I have good reason to believe that my wife and I had covid in early 2020, and were very ill. Not much was known about it at the time, but I knew we didn't want it back, and didn't want other family members to catch it. With that incentive (and the fact that I'm an incurable readaholic) I was reading anything I could find about the disease. When highly credentialed doctors were publicizing great success treating it with IVM, HQ and vitamins, and were viciously attacked by our public serpents and media, I was dumbfounded. It made no sense, if our collective goal was to beat this disease.....or was it? Obviously, this premise was wrong.

This two-part article is the most thorough and comprehensive thing I have read on what - and who - is behind the attacks on the safe, effective and relatively cheap treatments.

Thank you for all that you have done, and every word that you write. BTW, I don't think you need professional help to write your book.

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Rex, you made my day my friend..

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Our story is similar. My husband and I had the ColdVid in January 2020, he brought it back on a plane going through Denver and staying in a resort hotel in Boulder (remember that early presentation on the west coast and all those tech people traveling for the holidays). The experience was fast and furious, just an exotically different feeling than a cold or flu. We recovered much more quickly than the usual cold, 4-5 days with no aftermath. Nasty then Nothing Burger. My stepdad reads Chinese news online every morning, and we were hearing about the Wuhan reports when we stayed with him over holidays, the last week of December, first week of January. So we knew what it was when we got it, just a few days before Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson revealed their early experience. Just after we had it, my stepdad then had the version which was gastric: again fast, unpleasant, and over with in just over a day.



So we were all stocked up and prepared before mid March. I had been reading PubMed daily and finding YT channels with Dr. Been, Dr. Roger Seheult at MedCram, Dr. John Campbell, and many more. I was intrigued to see Dr. David Scheim on Medical Update Online in a video on ivermectin and when I realized he lived nearby I wrote to him and offered help in working on research papers, starting with the one on the fabulous Peru ivermectin experience. Dr. Scheim, retired HHS scientist, working in some obscurity and without fanfare, now has five important papers published on spike protein and/or ivermectin, two address mechanism of action on clotting, one showing ivermectin unbinds the rouleaux formation of newly clotting red blood cells. People in late career or retirement were able to take more risks and find the courage to speak out and do something.

Lots of everyday folks out there were earnestly using their skills in any way, trying to learn, to help in some meaningful way, and were restrained in countless peculiar ways. It was obvious just a few months in to the phenomenon that something was terribly wrong with public health, traditional medicine, the research publication engine, all government, and social media.

So it is a very special experience for me and my husband, research scientists at the very core, to see those professionals in a variety of disciplines that broke through the chains of censorship, who took the risks and the heat, continuing on and still having success and traction in making a difference. They are such superheroes to me. Their presence staves off despair.

Someone looking for an angle for a writing experience should gather these vignettes, large and small, draw some conclusions, and publish them in a collection. So we learn how to act faster and coordinate more quickly in future assaults on our honored traditions. I am a good editor and would offer help to someone taking on that challenge.

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I agree with all you said, Rex Larson! Dr. Kory’s writing is superb!

We had the same journey with serious illness in early 2020, a second milder bout in 2022, and deep-dive research throughout. A comment and articles in The Epoch Times started our journey, and our research has never stopped. FLCCC has been a huge part of that research, along with many other courageous truth-tellers.

So many lives have been lost to ignorance, murderous lies, immense greed and lust for power, propaganda, evil intent, and ginormous suppression of truth.

Assuming the human race survives — and I’m not confident at this point — this period in history will be recorded as the most cruel, vicious, conspiracy to commit crimes against humanity!

Thank you to Dr. Kory and to all the heroes who stepped up. Saving the world is a big job, but if it happens, you are the heroes who did that!

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That may well prove true, not just saving lives but maybe even the species. "Assuming the human race survives.." is something I have been increasingly thinking about. The fertility problems, and Dr. Jessica Rose's recent post on the findings in Zebrafish and the ecosystem particularly disturbing.


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Jessica Rose is awesome! I read all her stuff.

