Corporate lawyers beware: "Post Covid Vaccination Syndrome" is now a "real disease." A new Yale study will hopefully help me and my patients' lawyers win them compensation in disability hearings.
"Bioweapon Medicine," indeed. It was easy for me to reject the covid vaccine after spending three years being gaslit by the medical profession regarding my daughter's illness -- which turned out to be Lyme.
It's astonishing how many people still have no awareness of the well-funded research programs that have been ongoing since the 40s to weaponize everything that flies or crawls. I wonder how many of those programs will collapse now that this new administration is shining a light in so many dark corners. I pray they all do.
Here's a paper talking about how without mRNA, they had issues with induced myocarditis.
"The recent observation of a similar adverse event in a recipient of the non-mRNA, peptide-based NVX-CoV2373 in the frame of a phase III clinical trial with 7020 participants in the active treatment arm raises the question whether the lipid nanoparticle sheath, which is a common structural component of these platforms could be implicated in the pathogenesis of vaccine-induced myocarditis."
I’m not anyone who could know this but my suspicion from the start was that most of the action in the vaccines was that it was all junk that acted as an adjuvant. And that was possibly most of its effect.
"They knew that they (NIAID) were participating in a program that the World Health Organization Global Preparedness Monitoring Board in September of 2019, stated was going to be the
accidental or intentional release of a "LETHAL" respiratory pathogen,
Ladies and Gentlemen, not 'Any' respiratory pathogen,
they used the word 'LETHAL'.
And you know what that means?
That means this was premeditated murder,
that's what it means.
"We need to start treating it for what it is:
It was in fact premeditated murder.
You do not use the word "release of a lethal respiratory pathogen" if you don't mean to kill people.
"That needs to be as chilling as it sounds.
This was never about a 'Public Health Emergency'
it was always about premeditated murder,
using a biological weapon they paid for."
-Dr. David Martin, statement before Oklahoma State Legislature, Oct, 2024.
I'm looking for an effective Lyme treatment for my cousin who is gravely ill from undiagnosed Lyme. With all the functional and naturopath doctors I'm finding through these media (Substack, etc), I'm still coming up empty- handed for excellent treatment results in the USA. I know there's a treatment available somewhere in Europe (Germany, I think) but don't know where to get the info. Did you find something helpful for your daughter? Thank you!!
Hi Dana, I'm sorry that your cousin is suffering from Lyme. I wish I could give you a straightforward, simple answer to your question, but there isn't one. We did everything. Ultimately what healed my daughter was her own will-force, directed at self-healing. I know that probably sounds woo-woo, and is not very helpful, but it's the truth. For her, a 6-month detox diet along the lines of Dr. Robert Morse was what turned the tide; she committed to it fully and totally, and believed that it would cure her.
I plan to write a post on my stack (The Art of Freedom) in the near future about her path to health. If you check back on it in the coming months, you'll be able to read a more detailed account of what she/we did to help her.
In the meantime, I send much love to both of you, and pray that your cousin finds his/her own path to wellness. I really believe that there's no one-size-fits-all cure to any illness, but particularly Lyme. xox
Big Pharma has been sued many before for its very toxic products...and it uses the "Stall Technique" to keep on making massive amounts of money, while litigation keeps going on.. Many are now aware that all this focus now on bringing info to light about the CV-19 vax...does not get to the very CORE of the PROBLEM...The profound ignorance of those who call themselves doctors who would inject poisonous matter into the bloodstreams of other human beings...and declare it would provide IMMUNITY???? For 64 years, I have studied a subject called health and is shocking to me to think that educated doctors don't know how the body works! The right food produces energy and health. The wrong food. will produce illness.. Too simple! The AMA was taken over in 1910 by John D Rockefeller to promote his patented petroleum-based drugs...any other healing modality was eliminated. This is not just about the CV-19 health-destroying is about an INDUSTRY that has nothing to do with the subject of HEALTH. The entire INDUSTRY is of no value to mankind.
