A continuation of reports, observations, and insights from those on the inside who are "awake" to the fraud and damage wrought by the global Covid mRNA vaccine campaign.
Thank you for collecting and sharing these poignant stories, Pierre. I think these accounts are especially powerful when they come from medical insiders.
Have you considered turning this series into a book? Pairing anecdotes with hard-core data is a one-two punch only the fervently hypnotized can ignore.
Speaking of data, are you aware of Denis Rancourt’s latest excess mortality analyses indicating 17 million people’s deaths (1 death per 470 living persons) can be directly attributed to the injection?
“We quantify the overall all-ages vDFR for the 17 countries to be (0.126 ± 0.004) %, which would imply 17.0 ± 0.5 million COVID-19 vaccine deaths worldwide, from 13.50 billion injections up to 2 September 2023. This would correspond to a mass iatrogenic event that killed (0.213 ± 0.006) % of the world population (1 death per 470 living persons, in less than 3 years), and did not measurably prevent any deaths.” (https://denisrancourt.substack.com/p/covid-19-vaccine-associated-mortality)
As I shared in my latest piece (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/dissident-dialogues-margaret-anna), I consider Denis’s National Citizens Inquiry presentation from May 2023 and the accompanying 894-page book of exhibits among the most compelling pieces of evidence for wide-scale mass murder (he calculated 13 million at the time, so his latest report showing 17 million deaths-by-injection makes it even more damning).
Wow I had not seen Rancourt's latest analysis. Un real. I will read closely and reference in future posts, thanks for this, as you know, it is hard to keep up with everything, especially now as the data was once a torrent and is now a hurricane. Turn this into a book eh? Not a bad idea MAA... lemme think about it, but I like the idea especially if you think it book worthy
So glad you appreciate Denis’s work! He and his team have been very busy and have more analyses in the works. I’d be honored to connect you if you are interested—email me if so.
And a big YES to a book! I think “Reports from the Front Lines” would have a tremendous impact and could potentially bypass people’s cognitive resistance to buckets of facts that contradict their programming. It’s harder for them to reject people’s firsthand experiences, especially when those testimonies come from medical professionals, lending them additional weight.
FEMA/DOH respond to FOIA requests on morgue trucks in NYC Spring 2020
I've typed out the relevant parts:
"You sought records showing the number of human bodies loaded into FEMA trucks each in the 5 counties that comprise New York City (Bronx, Kings, Queens, New York, Richmond) between 3/15/2020-6/30/2020.
We conducted a search of FEMA's Office of Response and Rcovery (ORR) Responsive Directorate and ORR Logistics Management Directorate for documents responsive to your request. FEMA may have supplied refrigerated storage trucks at the request of the region, but we did not have a contract for mortuary storage services in NYC. As a result, no responsive results were located."
I think it is very, very difficult for people (even many who are Covid sceptics) to come to terms with the level of fraud that happened in 2020 under the guise of "Covid."
Watching the recent JJ Couey interview w/Rancourt and McCullough (they were on the show at the same time inadvertently) you could see that Peter either did not want to or couldn't come to terms what Rancourt was saying about all-cause mortality data in the US and that there was no pandemic caused by a unique viral pathogen.
absolutely, I have spent the last couple of years making sure I have paper copies of anything I want preserved for posterity, and any reference materials. We are censored online, and they are constantly dropping hints about a grid-down scenario.
Rancourt's initial paper on the analysing all-cause mortality of the so-called pandemic illustrates irrevocably that there was no pandemic in 2020. Further statistical analysis subsequent to Rancourt's corroborates this.
Pleae watch the first 15 minutes if nothing else where Rancourt gives a synopsis of this paper.
If you look at data specific to NYC hospital systems (ICU, ED's, Bed Occupancy) in Spring 2020 you can that the belief that there was a viral pandemic is preposterous.
Data illustrate the same story in N Italy. Several good papers on this. I can send them.
The level of fraud is actually far worse than what I am speaking to. It's not just a matter of iatrogenic slaughter.
BTW FOIA request just recently received by FEMA/DOH confirm they did not send refrigerated trucks to NYC as reported by the media.
The entirety of the official Covid narrative is fraudulent.
You, your research and commentary are a blessing to us all while we wait for others to wake up to the corruption .... thank you ... love and prayers to you and all at the FLCCC! 🙏❤️🙏
"It is easier to fool a man than to convince him he's been fooled." - Mark Twain
As case in point, I have a very wealthy family member. Once perhaps every four months I would email him VERY gently about the shot, noting I have done what is now - yes, really - a 2,500 page, 10,000 footnote paper on the topic (that is today; back then it was about 700 pages). Rather than say "Gee, what did you learn (as I would have about anything), instead I got a terse "Quit emailing me." So I did. Last report his wife was on her second round of serious Covid.
Another guy marched up to me in church, demanding to know if I got the shot. No, I told him, I had not gotten the EXPERIMENTAL, PHASE IV TRIALS SHOT, and told him about the paper. Again, rather than say "Gee, what did you find out?" rather, he turned on his heel and stomped off
Mark Twain, quod erat demonstrandum. Or... ya can't help **arrogant**
As you and the other respondents know by now, data will never change a belief system - they trust their data and its sources, yours is fringe and uncredible no matter how many footnotes you have.. So $%*! frustrating
Wow! Dr. Kory for president! :-) What an incredible man you are. Thank you SO much for all you do. Copernicus, Galileo, Ignaz Semmelweis... and now you! Or think Einstein's reply to HItler's booklet, 100 Scientists Against Einstein... to which Einstein reportedly said "Why 100? if their facts are right, only ONE in needed."
