wouldn't you rather find a way to get them help NOW rather then waiting to have to pay for them in the future when they can't work and their caretaker family members can't work?

That's what I'm thinking about. Stop thinking of yourself please.

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Churches and communities used to take care of people who fell through the cracks-as it’s clear that the government won’t and apparently can’t and the people who can are overextended and limited.

Where are all the concerts and fundraisers by corporations and famous types to help out? After all, look how they raised monies to cure HIV. The love of God and neighbor needs to make a massive comeback.

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Yes it is true that churches and communities used to take care of people, but the state never will, this is the problem.

The HIV is a big pharma scam. Viral theory is fundamentally flawed. The issue is toxic poisoning by big pharma vaccines and drugs. The raising of money was a huge wasted effort to fund big pharma research.


The above contains my Covid 19 summary which explains what is going on.

I can explain further. As the scriptures say, the love of many grew cold and here we are in the time of the Great Deception.

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Hey, you. What happened? Did you decide that I'm "anti-Semitic"? Because, if so, I'm NOT. I'm pro-human-rights FOR EVERYONE, including Jews, Muslims, the Palestinians, etc. The "Arab" or Muslim people(s) are Semitic people(s) as well; so, because I'm pro-Palestinian-rights, I can't be "anti-Semitic" in any way whatsoever.

Otherwise, if it's not that, what did I say that so turned you off that you deleted all of your comments in reply to me? Did someone falsely warn you off from me? Whatever is falsely believed about me, it is definitely NOT TRUE. I am EXACTLY, and nothing but, the harmless, non-violent truthteller that I represent myself as being.

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Calm down.

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$1650 is definitely worth a life. Are you considering starting a fund to help people who can't work and don't have it because they are sick?

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Please refer to Dr. Kory’s remarks re: his non-profit for those who cannot pay or can only pay a little.

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No, are you?

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Mar 17, 2023
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Mar 17, 2023
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I was diagnosed with that in December '94, and it shouldn't be called "CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome)" because that is NOT the main symptom, which is IMMUNE DEFICIENCY, thus it should be called, at minimum, CFIDS (Chronic Fatigue AND IMMUNE DYSFUNCTION Syndrome), and preferably with "Deficiency" instead of "Dysfunction", and "Disease" instead of "Syndrome" [what they call unrecognized diseases that are being covered up because the viruses associated with them have genetic markers for having been created in bio labs, such as HHV-6A Strain GS which experts believe is the true cause of AIDS, not HIV; and that it is, in other words, Non-HIV AIDS; thus, CFIDS and AIDS are related (HHV-6A Strain GS is present in both diseases, is a cancer {causing} virus, and is what causes the co-infections {cancers, pneumonia, organ failure, etc.} that are what actually kill full-blown AIDS patients)].

I studied CFIDS in-depth for a few years; but, after being falsely written off as a "psych case" or with only a false Dx of "depression", I pretty much gave up on learning more of the truth about it. And since then the medical experts who were telling the real truth about the illness seem to have disappeared (eliminated by the PTB?). The last naturopath I went to see, who should know better, also wrote me off as suffering from "depression" as soon as I mentioned CFIDS, obviously brainwashed by the CDC who long ago falsely wrote the disease off as "psychiatric". My depression has been mild for years, with my only legitimate psychological symptom being anxiety.

The patient "advocacy" groups still refuse to call it CFIDS, but did fortunately add ME (Myalgic Encephelomyelitis) to the name, now calling it "CFS/ME", and they still write it off as "psychiatric", "unexplained fatigue", "depression" and/or "mysterious illness", etc. The CDC's only recommended "treatment" for it is, ridiculously, antidepressants (which only make it worse, or don't help this PHYSIOLOGICAL disease). There is absolutely nothing, in-truth, "mysterious" about this disease, but that is what the entire medical establishment has been led to believe it is. Dare I ask, if it is "psychiatric" or "psychological" in nature, why does long-term mega-dose Doxycycline antibiotic help people suffering from it? "Psychosomatic"? NOT! Antivirals also seem to help, but clinicians won't Rx them to most of us.

