Fine work, Dr. Kory!

That said, I must repeat myself, for the thousandth time, on yet another Substack entry. The CDC is, and has been, a vaccine promotion PR organization for at least a decade. They have almost always been tireless and unrelenting in the performance of this goal. Pretty much everything they have done, regardless of organizational leadership, political party of POTUS, season of the year, or winner of the NFL Super Bowl, has been in service of this mandate. I realize I am preaching to the choir, but it continues to shock the absolute horse feces out of me that we need "proof" of that obvious-to-even-the-casual observer fact.

Again, I appreciate your work, as always!

(Apologies for not adding something more probative to this discussion.)

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agree. Waaaay back in the 70's I was in college pursuing my degree in nursing.

We did not have all of these shots. As Dr Kory and others that are in the medical field that have worked in numerous venues and medical specialties, there was never such a push for flu vaccines and or other vaccines and medications. Now we are experiencing such an increase in mental health disabilities and serious immune disease.

We can never expect the CDC or pharma or government to take a step back.

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Rosemary B when my teenage daughter was miffed with me because I said she hadn’t to take the coof jab when they came into school to give it. Annoyed with me she said how I wouldn’t even let them have the flu jab either, I pointed out neither her or her brother needed it, I didn’t take it myself and neither did her grandmother in her 80’s.

She was then waffling on on how vaccines had saved so many lives and how people died without them, I said I don’t know how you work that out as I’d had German measles, mumps, chickenpox, whooping cough which I caught from my brother when I was only 6-7 weeks old, I’m still here without a single vaccine taken for anyone of those things.

I told her if it really was true then how is the longest living generations the ones with the least amount of medical interventions.

My grandmother was 93 when she passed, her cousin at least 103 and my grandmother’s sister is now mid 90’s. Everyone of them was brought up and ate best butter and dripping throughout their lives which is classed as deadly these days.

All these women including my mother gave birth at home, in fact I was born in the house my mother still lives in, human beings are wonderfully resilient given half the chance.

Once my daughter did a bit of homework she soon changed her tune and understood why I refused all the jabs at school and wanted their immune systems to learn.

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It has been known since at least the 1950s that vaccines cause mental illness/brain damage. This was proven via the military. Because there was such a high rate of mental illness caused by the vaccines, that about 47% of the patients in the mental hospitals were soldiers, that so many of the mental hospitals were quietly closed down before people could catch on to the problem.

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"The vast majority of drugs - more than 90 percent - only work in 30 or 50 percent of the people."

~ Dr. Allen Roses, erstwhile worldwide vice president of genetics at GlaxoSmithKline (2003)

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And of those drugs, the LD50 comes into play. The dose where only 50% of those using the drug die, for maximum profit. It isn't about efficacy. Its about people needing refills. Does it matter if 50% of those who use the drug die? (source is The Lethal Dose: Why your Doctor is Prescribing It by Dr. Jennifer Daniels.

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Opiate ODs possibly excepted, subjects taking the LD50 are extremely sick regardless whether they die, and likely in extreme pain and distress.

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I disagree. Perhaps read the book. It's quite revealing.

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That's the reason they put all those poor people out on the streets?! Creating the beginning of the homeless epidemic. Despicable!

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Absolutely intriguing. Can you please expound with some documentation about mental health effects from inoculations? (From atypical antipsychotics and like, and autoimmunity from jabs, are less of a surprise.)

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Go look up Chris Exley who is known as Mr aluminum man, he’s researched working for over 30yrs on the effects of aluminum on the brain, him and his team have put together proof of it causes Alzheimer’s and other brain damage.

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I subscribe to his Stack.

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Are you saying you are not familiar with brain damage caused by vaccines?

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Is that in Dr. Daniel's book?

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Please read The Poisoned Needle by Eleanor McBean.

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It should be clear to everyone by now that they waited 14 days after the injection to consider a person to be "vaccinated" because it takes about that long for the immune system to create a humoral immune response (measurable antibodies). They wrongly thought, and still want you to believe, the protection against infection is in the humoral or serum antibodies that show up about 14 days after being injected. It's not. The protection is cellular, and the injection weakens that protection.

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Dr. Stillwagon, if I may... It seems to me that the presence of a "humoral immune response" is often touted as proof of protection. That seems like hokum to me, but I am (obviously) not learned about these things. Can you offer an opinion?

