Back when the rollouts began I was a medical student early on in my clinical rotations (currently am a medical resident). I have a history of environmental illness so I already knew of the limitations of the allopathic model and shortcomings of its worldview. Thus I took a wait and see approach when it came to the shots and noticed some interesting things early on.

I remember being at an afternoon conference with the other students on that particular rotation, and suddenly feeling very tired, and on the verge of falling asleep. I never skimped out on sleep as a student and got at least 7 hours each night so found this very odd. I then realized I was sitting next to two classmates who had just received their shots (they showed up slightly late to the conference, out of breath from having rushed over from their injection appointments across the hospital campus). In 2021 I also had a lot of groin pain that one practitioner attributed to shedding (I did not have any other infectious or anatomic causes that could explain this). Fortunately my health has improved since then and I had less acute reactions over subsequent rollouts. Though recently I had a patient encounter where the patient's family member was giving off the shedding smell (see next paragraph) in extremely strong amounts and I began experiencing left chest pain. Fortunately it was reactivation of an old shoulder injury rather than anything cardiac (at least that I could tell).

After the rollouts I also noticed a new distinct smell present in public places (especially the hospitals) after the rollouts began (I used to be chemically sensitive pre-pandemic so remember the common odors). I attribute this to the smell of shedding given that it is strongest at hospitals and gets stronger whenever there is a new rollout (and is minimally present in places like a local business run by a narrative skeptical person with many similarly-minded clientele). I still have to wash my hair whenever I get home from a shift to get rid of this smell, despite otherwise not being chemically sensitive.

Additionally, while traveling in Europe I noticed that in crowded public spaces the shedding smell was a lot less than comparable spaces in America. But those people received the same shots (at least in some cases). So I wonder if baseline health differences in Europeans vs Americans impacted the level of shedding.

Unfortunately from what I have observed, the shedding seems to continue indefinitely, though the level is greatly reduced after the first few weeks. I have also been involved with autonomic response testing regarding this topic. If you are interested I can email you some info

Also worth mentioning - I have heard from a lot of environmentally sensitive people that shedding causes them (sometimes quite severe) generalized symptoms that are similar to reactions caused by other things like mold, EMF in the past. From my own experience I have perceived that shedding seems to induce a dauer state similar to high mycotoxin exposure.

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Can you describe the smell?

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The most accurate way would be to say it smells like a post-2020 hospital but I understand this would be rather esoteric for most. The closest general descriptor I can use is a mild sickly sweet smell.

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if there is a distinct odor, dogs should be trainable to smell it.

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My dog can smell it and runs away from people that have partaken. He has even tried to bite a few the were recently boosted. A small boston terrier, never hostile prior to the rollout. We follow our area community alert facebook pages and dogs, even cats, are constantly running away 2-3 per day, and prior there was maybe a lost dog every other week.

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I am very aware of odors too and I have noticed an off putting odor that I can best describe is a synthetic chemical sour milk odor.

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Axel, is it a musty sweet odor? Shedding is of course in Pfizer's own papers, but it also happens that a musty sweet smell can be indicative of live Stachybotrys chartarum. I was trying to understand that smell for a while, and then realized what it is.

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I did not take the vaccine but a student who did had a really bad cold which I caught. I have not had a cold for years. After that I lost my sense of taste, almost completely, for about 4 months early this year. Weird stuff. Thanks for your post.

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Interesting that you mention the smell, in the last few years I have smelled a new weird chemical metallic sweetish smell in many public places or around certain groups of people.

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As an environmentally sensitive person myself, I have not noticed any symptoms I could clearly attribute to shedding as opposed to normal scented product exposures. But I am much more intolerant of solvents and cleaning products than to EMFs which don't seem to affect me, and only some kinds of mould seem to affect me.

Not to discount that it is happening, but it may not be affecting everyone the same, such that even an otherwise sensitive person like myself notices no difference.

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Yes there's a lot of variability in reactions. Some don't really notice it, some are knocked flat

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I too am EI sensitive - for 33 years. Something is going on with me I believe regarding shedding. See my post above.