Yes, as Thomas Kuhn's book The Structure of Scientific Revolution outlines, and as Mark Twain's quote, "It is easier to fool a man than to convince him he's been fooled" indicates, I think you are generally true. But I believe there are exceptions. Supposely Keynes said* when facts change, I change my mind. Too bad he didn't do that when it became clear Keynsianism was a failure. But I know in my own life, I DO look at data, and try to listen and learn on a continuing basis. Unfortunately, As Blaise Pascal once noted, once science is divorced from ethics, scientists will use their skills to pursue power, not truth. The late Dr. Michael Chricton wrote, similarly years later, “as Alston Chase put it, ‘when the search for truth is confused with political advocacy, the pursuit of knowledge is reduced to the quest for power."
Or to quote Nobel Prize winner Richard Feyman, "“What is necessary for the very existence of science and what the characteristics of nature are, are not to be determined by pompous preconditions, they are determined always by the material with which we work, by nature herself.”
So, I agree with you... but I think there are exceptions, and also that - as we see with Kuhn - there can be movement that is slowly, painfully, moved forward... and when people DIE or young kids' lives destroyed by, say, myocardites, people may well wake up then... and thankfully, they will then have the data that heroes like you have to refer to.
Sending this with a prayer for your guidance and protection. “I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo (aka Dr. Kory) "So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”
I gave a talk today at at conference in Sweden, on a new topic - i.e. the need to build parallel health systems. I was literally scrambling to finish my talk, and I added the Gandalf quote to my final slide right before the talk. Love that quote.
I wrote a number of well-footnoted papers as well. Nobody cares except those of us already on this side of the issue. People don’t want to be blamed or shamed. Depending on the group, sometimes I’ll admit I’m unvaxxed (if I think there’s someone influencable there) but more often I’ll just say something like, “did you see the recent study that showed _____ about the COVID shots.” That can potentially allow someone to open their mind without risking their ego since purportedly the study would show “new” information. (Which of course most of us have known since early 2021.)
Ed Dowd, being a quant/data "nerd" will keep accumulating data that is already persuasive at the p is less than .001 level. I beleive and pray that his work will eventually cause the dam of denial among all the employees of our western governents' "idiocracy" to burst,
So it's a pickle for them in their plot to murder as many Americans as possible via the jabs, because admitting the jabs don't prevent long-covid, (often leading to a swift death) isn't the best advertisement for the vax.
Pharma's insane argument is that these people just needed MORE jabs - on their way to an early grave.
I have a sister who has 6 daughters, only one of whom took the jab. The daughter's husband pushed her into ignoring her mother's warnings. Now both this daughter and her husband are suffering "long-covid" - code for severe vax-injury likely leading to early death. It is a horror. They have 3 young children. One of them was breastfed by the koof-vaxed mom, and also not doing well. The other two kids are not doing great either, as this one daughter made sure they got ALL of the other/older jabs. She called her mother (my sister) "crazy" for saying the jabs are not safe.
In this instance, none of my sister's other kids vaxxed any of their kids, and THOSE unvaxxed kids (who are in the majority of these cousins) are ALL perfectly healthy. In this particular community/extended family (comprising a total of 24 cousins) who are all very close-knit, the healthy unvaxxed are in the MAJORITY. So it's now impossible for the jabby-family to NOT notice the difference in their own health vs. the rest of the extended family who refused ALL jabs. (This is a very close family-of-origin.)
The father of the "jabber-family" is the REASON this one family took all of the jabs. Now that everyone in his own family is obviously suffering severely (and literally wondering how much longer they have on this earth) dad finally says "we won't take anymore boosters" but he STILL won't admit it was a bad idea to take any of the jabs.
NONE of this could've gotten this far if not for the fact FREE SPEECH was the first thing to go out the window - particularly the free speech of doctors and others in the medical profession, many of whom not only kept their mouths shut (under extreme duress) but who ALSO continued lying to each other and to everyone else.
There's a reason the 1st Amendment is the FIRST Amendment.
I have primary immune deficiency and both of my doctors strongly advised to get the shots since covid would certainly kill me. Instead, the shots nearly killed me: Myopericarditis, POTS, lyme and viral reactivations including shingles, and now amyloidosis. I don't know if either doctor is fully awake, even now, but at least I have gotten care. It is the med techs who seem to know know what is going on. By the way, they found a mass between my liver and stomach on a ct scan and it took nearly a full month to get scheduled for a PET scan as first available. Apparently, lots of people are needing PET scans!
Aside from one solitary case of cancer in my inner circle of friends and family (due to JUUL vaping and not shots/covid), I do not personally know of a single person with severe adverse events from the clot shots, am I just incredibly lucky?! I am starting to believe that certain geographic areas received placebos, or, it's just a matter of time?