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The proper humoral immune response from a natural infection has memory that will quickly remake perfect broad response antibodies that will neutralize the invader and stop it from getting into other cells. This does provide protection, not against infection, but against severe disease symptoms. This reaction to subsequent infections is so fast and effective that you never even know you were infected. Measles is an example. If you had the measles naturally as a child, you will be re-exposed, but you do not show symptoms.

The humoral immune response from injections is not broad and protective against disease symptoms. They are suboptimal antibodies that can result in Antibody Dependent Enhancement of infection or Antibody Dependent Enhancement of disease symptoms. It gets complicated, but I explain it here in simple terms: https://rumble.com/v3as946-two-types-of-ade-explained-in-simple-terms.html

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Thank you for the response! I think I get it. In fact, I attempted to put the "problem" into simple terms in a set of diagrams I developed for this article I co-authored some time ago: https://pandata.org/is-the-pandemic-of-the-unvaccinated-a-media-construct/. Likely, I missed some nuance, but Figure 2 is what I get out of what you are saying. I will review your piece with great interest! I might assert--again with the caveat regarding my likely insufficient actual understanding--that ADE is probably not a concern. What we have, if my understanding is even close, might better be termed, Original Antigenic Sin?

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Holy effing crap, Doc! I just watched your Rumble video. First of all, excellent work, presenting so much technical insight in a way it could be absorbed by a novice. Secondly, your presentation confirms what I had concluded---the damned shots "protect" one from a version of SARS-CoV-2 he won't encounter in the wild. Loot for Pfizer. Nothing for the poor sucker who got an armful of their magic juice. Dammit to hell...

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I agree partially with you and presume that you would agree with me that both cellular immunity and humoral immunity (just like every pill, poultice, powder, ointment or operation in modern healthcare) do not have 100.00 % efficacy. What is the credible evidence that injection of vaccine(s) “weakens” cellular immunity?

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There are several ways cellular immunity can be weakened. The first is the reduction in the numbers of these protective cells evidenced after the injection of the inactivated Sars-CoV-2 virus. This study did not look at the injection of mRNA. This study is more along the lines of traditional injections of antigens. The conclusion was that people’s immune systems were put in a more vulnerable state: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41421-021-00329-3

Next is evidence that the injections reprogram the innate immune cellular response to focus on antigens created by the mRNA vs what might be coming through the epithelial barrier. Also, toll-like receptors involved in the innate immune response are blinded: https://www.news-medical.net/news/20210510/Research-suggests-Pfizer-BioNTech-COVID-19-vaccine-reprograms-innate-immune-responses.aspx

This study warns about macrophages getting reprogrammed to have long lived damaging inflammasome responses due to the unique properties of the vaccine induced spike protein: https://www.embopress.org/doi/full/10.15252/emmm.202114150

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Dumbed-down version: the ostensible cure could be worse than the disease.

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Just yesterday, someone close to me was *required* by an oncologist to take both a covid booster *and* a flu shot in order to get live-saving (?) treatment for an aggressive spleen cancer. Cancer which I believe was likely caused by the mRNA shots to begin with.

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That oncologist is evil.

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I have to admit, the reports of “mostly unvaxxed” covid patients had always confused me; from everything I knew about the shots, it just didn’t make sense. So I really appreciate this clarification as to how they manipulated the truth.

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One of the very few people I know personally who actually died of covid got covid as a result of his jab. It so happens that a covid infection is the number one adverse event following a covid jab. He was counted as unvaccinated because the 14 days had not passed. There is a mountain, a Himalaya, of fraud in this respect.

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I would add, I was told that he died of covid, and I don't know more, but I would bet that what actually killed him was heart failure or stroke. (May he rest in peace.)

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Yes indeed, the “died of covid” was another method of lying to us, as so many died of protocols to “treat” Covid, or as you say, heart issues. A Himalaya of fraud is a perfect metaphor!

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That’s coercive & NOT giving informed consent. I cannot know what I’d actually do if I was in that terrible situation but I’d like to think I’d say hell no, f$@# you to the doctor & give FenBen & Ivermectin a try....

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I find the continuing mandate-mania a bit shocking. Seems to me that no matter what comes out about Pfizer's (or other's) protocol, or the actual performance of the vaccine(s), or the lies of the CDC, et.al., the vaccine-or-bust train left the station and continues apace! #BigWheelKeepOnTurning

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That terrible and so sad. I know it’s a bit of a hassle, but wish they would’ve considered going elsewhere. My husband had bladder cancer last year (neither of us jabbed) and no jab required for his surgery. And thank the Lord, he is cancer free and the urologist said it was the best outcome we could’ve hoped for!

