Stole this from someone who commented on the Coffee & Covid substack a week or so ago.

The Anthem of SADS Victims

Vaxxer, Vaxxer, so obsessed, wore your mask and took your tests

Still got Covid, every strain - spike proteins in every vein…

Short of breath at twenty four, "Dr. Fauci, give me more!"

Swollen heart at twenty five, "thank Moderna I’m alive!"

Heart attack at twenty six, prayed to Pfizer for a fix.

Vaxxer, Vaxxer, death is lurking,

Doctor says, “That means it’s working.”

Died of SADS at twenty seven, all good Vaxxers go to heaven

Obituary headline noted: "Anti-Vaxxer Dies of Covid."

Family is quite dismayed, but they don't feel one bit betrayed

They all claim, “Its for the better – Without the vax, he would be deader.”

—Anonymous (Modified)

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Tried to "like" but kept getting a message "Something went wrong."

A chilling verse with lingering impact.

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How can I send this to Vaxxed family members without them stabbing me in the face?

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Wear a mask, they protect against knife attacks, bullets, and ionizing radiation.

But children, don't try this at home!

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Know the feeling, wife & I not invited to Uncle Frank's 85th Birthday Party because we were not injected & don't believe the narrative.

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It's probably hopeless . . . they will be too caught up in the "Mass Formation" to see reality, and too afraid to admit they made a horrible mistake.

Let it go. "You can't save all of them".

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Maybe stop trying to lord it over them and show how right you are and wrong they are? Maybe you could find something useful to share? Like remedies that will work regardless of facts about the jabs? This is a good place to find those!

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That won't work. If I even mention the topic they completely shut down .. if I push it they ge angry.

'We are all boosted including the kids and we are fine - not interested to discuss this'

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How about this: In a poll of 1000 American adults, "33% of Democrats (and 28% of Americans) say they know someone 'personally' that they think died from the COVID vaccines."


"‘Died Suddenly’? More Than 1-in-4 Think Someone They Know Died From COVID-19 Vaccines"


"Nearly as many Americans believe someone close to them died from side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine as died from the disease itself."


Those polls are very convincing to me, and I am a "scientist". One could argue that I am biased (maybe I am), but anyone who DOESN'T find those poll results alarming and worthy of deep investigation has to be very biased themselves!

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That's why you don't want to send the poem or anything else. Just tell them that useful things might help them--no mention about shots.

Also--give them lots of love. Discuss whatever they ARE interested in.

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Govern me harder Daddy!

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Check Research Gate article, "intracellular hypothyroidism" (IH):

IH, or "low-thyroid syndrome" causes cardiomyopathy (and other "autoimmune" syndromes).

Add cardiomyopathy to myocarditis, and what do you get???

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Sounds like an anthem to stress-related intracellular hypothyroidism.

Do google S-R IH, for an explanation!

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Oct 6, 2023·edited Oct 6, 2023

From the op-ed, this makes no sense:

“Reducing COVID-19 vaccine-related deaths may be simpler: Reserve them for vulnerable, targeted populations. It’s a timely and appropriate course of action.”

Why would you inject these covid vaccines, which have been proven to provide NEGATIVE EFFICACY into the vulnerable? Just a couple of weeks ago, the BMJ stated that they caused, “net harm.” And why would you vaccinate the weakened elderly who are less robust at their ages to deal with the harshness of the potential adverse effects?

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From the comments, you guys probably have figured out why that sentence is in there. I was personally against it, but it was necessary to get the piece published. Trust me that if we were just to get everyone to first understand that the jabs carry far more harm than any benefit for most, that sentence would apply to no-one at that point. I hate having had to be "political" with including that statement as I would prefer to stick to science/data only, but we live in strange times. I can also admit that I am still not sure it was the right thing to do and question it myself. I am personally uncomfortable and maybe have regret for keeping that sentence in there. These are obviously very complicated times and I am trying to do my best to navigate.