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Egads! I loved public “serpents!!!”

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Also glad you have "wandered off into the weeds" to thoroughly document the trail of BS. After all is said, I wonder how many will learn from anything at all. What about a course forward to reform the vast corruption here? See any daylight leaking in? I know it has been enormously dispiriting for you to have all this information and blowback from sources once honored and trusted, but analysis must move from factual proof to effective change, and I'm looking for that every day, starting with my own doubts and perceptions. Otherwise, it's just all too bloody depressing, being of the same cloth as all corrupt politics and financial domination schemes.

I really hope you don't give up. Your service has been enormous, your leadership and analysis critical and a piece of a puzzle of change that must happen.

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"The Trail of BS" another good title.

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Thank you for shedding light on the back stage workings of this deception. I have to imagine The Andy Hill story will be a chapter in your upcoming book. It can certainly serve to explain to lay people, such as myself, "how this shit works" (or doesn't really work but is made to look like its working so the creeps can become richer).

Your tweet was entirely justified, though if RFK Jr. told me I should delete such a thing, I know I would do it, too.

And since it is hardly said enough in public spaces, Fuck Bill Gates. Thank you.

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Love it. Thanks so much

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Thank you for all you guys do, without your fighting for us since the beginning with all the information you freely give us my family would not be well and healthy, we would be vac'd and sick. thank you

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This makes me happy, so glad to have been able to help - Pierre

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Obtain simple permission from those who have commented & include in the reviews of your book. i hope you also include your substack articles. this one got to me. What you & others have sacrificed & endured at the hands of greed, sociopathy, maybe even psychopathy elicits a rage never before experienced. The comment from Wretchedcoder —“how this shit works” is a perfect chapter title for describing the corrupt pharma matrix to the lay reader.

My heart hearts. so many dead, so many suffering, so many physicians now suspect…

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Hey there LegalLady4 my friend. I will tell what I thought was an open secret: my Substack posts will make up a lot of chapters of my book, after alot of editing and weaving into a more compelling narrative journey. Some stuff wont show up on substack :). "How this Shit Works" - I love that chapter title!

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Dr. Kory I hope you have glanced at all the work of Hedley Rees a highly accomplished pharma manufacturing practices expert exposing all the failures to follow GMP and usual routines in preparation of products for medical manufacturing. It is a whole other avenue of willful failure to follow many long honored traditions in manufacturing. Maybe interview him on an FLCCC weekly call?


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I keep thinking I have seen and heard it all…. Until the next truth. As a person who was taught to always tell the truth, it is so difficult to think what so many did FOR SO MUCH MONEY. At the end of the day, I was also taught, “You Never Do Wrong, and Get By”.

The thought of millions of humans dying from CV19, that certainly deserved a trial of Ivermectin is still unfathomable to me.

I believe, without getting all preachy here, there are different levels of Hell for DIFFERENT PEOPLE. These “Intellectuals” who traded truth, and lives for CASH, will not be able to spend one dime as they roast in Hell. I believe at that point the value of their millions will truly be realized. They cannot buy a raindrop of water for eternity. Choices have consequences….both DEADLY AND HOT.

Dr. Kory, continue the FIGHT…..Be BLESSED❣️

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That video was rough to watch … profits over lives, I personally couldn’t live with myself and would jump off a bridge leaving a confession note where I jumped.

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I hear ya BINYB

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All too often, I read your compositions and I'm left in tears.

The heartless, vapid, conspiratorial greed and depravity, the evil is simply mind-blowing.

As another poster critiqued, you really do not require "professional writing" assistance.

Looking forward to putting fingerprints and eyeballs on your book.

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Dr Kory I wish you hadn't deleted that tweet, it was very mild all things considered! Have just upgraded to paid subs, cannot thank you enough for all that you do.

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Thanks Lorraine!!