I wonder about this too, as I know many people who seem just “fine”. Yet also I know a lot of people who had some major/minor effects (3 having a miscarriage after initial shot, one turbo cancer after being cancer free for years, one blind in one eye after getting booster, healthy teen who died at school while playing flag football (both parents are docs), one person diagnosed with lymphoma, one with recurrent UTI’s, a few with memory issues, a few had to go on heart monitors temporarily, etc). Also in my own extended family I feel like people are just staying sick with something. Complaining of fatigue. Also to note: early on after shots rolled out and we heard stories of spoons sticking to people’s bodies, we tried this on two of our jabbed family members and were shocked to see that magnets stuck to their injection site. I also know of one guy who was dying from end-stage esophageal cancer. They labeled his death as Covid and his wife got a (9k or 11k -can’t remember now) check for him having a “Covid” death.
I suspect it isn't just geographical area, but also work assignment and demographic. None of my relatives* in big medicine or tech seem to have had any problem, but at least 2 retired associates died; one from a stroke, the other from turbo squamous cell cancer.
* Many of them, their associates and relatives shed (spike protein or whatever it is) galore.
I would suspect this drive the psyop. (It didn't hurt us, so why don't you get the shots, too? We can do this!) The real question (relatives ain't talking) is how batches or whatever are targeted.
There is an analysis by geographic area that lends credence to what you say. Unfortunately, I don't recall which researcher compiled and analyzed the information, whether it was Sasha Latipova, Igor Chudov or someone else.
I was curious about this as by late 2022 I hadn’t had seen any unusual disabilities/deaths locally.
Looking at the state stats of %vaxxed by county, plus searching HowBadIsMyBatch, (you can search via location) it looks like my county wasn’t heavily vaxxed and those vaxxed didn’t encounter bad batches.
That sounded like good news but, as we entered 2023, everybody suddenly started with the cancers, clots, sepsis, shingles, birth defects, heart problems, etc. I thought maybe we’d peaked and as long as people weren’t boosting, they were good, but I’m afraid those predicting acceleration may be right.
I know for a fact 99% of them were vaxxed because they were so proud and pushing me and my immediate loved ones (mom and partner) into it. As for my job, we had a mandate, and I was one of 2 people that got the exemption (out of 30+ people?).
The very nature of being an outcast or requesting an exemption made us blinking targets - fill out the form in triplicate, prove to us the exemption request, can't do this, do that, can't come in office since you have the plague, etc....
Dr. Kory I am out of working in the hospital as a laborist ( canned on my ass for discussing Ivermectin and disciplining residents when they don’t come to work ) . I am in an ob/ gyn office ( like minded) , anyway , various skin lesions , STDs are recalcitrant to typical meds . Jabbed patients cannot mount appropriate immune responses.
Somehow BINYB I am not surprised that my OB-Gyn comrade-in-arms got excommunicated from the system. Sad too about the refractory STD's, can it get uglier?
You're a true hero Pierre Kory, please keep up the good fight. I try to talk about these issues with friends of mine who are physicians (who all went to UW med school) and I thought they were all progressive and liberal and cool with open discourse... but nope – they have gone full protect-the-establishment and become pharma-apologists. Someday I hope my physician friends wake up, but until then you're carrying the fire of honesty and seeking the truth with courage!
Also, a childhood friend of mine is a cardiologist at Stanford Medicine. I asked him about a recent paper shared by Peter A. McCullough and my Stanford friend's response was a bizarrely unscientific concession to logical fallacy: "How could the vaccines be bad if so many people had taken them?" was essentially his "Ad Populum" appeal-to-popularity response. Amazing, and disturbing.
It took most Germans a decade to realize that their former Nazi government had run a genocide that killed 11 million people in Poland for their ethnicity (either Polish or Jewish). Yet to this day one finds Holocaust deniers who insist it never happened, despite voluminous evidence that it did.
Sometimes an act is so monstrous that people who trusted the monsters, cannot suspend their beliefs long enough to consider the evidence that's in plain sight.
First, I recall reading, many years ago, an account of people living in the cities closest to the death camps in Germany. They all claimed ignorance of the activities at Dachau, etc. The author said they had to have known. They were later led in to the camps and forced to look at what had occurred there. The same is happening here with the setting slightly altered.
Second, those who claim they don't know anyone who has been injured or died from the vax are willfully blind. I am an older athlete and have the following observations: 1) a 68 year old friend of mine, in top shape, worked at the local Y, a runner and fitness coach, died suddenly from 4th stage, undiagnosed leukemia. He had had his first two shots. No one said a word about how he died until I said, "sounds like Covid and they need to notify his contacts." Another friend then reluctantly and angrily said, he died of sudden onset, undiagnosed cancer. 2) A close friend's father was found dead on the floor where he was independently living, two days after his vaccine. 3) An acquaintance, athlete, who had a pacemaker, died several weeks after the vaccine. She was 55 years old. 4) Another friend, a retired attorney, still very active and fit, admits she was vax injured. She is now suicidal. She has neurologic, pulmonary and other issues. 5) An acquaintance who played in world masters baseball tournaments suddenly developed cancer and pulmonary issues. He has not yet died but is in extremely poor health. 6) One young man at another gym I frequent, died suddenly after the vaccines. 7) The star of the Vax show, however, is my father. He is 102. He maintains the mental competence of a 70 year old. He took the vax from a bad batch; then a second vax at the same time he took a flu shot; then he took the booster. Somewhere in the midst, approximately 18 months ago, he was diagnosed with high grade bladder cancer (previously undiagnosed.) He has slowed down a little bit, with age, but otherwise seems unaffected. 8) We interviewed a 22 year old, part time house cleaner for him. He was to start the next day. The agency called and informed us that he had gone to the hospital. A week later the agency called and told us he will never work again.