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Please describe autonomic response testing. Is this something a person could easily learn in regard to the presence of shedding? Thank you!

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Basically, it is a more advanced form of muscle testing pioneered by people like Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt. But the testing for shedding is rather advanced.

The Emotion Code book is a good intro to muscle testing

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I'm familiar with muscle testing - can even do that on myself.

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I’m a practicing physician who refused the injection, but was doing inpatient care. I never had any symptoms of shedding despite multiple coworkers and patients having been vaxxed. I’m not sure, but it may be due to my persistence in Vitamin D, Omega 3’s, Zinc since I had Covid, and over the last year taking NAC regularly after I watched a video by Dr. Seheult. He is a Pulmonologist who was over 2 ICU’s during the pandemic. He took NAC regularly and never got ill despite being around Covid patients on ventilators all day. I recently added Nattokinase and curcumin. For those people who are either in the medical profession or like the scientist in your story who have to be around students who are getting boosted, I’m wondering if Dr. Mcculloughs’s protocol with the Betadine or Xylitol spray would not be a bad idea as a preventive approach.

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I use Xclear daily as well and not sick once!!

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Me too + NAC, Vitamin C& D, zinc, quercetin, etc. Have also added nattokinase and ivermectin 2X week.

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continue to use the xlear. I’m not a fan of the xylitol but in this case it blocks the virus where it gets in most often while the combo of grapefruit seed extract kills it.

It’s worth using it as a preventative nasal spray prior to any exposure as well as after. In addition to gargles.

I have made my own with the products and they work but you have to be careful with ratios and travel.

Carry a kit with you wherever you go. Anywhere. Anytime you leave the house. It’s not an option, it’s a need. If you run into someone or if something comes up, it’s the immediate protection you need that combats the virus. Waiting gives the virus and spike replication more time to bind. It’s best to Keep it at bay ASAP.

The vitamins- NAC which is very protective and has many benefits in addition to helping your body produce glutathione. Vit C , D, B vitamins, zinc & Quercitin. Magnesium and K2 m7

Rotating in The additional black seed - I prefer the seed over the oil . Too many omega 6 I in the oil. You also need to increase hydration when taking it.

It’s powerful and check the thymoquinine levels - that’s where it’s potency and strength come from.

Always take it with 1/2 tsp of honey - they are synergistic together the black seed has been used in place of as well as in addition to ivermectin. It depends on your needs.

There are many healthy natural strong helpful options available

It’s awful that people were led to believe this was in their best interest to protect others and themselves as well as the fact that all of that info was intentionally false and harmful.

In fact,everything all of the good drs said from day one that could possibly happen down the road if these injections are given - it’s happened. Every single thing.

They get censored, and targeted, stripped of their credentials, threatened. But they have been right every step of the way before it all unfolded the way it has. The shedding, the ADE, it’s all happening and the cancers, the Natural killer cells our immune system needs the iGG regulators - every single thing.

Thank God Dr Kory, Marik, Bowden, Cole, Makis, McCullough and many others and they still are helping save us all. Their info was right. Look back 3 1/2 yrs ago. They medically explained what could occur and why . They had solutions and they begged to stop the injections.They stood up and helped get the info out there. fighting an uphill battle.

This is life saving knowledge everyone needs to detox.

Remember every time we eat sugary foods, treats and junk, drink soda, or alcohol ... consuming those items are nit only unhealthy but they immediately deplete all of our Vit d and mag levels. It takes 1 week of supplementation for out bodies to process , metabolize snd build back our vitamin d levels

Even with sun exposure - once you get a sun tan you absorb less and less vitamin d. So the darker your skin tone is the less natural vitamin d is absorbed.

Be careful with all the extra added sweets, desserts soda and alcohol during the upcoming holidays - vit d & mag levels being are essential to prevent serious issues with battling illness.

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Those items will not dissolve rubbery blood clots. Edta does. Since you’re a doctor, go look at your blood under darkfield microscopy. You’ll be surprised at what you see…..I was…..I’m DEF not vaxed w/anything! Everyone has nanotechnology in them now….they put it in everything from dental anesthetics, contact solution, meat products and you can even be vaxed from not sourcing your meat/vegetables from proper sources. https://youtu.be/IFWUXwzKRyY?si=p6Jl-qFxQBB4AL4r

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This is reassuring to hear.