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Dr. Kory, I won't tell you my long and dangerous road working in Pharma, but I also blew the whistle loudly and got fired from GSK. I was Assistant Director of Pulmonary and Metabolism. I was (ironically), in charge of field safety and protocol adherence. Both which were always evidently non-existent, yet I was never able to close a site. As long as they were enrolling, and jamming patients in; no harm no foul. I blew the whistle when I saw a startling number of cardiovascular events in a trial on a diabetes drug called Avandia. After they started add-ons with Insulin, the AEs and deaths started to appear. I got fired, when I overheard the Medical Monitor discussing changing the power of the study mid-stream. That was the end of the game. When they insisted they would market it, I went up the chain. The drug got pulled 2 years later. Endocrinologists wrote, about how they couldn't believe they got taken by this dangerous drug. It killed thousands worldwide. I was planning to write a book about the industry, and had been doing some research on funding issues, when I discovered that the NIH and FDA did a back door deal with GSK. They gave them a new IND number, hidden within the NIH. They studied Avandia for HIV in South Africa. Unbelievable.

Dr. Kory, I sit here knowing what I know. No I didn't take the vaccine, I knew better. I see what this has done to you and your colleagues, and it really well, pisses me off. I enjoy listening to Dr. Malone also, but when he says that their are many doctors who agree, but don't want to loose their jobs, that really gets me angry. How many dead people need to stack up before MDs stand up. Personally, I am starting to think that a lot of those laying low until the coast is clear, are going to look around and find out they are no patients left. I see a lot of patients turning to homeopathic remedies. Others, just avoiding the doctor all together. As an RN, I sit here and wonder what kind of monster, works the ICU these days. Killing patient after patient with Fauci's magic cure for money. It seems like intensivists (many of them, seem to be of a personality, or taught in such a way, that they are mere robots. I'm glad there are those like yourself, who made it into the job with humility and yes, empathy. I see nothing wrong with that. I keep thinking of ways to break the system. I have thought of one idea, it would take a lot of effort on my part. I want to ask you your thoughts on the idea. I would like to send out some good old Dear Doctor letters, getting to the crux of the research and articles, and then reminding doctors of their power. By joining together as one group, they could go after the very Boards of Medicine that has threatened them. Every single member. I would start, obviously, with the Board of Pediatrics. As you know, they send out the same warning to their members, as you received. I have it. We would go at them based on two tenants. 1) The knowingly risked patient autonomy and 2) The they knowingly denied patient informed consent. Can physicians NOT be disciplined for these two violations under their licenses? So why can't a large group of physicians combine monies and go in on a class action, against each and every member of the board. It is through their action. Couldn't this work? Sandy

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Great zoom tonite!! Thank u …Orlando meeting sounds great !!

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Hey thanks BINYB

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I love everything about you, Pierre Kory.

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Mwah to you too Betsy!

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In watching Tess's video, anyone who has parented boys can see the knowing guilt in Andy Hill's face. Imagine being partly responsible for the death of millions and the destruction of untold livelihoods. He can partly redeem himself by blowing the whistle on the whole corrupt enterprise. I would not be shocked if he got "suicided" by the people and institutions he could expose.

No need to apologize about your language in that tweet. I would likely have said and done far worse.

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Agree with this for sure - parents of boys can see it.. And yes, the language to me, was nothing if not historically appropriate. I mean, if you cant curse at a crime against humanity, when can you? Problem with that is I have been told by a communications expert that the worst tactic to get people to listen to you or believe you is apparently to use an expletive. I think that is true just about everywhere, except maybe New York (where I am from!). So I am culturally impaired :)

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People relate to Dr. Kory's "Sailor Mouth," if any one remembers that phrase.

It is called for in a planned global democide.

What do you think of the recent behavior of Dr. Jeffrey Sachs? He is telling amazing truths about NATO agression in Ukraine toward Russia and the need for peace, and calling the C19 a product of a laboratory in worldwide presentations. He had been a prominent leader of a C19 task force for the Lancet. Would love to see FLCCC interview him, and what brought him to this same point--seeing the damage personally, in the children of colleagues? How did the transformation happen?