Every day I am shocked at the “protocols” being reinstated even in our pretty low-vax status state. We do concert staging and the number of acts still requiring masks is absurd, esp at the outdoor amphitheater. None so far on vaxes, thank goodness, as our employees are mostly young men.
My dad is currently in the hospital “with Covid.” He is mostly bedbound with dementia and my stepmother had been out of town for a week with her daughter and s-i-l staying with my dad. Stepmother came back on Sat and tested positive and (this is what they’ve decided) by Sunday morning my dad had it. Only symptom? Weakness that led to 2 falls. Nothing else - no fever, cough, congestion. But the hospital says it’s Covid (and she goes along with it). They’ve had ALL the shots. She had “2 months of long Covid” last year but my dad had never tested positive before.
Many of my mom’s friends are sick and dying from incredibly rare cancers now. She emailed me the other day that “she can’t get the Covid/flu shot yet because she’s on antibiotics.” She knows my stance on the vax so no arguing with her but since is a cancer survivor it scares me to death.
It’s a slow rolling - and completely avoidable - tragedy (crime?!).
My mom just got what I believe was her sixth shot. My dad, who is rational and understands that these shots are deadly, also just his sixth. Apparently my mom threatened that if he skipped the shot and then got COVID that she wouldn’t take care of him. She showed similar disregard to me (unvaxxed) when I got COVID. Family dynamics are really weird and can be literally toxic.
The only ones getting the stupid lying PCR tests are the naive jabbed. I know not one swab will come near me ever again.
If I have symptoms- its a cold. End of story.
We need to get back to trusting our immune system and the natural meds God provides. I have made a garlic and unpasteurised honey infusion. I burb the jar daily and turn in upside down 1X a day for 4 weeks. When I feel something coming- I take a tbsp with a chunk of the sweetened garlic. So far, it works well. Of course Vit D etc. also taken.
Since I posted that comment (thank you Dr. Kory for sharing and all the work you do), I found out someone else died suddenly and another person had a major cardiac event.
And as I point out in my thread above, may turn out to be genocide targeting specific ethnicities for mass murder. Apparently RFK Jr found some evidence pointing to racial effects. If the perpetrators intended to produce surplus deaths among targeted races and ethnicities, they're guilty of genocide under the Proxmire Act, and some future Attorney General will need to investigate and prove that. The fact that RFK was instantly labelled a racist for pointing out evidence of genocidal effects, strongly suggests that the perpetrators have something to hide...perhaps genocidal intentions?
I’m sure we don’t have all the evidence. I wish we did. But I don’t think they started out to kill people. I think (hope?) that this was just a colossal blunder, i.e., manslaughter. But, its continuation in the face of the dangers it clearly has would be murder. So, we’ve gone from manslaughter to murder. But, if it was intentional, then clearly murder and if RFK is right, genocide.
Why don’t the healthcare professionals who have been fired organize good old fashioned picket lines?!! Can you imagine driving up to your large hospital institution and seeing doctors and nurses marching around? Same with the students at the universities still mandating these. What is wrong with these people. We are a country of weaklings. It’s so embarrassing.
I went directly from reading this to checking Facebook. This is the first thing I saw. "Please be in prayer for my little brother Sam! He had a heart attack this morning and based on what they found when he had the heart cath. he will be having triple bypass surgery early next week. His troponin levels were extremely high so they want to run tests over the weekend to see if/how bad his heart is damaged. Sam is very emotional right now and his anxiety levels are high so he’s going to need lots of support and prayers!!" I don't know Sam and don't have any more details at this point, so I have no idea if this could be due to the toxic shots. UPDATE: Sam is only 50 years old.
Last week, a friend shared that her cousin, around 60 years old, was in hospice care due to aggressive liver cancer, which was diagnosed in March. He died on September 27. Before being vaccinated and boosted, she said he was perfectly healthy; was never sick.
A couple of weeks ago our friend and his daughter packed up and disposed of belongings from their home in Central America. The family of five had been missionaries there for about 7 years, until the wife got a booster in May 2022, while in the U.S. She was so severely injured she was never able to return to Central America and they recently decided she probably never would be. She had their three daughters jabbed also. So far they seem to be fine. The wife has improved somewhat and I wonder if her improvement would be greater if she would have sought treatment from one of the FLCCC doctors. Her doctor recognizes vaccine injury, but does not know how to treat it. She's never been given ivermectin, for example. I sent information to her, but she ignored it and I gave up. She had no idea the vaccine had caused her problems until I mentioned it.
Thank you for collecting and sharing these poignant stories, Pierre. I think these accounts are especially powerful when they come from medical insiders.
Have you considered turning this series into a book? Pairing anecdotes with hard-core data is a one-two punch only the fervently hypnotized can ignore.
Speaking of data, are you aware of Denis Rancourt’s latest excess mortality analyses indicating 17 million people’s deaths (1 death per 470 living persons) can be directly attributed to the injection?
