Great analysis. Thank you. Keep up the fight. You are making a difference and history will vindicate you, and doctors Malone, McCullough, Vanden Bossche, Marik, and many others for bravely taking a stand for humanity.

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They don't want to cite FLCCC because then all would readily see your credibility and the abundance of supporting evidence first hand.

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Thank you Dr. Kory for your work, and all the other medical professionals at FLCCC. Standing up for the rights of patients to receive proper care and the right of physicians to provide the individualized patient care based on the best science data available.

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You are a legend. Following you religiously from New Zealand. Keep up the fight to wake up the naive.

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This article was fire! I really wanted to share it with some IVM skeptics, but unfortunately Dr Kory’s personal emotions (well-understood!) changed my mind about sharing with the skeptics.

I have been following Dr Kory for over a year and have seen his optimism about IVM being accepted to where he is now, absolutely disillusioned. I stand with Dr Kory and all the other FLCCC staff.

Don’t give up Dr Kory! Keep writing but keep it clinical and less emotional (no cursing!) so we can share your clinical experience, expansive research and writings with our skeptical friends . Thank you!

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Not one single curse word left...

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Darn, I would like the original, unedited copy.

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You got that right.

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Ok fine... I will take out the curses... thanks for the feedback :)

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Awesome! If you take out the well-placed "f*ck" then I will definitely share it with my mom and others. But those of us following you and supporting your substack also want you to write freely. We share your frustrations 100%. I pray for you and your work daily. Dr. Marek's as well. You are on the right side of history, no doubt about it.

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Right, because keeping it "clinical" and dry, and boring - does so much to break through Mass Formation Psychosis. I'm not sure what upsets me more - that you think you can lecture Dr. Kory on how to express his thoughts and emotions or that he gave in and removed his "emotional" language because of your comment. Emotion is desperately needed right now. I don't mean anger or violence - but heart felt emotion that expresses how deeply disturbing and immensely damaging the misinformation and propaganda campaign about early treatment and use of Ivermectin has been. Dr. Kory - stay true to yourself. Your emotional statement meant everything to me. What I saw was a truly dedicated, heroic physician who is desperate to end this bullshit.

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I LOVE the emotion, the f*cks, and more. THAT is what drew my attention to Dr. Kory. His passion, his fire, his calling out the lies. F*ck away.

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Well said as always. I especially appreciate the explanations and the righteous profanity. As a stream of income, consider Telemed. We need clinical doctors! As a retired RN, I’m frequently horrified by the current provisions (not care) in hospital systems. It’s time to recreate Mission Hospitals; one’s that return to the once sacred Art & Science of Medicine and Nursing.

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Dr. Kory - I have not noticed if you referenced the early treatment success in the country of Honduras. At their peak they had a 17% death rate and they are now one of the most successful countries in the world because of their country wide treatment.

A major turning point was that the President of the country, his wife, cabinet members got Covid and were successfully treated with the protocol.

A country of 9 million had only 125 ER beds in the country when they started early treatment and hospital system was in a state of collapse.

"How does Honduras continue to CRUSH COVID-19? "


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Why is the Article Date showing 2017 and “Updated May 2018”?? This apparent system error is eliciting derogatory comments on Twitter questioning it’s accuracy and causing distraction from the highly important content. (I just hate for anything to undermine the credibility, authenticity, and powerful expertise of FLCCC & you Dr Kory!)

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Thanks much for this comprehensive, well written article. In my effort to enlighten others I've been sharing the FLCCC page and data, the weekly Wednesday updates,(and now your new Substack), with friends and family since I discovered the site last summer. Along with articles and interviews from you, Drs Malone, McCullough, Marik, and now Robert Kennedy Jr's excellent book, a rising tide of awareness is coming about. Your compassion and commitment to truly heal and educate people is much appreciated!

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In a world which is making no sense thank you for making sense and telling the truth

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Thank you for your brave work Dr. Kory. As Shakespeare once said, "Virtue is bold, Goodness never fearful."