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Possible that NOT getting the jab saved his life! Always so nice to hear a positive end ☺️

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It's so despicable! Not to mention ironic. I'm so sorry.

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Have you told him to check out 2nd Smartest Guy in the World's Substack yet? Another Substack worth reading in re: cancer is Ben Fen.

God bless your friend and may they come through their cancer well. 🙏

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The more we know---it was so OBVIOUS this was a HOAX from the beginning, lol!

Let's see---just off the top of my head:

Six feet apart----UTTER NONSENSE!!!

One way aisles in retail stores/supermarkets----REALLY!

Masks----SERIOUSLY, lol!

Wearing said "face diaper" into a restaurant while the host seats you, but taking it off when you're seated (similar situation on a plane when you removed the mask to have a drink and eat snack mix, lol!)

People wearing masks OUTSIDE and ALONE in their cars.

Closing schools, movie theaters, restaurants, hair salons/barbershops, gyms, yoga studios, beaches, the Vegas Strip, Disney, etc. while Walmart, Target, and LIQUOR STORES stayed open!!!

Needing two gene editing JABS---WTF!!!

Needing boosters less than six months later-----a bigger WTF!!!!

People worshiping that FRAUD FAUCI (who killed more people via AZT during the AIDS "crisis")

Rochelle Walensky and Francis Collins----how did they even pass Micro and Organic, lol!

Seriously----anyone who was HOODWINKED by this nonsense, admit it and DO NOT fall for it again!!!

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Seems like you and I both heard the same "Twilight Zone" music, and wondered if we were being punked. "C'mon! Where's the camera?"

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We certainly, did, my friend.

Glad you're part of TEAM COMMON SENSE.

How so many people didn't see through this NONSENSE is beyond me!

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Yes, it really was absurdly absurd. If Fauci had a Pinocchio nose it would stretch longer than that railroad across the Indian Ocean.

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A while back, I termed Shaman Fauci, "the Wile E. Coyote of public health," only less honest. Wile E. Coyote has a business card that says, "Genius," yet often holds up a sign--when one of his hair-brained schemes has gone astray--that says, "Ouch!" In some contrast, Shaman Fauci has *yet* to publicly admit being wrong about anything. The only real difference between Shaman Fauci and Wile E. Coyote, is Shaman Fauci never even has the decency to hold up a sign! (Instead, we are left holding the bag.)

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I recall Wile E Coyote presenting a card as Super Genius at one time. I’d love to see an ACME anvil fall on Fauci!

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Shaman Fauci (I like it---perhaps we should even incorporate WITCH DOCTOR but that would be an insult to witch doctors, lol!) SHOULD be SHAMED!

He deserves to be tarred and feathered and paraded around DC while those who lost loved ones (and those injured) from the gene editing jabs throw tomatoes at him!!!

He is a DISGUSTING person who will get his just due.

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"Now, my older subscribers (bless all of you)... "

Back at you Dr Kory this has been the best investment we could make in our health & sanity! <3

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Jan 31·edited Jan 31

I well remember the promise of Electronic Medical Records to improve health care. Now it looks like data games are the result of EMR.

In 1982 AT&T was forced by the courts to diversify. The actual cut over of the new set of companies, for example, the Baby Bell phone companies were spun off in 1984.

You might recall that Bell Labs had the reputation of being the top R&D lab in the world. The largest company in the world, 1 million employees at the time, was broken up which released the gigantic pool of talent that could take on the world and be an incredible market success.

In 1982, two years ahead of the breakup in 1984, AT&T embarked on a project to automate the medical record. I was a systems engineer on a Bell Labs medical information project. The chairman of the board of AT&T was a board member of Columbia-Presbyterian hospital and got us an entry to automate their medical record. They had 4 miles of paper and image records.

From my extensive experience with the technical documentation and organizational issues of product development, I knew in the first week that AT&T did not have the right background to successfully build a hospital information system. At the time of the breakup, AT&T had a million employees and as many people working on computers as IBM, but our experience was top down development of systems to the telephone companies. The medical field was an entire new entanglement of complexity.

I was pulled aside by insiders at the hospital who reported dumb things that AT&T was doing and the easiest path was taken, I was removed from the project. A very rough estimate is that AT&T spent $100 million on the project that failed.

That was 40 years ago. Now there are information systems but the trust, caring, hope, problem solving, and other subtle issues with health somehow got lost in the shuffle.

