
This has been up for 5 days and there are only 6 likes. WTF? This is gold.

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I don't think he emailed it out.

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I am so thankful to see such a detailed study on vaccine shedding.

I have reacted strongly to shedding; I break out with body wide sores every time I get exposed to a vaccinated or boosted person . The skin eruptions are getting worse with each exposure so I have to isolate to heal.

Most people do not seem to understand this phenomenon but I know it is real.

I am so thankful to know I am not alone in this battle.

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It all reminds me of what we were hearing when they started genetically modifying our vegetables. Everyone was furious and scared of what would happen. Our food supply went to crap and is less healthy because of it - not because of the “climate crisis”. Now everyone is being modified and what’s going to happen to our future? There is good reason to fear this genetic modification. Even unjabbed.

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I need to interject on symptoms when exposed to the vaxxed:

yes, lymph glands swelling on throat, sore throat, hoarseness, increased incidence of herpes, EBV reoccurrence, headache, brain fog, and even a temperature: 99.2-99.7. And , a general feeling of being unwell… feeling like “I’m coming down with something.” These symptoms go after 1-3 days. The longer the exposure to the vaxxed the longer it takes to feel well again and for my lymph to shrink back down. My tinnitus is much louder, and I’ve had a terrible bout of severe vertigo.

But there is another occurance that really needs to be investigated: the vaxxed emitting a particular body odor. A sickly sweet slightly “off” smell. On some it’s subtle, on others it can be very strong. It literally wafts from them like a stink bubble.

Always the same smell regardless of race age or which country they are from.

Do you Dr Kory have reports of this? Or does anyone else smell this very particular body smell that prior to the rollout, you hadn’t smelled before?

And from those that emit a stronger, more pungent smell, are those people shedding more than others whose covid vax body smell is more subtle?

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Very interesting observation about the body odor. I’ve always had exceptional smell but as I’ve aged or encountered long lasting effects of viral illnesses (C-19?) my sense of smell is not so great. It might be coincidental(or not)that those of us unvaxxed but suffering smell loss cannot now pick up on something like the sweet body odor scent when near a shedding individual. Hmmm.

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Forgot to add that I now also have cancer.

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I don't recall this Stack appearing in my feed...is substack throttling Dr Kory?

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I double checked my feed (I've been subscribed to medical musings since it's launch), THIS POST DOES NOT SHOW.

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I wondered about this too.

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Thanks so much for this. It's remarkable to read all this, from the Call at the beginning to the last few sections on protection factors, sexual partners, and blood supply. I'm aware of two places dealing in unvaxxed blood. One is Safe Blood (safeblood.net). The other is Blessed By His Blood (BBHB, blessedbyhisblood.com). I don't know much about either, and I have yet to donate to either but hope to very soon. (Me: Type A+, unvaxxed since early 2019, Southern California). Dave P

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A short paper I wrote following my wife's death earlier this year:

Effects of shedding from close proximity with the Covid vaxxed

Alan Willoughby

July 2024

In January 2024 my wife, Christine, died of multi-organ abdominal cancer. It took only a month from her first appointment with a GP, just before Christmas, who diagnosed diverticulitis, until her death from cancer on 19 January. After that incorrect diagnosis, she was told that if the pain became worse, she should go to the hospital ED, which she did about 10 days later. She was admitted to hospital, given a CT scan without dye, which showed cancer traces, followed by a CT scan with dye which confirmed that cancer was present in her liver, kidneys, ovaries, lungs and abdominal lymph nodes. She was sent home to die, which she did after a further two weeks.

In searching for a cause for the very rapid development of this cancer, I was able to rule out diet, as she and I both eat carefully, mainly from our organic garden and orchard, and exercise, as we both are physically active around the house with occasional longer walks. However, my wife contracted PR3 ANCA vasculitis with kidney involvement in late 2018, for which she was initially treated with immunosuppressant intravenous methyl prednisone, followed by a course of cyclophosphamide and a maintenance dose of azathioprine. She had no relapses of this disease since the initial treatment.