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I don't know if you want more comments but I'll chime in.

I am unvaxxed. I worked p/t at a local cannery, everyone was getting jabbed in 2021. The space was HUGE and I worked alone bagging biscuit mix listening to podcasts that would've gotten me fired from this woke workplace. I figured the distance was enough, even thought I was apprehensive being around jabbed people.

I came in one day to see my boss with a thermometer under this arm. After his second jab, he got a 104 fever and had to go home. This day, he had come to work straight from getting boosted. He was starting to run a fever. I quickly stepped away and went back to my corner. Within a very short time I felt like I had been hit over the head with an anvil. I was so woozy and dizzy, like I had just come off of a fair ride that spins you ceaselessly. I told my boss I needed to leave. I drove to CVS and got a rapid test. The blue line was solid within seconds. I don't trust the tests or believe in germ theory now, but this is what happened to me. I drove to get my daughter from pre-k and drove home. I felt like I had been drugged. I've taken some recreational drugs over the years, and this felt like I had been given something bad- like a roofie or something. I was so dizzy I couldn't stand up. I got a 103 fever that night. My body was on fire. SO MUCH pain. I've given birth, the pain of this was worse. It was massive inflammation. I had to take ibuprofen 800mg for days bc it was unbearable. I took all the FLCCCC protocols except IVM, I didn't have any yet. It took me 2 weeks to recover. 2 months to feel sort of normal. This was March 2021. My hair has been falling out in massive clumps ever since. I've lost 1/2 the volume of my hair. I've tried many treatments including IVM etc. My periods have become unmanageable- the clots and bleeding are severe. I had a miscarriage 4 months after the exposure (baby was about 8 1/2 weeks) The worst lasting symptom is tinnitus. I got this right after and it's horrible, it won't go away. Def worse in higher EMF zones.

I'm 41 now. Dr. says I need a hysterectomy and that all of this is bc of age. NOPE. This happened when I was around a boosted person showing symptoms. Why? I don't know. I'm scared for my 5 year old who is pure of all this- but what have they done here? What is in this shot? What kind of gene therapy is it? What is it shedding exactly? It's not a "spike protein" but what else could be delivered in those LNP's?? I hate feeling worried around vxxd ppl...I hate the thought of not going to gym but I do always wonder what's in the air when all these jabbed ladies around me sweat. Or what about my child at school, with all the jabbed staff? Lastly and most horrible, I have a friend who had a stillborn at 31 weeks. She is vaxxed. What a horrible tragedy this is...genocide by jab.

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I am so very sorry. I pray for your continued health. How evil. Tragic!!

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My daughter had hair loss. Her friend had 103 + fever right after vaccine. My daughter felt sick being near her. A week later her hair began falling out. She is taking a jax inhibitor cream that worked last year ( again after updated covid rollout) but now they want her to take the oral form. It can be dangerous. Pediatric derm said we need to have a separate conversation without your daughter if we take this route. It caused deaths. It was just fda approved. Interesting alopecia drugs approved now. I am so frustrated and upset. I don't want her at school because you don't know who just had it.

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Safer options are : 1. traditional Chinese medicine 2. blackseed oil stopped my sisters hair loss (I haven’t consistently taken it)

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Check out the The Wellness Company. They have a Spike Protein detox formula that has helped many people.


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In November 2021 my then 15 year old unvaccinated grandson participated in a 2 day Club Vollyball tournament with some newly vaccinated teammates. The evening of the last day he started experiencing chest pains which we thought was heartburn. When the pains would not stop we took him to the emergency hospital where he was diagnosed with myocarditis and pericarditis. He spent 3 days in the children’s ICU. Definitely shedding!

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Thank you for writing this series! My wife and I are unvaccinated and we both experienced reactions to being around vaccinated people. We also know of at least six other unvaccinated people who had shedding reactions.