Writing this comment I realized the irony of the year 1984.

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1984 was 40 years ago.

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Thanks. I fixed it

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you're welcome

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Don - I’m pretty sure AT&T is still as inept as they were when I worked for them in 1984.

We had a saying - analysis to paralysis.

We all knew it was the golden handcuffs that kept us there.

And I always marveled at how the most unqualified people kept moving up the ladder.

I’m glad they laid me off and put me out of my misery.

But I still have some of the friendships I made so very many years ago. I treasure them 🥰

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My husband and I worked at the Bell Labs Holmdel, NJ facility from 1977-1979 as Members of Technical Staff (MTS) with freshly minted Computer Science master's degrees.

Wife's vignette: I was assigned to a massive project called Advanced Communications Systems (ACS), mostly doing Unix support. The project spent tons of money writing papers and discussing stuff but not doing much else as far as I could tell. I attended meetings where many simply wanted to prove they were the smartest ones in the room. The project failed. (Some history here: https://talkingpointz.com/how-bell-missed-the-internet-1/)

I ended up doing software and some hardware technical writing most of my career. As tech writers, we have highly developed BS meters because we must glean the truth of "how it works" (or doesn't) by asking tons of questions and just figuring it out. Sometimes what we figure out is that the developers are not doing their work as well as they think they are.

Husband's vignette: I kept getting invited to meetings at AT&T's Basking Ridge, NJ headquarters, about 50 miles away. Being young and naive, it took me a while to figure out why this was happening: AT&T had a policy that AT&T would pay for very nice lunch for AT&T employees (and visitors) whenever there was a meeting involving folks from other locations. I was the meal ticket.

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I’m aware of a surgeon in my state who vaccinated surgical patients after they were anesthetized. The nurse who reported was later mysteriously found dead in her car in the parking area, of fentanyl overdose, just after calling her teenaged daughter that she was on her way home from work. She was an outdoor enthusiast, did not drink or smoke or do drugs.

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Good read. I still have PTSD. Moral injury is very real. Watching it unfold in real time.

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"In my opinion, it was this EXACT lie which led the vast majority of U.S doctors to become convinced that the only people dying in hospitals were the unvaccinated. They then aggressively insisted (with good intentions?) that all of their patients, friends, and families to get vaccinated. Further, it made many health care workers themselves get vaccinated out of fear of dying."

Come on Doc, IT WAS THE MONEY (fear of losing job/income) that convinced these "doctors" and "health care workers" to push the GENE EDITING JABS that DO NOT WORK!!!!!

Neither myself nor my two elderly parents are jabbed, nor have we ever received the FRAUD yearly flu shot.

I've been anti-vaxx since my teenage years (I'm in my 50's).

All it took was a basic understanding of Microbiology.

The SCAMDEMIC and the JABS are the largest worldwide HOAX and PROPAGANDA campaign in the history of mankind.

How so many people (and especially DOCTORS) fell for the OBVIOUS NONSENSE is beyond me!!!

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Thanks for getting this message out, Dr. Kory. This is horrendous.

"One of my patients who is a hospital pharmacist even told me that at her hospital, the hospitalists were vaccinating patients that had been admitted for COVID..as they were being discharged from the hospital."

Wow. Considering how naturally-acquired immunity was always superior, and how the COVID shots create significant immuno-depression for 2-4 days post-dose [ https://deepd1ve.substack.com/p/vaed-added-to-cheap-trick-from-fentonneil ], it is almost like these "hospitalists" -- as you call them -- were attempting to create "repeat business" when they pricked people on their way out the door.

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I wonder what the BONU$ was for those hospital check-out jabs. Just wondering...And then, what was the BONU$ when they checked back in again after becoming deadly sick with post-vaxxed COVID. Sheesh.

All this boggles the thinking mind and should destroy whatever trust remained in the “system” medical care being peddled in our country and around the world, especially the West.

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I suspect it occurs more often then not, or an IV meant to debilitate and make it look like a Covid "case"

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Our local news outlet was posting daily ICU graphs showing how many people were vaccinated vs unvaccinated on social media. It’s a small town so numbers were low in general but I guess they really wanted to scare people into getting the gene therapy so they kept at it, day after day for a few weeks.

When people posted public questions regarding what constituted “unvaccinated”, the local hospital confirmed that they were counting people who were not yet two weeks out from their second “vaccine” as unvaccinated. (Which means about a six week time period where someone could have received one or two “vaccines” and still be technically (and fraudulently) considered “unvaccinated”.

