When my son first attended pre school, the teacher explained to us new parents that the best way for a child to learn a lesson is through natural consequences. For instance, if he didn’t bring a coat to school on a cold day, he’d experience being cold, and would likely remember his jacket the next day. I’ve learned the same applies to vaccine science. People who are open-minded and interested are usually the quiet ones in the background. The loudmouths on social media who shout down any skeptic are the ones who, unfortunately, need to learn via natural consequences. For those of us who chose not to vaccinate, we didn’t do it to win a debate. We did it because we believe NOT vaccinating makes us healthier. So the fights worth having are to retain our rights against mandates and discrimination. Those who are open minded will seek out our perspectives and those who aren’t may experience natural consequences. I’ve had no issue permanently ending relationships with long time friends who are too stubborn on this issue to either engage in rational discussion or at least drop their judgement of me.

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Never another jab for me. I firmly believe now there never had been a safe jab...ever. or...effective...all have caused auto immune or worse. Now with mRNA all are deadly. ALL.

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It becomes more bizarre as time passes. STILL, if I mention anything about this in conversation there is first unease, then dead silence. When I brought this up with a group of women - all educated and relatively well-off, the response was, first: "They don't make any money from these vaccines (I mentioned the profit motive) do they?"

Next: Well, there's always some who might experience side-effects, but we have to accept that because of how many people they help."

Last: "I'd like to see where YOU are getting YOUR information - everything I've read said, 'safe and effective"

I formulated the response in my head, planning to share pages of research, studies, links, all the info that the FLCCC has published and promoted. Then I said, "You know what? There is nothing I can say to them (one already mentioned a relative keeps sending her 'conspiracy' Covid stuff. I asked, "Do you read any of it?" She said, "Naaa, I just delete it."

So now I share with open-minded individuals and don't really care what the rest of them are doing. I think they are up to their 5th "booster"?

Thank you again and again Dr. Kory - you've kept me and my family safe.

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Saving lives with corona vaccines is the biggest scientific fraud of the millennium https://www.walshmedicalmedia.com/open-access/analysis-of-covid19-vaccination-effectiveness-120520.html

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I never saw the need for this vaccine. I’ve always accepted previous vaccines were safe and ‘for our own good,’ but that idea was destroyed after covid vax. Now I don’t trust any and will never get another flu shot. I never got the covid vax--the coaxing, bribing, forcing all showed me it was a scam. The medical community accepting an emergency vaccine that Pfizer wanted to hide trial data for 75 years should have set off alarm bells. But no, they just parroted the same tired lies spread by Fauci & Birx. 🤬🤦‍♀️🤮

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How was an intramuscular injection going to impact a respiratory pathogen? Had about as much chance of working as flu shots.

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They have tried for over 50 years to create a vaccine against coronavirus, for the common cold. All failed in animal trials, most due to adverse events. Yet, we are to believe they magically created a coronavirus "vaccine", with an entirely new and unproven format, in less than 6 months? How gullible does one have to be to buy that rot?

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I got to tell my cancer (melanoma) surgeon today that I would not be taking any of the Standard of Care treatments: chemo, radiation, or immuno-therapy, the latter being tightly coupled to mRNA. I am opting for resection and I will be looking at alternate (not fringe) therapies, such as Dr Thomas Seyfried's work on metabolic therapy for cancer.

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I also read A Midwestern Doctor's article and loved it. You, he, and Jessica Rose are really getting the word out. We can only hope the "powers that be" will be self effacing enough to begin to listen. Thanks

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Jun 27, 2023Liked by Pierre Kory, MD, MPA

Dr Kory,

Not sure how you do it, the Twitter Space is a mine-field. Good on you for braving the war zone on our behalf, it is truly appreciated. On an individual basis we have to educate one person at a time, slow and steady wins the race as it is said. Just wanted to let you know that in one recent conversation that preceded a previous one quite a few months back where I directed them to FLCCC. All they had was praise for the FLCCC, and especially you Dr. Kory.! So there you have it. You can rest assured that this family is spreading the word, not on IG, TT , FB or T. They are talking to other people outside the sphere of “social media”. God works in mysterious ways. Hold strong! Much Love to you and the entire team at FLCCC.