“We quantify the overall all-ages vDFR for the 17 countries to be (0.126 ± 0.004) %, which would imply 17.0 ± 0.5 million COVID-19 vaccine deaths worldwide, from 13.50 billion injections up to 2 September 2023. This would correspond to a mass iatrogenic event that killed (0.213 ± 0.006) % of the world population (1 death per 470 living persons, in less than 3 years), and did not measurably prevent any deaths.” (https://denisrancourt.substack.com/p/covid-19-vaccine-associated-mortality)
As I shared in my latest piece (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/dissident-dialogues-margaret-anna), I consider Denis’s National Citizens Inquiry presentation from May 2023 and the accompanying 894-page book of exhibits among the most compelling pieces of evidence for wide-scale mass murder (he calculated 13 million at the time, so his latest report showing 17 million deaths-by-injection makes it even more damning).
Wow I had not seen Rancourt's latest analysis. Un real. I will read closely and reference in future posts, thanks for this, as you know, it is hard to keep up with everything, especially now as the data was once a torrent and is now a hurricane. Turn this into a book eh? Not a bad idea MAA... lemme think about it, but I like the idea especially if you think it book worthy
So glad you appreciate Denis’s work! He and his team have been very busy and have more analyses in the works. I’d be honored to connect you if you are interested—email me if so.
And a big YES to a book! I think “Reports from the Front Lines” would have a tremendous impact and could potentially bypass people’s cognitive resistance to buckets of facts that contradict their programming. It’s harder for them to reject people’s firsthand experiences, especially when those testimonies come from medical professionals, lending them additional weight.
Interesting note here:
FEMA/DOH respond to FOIA requests on morgue trucks in NYC Spring 2020
I've typed out the relevant parts:
"You sought records showing the number of human bodies loaded into FEMA trucks each in the 5 counties that comprise New York City (Bronx, Kings, Queens, New York, Richmond) between 3/15/2020-6/30/2020.
We conducted a search of FEMA's Office of Response and Rcovery (ORR) Responsive Directorate and ORR Logistics Management Directorate for documents responsive to your request. FEMA may have supplied refrigerated storage trucks at the request of the region, but we did not have a contract for mortuary storage services in NYC. As a result, no responsive results were located."
Very interesting! Do you have a corresponding link for the full response?
Go here to see the full response- what I typed out is the meat of it:
I think it is very, very difficult for people (even many who are Covid sceptics) to come to terms with the level of fraud that happened in 2020 under the guise of "Covid."
Watching the recent JJ Couey interview w/Rancourt and McCullough (they were on the show at the same time inadvertently) you could see that Peter either did not want to or couldn't come to terms what Rancourt was saying about all-cause mortality data in the US and that there was no pandemic caused by a unique viral pathogen.
More books! We may soon be in Samizdat-like situations. Or a 180-turn that will enable to gain control of the Internet.
absolutely, I have spent the last couple of years making sure I have paper copies of anything I want preserved for posterity, and any reference materials. We are censored online, and they are constantly dropping hints about a grid-down scenario.
Here is an interview done just a few days ago- JJ Couey has Rancourt and P. McCullough on his program.
Rancourt's initial paper on the analysing all-cause mortality of the so-called pandemic illustrates irrevocably that there was no pandemic in 2020. Further statistical analysis subsequent to Rancourt's corroborates this.
Pleae watch the first 15 minutes if nothing else where Rancourt gives a synopsis of this paper.
If you look at data specific to NYC hospital systems (ICU, ED's, Bed Occupancy) in Spring 2020 you can that the belief that there was a viral pandemic is preposterous.
Data illustrate the same story in N Italy. Several good papers on this. I can send them.
The level of fraud is actually far worse than what I am speaking to. It's not just a matter of iatrogenic slaughter.
BTW FOIA request just recently received by FEMA/DOH confirm they did not send refrigerated trucks to NYC as reported by the media.
The entirety of the official Covid narrative is fraudulent.
You, your research and commentary are a blessing to us all while we wait for others to wake up to the corruption .... thank you ... love and prayers to you and all at the FLCCC! 🙏❤️🙏
"It is easier to fool a man than to convince him he's been fooled." - Mark Twain
As case in point, I have a very wealthy family member. Once perhaps every four months I would email him VERY gently about the shot, noting I have done what is now - yes, really - a 2,500 page, 10,000 footnote paper on the topic (that is today; back then it was about 700 pages). Rather than say "Gee, what did you learn (as I would have about anything), instead I got a terse "Quit emailing me." So I did. Last report his wife was on her second round of serious Covid.
Another guy marched up to me in church, demanding to know if I got the shot. No, I told him, I had not gotten the EXPERIMENTAL, PHASE IV TRIALS SHOT, and told him about the paper. Again, rather than say "Gee, what did you find out?" rather, he turned on his heel and stomped off
Mark Twain, quod erat demonstrandum. Or... ya can't help **arrogant**
As you and the other respondents know by now, data will never change a belief system - they trust their data and its sources, yours is fringe and uncredible no matter how many footnotes you have.. So $%*! frustrating
Wow! Dr. Kory for president! :-) What an incredible man you are. Thank you SO much for all you do. Copernicus, Galileo, Ignaz Semmelweis... and now you! Or think Einstein's reply to HItler's booklet, 100 Scientists Against Einstein... to which Einstein reportedly said "Why 100? if their facts are right, only ONE in needed."