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Killed my aunt at 83 with a brain aneurysm. I respect your reply Dr. Kory, but there is no question that there is no benefit (zero) for the elderly.

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Thanks for your honest reply Dr. Kory, but I really do think you would have gotten away with something like what Dr. Ladapo (FL Surgeon General) said to Fox News: "he would not recommend the vaccine ‘to any living being on this planet’".


Especially now that it's October 2023 (not 2021), and Washington Examiner isn't like the Washington Post for instance. But anyway, compared to all of the good you have done, this really is a drop in the bucket and maybe we are dwelling on it too much! I think it troubles me more than it should because my parents are elderly and I am SO thankful that I convinced them not to take the vaccines (first "let's wait and see", then by mid-2021 "no way")!

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I truly admire your work and that of the FLCCC, but agree with bankangle. If you hate being “political”, then don’t be. You know better than me that the powers that be will use that against you somewhere down the line. Push the preventative protocols and discredit the vaccines for what the are; a horrific failed experiment that kills and causes disease much worse than even the origin strain of Covid-19. The basic protocol to treat and/or prevent Covid-19 was known and being used successfully as early as March 2020. I watch a video by your colleague, Dr Mobeen on YouTube that explained how and why it worked. Give no quarter to these bastards!

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Thank you for the comment. These are very tricky times. My son was just writing an op-Ed (for school) with themes from the book 1984. He discussed censorship during Covid in his op Ed.

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I’ve followed you ever since your impassioned US Senate presentation. I immediately researched your background in order to verify that you were probably trustworthy. There are many spokespeople in the so-called medical freedom movement who are definitely not to be trusted and are actively spreading disinformation while pretending to be heroes. Your strong point with me has been your steadfast honest, principled positions. That has not only been the correct position, but the successful position with the honest group that follows you. This is the first time I’ve seen you deviate from that. If you do it one more time I’ll cancel my paid subscription. I have no interest in supporting anyone who shuns truth for temporary gains. It’s a losing strategy and I want to win this battle. Jay Battachyra (sp?). Took th same route. It made him no longer trustworthy. I hope I won’t soon be thinking the same of you but this was a huge disappointment.

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I agree! The statement about reserving these shots for vulnerable, targeted populations jangled my nerves. The shots have killed and disabled so many working-age people in addition to the most vulnerable: children and babies and -- most especially -- old people (aka pensioners relying on Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid for support).

I would have stopped the sentence here: “Reducing COVID-19 vaccine-related deaths may be simpler.”

I almost shared this op-ed but decided not to due to this concerning paragraph.

—- UPDATE ——

P.S. For those who responded below, I truly understand why Dr. Kory is publishing as “mildly” as possible. But it’s essential to be 100% accurate. Not doing so could put lives at risk, especially the vulnerable.

One can argue about whether old folks are being affected more negatively (they ARE) than others. But the point is, NO ONE should take these products, young, old, or in between. Especially not vulnerable people. Simply stopping the sentence without saying the shots might be OK for the vulnerable may have been sufficient. (Of course, I don’t know because I haven’t tried to battle mainstream media.)

Dr. Kory and his team have been heroic in saving lives and telling the truth about these shots when they know that truth. More than anything, I want FLCCC to continue exposing the truth without compromising it even a little bit. Truth telling is why we love, respect, and share FLCCC so widely.

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I understand what you are saying, but living with a blue pilled wife that has just gotten her most recent booster, and won't listen to anything against it, I think I understand what he is doing.

He knows what you are saying (I sat in conference setting that he attended where that information was presented), but in order to get the article published, he I believe is trimming his sails so to speak, also, to get acceptance from the wider audience of younger healthier people so that they won't blow him off, but listen to what he is saying. If we don't get young and middle aged people on board with vaccine refusal and with raising the issues with their docs when they have problems this country is in big trouble: 1) loss of productive people to death and disability will severely damage the economy--not to mention the individuals and their families, 2) life, health, and disability insurance premiums will go through the roof even more than they will so far, 3) Even the high risk elderly are done with this by and large. Probably the only segment that is still gung ho are health care workers who have been indoctrinated--good Germans(or need their job) and the people wearing masks in their cars and walking down the street--fortunately my wife is not THAT bad.