From the bottom of my heart (pocketbooks empty sadly because I would love to donate), thankyou for your efforts! How can any doctor truly address patients health without acknowledging what could be the cause of disease? Your voice is so important in correcting course in this awful situation, but I get your frustration in feeling unheard! No one wanted to hear voices like mine, since I’m not a doctor and hold zero degrees in this or that. Absurd how many dumb “educated” people there turned out to be, or even worse..just plain evil…hoarding people like my mother and grandmothers into their offices to poison them! Both of my grandmothers are gone now by the way. The lifesaving vaccines didn’t extend their lives. One grandma never caught Covid, she did loose the ability to stand or walk months later. One morning before sun-up she rang me terrified, I hurried over to her because she could not stand up. My other grandma died last August. She came down with a turbo cancer and died a couple weeks later, didn’t even get to say goodbye. She survived “covid” though, or the flu or whatever it was more than once. Anyway, I share this and I know it will be seen by a few and won’t matter in the end…but I know one of you out there feels what I feels and knows what I know, deep in your bones you know that you’re not alone and that’s sad. I did get to throw a little fit in the docs office recently, that felt a little good. I accompanied my mom to her appointment and expressed my astonishment to the doctor that Kaiser is still sending out emails to remind her to get her COVID shot again (really, she had 3 already!!!) and I let him know how pissed I am that nurses are recommending more vaccines before he walked in the door! I let him know how weird it is to me that after she got the Covid jabs, her chart shows cholesterol jumping up into 200 range and never coming back down since…and why haven’t they checked her for blood clots, there’s plenty of info out there. I told him to go home and do his homework, that I had hope for him as a young doctor. I told him i felt sorry for all the patients with Kaiser who weren’t being followed up on with this problem. He turned bright red u def his mask, he was kind and patient to be fair. But I let him know, I see them acting dumb and I’m onto them….smart people acting dumb, or educated dumbasses. A yoga instructor friend of ours, who lived healthily and never needed the hospital for decades, developed life-threatening blood clots throughout his body and now is on blood thinners for life. Asked him if he thought it could be the vaccines, he denied that possibility since his doctors hadn’t considered it…even though his wife also had the same question. All doctors who went along with this should be punished in some way, even if they were simply unaware, they should be reprimanded for not staying up to date on the literature available. To me this is life or death, or something a professional should toy with
Sadly it still is and will still be very hard for a LOT of people to admit not only they were wrong but also they were fooled and manipulated to get this gene therapy. It is not easy for most to do a mea culpa for having hurt someone we love because we trusted the government…
I recommend an eye opening movie, Labyrinth of Lies. While it is about Germany after WWII, it brought to my mind exactly how so many people are behaving after the covid holocaust, especially the ones most involved in promoting it.
Dr Kory, I was modeling mortality estimates in early 2020, my top sources were Dr John , and Dr Chris Martenson,vypur god buddy. Dr Chris of course , covered your heroic Stan, 250,000 viewers. Only people decent n the plant getting the right answers at the time, wen 95% of human were gaslighting about Horses.
Then I was dropped into what can absolutely be scientifically described as a supernatural hell. I'm religious now, like Dr Clare Craig (I've got 2 science degrees, grounded in facts and evidence). You said "hope people wake up from the nightmare". THEY AIN'T WAKING UP, Dr Kory, I can't get anyone to snap out of the lunacy!! By late 2020, I had graffitied IVERMCTIN D C zinc, NO. OC43 across a government building in a village of 700 old people in Portugal. everyone , was ignoring EVERY SINGLE GOOD THING. POSSESSED? HYPNOSIS? "CONCEPT SPECIFIC DEMENTIA? .
Dr Kory. We ARE doing twighliht zone supernatural. We are under attack.
This Yale study, 5 years in, only bringing vague misleading understanding, even know?? I KNOW WHY!!!!! It's not supposed to be this difficult!
The only thing useful in it is "T cell exhaustion" which is why Angus Dalgelish tried to say, and got ignored.