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RFK, Jr. had an interesting interview with Sachs on his Defender podcast very recently--Sachs seems like a decent guy, but awfully naive and uninformed. He himself appointed Peter Daszak and other compromised scientists to the C19 task force and was apparently flabbergasted when he (finally) learned of their conflicts of interest. There was a good moment at the end of that interview when RFK urged Sachs to read his book and he promised to do so. Everybody should read it. But c'mon, a leader of that task force should already have done it.

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Thanks I will check that out. It is mystifying indeed. Was it Jesus who said it is the most blind who will not see? But maybe this is how revelation will outwardly appear to others--when a person in the blue pill world builds up to the eureka moment and steps into the red pilled matrix. We have to give those people room and support for doing that. At some point Sachs may be a person who comes out and describes true outrage at having been fooled so completely. I hope he joins all the COVID Summit folks in future rallies and presentations.

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It was news to me about closing of Joe’s hospital! Damn it. That kind giant of a man is also amazing.

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It's still so shocking to read of evil people intentionally putting profits above the global public and so callously not caring about deaths. Thank you for so much for speaking out and helping to lead us out of the abyss! Once upon a time, your medical musings would've made it into MSM, and I still hope one day soon your blow by blow account will be published in some major MSM who enabled the whole jig to happen. It's more than sickening how much our governmental agencies intentionally failed us. Many of my relatives still don't believe because they don't read independent news. I'm saddened by how much the health professions have been taken over, and the push for corporations to buy out independent practices with the aid of insurance companies only giving independent practitioners a fraction of what they pay hospital chain doctors. We are doing our best to write to our representatives to reject bad bills and will vote for those who are against the madness.

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Just watched that horrific movie (way to go Tess!).

I do NOT want to "forgive Andy" -- I want someone to tie him down and give him two doses of gene-modifying therapeutic and then 2-3 boosters! Oh, and lets throw in some Paxlovid so he doesn't feel too bad. Wanna bet he is NOT vaxxed?! Someone look in his medicine chest at home and find out JUST how much ivermectin he has stashed away for HIS family! Cage him (so the folks can't reach him physically) somewhere public and invite the FAMILIES of the dead and imjured to come and tell him what he did to them and their kids!

My doctor would not write a scrip ivermectin for prophylaxis (despite my 3-4 comorbidities). Managed to get some from two teledocs, back in early 2021. WAY early on, I was sort-of thinking... 'okay-so, maybe it's not MY doctor's fight...' (When those pills ran out, I used horse paste while I had covid -- I had bought three syringes BEFORE Tractor Supply locked it down!) Got through okay. (Well, except for shingles 3mos later.... by then I HAD gotten IVM from India; I treated myself with it and got through shingles pretty lightly!)

But I've changed my thinking: it may indeed BE that the doc's FIRST priority is to his family and keeping his job... but NOT when it requires allowing, by omission or commission, literal MILLIONS of people to DIE or be forever injured! Mattias Desmet says the 'cure' for mass formation is for those of us NOT sucked in and hypnotized must continue to speak up and speak out. I send out info and 'talk up' the lies and destruction of the bioweapon and its propagators; I provide info on the deaths and disabilities in the hopes of starting a small crack in the oh-too-SOLID wall of intentional blindness in my family, friends, and neighbors... and even random people I run across.

Pierre Kory, you are my number one HERO! (Paul M. is a very close second... {wink}) I stalk you across the web: anything you read or say, I'm on it! And I support you here on Substack! (Come on folks, if you're not yet -- get on it!) You ARE saving millions of folks. Never let that be overwhelmed by the ones you can't reach...

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Avalanche: That was a satisfying post. Kory Fanboy meet Kory Fangirl.

FYI, a colleague of mine doing research on Ivermectin tested the human tablets versus the horse paste. Horse paste was purer to his amazement. This is actually an important tidbit of reassuring information.

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Nah, it's actually two fangirls squeeing about the lovely Pierre!!

Fascinating -- but not surprising -- that the horse paste would be purer. As folks pointed out early on: if folks are buying paste to give to a million-dollar race horse or expensive stud farm animals -- it has BETTER be carefully made!!

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