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I feel very bad for your situation. It can't be easy. The only way I have made it this far is because my husband is in the same camp. You must be a very strong individual.

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Kind of you to say, @ or near the end of my career, so have nothing to loose; fortunately she hasn’t had any complications...

Also have supportive staff & FLCCC contacts

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Like I told my friend with a booster + 1....hopefully 70-80 percent were saline, she then said NOPE...my booster sent me into chills fever and sickness and she had covid 3-4 x after that. So, the more you get, the more you risk your precious immune system. You want to dance with the devil, then trust pharma and man wisdom.

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I am working on formulating a reply (Pierre’s last 4 medical musing may be part--thanks, Pierre), but first I have to repair some relational damage, & see how that goes...

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I agree with bankangle and big e but I also don't disagree with the points that you make. (getting the pov published) I'm not seeing real numbers on young people passing and while the percentages might be astonishing it may be that they don't represent many premature deaths. I follow the obits and I am not seeing that young people are greatly over represented. This isn't scientific but I'm thinking that the jab is taking down mostly older people. As far as the economy is concerned most of the real work is done elsewhere--although hospitals might be understaffed. With older people biting the dust (I"m older and took no jabs) it might just save social security and medicare.

Much thanks to Dr Kory for treating the vaccine injured and leading the fight to stop the jabs.

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It is excess deaths above expected, if there are few expected deaths, the excess might not be noticeable locally, but those few have a disproportionate impact on families, businesses, communities, insurance payouts, loss of future insurance premiums...

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You are exactly right, based on the gold-standard clinical trials and VAERS: the mRNA vaccines kill mostly OLDER people. Of course any deaths in the young are especially tragic and naturally get the most attention, but all of the highest quality evidence indicates that most of the vaccine victims are actually old.

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Your point is beside the point, & not what PK is saying-- it is the massive increase in years of potential life lost (YPLL, which used to be a thing that the CDC tracked back in the 1970’s & 80’s, until it disappeared-- likely the AARP got after them for being ageist! 😂

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The thing is, if we ONLY focus on vaccine deaths in the young, it will definitely be a losing battle because such deaths are (thankfully) quite hard to find. Common sense says so as well, if you look at all the college campuses, workplaces, etc. with vaccine mandates. But unexpected post-vaccine deaths in older people are NOT hard to find (i.e. sudden deaths that did not commonly occur in 2018, 2019, 2020 etc.), and the data concurs that older people are hardest hit by far.

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We made Social Security Solvent Again

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My first thought on hearing of this plague early '20.

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Oct 7, 2023·edited Oct 7, 2023

I'm a huge fan of Dr. Kory and deeply appreciate all he has done wrt early treatment etc., but NO EXCUSES for pushing these vaccines on the vulnerable elderly: just look at the gold-standard randomized clinical trial data and VAERS data, and it is TOTALLY INDEFENSIBLE to recommend them for the elderly.

In the Pfizer and Moderna clinical trials (the only truly unbiased mortality data), the OLDER age groups had EXCESS ALL-CAUSE MORTALITY WITH VACCINATION (compared to placebo), even at the height of the pandemic and at peak vaccine effectiveness. In the two clinical trials combined, among the OLDER age groups, there were 21 deaths in the vaccine groups versus 16 deaths in the placebo groups. A 31% INCREASE in all-cause mortality with the "lifesaving" vaccine, in the OLDER age groups.