Yes, as Thomas Kuhn's book The Structure of Scientific Revolution outlines, and as Mark Twain's quote, "It is easier to fool a man than to convince him he's been fooled" indicates, I think you are generally true. But I believe there are exceptions. Supposely Keynes said* when facts change, I change my mind. Too bad he didn't do that when it became clear Keynsianism was a failure. But I know in my own life, I DO look at data, and try to listen and learn on a continuing basis. Unfortunately, As Blaise Pascal once noted, once science is divorced from ethics, scientists will use their skills to pursue power, not truth. The late Dr. Michael Chricton wrote, similarly years later, “as Alston Chase put it, ‘when the search for truth is confused with political advocacy, the pursuit of knowledge is reduced to the quest for power."
Or to quote Nobel Prize winner Richard Feyman, "“What is necessary for the very existence of science and what the characteristics of nature are, are not to be determined by pompous preconditions, they are determined always by the material with which we work, by nature herself.”
So, I agree with you... but I think there are exceptions, and also that - as we see with Kuhn - there can be movement that is slowly, painfully, moved forward... and when people DIE or young kids' lives destroyed by, say, myocardites, people may well wake up then... and thankfully, they will then have the data that heroes like you have to refer to.
Sending this with a prayer for your guidance and protection. “I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo (aka Dr. Kory) "So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”
― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring
I gave a talk today at at conference in Sweden, on a new topic - i.e. the need to build parallel health systems. I was literally scrambling to finish my talk, and I added the Gandalf quote to my final slide right before the talk. Love that quote.
so cool.. love the quotes, esp. Gandalf's
This quote could not be more appropriate for the time period we are living in.
I wrote a number of well-footnoted papers as well. Nobody cares except those of us already on this side of the issue. People don’t want to be blamed or shamed. Depending on the group, sometimes I’ll admit I’m unvaxxed (if I think there’s someone influencable there) but more often I’ll just say something like, “did you see the recent study that showed _____ about the COVID shots.” That can potentially allow someone to open their mind without risking their ego since purportedly the study would show “new” information. (Which of course most of us have known since early 2021.)
Yes, very good
Ed Dowd, being a quant/data "nerd" will keep accumulating data that is already persuasive at the p is less than .001 level. I beleive and pray that his work will eventually cause the dam of denial among all the employees of our western governents' "idiocracy" to burst,
So sad this continues. Thank you for fighting for the truth.
Continues; I unfortunately think it is going to become a lot more common than we realise.
So it's a pickle for them in their plot to murder as many Americans as possible via the jabs, because admitting the jabs don't prevent long-covid, (often leading to a swift death) isn't the best advertisement for the vax.
Pharma's insane argument is that these people just needed MORE jabs - on their way to an early grave.
I have a sister who has 6 daughters, only one of whom took the jab. The daughter's husband pushed her into ignoring her mother's warnings. Now both this daughter and her husband are suffering "long-covid" - code for severe vax-injury likely leading to early death. It is a horror. They have 3 young children. One of them was breastfed by the koof-vaxed mom, and also not doing well. The other two kids are not doing great either, as this one daughter made sure they got ALL of the other/older jabs. She called her mother (my sister) "crazy" for saying the jabs are not safe.
In this instance, none of my sister's other kids vaxxed any of their kids, and THOSE unvaxxed kids (who are in the majority of these cousins) are ALL perfectly healthy. In this particular community/extended family (comprising a total of 24 cousins) who are all very close-knit, the healthy unvaxxed are in the MAJORITY. So it's now impossible for the jabby-family to NOT notice the difference in their own health vs. the rest of the extended family who refused ALL jabs. (This is a very close family-of-origin.)
The father of the "jabber-family" is the REASON this one family took all of the jabs. Now that everyone in his own family is obviously suffering severely (and literally wondering how much longer they have on this earth) dad finally says "we won't take anymore boosters" but he STILL won't admit it was a bad idea to take any of the jabs.
NONE of this could've gotten this far if not for the fact FREE SPEECH was the first thing to go out the window - particularly the free speech of doctors and others in the medical profession, many of whom not only kept their mouths shut (under extreme duress) but who ALSO continued lying to each other and to everyone else.
There's a reason the 1st Amendment is the FIRST Amendment.
Well spoken!!!🤛🏻
I have primary immune deficiency and both of my doctors strongly advised to get the shots since covid would certainly kill me. Instead, the shots nearly killed me: Myopericarditis, POTS, lyme and viral reactivations including shingles, and now amyloidosis. I don't know if either doctor is fully awake, even now, but at least I have gotten care. It is the med techs who seem to know know what is going on. By the way, they found a mass between my liver and stomach on a ct scan and it took nearly a full month to get scheduled for a PET scan as first available. Apparently, lots of people are needing PET scans!
JJE - I’m so sorry. Prayers for you.
Thank you.
Aside from one solitary case of cancer in my inner circle of friends and family (due to JUUL vaping and not shots/covid), I do not personally know of a single person with severe adverse events from the clot shots, am I just incredibly lucky?! I am starting to believe that certain geographic areas received placebos, or, it's just a matter of time?