While your commenters just hypothesis about maybe spike, maybe LNP, not ONE mentions T cells. THEY ARE ALL DELUSIONAL!!!!
Dr Kory. I can wake you up. I could wake you ALL UP, but you have to communicate!
Layers can't get justice, because they still can't do the basic science!!! I can! have been able to the entire time!!!
(continued here) A yoga instructor friend of ours, who lived healthily and never needed the hospital for decades, suddenly required blood thinners for blood clots that formed throughout his body. Asked him if he had considered the jabs as a cause, he denied that possibility! He didn’t think so, his doctors hadn’t mentioned it. His wife even suggested it but no, the doctors know what they’re doing right! I feel ALL doctors who participated in this should be held accountable in some form. Negligence, being unaware, whatever you wanna call it, let there be a side effect to their stupidity and/or culpability. Life or death here, they can’t be allowed to toy with our lives…they can’t be allowed to be so careless as so-called professionals in whom we place trust. Doctors who looked at data, looked at people and corrected course can be excused or receive lesser punishment but those who ignored the evidence, who saw a shift in their patients but ignored, they have to be reckoned with!
You could be right because I have a grade nine education. And one of my first thoughts (due to the shock of doctors saying safe) was that if this mRNA alters the DNA it can’t be known for several generations if it’s safe.
A paper i believe shows the mRNA alters the dna in twenty minutes.
So if someone who is a carpenter with no education can figure that out in under twenty minutes?
You could be right. Especially given the devastation this has done to the human genome.
My guess is that when we find out what they were saying and thinking the fecal matter will hit the swirly thing. (Trying to be polite for Dr Kory). (God bless him!)
It took the VA about 40 years to acknowledge Agent Orange's toxic effects and provide benefits to affected veterans. The government still remains reluctant to attribute a variety of proven adverse health effects to the pesticide. In vaccine injury, litigation MAY shorten that timeline but there is an abundance of resistance by professionals, politicians and citizens. The ultimate solution, for the future, is to gather information and, when appropriate, opt out of injection regardless what effects it has on career, vacation plans, family reunions and relationships. Since our entire health care system is rife with landmines for patients, everyone is forewarned to be cynical and vigilant regarding their legal and civil/human rights. Most importantly, find a physician, like Dr. Kory, who has proved themselves honest and reliable- not a quack or minion draped in sheepskin. The first hint you have the wrong doctor might be an orange beak sticking out from under the wool.
I've been following Dr. Kory for a couple of years. I was diagnosed as having the
PVS in the early 60s. Yes, that's what they called it. I had gotten the live Sabin polio va in the sugar cube. Within 24 hours, I had high fever, and experienced awful pain and swelling in my joints and muscles. The doctor at first thought it was polio from the vax. He Said THEY KNEW that it caused polio in some people. He also said to keep me from my siblings, as I could I fect them also. Since then, I began having slow onset of Reumatoid Arthritis symptoms. I was very athletic in my youth and into my mid 30s. Then, began a series of physical problems such as fibromyalgia ( million dollar word for pain in joints and muscles, along with intense fatigue). In 1983 I was having cardiac events about twice a week, but all tests showed nothing wrong with my heart. The cardiologist put me on a plethora of drugs, which really made me
I didn't continue most of them, but never told him that. He said I had a congenital heart defect, which really made no sense, since it had just showed up.
They gave me 6 months to live at that time.
A friend introduced me to an alternative doctor, and after a short time, maybe 15 minutes, he said my heart was healthy, it was hiatal hernia putting pressure on my heart/Vagus nerve. He showed me a 20 second technique that immediately stopped the arrhythmia, rapid heartbeat, and panic attack that happened each time! A short time later, I started weaning myself off the last two heart meds, and my health improved incredibly. I began to study under that doctor, and worked and learned for 6 years with him. I learned how to research what is in the drugs and vaccines, and the toxic effects ( ongoing 38 years later). In the mid 90s I was tested for SV40 and it was positive. It was, and still is, prevalent in the polio vaxxes.