Among the older age group (>65) in the Moderna RCT, there were 9 deaths in the vaccine group versus 6 deaths in the placebo group. https://www.nejm.org/doi/suppl/10.1056/NEJMoa2113017/suppl_file/nejmoa2113017_appendix.pdf - see Table S19 on page 53/54

Among the older age group (>55) in the Pfizer RCT, there were 12 deaths in the vaccine group versus 10 deaths in the placebo group. https://www.fda.gov/media/152256/download - see page 57, BOTTOM of Table 25

And finally, the same age-related trend appears in VAERS as well: over 70% of unexpected post-vaccine deaths with known ages were in people aged >65 (and about 90% with known ages were in people over age 50). https://openvaers.com/covid-data/mortality

If we HAVE TO push a Big Pharma product, why not Paxlovid: clinical trial had 0 deaths Paxlovid vs. 13 deaths placebo https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/nejmoa2118542. That's INFINITELY BETTER than the worse-than-useless mRNA vaccines (though of course I would rather use ivermectin and FLCCC protocols than Paxlovid).

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Vaccine developers are not honest enough to use placebos. Their "controls" are another vaccine. Thus, the nearest REAL control is the death rate in the general population. I websearched mortality statistics and found out that US 30-year-olds die about one per thousand per year. This showed that the "control" vaccine was also deadly, and the COVID job was slightly worse. The vax test groups were selected for being in good health, so I would expect maybe half the US mortality rate. Given the number of deaths, the results are not statistically significant--but they do show that any claim about "safe" was fraud.

I have read that, legally, "fraud vitiates everything," so I believe the monster companies WILL be held accountable eventually.

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I can't argue with what you are saying, except to say, likely the difference between 12 and 10 deaths are likely not statistically significant, ditto 9 vs 6 though they certainly don't support safe and effective. Still, if he wants to get his message out, he needs to throw a bone to these malefactors, unfortunately.

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You are not alone in making the "not statistically significant" argument, but I simply cannot buy it: if these same more-harm-than-good RCT results were for ivermectin or masks, can you imagine ANYONE attempting to justify their use? It seems like many even on "our side" are willing to give these mRNA vaccine$ special treatment, and I can't understand this for the life of me. "Not statistically significant" is the equivalent of saying: because we only have perhaps 75% confidence (instead of the magic 95% confidence) that mRNA vaccines kill more elderly people than they save, all is good and the elderly should go out and get the mRNA vaccines. To me, that logic is absurd beyond belief, but again, many seem willing to entertain it. And finally, to show a "statistically significant" death increase in this healthy RCT population with naturally low deaths, the vaccine would have to essentially DOUBLE the risk of death, which is biologically implausible (that would mean half of all deaths in vaccinated people are caused by the vaccine)! The truth is that even a "non-significant" death increase of 10% would be absolutely horrific, as in a few hundred thousand killed by the vaccine in the US, which I think is approximately what has sadly occurred.

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I am NOT saying the clot shots are not dangerous @ any age (which I believe)just that those #s don’t make the statistical case for it, just eyeballing them ( & I have done small studies where I have found that magnitude of difference in favor of my hypothesis & the results were NS.

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Oct 8, 2023·edited Oct 8, 2023

Dr. Kimber, I was curious if you have noticed a change in your health since your wife is getting these shots?

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You still live in the same house?

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The shutdowns severely damaged the economy, education, other healthcare, etc

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You might as well cash in on her demise with life insurance policy

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Oct 7, 2023·edited Oct 7, 2023

You are SPOT ON according to the gold-standard randomized clinical trial data (and because of the inclusion of that erroneous line, I just cannot "like" the post on the Op-Ed).

In the Pfizer and Moderna clinical trials (the only truly unbiased mortality data), the OLDER age groups had EXCESS ALL-CAUSE MORTALITY WITH VACCINATION (compared to placebo), even at the height of the pandemic and at peak vaccine effectiveness. In the two clinical trials combined, among the OLDER age groups, there were 21 deaths in the vaccine groups versus 16 deaths in the placebo groups. A 31% INCREASE in all-cause mortality with the "lifesaving" vaccine, in the OLDER age groups.