Here are my wife's descriptions of each person's story:

1. I was paying attention to the deluge of women sharing their shedding reactions (many reproductive and menstrual in nature) via Instagram stories and posts throughout early 2021. I already deal with chronic health issues, including menstrual issues, so I resolved to avoid all contact with vaccinated people and the general public for as long as possible. My husband and I were out on a hike in late September 2021, and we happened upon a woman who was hiking alone and had been frightened by a pack of javelinas on the trail. She asked if we would walk with her back to the parking area, which was not too far. We agreed since we didn't know what else to do, although I felt uneasy about it since it went against my policy of avoiding people to protect my health. We ended up talking to her for a while once we got back to the cars, and it turned out that she was a traveling nurse and had reluctantly taken the vaccines for her next assignment. I had already been trying to keep my distance from her, but at this point I excused myself and got in the car, wondering what damage had been done. Within a day or two, strange dark bluish purple marks appeared on my upper arms. I would call them bruises, but they didn't hurt, and I've never had a bruise or any other mark on my body that has ever looked like these marks before this occasion or since. These marks stayed on my arms for months, eventually fading to green then yellow then just a faint hint of gray. It took over a year before they were fully gone. I have photos. I looked up what they could have been, and I believe they were purpura, bleeding under the skin without injury. This reaction occurred after perhaps 20 minutes of outdoor conversation.

2. In August 2021, my husband went to a family funeral and spent a lot of time interacting with many family members. He didn't want to be rude and ask people their vaccination status, but he did hear a cousin mention proudly that he and his kids had been vaccinated. When my husband left a couple days later, he was developing respiratory symptoms. We live an anti-viral lifestyle and know how to get these things under control with zinc shock therapy, vitamin C, thyme tea, raw garlic, raw honey, and other immune boosting tools, so he began implementing these measures and was fine within a day. However, dark bluish purple marks appeared on his arms a day later. Again, they were not bruises, they did not hurt, and we have never seen any mark on his body like that before or since. They looked almost identical to the ones I would experience, although his faded within a couple of months. We have photos.

3. Our friend, Tess, is unvaccinated and has a history of severe chronic illness which she has under control with diet, supplementation, and lifestyle choices. Her cousin came to visit in the spring of 2021. They were sitting in her living room talking for less than an hour when Tess started to feel very ill. She asked her cousin if he had been vaccinated. He said yes, recently. She tried to keep talking with him, but her body started to shut down. All of her old symptoms were returning, extreme pain, vertigo, fatigue, etc. All she could do was lie down. Her cousin left. As soon as he left the house, her symptoms started to subside and she was feeling completely normal again within an hour.

4. Our friend, Kate, is unvaccinated. She loves to dance and goes to public dances multiple times a week. She knew about the shedding, but decided dancing was more important to her than avoiding vaccinated people. Her periods had always been short, light, and regular, with a small amount of bleeding/spotting for only a couple days a month. Starting in the spring of 2021, her periods became extremely heavy with clotting and were lasting 10 days to a couple weeks with only a few days to a week without bleeding in between. She is still dealing with some of these issues 2.5 years later. Late in 2021, Kate had a vaccinated person stay in her house for a few days and Kate caught Covid within a day or two even though her guest showed no symptoms.

5. Our friend, Laura, is unvaccinated and has chronic health issues. In 2021, she also had an asymptomatic vaccinated person stay in her house. Laura developed Covid symptoms (severe respiratory issues, loss of smell, etc.) the next day and was sick for a month.

6. Our friend, Marta, is unvaccinated. In 2021, she had a massage from an asymptomatic vaccinated person and Marta developed respiratory symptoms within a few hours, which took several days to clear. She also developed large dark bluish purple spots all over her thighs, which again looked like bruising but were not painful and not from injury. I believe this is another example of purpura.

7. Marta's daughter, Freya, was 11 in 2021. Freya took a bath with her cousin (also 11) who had recently been vaccinated. Later that day, Freya had her friend, Ashley (also 11) over to play. That night, Freya started her period for the first time. Ashley's mom texted Marta the next day to say that Ashley had started her period for the first time. Ashley's mom thought it was a sweet coincidence that both girls would start their periods on the same night. Marta confided in me that she didn't believe it was a coincidence at all and that Freya's cousin had also just started her period after being vaccinated. Girls don't typically "catch" periods from each other...

