I wrote an Op-Ed with Senator Ron Johnson, the only Federal politician that has publicly called out the deep corruption behind the failed U.S COVID response. Now he is helping protect us doctors.
Thanks so much for all you are doing, Dr. Kory. If only we had more fighters like you in the medical field. This statement from your piece jumped out at me: " I am sure there are more than a couple of California doctors (or maybe not) whose opinions conflict with the captured Federal health agencies but are instead supported by academies of scientists and health agencies in other countries.". There don't seem to be many. My physician husband is now retired, practiced medicine in California for many decades, and is appalled at what has happened to medicine. Why did no doctors step up to object to this bill? Where were there no white coat demonstrations in Sacramento? Probably because this bill won't change a thing for them. Instead, most of the docs are STILL pushing the shot, none will prescribe therapeutics, and many collected the grants offered by the state to do so. First it was $55,000 to push the shot, now they are giving grants to the pediatricians to push it on our kids. Lots of us will be signing up for your tele-health services. We certainly don't trust the doctors around here. Thank you and God bless you.
It doesn’t look like it. If even 10% had taken a stand against this tyranny, refused the deadly shots and hospital protocols, insisted on therapeutics, and stood up for their patients, this atrocity would never have succeeded. Seeing what has happened to medicine (or maybe realizing what was there all along) is appalling.
In the Helsinki Accords, to which the U.S. is a signatory nation, is included a lengthy guideline from the WMA on the ethical performance of clinical trials on human subjects. The last section of this guideline is section 37, which states: "In the treatment of an individual patient, where proven interventions do not exist or other known interventions have been ineffective, the physician, after seeking expert advice, with informed consent from the patient or a legally authorised representative, may use an unproven intervention if in the physician’s judgement it offers hope of saving life, re-establishing health or alleviating suffering. This intervention should subsequently be made the object of research, designed to evaluate its safety and efficacy. In all cases, new information must be recorded and, where appropriate, made publicly available."
In the absence of any other available therapeutic intervention, it is incumbent on every physician to use any reasonable intervention and considering the fact that in the Spring of 2020, ivermectin was found to reduce mortality in patients hospitalized with COVID-19 in a peer-reviewed study in the esteemed medical journal Chest, this would be reasonable justification for the defense of any physician in any U.S. court. This is an international agreement ratified by the U.S. government and conflicts with this new Californian law.
"Use of Ivermectin Is Associated With Lower Mortality in Hospitalized Patients With Coronavirus Disease 2019" The Ivermectin in COVID Nineteen Study. CHEST: Jan 1 2021 VOLUME 159, ISSUE 1
heard you on the tom woods show. Thank you for being so outspoken. Im a 54 yo md in Nother NJ. Im an ophthalmologist in private practice. Its sad to me that you dr Kory only had your epiphany 2-3 years ago. The NYtimes has been lying for decades. Especially after 2001 airplane attacks the lying and propaganda really kicked up into high gear.
The US constitution has no provision for the US fed gov to provide or pay for medical care or insurance. The CDC and NIH and FDA are illegal and illegitimate organizations that should never have been founded and should be abolished. These agencies are completely captured and corrupted by corporate interests. The problem is not the pharma companies per se, its the existence of this huge administrative political bureaucracy that results in the pollicization of everything. The CDC is a totally corrupt political organization;; and it has been wrong about everything.
You might know about the American Assoc of physicians and surgeons , a group dedicated to preserving the private practice of medicine.
Im grateful for you. I am with you , as are many of us docs out here who take our oath and profession seriously. I am unvaxxed and naturally recovered and I have been persecuted . MAsks are ineffective and there is no reason to discriminate against unvaxxed people and no reason to mandate the vax.
Ron Johnson is a hero who has done all he can to help medical professionals and the vaccine injured. I pray he will be reelected so he can continue his work. I'm thankful for him, for you, for Dr. Marik and for the others who have shown integrity during this dark, dark time.
There is misplaced trust abound - many doctors and even more citizens believe what they are told. Trust in media, trust in institutions, trust in authority figures who are propped up by the media, trust in politicians who trust the experts who trust the medical establishment who is funded by pharma. When did we become so trusting?! To the point where we would vaccinate children with an experimental gene therapy for a disease with a 99.99% survival rate? Do these doctors even know the NNT (number needed to treat) and NNH (number needed to harm) figures for the vaccinations?! And if they do - why aren’t they screaming at the top of their lungs and educating their patients?! At some point the job no longer matters, period. I can’t speak for everyone, but I already told my husband over a year ago that we would risk his job and mine, pull our kids from school (which we did- and found a workable albeit costly and non-sustainable alternative), downsize our house and so on to avoid vaccination and speak truth to lies. When I said we would not comply, I meant it. Perhaps the greatest tragedy I have seen is not the deaths themselves, but the cowardice of so many to resist, and worse, the realization that a great many of us are no longer (or maybe never were) capable of independent, critical thought 😞
Jo, you are what I thought most Americans would be. Brava! It's been a great disappointment to see how cowardly, and lacking in integrity and critical thinking most people are. As you demonstrate, there are NO excuses for being part of this genocide. I have no patience or tolerance for those (especially the doctors) who trot out all their reasons for complying. And to think they are offering up their children (and patients), well, it puts me over the edge. Keep up the fight.