My family has been about 95% chemical free in lifestyle and diet since the Late 80s. I'm in my late 70s, and today have 8 children, 16 grandchildren, and 6 great grandkids. So much for 6 months to live in the 80s.
However, the RA advanced slowly and continuosly. I have tried all the trending natural treatments, but the only help has been in trying to manage pain, in non-toxic, non chemical ways.
I'm fully mobile, and very active, and I fight the occasional fatigue with excellent nutrition and exercise.
Over the years, I have talked with various medical doctors and nurses who admitted that PVS is very real! Each and every one of them said there is no cure for it.
Interesting that they already knew about it way back then!! You are not onto something new, just something that's been covered up since vaccines were first invented! Wouldn't it be excellent if it were finally made public??!!
You are welcome! Over the years, some of my clients have been Nurses, Doctors and Imaging Techs. Several of them admitted that they knew about vaccine injuries, and the SV40 plus Murine retrovirus in many vaccines.
Few knew about the role of foreign DNA, such as live Hamster ovarian cells or genetic modification, involving aborted human fetal cells and DNA in biologic injectable drugs and and in the mRNA therapy injections. It didn't stop them from continuing to push them on their patients, though.
There are a lot of evils that need to be brought into the light of day. We'll see what RFK does, but not holding my breath. We waffles too much, and his and his family member's large investments in big pharma and big biotech give me pause to wonder how he will maneuver this one. However, with all the information coming out in these studies, it's going to be very difficult to hide his conflict of interest much longer.
Thank you for your invaluable contributions, and your commitment to exposing the evils, and attempting to find ways to treat these poor suffering souls!! I certainly empathize with them.
I am thankful for this for you and for your patients! At the same time, in sharing it I have challenged the “newness” of Yale’s discovery and the incredulousness, injustice, and disingenuineness of those who refuse to respect and honor the work of those who went before them and who claim the “better knowledge”. They should now be actively advocating for the doctors who had it right and who were vilified, who lost their jobs and licenses, and whose research studies have been left in preprint, etc. I appreciated your response in your post!
Dr. Kory, I have so much admiration for your persistence in treating and advocating for the PVS patients who have been so badly injured--physically and emotionally and financially. I feel your rage and OUTrage at this system that has destroyed so many lives and refuses to take any responsibility. And now Bayer and friends are trying to pull the same Pharma scam of 'no liability' for any pesticides they choose to unleash on us. Bobby certainly has his work cut out for him--and we all do as well, if we wish to restore some sanity and health to our totally corrupt and confused medical system. I'm suffering from the same OUTRAGE!!!
Thank you Dr. Kory. I've been following you since 2021 and watched you testify during the C19 hearings. When will the studies come out showing the actual physiological damage done by these poisons? Physiological effects that can't be found in standard blood work or scans. When will they develop new testing to actually determine wtf is going on inside people that are suffering? I have seen very young people who have the vasculature of a 90yr old now. Death would have been a kinder outcome. When will they do the necessary autopsies and post mortem tests to shut this nightmare down?
Pierre - Tom Haviland is walking around CPAC with a vial containing a 6 inch, very thick white clot that Richard Hirschman sent him. He’s showing it to anyone willing to look at it. Not one push back so far. Everyone KNOWS. Whether they admit it or not.
Thank you. I still rewatch Dr. Burkhardt's interview from 12/2022 as he breaks down everything he saw and evaluated. I wish the VS's I work with had a clue... seems like they scratch their heads with wonder every time a 30yr old has a dissected aorta.
Here's a paper talking about how without mRNA, they had issues with induced myocarditis.
"The recent observation of a similar adverse event in a recipient of the non-mRNA, peptide-based NVX-CoV2373 in the frame of a phase III clinical trial with 7020 participants in the active treatment arm raises the question whether the lipid nanoparticle sheath, which is a common structural component of these platforms could be implicated in the pathogenesis of vaccine-induced myocarditis."