Among the older age group (>65) in the Moderna RCT, there were 9 deaths in the vaccine group versus 6 deaths in the placebo group. https://www.nejm.org/doi/suppl/10.1056/NEJMoa2113017/suppl_file/nejmoa2113017_appendix.pdf - see Table S19 on page 53/54

Among the older age group (>55) in the Pfizer RCT, there were 12 deaths in the vaccine group versus 10 deaths in the placebo group. https://www.fda.gov/media/152256/download - see page 57, BOTTOM of Table 25

And finally, the same age-related trend appears in VAERS as well: over 70% of unexpected post-vaccine deaths with known ages were in people aged >65 (and about 90% with known ages were in people over age 50). https://openvaers.com/covid-data/mortality

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As “Turtles All the Way Down” shockingly informed me, the “placebos” used are not biologically inert salt or sugar water, but are biological agents themselves.

Thus the tests measure the results of the poison against another poison.

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Boy was that book ever an eye-opener!

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Well, if they do that, there will be less deaths.....only in the vulnerable population instead of the ENTIRE population. But the cat is already out of the bag, so it's probably a moot point.

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Was going to say the same thing!!

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My goodness, my goodness, Dr. Kory. Do you seriously believe these fake "vaccines" will help - and should be offered to "vulnerable, targeted individuals"? I find this suggestion quite simply abhorrent, especially from someone like you!

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I was also taken aback by the inclusion of that statement.

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see above.

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see my reply to Big E.

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Thanks for continuing to fight Dr. Kory. So many people have already forgotten the lockdowns, fearmongering and coercion. I like the way you wrote the article and leave it to the reader to question the facts. I'm done trying to educate people. At this point, they are not willing to hear anything from a crazy conspiracy theorist. If they are not curious enough to investigate on their own, then they are beyond saving at this point.

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They need to get more jabs so their demise won`t be as bad

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"‘Died Suddenly’? More Than 1-in-4 Think Someone They Know Died From COVID-19 Vaccines"


"Nearly as many Americans believe someone close to them died from side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine as died from the disease itself."


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My father lives in an independent communal living residence. Two days ago they announced that they were giving shots (all in one shots) for all who wanted it. They didn't have enough takers. They are postponing shots until next week so they can entice more people to take it. He's had two plus a booster, then he woke up when he moved into the residence (from mine) and people told him the same thing I told him all along. He's 102. He will die sooner or later. He is in the "vulnerable" population but I won't encourage him to take the shot. If necessary, he can move back in with me. I'd rather God sorted him out than Pfizer.

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Australia excess mortality of 12% for the year & they are trying to put most of that down to Covid yet we are heavily vaccinated.

So either the vaccine is not effective, they are incorrect, or the vaccine is the problem. Oddly you don’t have the media extremely pushing jabs anymore.

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They also say Covid is the 3rd highest killer after heart attacks & dementia

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I believe doctors and hospitals are number one by far. They just label it everything else.

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They ignore it because they are ALL in it together.

Dr. Mike Yeadon: The So-Called “Pandemic” Was Planned and Co-Ordinated in Advance, as a Pretext To Deliberately Depopulate the Planet via Lethal mRNA Injections

"We're facing something much worse than an alleged virus... I'm convinced that these injections have been made to injure people, to maim and kill deliberately."


IMPORTANT: The COVID 19 Bioweapons Are “Nano Technology Enabled” – The National Nanotechnology Initiative. "At this time, there should be no further discussion regarding the presence of nanotechnology in the C19 shots. Even the government sees this as a valid scientific truth."


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Don’t take it personally; it’s just too much money being made to ignore. Every step of the way from production to sale to advertising and yes lots of doctors have made $$$$$ too😡

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Everyone was so concerned about 'health and safety' during C19. But unexplained excess deaths in working age people- crickets. Disturbing because no one will talk about it... it being the vaccines.