It was necessary to frequently monitor her vasculitis by blood tests to measure her eGFR, which remained relatively stable at around 45-50%, far better than the 13% to which it dropped during the acute phase of her illness, and included in those tests was a measure for her lymphocytes, which can be used as an indication of the effectiveness of her immune system. Due to taking azathioprine immune suppressant medication, her lymphocyte measurements were usually at or below the low point on the recommended scale (1-4) fluctuating around 0.7 to 1.2 in pre-covid times.

Christine enjoyed driving cruise ship passengers to local places of interest during the summer cruise ship season. Using data from her original driving logbooks and superimposing this onto the table below, it can be seen that prior to the presence of Covid, there was no interaction between the season and the lymphocyte count, nor is there any apparent interaction between driving and the lymphocyte count. During 2020-21, there were no cruise ships due to Covid and hence there were no Covid vaxxed passengers or people. From October 2022 onwards, passengers on cruise ships must have been vaxxed against Covid so all passengers carried on tours would have received at least one mRNA injection.

It can be seen that over the 2022-3 summer cruise ship season, October 2022 to end of March 2023, the lymphocyte count appears to decrease significantly and rebound to its prior levels after contact with cruise ship passengers ceased. It remained at the higher levels during the winter of 2023 until cruise ships again visited in November 2023, at which time the lymphocyte count decreased significantly and Christine became increasingly ill as the cancerous tumours grew, unhindered by her now ineffective immune system.

The best conclusion I can come to from this data is that vaxxed cruise ship passengers, many of whom were possibly only recently vaxxed against Covid, may be shedding some unknown particle, exosome or even possibly energy, that can adversely affect the immune systems of unvaxxed people in close repeated proximity. More research needs to be done to ascertain what the exact mechanism of this influence may be.

Incidentally, neither Christine nor I were vaxxed against Covid and neither of us contracted Covid at any time and Christine was never knowingly exposed to Covid sufferers.

