I nominate Pierre Kory for head of FDA or WHO. RFK take note. Or sidekick to RFK. Your country / world needs you Dr Kory.

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I disagree because I think the good doctor will provide more benefit to society as he is rather than saddled with bureaucratic issues. Better he, and others like him, provide their valuable input on medications new and old. My hope is RFK Jr will level that place and lay their souls to waste. It is one "build back better" that would make sense.

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What has already happened is that E Musk has exposed USAID where they have stolen hundreds of billions of dollars and funneled it into NGO's making criminal senators very very rich. Most were Democrat operatives. Hence the panic.

RFK did an emotional tribute for DJT for honoring every promise made to the utter amazement of Dems and former Dems. That is what is called a collaboration.

RFK hit the ground running and knows exactly what to do and how to do it.

Hang on, this roller coaster leaves at dawn.

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they have no souls.

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Oh, they have souls alright. They're lost souls who've chosen to ignore any influence available from the living God. Repentance is key.

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I will respectfully agree to disagree. Some come into this world born evil without souls.

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I second that!!! 🇺🇸❤️🤍💙.

What a duo 🙌🏻

Thank you for all you do Dr Kory! Even the swearing 🤣😂

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Let's not waste Doc Korry's talent on lost causes.

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Not quite, the WHO is irrelevant as the US is once again not part of this horrible

vax quax promoting garbage agency, thanks again to DJT. Several other countries have withdrawn.

The FDA has always been a criminal agency. We are far better off shuttering it than attempting to fix it from within.

What the world needs is honest aware people, to include physicians.

Unfortunately far greater than 99% of MD's were fully on board for the mRNA quaxcines.

Some even injected kids whose parents instructed them not to.

It really does not matter their intention. They are criminals.

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I am so happy and proud of you for taking the time to learn about Dr Burzynski's effective Anti-Neoplaston Cancer therapy and the lawfare behind the therapy over the past 40 years. Dr Burzynski is a Hero in the truest sense of the word and he needs the advocacy of people everywhere, and especially from people like yourself who have already built up a following of thoughtful people who can actually pause long enough to assess multiple sides of a situation or circumstance to assess its accuracy & efficacy in a neutral manner. Keep getting the word out to help others know about Dr Burzynki's work. You may even save lives by letting someone who would have died during chemo, know there is another, more efficable choice. God Bless you🙏🏼

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I have referred to Burzinski. Excellent result after 3 months of Antineoplasto. Signatera for Stage 4 Colon cancer went to Zero. CT and MRI both showed liver lesions had basically resolved. Patient will have biopsies and ablation of those areas where lesions were located next werk.

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That's GREAT!!! TY for sharing! 🙏🏼

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Oh Yes!

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Hi Dr. Kory. Here are a few others: Rene Caisse, Royal Rife, Joanna Budwig, Max Gerson (500 points), John Hoxsey, and, of course William Makis. In 2012 I spoke with a glioblastoma survivor who underwent anti-neoplaston therapy. He had undergone surgery to remove lemon-sized tumors from his brain twice, and underwent chemo and radiation three times. After round three, he was told to "get his affairs in order" as there was nothing more to do. He went to see Burzynski. 7 years post-anti-neoplaston therapy he was tumor-free and healthy. Talking with him was like having a personal experience with a miracle. Note that standard therapy has approximately ZERO survival of a glioblastoma after a year.

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wow. Rife is ripe for a review for sure.. Gerson's story confuses me given what I have learned of cancer in the past year - contradicts his approach but I do believe he was successful and maligned because of it

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Here's a sound clip of Gerson talking about the stage four patients sent home to die that he cured: https://www.imdb.com/video/vi4291544089/ His threat to the cancer industry was so powerful that the CBS commentator Raymond Swing was fired simply for reporting the story. Gerson was poisoned twice. Somebody must have felt his therapy was working or they wouldn't have bothered. Cancer is a big money-maker... kind-of like a certain kind of injection.

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Several times I visited the Gerson Hospital in Encinitas in early 90's when Gar Hildenbrand and his spouse were admission directors. Charlotte the daughter of Max carried on in his tradition precisely which included Lugols solution and coffee retention. I toured the hospital are reviewed the door charts of many a patient. It works, even on the last ditch effort cases that were 100% of those in the hospital. Flooding the system with organic nutrients in the form of vegetable juice every hour on the waking hour commonly stops rogue cell lines. There are details.