8. Our friend, Zara, is unvaccinated and lives with her family. All of the family members went out and got their vaccines together. When they got home, Zara felt respiratory symptoms begin immediately. She was sick for a few weeks and believes it was Covid.

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i had pain and a feeling of intense congestion in my calves for a week after visiting my parents in 2021 when they were about 2 weeks post vax. i had never had that symptom before. got it again but less intense after my partner got a booster the following year. also had intense periods for a couple months after each exposure, with huge clots like i've never experienced otherwise. shedding is definitely real and this is frightening in its implications. i've been trying my best to ignore the substack from Ana Maria Milhacea examining blood clotting and self assembling nanostructures in not only the vaxed but also the unvaxed. it's been easy to ignore this as most of the covid substackers i follow have not acknowledged or chimed in on her work; additionally it's just too frightening to consider, if denial is also an option. if she's not a liar, then we are all at risk for all the same problems as the vaxed are facing. would like you to weigh in on this if you can. thank you immensely for your leadership and bravery.

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Ignore at your own risk. The shedding is a piece of the puzzle but not the entire picture. The effects of wifi/emf on us is real. Read The Invisible Rainbow. And we must ask ourselves why doctors/scientists are so steadfastly ignoring other doctors/scientist who are also whistle-blowers. Not disproving their work (no, Dr. Cole did not use darkfield microscopy of proper magnitude to "disprove" this. Just ignoring their work,, as mainstream docs ignore Kory, McCullough,, Cole,, Lyons-Weiler, etc. We've all seen this show before. The nanotech in blood work has now been confirmed by multiple scientists on multiple continents. These accepted mainstream/alternative docs need to work together with the others and see the big picture. I do NOT agree with Nattokinase daily for a year as a "solution". It is a soy based product which means it is altering hormones. I cannot in good conscience or scientific mind give that daily to my 13yo son for a year.

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Just to mention - soy is not healthy. We should avoid Consuming it. However the fermented soy, Natto, tempeh and miso are healthy. And they are the only form of it one should ever consume. Natto being the most beneficial and studied.

Natto is used for centuries. Quality always matters with anything we consume but Natto is a blood thinner, and does break up the fibrin levels to degrade the clots caused by these injections. In fact Natto has been studied and it breaks them down better than the rx blood thinners like warafin or elequis - many people need the Natto. Dose matters. Also Natto taken with meals acts like a digestive enzyme, taken in between meals is where the detox properties benefit.

Natto is not the only option. And yes, many people cannot take it. There is no one size fits all for anyone.

If you look into the wellness company TWC they also have Spike support ( it’s an excellent combo but it does contain Natto) they also have another formula for spike support that does not contain Natto. It was developed for young adults and kids but it’s also for individuals who don’t want the Natto.

There are many options to help detox spike.

It does seem that the bare minimum of bromelain , Natto and turmeric work the best as a minimal approach- I’ve used it myself with noticeable improvement.

I hope that info is helpful to you.

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Dr. Kory,

At some point, can you please discuss why some people AREN’T harmed by the vax? Is it their genes, immune system, diet, etc. (maybe everyone is harmed to some degree, but in most cases it’s not noticeable)

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They say 30% of vaccine are completely safe, maybe because they are placebo.? 4 to 6% are extremely toxic. It all depends on which lot you got.

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It's all about the ACE2 receptor.

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I was shed on through inhalation from a newly vaccinated man that exhaled deeply in my face as I was breathing in. I was down in 30 minutes and I couldn't stay awake (nerve damage) I ended up in ER in 5 days July,2021. Put on wrong medication for snake venom (spike protein) steroids, antibiotics, oxygen. Tried to order HQ from the front line doctors but it didn't get to me before the hospital. Blood clots developed throughout my legs and lungs (saddle pulmonary embolism). I coded twice in ICU and woke up on a ventilator for 5 days. They gave me tPA and it worked. 🙏 3 weeks in the hospital. 2 years to recover with nicotine patches, vitamins supplements, alkalizing my system. I had an enlarged heart. Only scar tissue after one year. Limping in pain for another ten months until I found Dr. Ardis and the nicotine patches to open the nicotine receptors.