Date Lymph. Comments


20/06/2017 1.3 Pre-Vasculitis - normal, healthy

17/09/2018 0.9

19/09/2018 Last drive pre-vasculitis

24/09/2018 1

11/10/2018 0.6

23/10/2018 1.9

30/10/2018 2.7

6/11/2018 0.8

13/11/2018 1.6

19/11/2018 1.5

26/11/2018 1.6

4/12/2018 2.5

11/12/2018 2.1

16/12/2018 1.2

24/12/2018 2

31/12/2018 1.1

7/01/2019 1.1

14/01/2019 0.7

21/01/2019 1.1

28/01/2019 First drive post-vasculitis

29/01/2019 0.8

4/02/2019 0.8

12/02/2019 1.1

18/02/2019 0.9

25/02/2019 0.7

4/03/2019 1

11/03/2019 1

18/03/2019 0.7

26/03/2019 0.5

16/04/2019 Last drive cruise ship season

29/04/2019 1

6/05/2019 0.7

13/05/2019 1.1

20/05/2019 0.9

27/05/2019 0.9

4/06/2019 0.8

10/06/2019 1

17/06/2019 1.1

2/07/2019 0.9

5/08/2019 0.8

2/09/2019 0.5

7/10/2019 0.7

8/10/2019 First drive of cruise ship season - unjabbed passengers

18/11/2019 0.7

1/12/2019 Last drive - cruise ship season cancelled due to COVID

16/12/2019 0.8

21/01/2020 0.8

17/02/2020 0.7

16/03/2020 0.6

28/04/2020 0.7

8/07/2020 0.7

24/08/2020 0.8

15/09/2020 0.6

24/11/2020 0.8

15/03/2021 1

20/05/2021 0.9

24/08/2021 0.9

18/11/2021 0.6

4/02/2022 0.8

4/05/2022 0.5

18/08/2022 0.7

26/10/2022 First drive cruise ship season - jabbed passengers

16/11/2022 0.5

3/03/2023 0.4

20/03/2023 Last drive cruise ship season

24/03/2023 0.3

11/04/2023 0.7

15/05/2023 0.7

8/06/2023 0.5

13/06/2023 0.6

20/07/2023 0.7

8/08/2023 0.8

29/08/2023 0.6

8/09/2023 0.7

12/10/2023 0.8

9/11/2023 0.6

10/11/2023 First drive of cruise ship season - jabbed passengers

27/11/2023 Last drive - jabbed passengers

30/11/2023 0.5

8/12/2023 0.4

18/12/2023 0.4

4/01/2024 0.2

5/01/2024 Diagnosed with multi-organ abdominal cancer

19/01/2024 Death from multi-organ abdominal cancer

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Thank you for compiling this! I get bruises. I also started getting tightness in the chest. The latter got so bad that I couldn't breathe. Eventually, I went to see the doctor who sent me right to the ER. My lungs were full of liquid and I had pericarditis - fluid around the heart. They wanted to take a needle and pull out the liquid. They thought I must have had a heart attack or a blood clot in the lungs. According to the tests they had me take, I had neither, and they said I was extremely healthy! But my d-dimer test was off the scale 20,000. Wonder if anyone had this happen to them.

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There is a lot of good information here but why won't my Substack app in Android read this to me like other articles? 🤔

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Aug 14·edited Aug 15

Still trying to get an answer:

If an unvx'd family member from an unvx'd household goes to visit a household of vax'd people for 5 days, is there a risk to the unvx'd family household when she returns from the visit.

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Aug 15·edited Aug 15

Yes. Varies according to the 'visitors' immune profile. (See "Characteristics of Patients Sensitive to Shedding" . Dr. PK details this in Jeff Dornik interview/rumble titled "Shedding" .

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Thank you. I finally got the truth that the house to be visited got last vax'd well over 2 years ago. I think we are more than safe. -?

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Dear Dr. Kory, will you consider a project for research regarding shedding specifically the "shedding body"? I have lyme, EHS, and mold toxicity, as your research acknowledged I am highly aware of this phenomena, to me it is a cloud-like stretchy conductive biofilm mesh, with very fine spiderweb-like wires. It surrounds a body and enters the eyes, ears, nose, mouth and open wounds. I can move its stretchy body with a roll of stacked disk magnets. It is a bigger problem than recognized. For the purpose of combating this "shedding body" i wonder if a BROWNS GAS FLAME were BRUSHED AROUND a body, could it destroy this exterior mesh, thereby preventing recontamination and preventing spread. Recognizing graphene is a part of it, which i suspect is the fine spiderweb wire, and that graphene is a monolayer semi-metal. Browns Gas is water that is converted to a cool to the touch flamable gas called HHO. Upon touching the flame to a metal it will become the temperature necessary to sublimate that metal. Therefore it could potentially sublimate the surrounding "shedding body". I contacted a manufacturer of Browns Gas Generators and asked if they would be willing to donate a ($15k) generator for research on the "shedding body", they agreed to participate, and asked a valid question. For the purpose of determining before and after results, recognizing the "shedding body" is invisible, how can the exterior "shedding body" be measured or detected? How could we determine if the HHO destroyed the mesh? There are labs that can measure aerosol and nanoparticulates in the air (www.arelabs.com, www.malvernpanalytical.com). Will you be willing to conduct this research or do you know someone that can? If so, I can assign a new browns gas generator at no cost to you. There will probably be other cost, which i dont have, im just a sufferer seeking solutions, but maybe funds could be raised. Where theres the will, theres a way. Your thoughts and questions are welcome. Sincerely and thank you, Adrian

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Thanks Dr Kory. Do you have any articles on nicotine being addictive, as many are saying it’s not the nicotine but the other ingredients in cigarettes?

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nicotine alone is highly addictive

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