Bravo on getting another truth-packed op-ed published on such a high-profile site, Pierre!
I know I've shared this with you before, but for those who missed it, here is my letter opposing AB2098 and the other medical tyranny bills working their way through the California legislature:
What kind of sick society needs (or wants) 2098 bills in a single legislative session? Either California is so screwed up they're desperately trying to repair it, or its the flood of new laws that is causing their destruction. Either way, it's looking bleak for the tarnished "golden state."
Maybe it's the drugs? There are, in fact, worse drugs than the vax.
When Pffsicians sold their practices to the Corporate Owned Hospitals, part of the contract seems to have been to be neutered. If they do not follow the rule book, they cannot practice, period. Was the “price paid for their practice worth it”??? Many will still say Absolutely. Money truly can be the root of all evil.....
I'm looking forward to reading Dr Kory's book. I've pre-ordered and expect to buy more, before it is inevitably censored. I'm hoping it will provide evidence for the rampant criminality that caused the covid disaster. It will contribute to the criminal prosecutions and civil litigation that will be necessary to correct the mistakes and produce justice for the dead and injured.
We need a few specific understandings.
1. Who determined hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin should be prohibited?
2. Who ordered the prohibitions?
3. Which officials enforced the prohibitions?
4. Who complied with the prohibitions by denying access to lifesaving therapies to their patients?
These encompass hundreds of thousands of active participants of the carnage the last two and a half years. It was a global crime, and requires international tribunals like the Nuremberg trials in the 1940s, as well as civil litigation that should bankrupt the perpetrators. If there is no justice, there will truly be no peace. They will continue attacking us until we make it stop.
I and several physicians in California are looking to join with others in a class action lawsuit against the state for AB 2098. Do you have contact info for doctors that may be interested in joining us or maybe we could join them?
Thanks so much for all you are doing, Dr. Kory. If only we had more fighters like you in the medical field. This statement from your piece jumped out at me: " I am sure there are more than a couple of California doctors (or maybe not) whose opinions conflict with the captured Federal health agencies but are instead supported by academies of scientists and health agencies in other countries.". There don't seem to be many. My physician husband is now retired, practiced medicine in California for many decades, and is appalled at what has happened to medicine. Why did no doctors step up to object to this bill? Where were there no white coat demonstrations in Sacramento? Probably because this bill won't change a thing for them. Instead, most of the docs are STILL pushing the shot, none will prescribe therapeutics, and many collected the grants offered by the state to do so. First it was $55,000 to push the shot, now they are giving grants to the pediatricians to push it on our kids. Lots of us will be signing up for your tele-health services. We certainly don't trust the doctors around here. Thank you and God bless you.
Are there enough doctors who have integrity who could join each other and go on strike?
It doesn’t look like it. If even 10% had taken a stand against this tyranny, refused the deadly shots and hospital protocols, insisted on therapeutics, and stood up for their patients, this atrocity would never have succeeded. Seeing what has happened to medicine (or maybe realizing what was there all along) is appalling.
In the Helsinki Accords, to which the U.S. is a signatory nation, is included a lengthy guideline from the WMA on the ethical performance of clinical trials on human subjects. The last section of this guideline is section 37, which states: "In the treatment of an individual patient, where proven interventions do not exist or other known interventions have been ineffective, the physician, after seeking expert advice, with informed consent from the patient or a legally authorised representative, may use an unproven intervention if in the physician’s judgement it offers hope of saving life, re-establishing health or alleviating suffering. This intervention should subsequently be made the object of research, designed to evaluate its safety and efficacy. In all cases, new information must be recorded and, where appropriate, made publicly available."
In the absence of any other available therapeutic intervention, it is incumbent on every physician to use any reasonable intervention and considering the fact that in the Spring of 2020, ivermectin was found to reduce mortality in patients hospitalized with COVID-19 in a peer-reviewed study in the esteemed medical journal Chest, this would be reasonable justification for the defense of any physician in any U.S. court. This is an international agreement ratified by the U.S. government and conflicts with this new Californian law.
Thanks. Do you have the link to the Chest article about ivermectine that you mentioned?
"Use of Ivermectin Is Associated With Lower Mortality in Hospitalized Patients With Coronavirus Disease 2019" The Ivermectin in COVID Nineteen Study. CHEST: Jan 1 2021 VOLUME 159, ISSUE 1
heard you on the tom woods show. Thank you for being so outspoken. Im a 54 yo md in Nother NJ. Im an ophthalmologist in private practice. Its sad to me that you dr Kory only had your epiphany 2-3 years ago. The NYtimes has been lying for decades. Especially after 2001 airplane attacks the lying and propaganda really kicked up into high gear.