Very notable that San Diego and south were hotspots for "alternative" treatments to include Rife back then... Later it became possible to go to clinics stateside.

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Budwig was before her time about bad oils. Now Spain is apparently harrassing the Budwig institute. I remember my grandfather being told to eat oleo because butter was bad for his heart. He died of a heart attack.

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Wow, thank you for sharing. Stories like these uplift the heart and keep us all in the fight. I am so very thankful the gentleman is doing so well.

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Some people follow sports figures. I follow doctors like Dr. Pierre Kory, who, by the grace of God, and grit, outperform their colleagues and bring help and hope to the rest of us. And like cops and military, these doctors stand in harm's way and take the hits for all of us, even the bad guys. They are heroes and we are forever in their debt. God bless you, prosper you and "give His angels charge over you to keep in all your ways." (Psalm 91:11)

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Oh my. Blushing....

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If you’re planning to write The War on Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski, I’d like to nominate myself as co-author. 😊

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Very funny. Story already written my friend, nice try...

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Maybe put in a word for her as Bobby’s press secretary!

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You were born to write The Unauthorized Biography of PHo, which could be a great seller now as his lackey and sycophant is close to being in charge of the pandemic preparedness office in the White House. Since there is war and conflict everywhere at every level, Bobby's supporters, accompanied by all the birds and cows of the earth, could attack their White House office. At the very least it would be a good movie, Pandemic Preparedness Office Down.

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I clearly remember hearing Gary Null talk about this as it was happening. Just plain evil. Dr. Kory, I am so thrilled that you live in my town! If I run into you at Publix someday, I will try not to make an ass out of myself! You and Paul and Del Bigtree and Bobby Kennedy are better than the Beatles, or even Bruce Springsteen to me! I too, am afraid of our hospital. I have been known to smuggle in ivermectin, and keep a close eye on anyone who is admitted there for fear they might get jabbed with something against their will. Wanted to tell you about Latitude Family Clinic, if someone wants to bring their child to a doctor who won’t pressure them to take any vaccine. In terms of finding someone to hook someone up with intravenous vitamin C, perhaps a practice called Orthomed might be able to do it. They were somewhat with the FLCCC protocol, although bizarrely they would not prescribe hydroxychloroquine. They do offer an immune boosting IV full of a lot of helpful supplements. Once again, thrilled to have you in my town ! 1,000,000 thanks for your brave dedication.

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You must say hello if we run into each other!! Thanks for the tips above too...

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In 1986 I found myself with my 4th child who lost all his skin at 3 months to radical eczema. I saw many Dr's, with the best result a pat-pat and the kind words "you are just going to have to learn to live with it". As if I was podunk stupid with three kids healthy and thriving before this. It became the beginning of my journey into alternative medicine. Around this same time I read my first paper on Dr Burzynski and how they were trying to shut him down and keep him from treating patients. Can you imagine how many people would have survived if he had been given a green light? At the time I read about him he was not allowed to treat a patient that HAD NOT BEEN TOLD TO GO HOME - THEY COULD DO NO MORE. Which meant, of course that they had had many treatments of chemo and/or radiation at that point. It was disappointing then and it remains disappointing now - 40 years later. At 17 months I took my son to a Homeopathic Dr in Alaska - a 2 day drive in a very cold February as we live in the Yukon - she treated him with 5 sugar balls about the size of a small pin head, embued with the essence of the middle layer of oyster shell. In 6 weeks the eczema was down 65 percent and had my first 6 hr sleep in almost 2 years.... by 3 yrs, with a five day rotation diet, his skin was clear. iIt has been a wonderful journey discovering what is out there that aids disease without damage. I also recommend anyone going through the 'cancer dilemma to watch Ty Bolingers Series THE TRUTH ABOUT CANCER - it shows you there are many options.