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I am a social smoker. I have Not been ill in over 4 years. I take the usual supplements as well as back seed oil. Xclear daily. There is something about nicotine for sure

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After many years of smoking and developing COPD, I was finally able to quit 14 years ago after a broken hip confined me to the hospital for 11 days. I was so thankful, as I'd tried for years unsuccessfully. There is no way I'd ever smoke again. However a nicotine patch might be ok, although when I used them before, they created a rash on my skin.

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I use the nicotine gum also. 2 mg. My limping stopped in 45 minutes after ten months. I chew it every day to open the nicotine receptors and I take Apple pectin to move the venom out of my body.

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How wonderful! I tried the gum and didn't like it as a substitute. It just didn't work for me. The patch did but left the rash. I wonder how it stopped your limp? What was the cause of your limp?

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The spike protein was shed on me. Since I didn't fully detox from the venom, (it stays in your body up to ten years)it went to an old injury. IThe nicotine opened the nicotine receptors so the venom could leave the body with the help of apple pectin.

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Like long covid.

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Would nicotine gum work as well? Or did he only recommend patches?

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Yes , I use 2mg nicotine gum.

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Scar tissue on my lungs

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Also is there anything in the vax injury protocol that is not advised if you have Factor V Leiden?

Nattokinase: 100-200 mg twice daily

Resveratrol: 500 mg daily

Aspirin (ASA): 81 mg daily (in those with low risk of bleeding)

Magnesium: 100-400 mg daily

Omega-3 fatty acids: 2-4 g daily

Co-enzyme Q (CoQ): 200-400 mg/day

Melatonin: 3-10 mg at night (slow release/extended release)

Bromelain: 500 mg twice daily +/- N-acetyl cysteine (NAC); 600 mg twice daily

Berberine: 500-600 mg twice daily

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Which protocol do we use for shedding? The vax injury one? Or is there one specific for unvaxxed people who are trying to address or prevent issues from shedding?

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You may think I am crazy.. I am a social smoker. I have NOT had any illness whatsoever in the last 4 years. There literally may be something about nicotine. My husband too although he does NOT smoke. We do take the usual supplements plus chlorella. Chlorella is a strong binder for removal of toxins. Also black seed oil is great for everything! Dandelion Root is a good chelator as well. Best wishes!!

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I keep hearing hints that nicotine is beneficial against the spike proteins, would be interested in more data if anyone finds some!

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Nicotine is healing and binds to Ace 2 receptors we have throughout our bodies. Its the chemicals they add that are dangerous. Another lie( about nicotine) we have been told. God gave us all we need to heal. Dr.Ardis does know lots about this.

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A Critique of Nicotine Addiction


Nicotine is almost universally believed to be the major factor that motivates smoking and impedes cessation. Authorities such as the Surgeon General of the USA and the Royal College of Physicians in the UK have declared that nicotine is as addictive as heroin and cocaine. This book is a critique of the nicotine addiction hypothesis, based on a critical review of the research literature that purports to prove that nicotine is as addictive drug. The review is based on a re-examination of more than 700 articles and books on this subject, including animal and human experimental studies, effects of `nicotine replacement therapies', and many other relevant sources. This review concludes that on present evidence, there is every reason to reject the generally accepted theory that nicotine has a major role in cigarette smoking. A critical examination of the criteria for drug addiction demonstrates that none of these criteria is met by nicotine, and that it is much more likely that nicotine in fact limits rather than facilitates smoking.

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Dr Ardis has put the info out about nicotine blocking the spike protein from binding. He informs others that he is using the gum or the patches. He specifically recommended two brands of nicotine.

The truth is that nicotine by itself is not addictive at all. It is the tobacco companies that added a chemical ingredient that Intentionally makes it addictive.

