Do you mind if I ask your publisher? No worries if you need to keep it under wraps. My Substack is a book (or several) in progress, too, so I may be shopping for publishers at some point, but I am looking for one with unassailable integrity, and I’m not sure that exists. Most likely, I’ll end up self-publishing for that reason.
Do you mind if I ask your publisher? No worries if you need to keep it under wraps. My Substack is a book (or several) in progress, too, so I may be shopping for publishers at some point, but I am looking for one with unassailable integrity, and I’m not sure that exists. Most likely, I’ll end up self-publishing for that reason.
Do you mind if I ask your publisher? No worries if you need to keep it under wraps. My Substack is a book (or several) in progress, too, so I may be shopping for publishers at some point, but I am looking for one with unassailable integrity, and I’m not sure that exists. Most likely, I’ll end up self-publishing for that reason.