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For a short while it looked like Germany and Italy were waking up. Now and then you read a comment from family members relating sudden death to the jab. But only very few. Belgium and the Netherlands are pushing the jabs again. Mom and Dad in Belgium got their 6th, mom is in a home and dad probably would have not been allowed to visit if not boostered. The world has gone mad. Thank you Dr Pierre for being one of the Don Quixotes of this world. One day we will conquer the wind mills - after lots of people have needlessly died. Or should I say murdered by injection?

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My cousin, a PhD in pharmacy and also pediatrician in Germany took the jabs, he’s now in nursing home.

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that is awful. I have been watching all those doctors who got jabbed and then died - I forgot how many they already have in Canada, at least 100 but probably already more. The pilots are scary - I decided never to fly again. That bus in Italy a few days ago - how many more things like that have to happen before people realize what is going on !

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I’m sorry to hear that for your sake. I have my own long list of acquaintances, friends, and relatives

killed or injured by the vaxx. Do you mind elaborating on your cousin’s case? Type and number of injections, symptoms, diagnoses, time to onset, etc. Each case like this is a potential learning experience in order to combat this dreadful attack on humanity.

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Bless you for your indefatigability!

“Be extremely subtle even to the point of formlessness. Be extremely mysterious even to the point of soundlessness. Thereby you can be the director of the opponent's fate.”

― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

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Great quote.

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I bought that book Cynthia. Now I need to read it!

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Actually, when it comes to meeting their well-published goal of population reduction to no more than 500 million souls, total, on Earth, they can be masters of ignoring, obfuscating, lying about, and whatever other nefarious practice is required to pacify the "masses" while they slaughter us. I hold no further illusions about the hate capacity being exercised by those in power toward all the rest of humanity. Yhwh God warned us of these people centuries ago, even before Noah's flood, and humans learned nothing from that; nor have they, at least nothing of importance, for the vast majority thereof, since then. They're still doing the same things that brought about that flood, as if their actions had nothing whatever to do with it, and I'm not talking about so called "climate" issues.

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According to Ed Dowd the life insurance companies thought the numbers would flatten but they haven’t for 2023 and they haven’t adjusted accordingly. Maybe if a large industry starts loosing enough money they will step up to the truth plate? And just how are the health insurance companies not screaming with the increased illnesses, deaths, disabilities aka money getting sucked out of their coffers with no end in sight. And what about the bait and switch that these bioweapons had - the trials were done w one type manufacturing process - the ones to the general public was totally different - manufacturing IS part of the process and isn’t this fraud aka not protected by EUA or prep or whatever? Geez. Seeing people dying suddenly from the second vax 2 1/2 years ago - wth?

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Most of the health insurance companies make their money on employer sponsored health plans, they just pass the costs on to the employers. It probably won't cause any push back until the employers start screaming about their insurance premiums. As far as the bait and switch re the bioweapons, the insurance executives by and large are not savvy to that issue, MBAs, not PhDs in relevant biomedical sciences, and besides St. Fauci assured that all is well. Or they are being paid off. It will take stockholder suits, malpractice suits, and court discovery to tease that out ( and likely that will be covered up by the MSM.

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Jessica Rose, in an interview with Toby Rogers on today's Doctors and scientists touches on this during a discussion of DNA contaminants in the covid shots. Her note also was that vaers numbers keep rising dramatically.

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Oh we know what's causing the deaths.

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We can keep reporting these deaths til the cows come home and the answer always is "these people had covid and that's what is killing them now". Furthermore, the unvaccinated are being blamed for causing mutations in the virus and for making the covid infections continue, so there is ongoing pressure to get vaccinated. The unvaccinated are being blamed for EVERYTHING. I see it on LinkedIn all day long. Medical doctors on there chastising the unvaccinated for this situation. I can't deal it with any more - I am beyond broken because I know the truth and nobody seems to be able to break through the lies.

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Don't let the misrepresentations of dishonest or ignorant people trouble you, Liesl. You have a vast support system of bright, healthy, unvaccinated people here on Substack. We know the truth.

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