The US constitution has no provision for the US fed gov to provide or pay for medical care or insurance. The CDC and NIH and FDA are illegal and illegitimate organizations that should never have been founded and should be abolished. These agencies are completely captured and corrupted by corporate interests. The problem is not the pharma companies per se, its the existence of this huge administrative political bureaucracy that results in the pollicization of everything. The CDC is a totally corrupt political organization;; and it has been wrong about everything.
You might know about the American Assoc of physicians and surgeons , a group dedicated to preserving the private practice of medicine.
Im grateful for you. I am with you , as are many of us docs out here who take our oath and profession seriously. I am unvaxxed and naturally recovered and I have been persecuted . MAsks are ineffective and there is no reason to discriminate against unvaxxed people and no reason to mandate the vax.
Ron Johnson is a hero who has done all he can to help medical professionals and the vaccine injured. I pray he will be reelected so he can continue his work. I'm thankful for him, for you, for Dr. Marik and for the others who have shown integrity during this dark, dark time.
So grateful for your hard work and relentless ability to never give up!
There is misplaced trust abound - many doctors and even more citizens believe what they are told. Trust in media, trust in institutions, trust in authority figures who are propped up by the media, trust in politicians who trust the experts who trust the medical establishment who is funded by pharma. When did we become so trusting?! To the point where we would vaccinate children with an experimental gene therapy for a disease with a 99.99% survival rate? Do these doctors even know the NNT (number needed to treat) and NNH (number needed to harm) figures for the vaccinations?! And if they do - why aren’t they screaming at the top of their lungs and educating their patients?! At some point the job no longer matters, period. I can’t speak for everyone, but I already told my husband over a year ago that we would risk his job and mine, pull our kids from school (which we did- and found a workable albeit costly and non-sustainable alternative), downsize our house and so on to avoid vaccination and speak truth to lies. When I said we would not comply, I meant it. Perhaps the greatest tragedy I have seen is not the deaths themselves, but the cowardice of so many to resist, and worse, the realization that a great many of us are no longer (or maybe never were) capable of independent, critical thought 😞
Jo, you are what I thought most Americans would be. Brava! It's been a great disappointment to see how cowardly, and lacking in integrity and critical thinking most people are. As you demonstrate, there are NO excuses for being part of this genocide. I have no patience or tolerance for those (especially the doctors) who trot out all their reasons for complying. And to think they are offering up their children (and patients), well, it puts me over the edge. Keep up the fight.
Don't worry about us Californians. Those of us that have survived for decades are quite robust by now.
I wish we didn’t have to be so robust
Bravo on getting another truth-packed op-ed published on such a high-profile site, Pierre!
I know I've shared this with you before, but for those who missed it, here is my letter opposing AB2098 and the other medical tyranny bills working their way through the California legislature:
• “Letter to the California Legislature” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-california-legislature)
What kind of sick society needs (or wants) 2098 bills in a single legislative session? Either California is so screwed up they're desperately trying to repair it, or its the flood of new laws that is causing their destruction. Either way, it's looking bleak for the tarnished "golden state."
Maybe it's the drugs? There are, in fact, worse drugs than the vax.
When Pffsicians sold their practices to the Corporate Owned Hospitals, part of the contract seems to have been to be neutered. If they do not follow the rule book, they cannot practice, period. Was the “price paid for their practice worth it”??? Many will still say Absolutely. Money truly can be the root of all evil.....
THANK GOD FOR YOU. We hear you and it is such a relief having your expertise and devotion to the truth.
Gasp - if this continues like that it is time to learn Spanish for Doctors visit in South America.......
I'm looking forward to reading Dr Kory's book. I've pre-ordered and expect to buy more, before it is inevitably censored. I'm hoping it will provide evidence for the rampant criminality that caused the covid disaster. It will contribute to the criminal prosecutions and civil litigation that will be necessary to correct the mistakes and produce justice for the dead and injured.
We need a few specific understandings.
1. Who determined hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin should be prohibited?
2. Who ordered the prohibitions?
3. Which officials enforced the prohibitions?
4. Who complied with the prohibitions by denying access to lifesaving therapies to their patients?
These encompass hundreds of thousands of active participants of the carnage the last two and a half years. It was a global crime, and requires international tribunals like the Nuremberg trials in the 1940s, as well as civil litigation that should bankrupt the perpetrators. If there is no justice, there will truly be no peace. They will continue attacking us until we make it stop.
I am terrified at the ramifications of this bill. This is horrible. Corruption by all involved.
Thank you, Dr. Kory. I had forgotten about this bill and I was trying to tell someone about it. I couldn't remember. I will forward this if I can.
I and several physicians in California are looking to join with others in a class action lawsuit against the state for AB 2098. Do you have contact info for doctors that may be interested in joining us or maybe we could join them?