Wasn't the LNP used in the anthrax vax or another one required for the military? I never knew how trusting people are with their and their childrens health. I pray we can get through this with some sort of resolution. Healthcare needs to be gutted.
But you brought up an interesting question in my mind.
The Johnson, Astra Zeneca, and Sputnik V shots are supposedly DNA vector shots but they have the same clotting issues that the LNP shots like Pfizer and moderna had.
Perhaps vaccines don't actually follow GMP anymore.,. Sasha Latypova said COVID didn't follow gmp, but I wonder about flu and other shots now.
Amen. I got pneumonia from a flu shot in 2016... I am "required" to get it for work. Never again! I just cannot imagine pharmacists have no idea what is happening. How could you be that clueless???
Thank You Dr. Kory for this analysis and summaries and explaining the VALUE of this extremely imperfect study. Why? Because this study did NOT include NORMAL HUMAN BEINGS, i.e. ANY non-covid jabbed controls, all what is being compared are the PVS group 2-ice jabbed, to the control which got 4 covid shots!!! Here the quote from the preprint:
"Most individuals in each cohort completed the primary series of vaccines based on WHO recommendations (83.3%, PVS; 100%, Controls; Fisher Exact test, p = 0.09). Participants with PVS received significantly fewer COVID-19 vaccine doses compared with controls, median vaccine numbers (2, PVS; 4, controls; Fisher Exact test, p = <0.01)."
That alone is shocking. Then claiming that everyone got the shots because of WHO and not because of mandates, is clearly a LIE. ANd the lie started already in the first sentence:
"COVID-19 vaccines have prevented millions of COVID-19 deaths. "????
So the more of the shots and more frequently, the 'healthier' you are?
I guess one needs to LIE these days in order to put out ANYTHING out there what only slowly opens the huge can of worms...
I did a small sequence analysis on Kirsch's substack showing that the Spike has some homolgy with gp42 from EBV, and what is missing in that comparison is exactly that peptide which the authors were looking at.. To have the spike for 2 YEARS, is incredible, it must be the gene continuing the expression and not the Spike protein itself, although there was a mention that Spike's S1 subunit is sufficient to cause formation of trypsin-resistant fibrin clots when added to plasma from healthy individuals (white clots hint...)
The most shocking however was this:
Among the PVS-I participants, anti-calprotectin/S100 IgM, anti-genomic DNA IgA and anti-ssDNA IgA reactivities were significantly higher while anti-histone H3 IgG, anti-MBP IgA, and anti-PR3 IgA reactivities were higher among the controls-I (Figure S4C, Table320 S5)...
I'm not MD, nor immunologist, but doesn't it indicate that those poor injected people are getting antibodies to their own genetic material AND to the protection fortress of that genetic material, which are histones???? This is REALLY GENE surgery, right there, in my opinion, and that should put down any lawyer who claims, nothing to see here.
Totally agree they should have done more comparisons, like to the non-jabbed, Covid naive people (there are still a few out there) as well as to the non-jabbed Long Covid
I think starter. My senior dad had the same low oxygen issues back in 2018 a month after getting a flu shot and some booster.
Thankfully back then they gave him steroids and oxygen and he recovered fast but his idiot doctor convinced him that he has a heart issue.... I can't stand specialists, they're beyond idiotic. His heart was acting up because of the low oxygen condition, not the bullshit diagnosis!
but even the few may be affected by the shedding, with You being the biggest specialist on that matter;) I do believe those who received many of the old style real vaccines, are the ones who suffer most, that just from my own experience.
Oh, would the whole genome sequencing of the victims suffering most be enough for the courts to proof the worst possible nightmare, the genetic incorporation of the spike genome into the human genome?
Here's a paper talking about how without mRNA, they had issues with induced myocarditis.
"The recent observation of a similar adverse event in a recipient of the non-mRNA, peptide-based NVX-CoV2373 in the frame of a phase III clinical trial with 7020 participants in the active treatment arm raises the question whether the lipid nanoparticle sheath, which is a common structural component of these platforms could be implicated in the pathogenesis of vaccine-induced myocarditis."