I wonder about this too, as I know many people who seem just “fine”. Yet also I know a lot of people who had some major/minor effects (3 having a miscarriage after initial shot, one turbo cancer after being cancer free for years, one blind in one eye after getting booster, healthy teen who died at school while playing flag football (both parents are docs), one person diagnosed with lymphoma, one with recurrent UTI’s, a few with memory issues, a few had to go on heart monitors temporarily, etc). Also in my own extended family I feel like people are just staying sick with something. Complaining of fatigue. Also to note: early on after shots rolled out and we heard stories of spoons sticking to people’s bodies, we tried this on two of our jabbed family members and were shocked to see that magnets stuck to their injection site. I also know of one guy who was dying from end-stage esophageal cancer. They labeled his death as Covid and his wife got a (9k or 11k -can’t remember now) check for him having a “Covid” death.
I suspect it isn't just geographical area, but also work assignment and demographic. None of my relatives* in big medicine or tech seem to have had any problem, but at least 2 retired associates died; one from a stroke, the other from turbo squamous cell cancer.
* Many of them, their associates and relatives shed (spike protein or whatever it is) galore.
I would suspect this drive the psyop. (It didn't hurt us, so why don't you get the shots, too? We can do this!) The real question (relatives ain't talking) is how batches or whatever are targeted.
There is an analysis by geographic area that lends credence to what you say. Unfortunately, I don't recall which researcher compiled and analyzed the information, whether it was Sasha Latipova, Igor Chudov or someone else.
I was curious about this as by late 2022 I hadn’t had seen any unusual disabilities/deaths locally.
Looking at the state stats of %vaxxed by county, plus searching HowBadIsMyBatch, (you can search via location) it looks like my county wasn’t heavily vaxxed and those vaxxed didn’t encounter bad batches.
That sounded like good news but, as we entered 2023, everybody suddenly started with the cancers, clots, sepsis, shingles, birth defects, heart problems, etc. I thought maybe we’d peaked and as long as people weren’t boosting, they were good, but I’m afraid those predicting acceleration may be right.
I think either you’re lucky, or your friend group doesn’t discuss medical issues or perhaps more of them are unvaxxed then you’re aware of.
I know for a fact 99% of them were vaxxed because they were so proud and pushing me and my immediate loved ones (mom and partner) into it. As for my job, we had a mandate, and I was one of 2 people that got the exemption (out of 30+ people?).
The very nature of being an outcast or requesting an exemption made us blinking targets - fill out the form in triplicate, prove to us the exemption request, can't do this, do that, can't come in office since you have the plague, etc....
Absolutely. It’s the only explanation.
Dr. Kory I am out of working in the hospital as a laborist ( canned on my ass for discussing Ivermectin and disciplining residents when they don’t come to work ) . I am in an ob/ gyn office ( like minded) , anyway , various skin lesions , STDs are recalcitrant to typical meds . Jabbed patients cannot mount appropriate immune responses.
Somehow BINYB I am not surprised that my OB-Gyn comrade-in-arms got excommunicated from the system. Sad too about the refractory STD's, can it get uglier?
😞no but it’s pretty ugly . Thanks for your response 😎
You're a true hero Pierre Kory, please keep up the good fight. I try to talk about these issues with friends of mine who are physicians (who all went to UW med school) and I thought they were all progressive and liberal and cool with open discourse... but nope – they have gone full protect-the-establishment and become pharma-apologists. Someday I hope my physician friends wake up, but until then you're carrying the fire of honesty and seeking the truth with courage!
Also, a childhood friend of mine is a cardiologist at Stanford Medicine. I asked him about a recent paper shared by Peter A. McCullough and my Stanford friend's response was a bizarrely unscientific concession to logical fallacy: "How could the vaccines be bad if so many people had taken them?" was essentially his "Ad Populum" appeal-to-popularity response. Amazing, and disturbing.
It took most Germans a decade to realize that their former Nazi government had run a genocide that killed 11 million people in Poland for their ethnicity (either Polish or Jewish). Yet to this day one finds Holocaust deniers who insist it never happened, despite voluminous evidence that it did.
Sometimes an act is so monstrous that people who trusted the monsters, cannot suspend their beliefs long enough to consider the evidence that's in plain sight.
I have two observations.
First, I recall reading, many years ago, an account of people living in the cities closest to the death camps in Germany. They all claimed ignorance of the activities at Dachau, etc. The author said they had to have known. They were later led in to the camps and forced to look at what had occurred there. The same is happening here with the setting slightly altered.
Second, those who claim they don't know anyone who has been injured or died from the vax are willfully blind. I am an older athlete and have the following observations: 1) a 68 year old friend of mine, in top shape, worked at the local Y, a runner and fitness coach, died suddenly from 4th stage, undiagnosed leukemia. He had had his first two shots. No one said a word about how he died until I said, "sounds like Covid and they need to notify his contacts." Another friend then reluctantly and angrily said, he died of sudden onset, undiagnosed cancer. 2) A close friend's father was found dead on the floor where he was independently living, two days after his vaccine. 3) An acquaintance, athlete, who had a pacemaker, died several weeks after the vaccine. She was 55 years old. 4) Another friend, a retired attorney, still very active and fit, admits she was vax injured. She is now suicidal. She has neurologic, pulmonary and other issues. 5) An acquaintance who played in world masters baseball tournaments suddenly developed cancer and pulmonary issues. He has not yet died but is in extremely poor health. 6) One young man at another gym I frequent, died suddenly after the vaccines. 7) The star of the Vax show, however, is my father. He is 102. He maintains the mental competence of a 70 year old. He took the vax from a bad batch; then a second vax at the same time he took a flu shot; then he took the booster. Somewhere in the midst, approximately 18 months ago, he was diagnosed with high grade bladder cancer (previously undiagnosed.) He has slowed down a little bit, with age, but otherwise seems unaffected. 8) We interviewed a 22 year old, part time house cleaner for him. He was to start the next day. The agency called and informed us that he had gone to the hospital. A week later the agency called and told us he will never work again.