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TY so much for sharing your story. I had tears in my eyes as I was reading. I am grateful to God for your indomitable spirit. You are a great mom. I am inspired by you, your story, and your indefatigable spirit. God Bless you and your family. 🙏🏼

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This has all happened before with these totally corrupt agencies; the exact same modus operandi was used against Royal Rife who was curing cancer in the 20s and 30s with independent documentation and trials to prove it; Rife's remarkable Universal Microscope has also never been duplicated or equalled to this day and still far surpasses today's electron microscopes; Rife was vilified and attacked by theses same criminal actors who only wanted to preserve their own wealth and power and couldn't care less about human health; Rife's life and work were systematically destroyed but his historical legacy of discovery and truth in science remain alive in spite of the evil that tried to destroy him.

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Tony, where can I learn more about Royal Rife as I never heard of him. Worried if I google him I will get dishonest results.

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Barry Lynes wrote two excellent histories of Rife: "The Cancer Cure That Worked" and "Rife's World of Electromedicine"; there are also several video and audio recordings available on YouTube featuring fellow doctors and scientists who worked with him and were also attacked for doing so; he was an extraordinary scientific genius and gentleman who deserved so much more!

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Thanks Tony! I am so interested to learn more about him. This is much appreciated.

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This is why big Pharma has never found a ‘cure’ because they want to keep their grift going with the FDA approving their high priced drugs & chemotherapy.

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I have a friend who went to him many years ago for brain cancer. He's still here and doing well.

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There was a 714-x protocol doctor for cancer in Quebec that I took my Mom to in 1994. It was quite alternative and she followed the protocol to a T. She lived 5 good years using this. We had to expedite all the protocol into the US. We went 2 times and they actually would ship stuff to us in dry ice and labeled it differently. Seems a bit kooky but it certainly helped. Not sure what became of it. Why do we have to deal with these clowns who are suppressing these things which clearly have helped people. I know why, follow the money. Those MFS.

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I've been following Burzynski for 15 years. It is atrocious what they've done to him and his patients. At least his work is continuing in Japan.

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“The Kory Scale” (TKS) is based on the hypothesis that the more a new or existing medical therapy is attacked in a coordinated, sustained fashion by the medical establishment and media, the more likely the treatment is both highly effective and safe.”

The above statement is exactly what’s been happening by eliminating “common sense proven treatments?” Of course it’s total nonsense. Allowing Doctors to be Doctors is why they’re attacking. Because it’s all about controlling and

‘more importantly, “conditioning” behaviors.

In an attempt to “destroy to rebuild” in a new world, the first step is to condition people. The authorities must make people comfortable with gradual changes. Whether it’s in the medical profession or education or any social institution. An example is school signs during the least expected time of day, blaring “slow-down.” Some states have figured out how to add revenue through ticketing.

This is all about controlled “human-behavior” which ultimately means, eventually we no longer make our own choices or decisions. They will be made for us.

Small scale / nudging type control mechanisms, have been used by those within public office to control behavior.

Ultimately this leads to societal compliance. These same mechanisms of control to effect change are being applied all over the world.

This happening all around the world, in some places the “surveillance-state” are nearly complete.

The UK is on the brink of

“societal-compliance.” Many protests have broken out for various reasons. The same form the US and for all Western countries.

Nevertheless, this is all about “controlling-compliance,” to modify behaviors.

Medically speaking or socially speaking, there’s been a fundamental change since lockdowns started. Subtly, in order to minimize social discord / violence.

When you compare this “nudging” effect throughout all every aspect of daily

“human-behavior” people will adapt, will conform,

with little pushback.

The end result can / will

only lead to complete submission of and adherence to, authority. Ultimately, the unlimited control and authority of a full blown


“Subtly nudging societal behavior leads to subtle compliance to authority.”


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This is a story I did not know but I think it definitely needs to be told. Dr. Kory, you are not only a brilliant doctor but also a great storyteller. This story is definitely one that needs telling. Taylor Sheridan, here is your next project please!

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Another very brave man, like Dr. Kory. They never give up! And we thank them for it. Amen

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The FDA. FRAUDULENT DRUG ASSOCIATION...an appendage of Big Pharma. Years ago, i read about Dr Burzynski being attacked, because his methods were saving people'S lives....and robbing Big Pharma of money. Big Pharma would never have existed, if true health research had been done years ago. It would have revealed information on how to keep people well. Simple truth: POISON KILLS and all Big Pharma's products contain POISON! It really makes one wonder about the intelligence of people who could condone the sale of toxic poison to their fellow beings.. This is COMMERCIALISM AT ITS WORST!

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