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Hi Pierre,

My experience is very similar to yours. People are responding in an aggressive way when I say anything critical about the C-19 inoculation or the surrounding circumstances. I don't even call them vaccines, since the long standing definition of what a vaccine is, was changed in order to call these inoculations a vaccine.

I believe there are several reasons why an individual may respond in such an irrational manner despite hard evidence supporting what was presented.

1. Financial interest: They are being paid to respond in this manner and defend the narrative.

2. Path of least resistance: It is easier to believe a beautiful lie that will lead to paradise, than believing the cold hard truth.

3. Self-deceiver: The individual does not want to accept the truth because they took the inoculation and don't want to have to admit to themselves that they made a critical and irreversible mistake.

4. Fear: The individual has been so impacted by the several waves of fear that were released upon the population that they are not in a mental state in which they can differentiate between truth and lie. They therefore hold onto the narrative they are familiar with.

5. Isolation: The individual is afraid of being cancelled by family, friends, coworkers, etc. for accepting the truth.

I'm sure there are many more reasons. These are the first that come to mind, thinking about the situation we are stuck in. I don't think it is easily solvable. It probably would be a hard nut to crack even for someone like C.G. Jung. We can only keep trying and hope one day people will regain mental clarity.

Thank you for everything you do, Pierre!


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I've complied video evidence of many officials insisting the vax would stop transmission


When confronted with this Vaxxers will a) go on silent mode b) tell you to f789 off and die or c) insist that it was warp speed and they were doing their best but may have gotten this wrong - and in any event who cares cuz it prevents severe illness!

I am fond of responding to c) with ... they also said the vax is safe despite their being no long term safety studies ... how do you know they got that right -- warp speed and all...

They respond to that with a) or b).

I am becoming quite the pariah these days... but that's ok -- I much prefer the company of my dogs.

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In 2007, our son was birthed naturally at home to avert vaccinations. He was 10 when California mandated vaccinations for school children. We moved to Oregon.

When the stampede to mRNA genetic modification was whipped up, I couldn’t believe how many people lined-up to get jabbed with an experimental “vaxxine” - so misrepresented & false that it isn’t even really what it’s being called!

He’s 16 now, strong, healthy, smart, well adjusted, confident in spite of the craziness in the world. We both got COVID & shook it off in a couple of days. I feel thankful everyday that we don’t have to worry about dropping dead of myocarditis or being limited by autism or suffering from food allergies. Most importantly, we don’t have to live in fear. I’ve long felt that being afraid is a bad habit.


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I have not trusted the FDA and most of the 3 letter agencies for over 25 years. I rarely seek out Allopathic remedies. I wasn't about to get these fast tracked injections, which have turned out to be bioweapons.

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When they lied about the vaccines stopping transmission they also put people who were at high risk in danger. Cancer patients, very elderly etc may have taken risks they otherwise would not have taken IF they had accurate information.

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"I then had many commentators argue that no one ever promised the vaccines would prevent transmission and that I was gaslighting the public by claiming anyone said that..."

Classic from the fasco-Marxist a-holes. EVERYTHING they do is projection. I have burned in my memory Walensky, Biden ad nauseam telling us, ipsissima verba, "If you get the vaccine, you won't get sick." But these vile fasco-Marxists are so Goebbelian, they then double down on the gullible. Truth is, 90% of us well remember what we were told, and it just outrages us. And that other 10%? Yeah, they will think, Orwell 1984 like, that they were never told that. Sadly, these are the same people now on their 96th booster shot, and won't be around long for the vile, lying, evil - and did I say vile yet? - vax pushers to use for their ends.

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