Eventually, they stopped showing the graphs. I would have loved to have seen *why* they stopped showing the graphs but I think we all can guess why. They eventually had to stop counting people who got the “vaccine” as “unvaccinated” because eventually, everyone who got the vaccine was more than two weeks post second “vaccine” dose.

In my mind, the fact that the hospital was willing to admit openly that their numbers were an intentional misrepresentation of reality shows a lot about the mental state of the medical community. This was pathological.

I think they were so caught up in the fear, the propaganda, the disdain for those who resisted that they literally could not think logically. How illogical is it to count people as “unvaccinated” when they received one, and even in many cases, two doses of the dna contaminated mRNA therapies? It’s blatantly illogical. But I guess when your career depends on it, you just don’t question it.

Incidentally, I wish they would have posted all hospital admissions by vaccine status. That would have been really interesting. Especially if they had indicated reason for admission: heart attack, anaphylaxis, blood clots, stroke… Heaven forbid we have real data transparency.

The amount of data manipulation from 2020 on would have made the characters in Orwell’s 1984 novel blush.

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Please don’t forget, here in NC and many other places, people are STILL being denied life saving care based on vaxx status. Including a young girl who was adopted away from the Ukraine. Pfuck the “experts”. Many are mentally ill.

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There were several doctors here posting in local Facebook groups that it was the unvaccinated that were in the ICU's and dying. But when I spoke to nurses and others who worked in the hospital, they reported that was not true. Also, at a local VA hospital, they stopped informing staff in their daily briefings of the vaccine status of covid patients.

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I surprised and stumped one doctor when I asked about the partially jabbed group.

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Excellent article. The discrimination I suffered for not being vaccinated was unbelievable. From the get go the entire vaccine development process was shrouded in secrecy and the over the top pushing of the untested vaccine set off alarm bells. Eventually I did get Covid. It was nothing more than the flu in my opinion. I was sick, I treated the symptoms and got lots of rest (I slept for two and a half days) got better and then went on my way with life. I only knew it was Covid because when my doctor did bloodwork, she tested me for antibodies

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Covid differs from flu in killing you from (fairly prompt) choking bronchial spasms, rather than from (somewhat delayed) pneumonia. Also, amantadine has no effect on it.

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Felt just like the flu to me. Like I said, I only knew it was Covid because my doctor tested me for the antibodies

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Jan 31·edited Jan 31

This is incorrect-- some people have that symptom. As a medical professional I treated people who did not have that

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Choking is a "system"? Granted, asthma may be considered a comorbidity. No excuse to kill those with asthma. (I lose patience with those who tried to write me off as an inevitable death.) Just quit vaccinating except when absolutely needed, such as for rabies exposure.

And what sort of "system" is trying amantadine? Works for influenza. Ivermectin works better for covid, and vitamin C works better for shedding.

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Rabies is actually fraud, too. The 'doctor' who discovered it was actually poisoning the animals and never found anything.

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I've never met one, but humans are reported to suffer rabies. I've seen sneezing bats said to have rabies. The name goes back to classical times, and allegedly means madness. Doctors then were preachers. Professionals dealing with ailments were physicians and healers.

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Please see my very large post in the previous podcast….Part 4, on the role of Ivermectin and other common drugs in various stages of Covid infection. Who said Covid kills you promptly, meaning the very day when you start sneezing a bit. Single drugs, Ivermectin or even possibly Amantidine will work only if you remain asymptomatic on testing positive ( contracting the infection). For them, body naturally is providing all the needed anti viral heft, in not letting viral load build up to any substantial levels. Choking bronchial spasms will happen only if one has ignored totally early treatments, building up symptoms etc, and has been religiously following the official guidelines that ask you to take acetaminophen and water for the first few days, count your blessings, if you run short of it and get choked, go to the hospital emergency. Otherwise, it can be comfortably stopped only by a cominbation of classical drugs, like Ivermectin, Azithromycin, Montelukast, Levocetrizine and a few others, possibly Amantidine too, the moment you feel the respiratory symptoms are getting stronger ( that is viral load is building up). This guideline may look strange to you all in the USA, but this was the basic clinical jurisprudence that two thirds of humanity ( including India where I am from) followed from some time in 2021 relentlessly to bury this virus once and for all.