Nicotine extreme low dose gum for a couple of days does help. I know a health care provider who tested this option and also we researched nicotine info a little more to find that although it worked SHORT term - It’s NOT at all a safe option to use long term even in low doses because it may overload the adrenal glands.

Look for healthier safer options. There are many.

I’ve found several that help. Each individuals needs are different but there are some good options available.

The spike support is one of the good options. It’s a great combo. and all a blend of natural ingredients that work.

I have some in-depth experience with some natural options too.

Flccc protocols are excellent too.

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My mother is a house cleaner and experiences shedding symptoms pretty frequently. She hardly sees the owners, just touching their home does it for her. Fatigue, headaches, malaise.

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Don't SHED on me... The new Gadsden Flag slogan.

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A personal obsevation; while renting a room at a friend's house, for 6 years after my late wife's passing in 2017. I had bouts of tiredness, and the runs, she had been Covid "Vaccinated" and Boosted, giving in to the Pandemic Hysteria. Since moving away, (2 months) my systems returned to normal,it's more than a coincidence.... Never had bruising, other than fatigue.

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I have been researching these 'musings' (which are excellent) and other sources I trust and I cannot find any reference to how long a vaccinated person is shedding spike protein. I am not vaccinated as I was highly skeptical from the beginning of the pandemic when medicine claimed there was no treatment for COVID and people were even being offered treatment for their symptoms! I'm an ER Nurse and in the decades I practiced I have NEVER seen abject denial of care like we saw during COVID! Then when I read up on the science of these new ModifiedRNA drugs and there was no way I would have one. I prefer not to be in close proximity to someone who has been recently vax'd for all the reasons Dr. Kory discusses in this series. But I cannot find even speculation about how long the freshly vaccinated are shedding. Can anyone help me with this question?

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In the past few years tests and studies were done a various times. Early on they found spike protein being emitted up to two months but stopped testing after those two months. Another study showed proof at 6 months and as more time went on the most recent information shows it up to 18 months.

Dr Kory, FlCCC, Dr McCoulkough, Dr Ryan Cole and others have given this info at different Covid education summits.

Due to the various amount of toxicity within each injection and each individuals own immune system threshold the shedding, and spike production varies.

There is also newer information ( currently in discussion to pursue additional studies) regarding injected individuals who are around other injected individuals and that their own production of spike protein and shedding is fueling higher toxicity to be emitted. - Again that’s in discussion.

There are so many factors here that it’s an arduous process to pinpoint.

Bare minimum 2 months but it’s known to be out to 18 months.

What is officially known is that there is no known time that it ever leaves the body.

And with the contaminated dna plasmids ,that is more confirmation of a more permanent concern for all of us.

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I knew Covid vaccine shedding was real because it was in the Pfyzer's original report. I am unvaxxed but had Covid in early 2020. I feel immune system is slightly compromised

since the infection.

My first shedding experience was when I had a ride with tow truck driver. We both had masks but I touched his cell phone to make a payment. About half day later I felt a sharp pain in my lower leg and internal bleeding (bruise) was there. I took IVM immediately and pain went away. Since then I felt shedding number of times, such as funeral of my friend who I assume died from turbo cancer, and talking to a vaxxed friend outside. I'm sure I was more exposed but I cannot determine what and who caused it.

Japanese doctor who specializes treating hemorrhoids has a policy that she doesn't see any patients who had vaxxed in the previous 3 months. Her name is Dr. Minori Sasaki. She is one of the founding members of WHC Japan. Even though she and all her staff are un vaxxed they experience heavy hair loss which IVM fixed. Does it mean that vaxxed people are shedding after 3 month?

I recently decided not to go to my relative's Thanksgiving because everybody is fully vaxxed and not doing anything to detox. It's ironical first they avoided me because I was unvaxxed and now I have to avoid them because they are vaxxed.

Now I realize this shot is a bio weapon. The world is getting a crazy place.

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I finally feel vindicated , no one believed me that it was a thing. I'm finally so much better and will still react but I recover so much guicker now then the 3 days it took a few years ago. I follow the medical Medium religiously and take the recommended supplements. Lots and lots of Vitamin C, zinc, B12, NAC...

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