I would add an additional bombshell to the whole propaganda campaign around covid-19, which is that governments have been using very aggressive Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and "Nudging" techniques in most of the covid-19 public messaging. These techniques account for the hypnotic spell-like quality that we see in so many people, even among very well-educated individuals. Just as in hypnosis where some individuals are more susceptible to being hypnotized, I think the same thing applies with the messaging. It's not by chance.

In this respect, I don't believe we can think of these modern propaganda techniques in terms of "traditional" information warfare, it's essentially mass hypnosis and trance. As the piece below demonstrates and documents quite thoroughly, most of the "official" covid-19 messaging has been embedded with unconscious "nudges" and makes use of NLP "frames" in order to target what the social psychologists and behavioral scientists call "automatic motivations" i.e. the unconscious mind. In a word: the messaging is framed in a particular manner in order to directly trigger basic automatic processes in the mind, like "defaults" in decision making (the benefits outweigh the risks), social proof (most healthcare workers are vaccinated), NLP timelines (two weeks to flatten the curve) etc... etc.. Many of the messages appear simple, but they're carefully crafted in order to not only directly target "automatic motivations," but also steer them in real-time with NLP techniques, including, "cues," "anchors," "priming," etc. Also, the specific psychological warfare nodes tasked with shaping the messaging, such as the Behavioral Insights Team, still haven't been fully brought to light. Given this, the following piece may be of interest:

"Breaking the Spell: MindSpace, Trance Warfare, and Neuro-Linguistic Programming."


It was just published by Trialsite news, behind a paywall, but if you don't have access the whole thing can be found published on the following Canadian intel website:


God's speed.

Thanks again.



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Thank you, Dr Kory, for a comprehensive article. Packed with illuminating, factual information and - though you say you find writing difficult - well written.

I have now subscribed. I used to pay almost $50 a month for the paper copy of the International New York Times (in France), and cut that waste in 2020.

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The truth in your words leaves me frightened to my core. Along the way, I awakened to these truths. Still, I am stunned when I read your words. Speechless. The realization that, for the most part, I, and I alone, am the one that must be medically educated to save myself and my family is terrifying. I'm not equipped to play doctor yet here I am doing just that. My closet is loaded with doxycycline, azithromax, bactrim, prednisone, ivermectin, HCQ, inhalers, and more. Then there's my binders with dosing instructions for all the meds I've stocked (and gotten without a prescription), an informal PDR collection of sorts. Now most doctors and hospitals terrify me. Had I not heard you speak way back in 2020, how many more of my family and loved ones would have died from this (what the hell is it .... pandemic, plandemic, fakedemic, depopulation???) The concept we were being lied to was impossible to accept. Once I got past that, it became much easier to see the propaganda. I have very intelligent family and friends that absolutely cannot see the truth when presented with the facts. Maybe I've come to accept the fact they may not live through the "next" emergency they throw at us. Thank you from my heart for all you do and thank you, FLCCC.

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Karen, what is so humbling to me, is that at the time of my testimony in 2020.. I had no idea what I was railing against. Everything I have learned since terrifies me to my core. Glad you are doing what you can, following sound, pragmatic, data-driven, non-conflict of interest guidance. Thanks for this.

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When you figure out exactly what *it* is, I suspect there will be even more terror. Just about the time I think I know anything at all, I realize it's like an iceberg with the mass below the surface. When I think it's as simple as Big Pharma, Blackrock, Vanguard, State Street, my intuition says, "wait, there's more." Then I can't help asking myself, "How many know? How could they know and continue on such a course of destruction? How evil is evil?" It's chilling, criminally insane perhaps? Or is it really me that's crazy as *they* would have me believe. I'll stop talking now, reluctantly. Thanks for being passionate, genuine, and a fighter.

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So, the NIH Protocol medicines just happen, by pure chance, to be all the expensive preparations available.

What is the probability of that being the case, compared with, say, the probability that a healthy person without any underlying conditions, becomes seriously ill as a result of exposure to sars-cov2?

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Can you please Dr. Kory speak to the safety of taking IVM on an ongoing basis? My understanding is there is little data using it beyond 30 days. There is also an Argentinian MD that Dr Mercola recently interviewed that suggested cycling off it for 8 weeks, after 16 weeks use of IVM.

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