I am 67 years old now, and what am I going to do when I have to go into Assisted Living? My Social Security is so low ($934.00/mo.), I'm probably not eligible for it, even with medical insurance. So, where will I end up? On a floor like the second floor in my HUD Section 8 elderly-disabled apartment building where in-home nurses visit the patients/tenants, and it looks to me like they are left to die? A memorial table is setup for deaths on the other floors, particularly for Jewish tenants in my Jewish owned and operated complex, but we don't appear to hear about the deaths of the tenants on the second floor. I wonder how many of them died from the "vaccines"? (None of the Jewish tenants appear to be dying from the "vaccines", even those among them who have serious preexisting physical health conditions, like most of the staff who are Jewish. Were many Jews given nothing but placebo jabs?)

So, when I reach the point of not being able to care for myself without assistance, I will probably intentionally be allowed to fall through the cracks, and intentionally have my death hastened. I don't look forward to it at all, as it will likely be more hell on earth, especially when I refuse all of the clinicians' invasive medications. I'll be called "uncooperative" and/or "combative", etc., and I'll be screwed. Also, I couldn't in good conscience sign any of most assisted living contracts, because one undoubtedly has to literally sign away their rights, and all or most of their autonomy, and accept having their privacy violated constantly, not to mention the fact that I likely wouldn't be able to eat my own, more-healthy foods, and would be forced to eat the extremely-unhealthy cafeteria-style "food" full of GMO's, etc., with little or no truly-organic food(s) [and prevented from taking supplements?].

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Mar 18, 2023
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Thank you. Please just call me Wolf (my middle name but what I go by as if it's my first name). Usually all CFIDS patients are found to have high antibody titers to, besides EBV (which I was also found positive for), HHV-6B (which I too was found positive for), not "A". I was found positive for "A" when my blood was sent about twenty-three years ago to a CFIDS specialist at University of Hawaii, Manoa Campus in Honolulu (I talked my naturopath PCP into doing it), and it further confirmed that I indeed have CFIDS. The first Dx I received of it, by a clinic in Crescent City, California, where they had had an outbreak of it at the local Post Office, was through being tested and found to have high titers to HHV-6B (as well as EBV) in December 1994.

I am holding my own; or, at least I was until the "plan(ned)/scamdemic" hit. In fact, it's been remarkable that I've done as well as I have, pre-2020 anyway, for so many years. For decades I had an overactive, up-regulated immune system, so I never, or hardly ever, got colds and flues; or, if I started to feel like I was coming down with one, once every year or two years or so, I would take one, or two twelve hours apart, antiviral tablet(s) that my PCP in Jackson (Hole), Wyoming Rx'ed me, and it would knock it right out, nipping it in the bud. Now I have no more of the antiviral, and I can't get a PCP to Rx it to me anymore. It still amazes me that the doctor in Wyoming Rx'ed it. So, I'm getting sick(er) a lot more often than I used to.

Like someone else in this thread mentioned that they've become, I've pretty much become a hermit, or recluse, too. I rarely go out anymore except to go food shopping and run errands like going to the drug store for supplements I don't buy online, or going to Target to get some other things. I don't even go to doctors anymore, because all I've usually been is mistreated by them. And, now that we're in the throes of this mass-insane neo-holocaust right now, I don't trust the medical profession(s) at all anymore. I'm primarily concerned that if I tried to trust another PCP, they would seek to get me force-jabbed, which they would have to kill me to even come close to successfully doing. I'm not a violent person, but if they tried that, I would freak out.

Believe it or not, I've come to the point where I much prefer being alone to being with someone who wants to argue all the time, unrighteously judges me, withholds sex for punishment, and dumps me when the infatuation wears off, etc. I've been celibate for twenty-eight years now because I always chose the wrong women, and because I gave up on ever finding my soulmate. I've also found that most people are not to be trusted, so most women aren't either, and I'm not the least bit interested in short-term, primarily sex-oriented relationships (against God's will). Sure, of course I'm tempted sometimes, but I quickly remind myself that it very likely wouldn't be worth it at all; and, now, would likely be dangerous. So, I keep on truckin' by myself.

Besides, if I met someone, which never happens anymore anyway, and I chose to get seriously involved with her, the infatuation on her part would likely wear off very quickly because of my being seriously physically disabled, my having a very bad breath problem due to the former, and because I don't have any money. Thus, it's much better that I remain celibate. Also, most of them wouldn't like how seriously religious and/or Christian-oriented I am, and I couldn't be with someone who wasn't just as serious about it as I am. I was married once, and though my wife claimed she wanted to take Christianity as seriously as I do, she cheated on me at least twice that I know of, and turned out to be a completely evil, hateful, unforgiving, condemning person.