A good overview of how LNP's work is titled "The role of lipid components in lipid nanoparticles for vaccines and gene therapy". The above article you cite here shows that the authors do not discuss what kind of lipids are being used here, which is the missing key. It is essential to use CHARGED lipids of the opposite sign than the cellular membrane, so that via electrostatic forces the penetration of all different cells happens. That 'merger' is totally unspecific, that's why all different organs are affected by LNPs, not only heart. The Spike's proteins binding partners are ACE2, TMPRSS2, and more. That specific binding to ACE2, will affect everything where ACE2 plays a role. And because ACE2 is a critical regulator of blood volume, systemic vascular resistance, and thus cardiovascular homeostasis, that's why so many blood related issues, which normally had nothing to do with flu... Making anything what causes production of antibodies to the most essential part of the human body, like the ACE2 was the most idiotic thing which was allowed to happen, in particular while targeting via the LNPs ALL cells, and not only the usual ones affected by the flu (nasal mucus, lung epithelia) and actually exactly because of that, to target entire body, like in the last resort GENE THERAPY, for a dying cancer sick person, it was not only idiotic, but criminal!
That's why bioweapon, and that's why Spike is NOT a 'distraction' but exactly that, bioweapon.
Do you have any data showing that the polar DMSO is 'taking apart' the ionizable lipids???
The simple fact is that if the LNPs are designed to not break down, that's why they are hard to eliminate and build up in the vascular system and cause damage much like a pile up traffic incident.
This fulfills Occam's Razor.
No need to into the high tech pseudo biology. Even the ace receptors thing is just a theory.
try to find a half live of the synthetic N1-methylpseudouridine, it is hard to find, meaning, it is equally accumulative..., equally 'designed to not break down'..
Plus once the foreign genetic material is integrated in the human genome, the damage goes into infinity. That's what you do here, cover up the gene therapies, like many of the professionals.
I’m not anyone who would know anything but I’m suspecting that it will turn out that the molecules we make may turn out to not be suitable for humans. (And we sue the pants off big pharma). I’m guessing like plastic is to the environment kind of thing. It really doesn’t fit in. But seems so benign at first.
Many thanks Pierre. I am a veteran of ME/CFS of over 45 years. It began following a Coxsackie B infiction whilst I was working as a nurse here in Australia. The disbelief, gaslighting etc was always there and a proper diagnosis was only made after 10 years by a very competent neurologist. At least that gott me out of the Psychiatric basket!
I truly feel for all PVS patients now as the new wave of ME/CFS.
I KNOW MANY IN THE USA AND HERE IN AUSTRALIA in the field are working very hard to understand the many mechanisms of this debilitating illness.
I am grateful to you and FLCCC for being my guides during the past 5 years enabling me to negotiate COVID with appropriate medications and supplements.
The Yale study had a fair amount of focus on immune disregulation. Problem is, the "control group" was also vaxxed, but just didn't have any symptoms.
What would those CD4 and CD8 counts look like if compared to an actual (unvaxxed) control group? I know the WHO definition of AIDS includes a CD4 < 200. I'm not medical enough to understand the sub-types they listed. Is this study showing "VAIDS", as your friend Berenson suggests? I have this vaxxed friend that gets sick a whole lot now - like monthly - so it is important.
I'm concerned there's a sub-current of immune suppression even in those who aren't more dramatically injured that might only show up in a couple of years. Kinda like AIDS did way back when.
Now that's an interesting point. Maybe two "control" groups. One group from "pre-covid" (pulled from old blood tests?), another group who just got covid, and the PVS group.
Yep, that may be the only way because of shedding. What might make a good study is the DNA and other physical differences between those who are sensitive to shedding and those not. Seems to me there could be clues here also for post vaccine issues. I think that 23 and Me permits researchers to access DNA of those who allow it and respond to questionnaires. Could be a great source. I am not highly sensitive, but like my allergy to dogs, prolonged exposure and I become increasingly uncomfortable. AMD did a long series about shedding sensitivity.