I am speechless. The parallel with those living near the camps yet somehow remained ignorant is disturbingly appropriate I fear
Every day I am shocked at the “protocols” being reinstated even in our pretty low-vax status state. We do concert staging and the number of acts still requiring masks is absurd, esp at the outdoor amphitheater. None so far on vaxes, thank goodness, as our employees are mostly young men.
My dad is currently in the hospital “with Covid.” He is mostly bedbound with dementia and my stepmother had been out of town for a week with her daughter and s-i-l staying with my dad. Stepmother came back on Sat and tested positive and (this is what they’ve decided) by Sunday morning my dad had it. Only symptom? Weakness that led to 2 falls. Nothing else - no fever, cough, congestion. But the hospital says it’s Covid (and she goes along with it). They’ve had ALL the shots. She had “2 months of long Covid” last year but my dad had never tested positive before.
Many of my mom’s friends are sick and dying from incredibly rare cancers now. She emailed me the other day that “she can’t get the Covid/flu shot yet because she’s on antibiotics.” She knows my stance on the vax so no arguing with her but since is a cancer survivor it scares me to death.
It’s a slow rolling - and completely avoidable - tragedy (crime?!).
My mom just got what I believe was her sixth shot. My dad, who is rational and understands that these shots are deadly, also just his sixth. Apparently my mom threatened that if he skipped the shot and then got COVID that she wouldn’t take care of him. She showed similar disregard to me (unvaxxed) when I got COVID. Family dynamics are really weird and can be literally toxic.
Accounts such as your, which are unfortunately too common, are just so saddening.. I hope they come around.. in time.
A friend of mine is being treated for cancer. His cancer doctor told him to take the covid shots and boosters.
Nuts. They are completely sucked into the cult.
The only ones getting the stupid lying PCR tests are the naive jabbed. I know not one swab will come near me ever again.
If I have symptoms- its a cold. End of story.
We need to get back to trusting our immune system and the natural meds God provides. I have made a garlic and unpasteurised honey infusion. I burb the jar daily and turn in upside down 1X a day for 4 weeks. When I feel something coming- I take a tbsp with a chunk of the sweetened garlic. So far, it works well. Of course Vit D etc. also taken.
Since I posted that comment (thank you Dr. Kory for sharing and all the work you do), I found out someone else died suddenly and another person had a major cardiac event.
My god.
This has gone from manslaughter to murder.
And as I point out in my thread above, may turn out to be genocide targeting specific ethnicities for mass murder. Apparently RFK Jr found some evidence pointing to racial effects. If the perpetrators intended to produce surplus deaths among targeted races and ethnicities, they're guilty of genocide under the Proxmire Act, and some future Attorney General will need to investigate and prove that. The fact that RFK was instantly labelled a racist for pointing out evidence of genocidal effects, strongly suggests that the perpetrators have something to hide...perhaps genocidal intentions?
I’m sure we don’t have all the evidence. I wish we did. But I don’t think they started out to kill people. I think (hope?) that this was just a colossal blunder, i.e., manslaughter. But, its continuation in the face of the dangers it clearly has would be murder. So, we’ve gone from manslaughter to murder. But, if it was intentional, then clearly murder and if RFK is right, genocide.
Why don’t the healthcare professionals who have been fired organize good old fashioned picket lines?!! Can you imagine driving up to your large hospital institution and seeing doctors and nurses marching around? Same with the students at the universities still mandating these. What is wrong with these people. We are a country of weaklings. It’s so embarrassing.
I went directly from reading this to checking Facebook. This is the first thing I saw. "Please be in prayer for my little brother Sam! He had a heart attack this morning and based on what they found when he had the heart cath. he will be having triple bypass surgery early next week. His troponin levels were extremely high so they want to run tests over the weekend to see if/how bad his heart is damaged. Sam is very emotional right now and his anxiety levels are high so he’s going to need lots of support and prayers!!" I don't know Sam and don't have any more details at this point, so I have no idea if this could be due to the toxic shots. UPDATE: Sam is only 50 years old.
Last week, a friend shared that her cousin, around 60 years old, was in hospice care due to aggressive liver cancer, which was diagnosed in March. He died on September 27. Before being vaccinated and boosted, she said he was perfectly healthy; was never sick.
A couple of weeks ago our friend and his daughter packed up and disposed of belongings from their home in Central America. The family of five had been missionaries there for about 7 years, until the wife got a booster in May 2022, while in the U.S. She was so severely injured she was never able to return to Central America and they recently decided she probably never would be. She had their three daughters jabbed also. So far they seem to be fine. The wife has improved somewhat and I wonder if her improvement would be greater if she would have sought treatment from one of the FLCCC doctors. Her doctor recognizes vaccine injury, but does not know how to treat it. She's never been given ivermectin, for example. I sent information to her, but she ignored it and I gave up. She had no idea the vaccine had caused her problems until I mentioned it.
I'm so tired of this horror movie.