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I wish to clarify again. Covid doesn’t kill instantly or very promptly, normally. Yes, it is a disease capable of progressing into a terminal stage, usually severe breathing problems, when death can happen. But it is also a disease that responds promptly and very well to the type of medicines I had mentioned and started early. All of them are off label part anti virals and in combinations - that is important - can hold back the viral growth. Even though its early symptoms were familiar ones, in 2020, people failed to treat themselves accordingly early on. They all thought that it is a new virus, so a new anti viral is needed and since it was not available, either thank your luck or curse your luck. 2020 thus became a disaster because of failure to invoke good clinical judgements and to deploy known respiratory medicines like those I mentioned. And every one was given the impression that come 2021, vaccines will change the game quickly, which is another disastrous clinical jurisprudence. Please go through my post in Part 4 without fail. I put my heart in writing it.

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Coughing, yes, but no sneezes. Day after first cough isn't a "few days". No acetaminophen. Doesn't work, and even if it did, one ought to be cautious about taking antipyretics while ill. Have no Montelukast, but Accolate never did anything for me.

Are you an accomplished apparater? How do you get to the hospital's emergency in a few seconds before dying of choking?

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Acetaminophen is only for just one symptom, fever. If it doesn’t work there, curse your luck. It is not anti viral and will not prevent worsening of symptoms on its own. Indomethacin, another NSAID, works, stops progression when used in the viral phase. Doctors here have used it. On Accolate ( zafinlukast), it would not have worked if you used it singly (only drug) and when your symptoms were turning severe. That was very common in 2020 and 2021 everywhere and where combination prescriptions were needed. The trio of Montelukast, Azithromycin and Levocetrizine ( for a week) were very common protocols in India in delta and omicron waves. Once put to use, this protocol comfortably doused the virus. The clinical background behind this trio is very sound. On the rush to hospital, I only meant if your saturation is dropping or your breathing is not smooth and you are still in one piece. Not otherwise.

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Steve Kirsch likes aspirin. https://kirschsubstack.com/p/how-im-treating-my-covid It may be just as dangerous as indomethacin, but is grandfathered out of a black box warning. Since aspirin most certainly is a febrifuge, his caution in dosing it may be well founded.

Zafirlukast did nothing for my asthma, though perhaps I should find a way to mist it. I didn't even try it for Covid or ILI. (Peppermint oil and corticosteroid inhalants seem to work.)

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In the light of the overwhelming scale of the lies and manipulation, are we better placed to mobilise and refuse, en masse, any more of this insanity when they come at us again with 'Disease X'? Is the medical industry ready to stand up and protect people's rights to bodily autonomy? Will all those with big degrees and influence tell Bill Gates and whoever the new Fauci is to go to hell? The revelation that we who are not scientifically trained medical practitioners knew it was as off as old milk and knew it was every shade of wrong is small comfort when so many of our supposedly better informed peers totally betrayed us by selling all that bullshit. Shame on so many of them. Will they stand up to the tyranny next time?

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I should have studied harder in those courses like biology and anatomy. I didn’t know that some day I would have to be my own doctor! However, when you don’t know what to believe, it’s a good thing to use common sense. Apparently most medical professionals don’t take that class.

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Agree with you 100%!

You know how we knew----we weren't BLINDED by $$$!!!

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Yes my friend. It's cold comfort when you have conversations like i did yesterday with an old lady whose son works for Roche Pharma. She was telling me how the vax protected everybody (I wanted to punch her but bit my lip). She's lost I'm afraid and will do nothing when the next wave comes - even tho in the next breath she told me (without any awareness of the clanging bell of truth) about her son in law just diagnosed with a turbo cancer. What can be done with these people? My stance does her no harm yet her blind compliance hurts everyone.

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Pray for her to get turbo cancer.

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No way. I won't stoop to the level of the covid nazis calling for unvaxxed parents to be forced to watch their children get a jab. No way. Not part of my world. But thanks for the support. We have to try to lead with love, which is hard in these circumstances.

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Sounded like she already did. No force needed. But arm those parents; even if only with gasoline cans and lighters.

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Yup fool me once shame on you-- fool me twice.... I am heartened by the 2-3% numbers of people taking the bait once again.

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Worth looking into Pfizer's latest drug called "Headoff" which is supposed to cure headaches permanently if you keep taking it.


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Excellent! 😅😅😅

A suggestion: Although untested, possible off-label use of HeadOff includes elimination of all body pain. Clinical trials currently underway in France.

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I admit this might have sounded good to me 30yrs ago.😂

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