My wife and I had one child, a girl who is now 41 years old as of March 7th, and who was completely estranged from me by her mother's lies about me, so I never hear from her. She is completely sold out to the world, and therefore has Satan as her lord and master, thus it is just as well that we don't have any contact with eachother, as I don't want to have ANY dealings WHATSOEVER with anyone like that anymore. I've finally stopped playing the fool and trying to get along with Godless people. And I am awful sinner enough myself without also dealing with anyone else's awful sinfulness on top of my own. Thus I thank and praise God that I don't fit in, and that I am without human companionship. Undoubtedly, I'm much better off for it than otherwise.

God has blessed and helped me so much, and for that I am exceedingly grateful. If He meant for me to be with a woman, He would put the right one in my path; and, since it's never happened, I no longer hold my breath that it ever will. Life is difficult enough without having to also deal with the "imbalances" of someone else. Also, I barely take care of myself and get through each day; so, as much as I would love to have a lover again, I wouldn't be able to also take care of someone else. Plus, I doubt very much that a woman even exists out there, that I would have much of a chance of meeting, who would be able to be completely faithful, remain with me "until death do us part", and continue to be nothing but a positive influence in my life.

Additionally, how could I be much of a positive influence in a woman's life? I'm too ill to concentrate on my being sure to unselfishly give her the attention she needs, and I couldn't expect anyone to make a one-sided sacrifice for me. Most women would feel, if they remained with me, "stuck" with my disabilities, and like the relationship was mostly unfulfilling for her. Besides, most of them want men with money; so, since I have none, that would no doubt be a major roadblock to a healthy, successful relationship from the get-go. In other words, I couldn't financially support anyone but myself, so she'd have to be independent money-wise, which would likely not work for very long without her becoming bitter and giving up on the relationship.

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I'm sincerely very sorry about your mom, and I am quite proud of you for sticking by her, and loving and helping her unconditionally. Please tell her I said Hi, from one CFIDS patient to another. She can certainly know that I of all people understand and am very sympathetic, and I'm very glad she is doing better. Did she ever get bitten by deer ticks? I've unfortunately had Lyme Disease since I was an eleven year old kid.

I understand what you said, but it is NOT your fault! Please don't carry that burden. In spite of her terrible illness, your mother evidently raised you right for you to be such an empathetic, unselfish, self-sacrificing person. You are now one of my heroes, and so is your mom. My heart has been shattered for many years knowing so much of the truth about the suffering going on in this world, and I hurt for everyone.

I see God working in your life, and in the life of your mom. You both are "Jonah's" in the belly of the whale, and you have had to suffer much more than anyone should have to suffer, but you have done so with grace and dignity that no one can take away from either of you no matter what ultimately happens. Hang in there. I send my love, God's Love, to you, and I hope and pray that you both get closer to Him.

Me thinks, also, that you were NOT an accident! Apparently God wanted you to be in this world. You have already been a great blessing to your mother and your family, and you have now been a blessing to me (and many others?) as well. So, it appears several, if not many, people are glad you are here, and I am VERY glad that you have graced my life and that I have become a little bit acquainted with you, "Mads".

Thank you for you! And thank God for you, VERY MUCH!

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Mar 19, 2023
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No problem, Sister. I will wait patiently on pins and needles (no sarcasm). When you're home, where did you go? I didn't know you were "(o)n the road again". (I love Willie Nelson!) "Country road, take me home, to the place, I belong... Country mama, take me home, country road..." (I love John Denver, too.).... Welcome home! 'It's a mad(s), mad(s), mad(s), mad(s) world'!

It puts me in mind of a Fiona Apple song, too! :o) :o) :o) :o) :o)

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.....Terrible jet lag????

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Mar 21, 2023
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My brother had a cardiac arrest while in the seminary in Italy, years ago. Sadly, the care Dr. Marik and my brother received is what we are watching happen to the American health system. During covid, what happened was horrific! I have been in health care for 30 years.......it is very sad.

I’m glad you know the humor side of Dr. Marik, but I have also seen the compassionate side of this man, who held back tears, when telling the story of his patients they wouldn’t allow him to save. Dr. Kory, I heard you speak about 6 mo ago. I hope you will stay in this fight and always choose freedom.

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