If gain of function research has been such an outstanding success,
Where is the science?
It is a serious question.
Where are all the lab studies?
And all of the published papers?
Clearly, if you are the type of person who is convinced that they pulled a rabbit out of a hat, ( I mean really pulled a rabbit out of a hat) you’d want to see how they did it.
And, Scientists being Scientists, they would be screaming from the rooftops, wanting to show you what they did, and to take credit.
Scientists "screaming" about the risks of gof research reached Obama back in '14 or '15. In response, Obama "paused" the research.
He looked the other way while Fauci & Ralph Baric of UNC moved the tech & specimens via Peter (???) to EcoHealth (???) in the UK to Wuhan.
Obama then quietly ended the pause shortly before Trump took office.
A Wuhan researcher defected early on in the scamdemic, along with a thumbdrive of docs with Fauci's signature all over them. She subsequently disappeared from public sight after being de-briefed,along with the docs, but not before some had been leaked.
"Cleanup in aisle 4" has long since erased the track record from the internet.
However, you can probably find research docs in the fda files.
One item that wasn't erased was an email dated in March 2020 buried in the thousands from Fauci's foia release. On it, a researcher described how they added an HIV protein to the "bioweapon." It still pops up from time to time.
Are you aware whether there were emails from fauci showing he, his family and friends were taking hydroxychoriquin and other things when covid first appeared?
It’s something that I read early in the pandemic (of the psychopathic)… and haven’t heard anything since.
Really thought I would, since he was condemning the use of it to the president at the time.
He also sited a study that showed hcq as toxic. But if you read the body of the paper they used ten times the normal dosage. How long until you discover aspirin are toxic at forty per day instead of four? Or ten liters of water a day instead of one? Or even breathing ten times faster than normal and you find air is toxic?
I remember her. She was compelling, but I heard she was taken to a safe place because her statements put her in danger. Who knows? Always seemed strange to me that the "vaccine" could create the spike in your body yet somehow was supposed to have some from nature.
I started a spreadsheet of many of the links related to covid, research, immunity, and such. Interestingly some of the links have disappeared from the Internet, though I can't say why, as it could just be updating a site. These three say a lot, though I have many more.
ME/CFS is indeed quite destructive. I am a fan of Diana Garroway (of Youtube Physics Girl fame) and her life became hell due to spike induced illness. Looks like there is a new experimental treatment to help restore the endocrinal pathways called "stellate ganglion block:". Do you see this as a something that could be added to your toolbox?
SGB has been, like almost every other therapy I have used, transformative in some and worthless in others. - SGB has been helpful but has an overall very low batting average with a decent slugging average
And yes, even non mRNA LNP shots cause myocarditis.
"The recent observation of a similar adverse event in a recipient of the non-mRNA, peptide-based NVX-CoV2373 in the frame of a phase III clinical trial with 7020 participants in the active treatment arm raises the question whether the lipid nanoparticle sheath, which is a common structural component of these platforms could be implicated in the pathogenesis of vaccine-induced myocarditis."
I actually think you bring up very important points but in this case appears be a case or risk of BOTH/AND.
I also had a severe reaction with what I feel was PVS/ ME/CFS, but I don’t think that encapsulates all of it -I now know I have a severe reactivity to PEG (polyethylene glycol) the microplastic nanoparticle which should have been medically caught years before, but the medical world has treated it as inert. So much more research and discussions need to be occurring about these chemicals most especially in medications. For example high molecular weight PEG is in and reactions most of the cancer drugs with worst side effects and was in depo-provera birth control which was under litigation for brain tumors.
However, I also have a sister who was unvaccinated and almost died from severe covid. While she was much more severe (mine was still terrifying and unacceptable) long term our recovery has had many spooky parallels. This seems like maybe we both reacted to the virus components as well.
I also think me/cfs has affected others in our family from other viruses.
Other notable things about my case:
-slightly delayed anaphylactoid response that went on for days
-angioedema (although I wish I had also been assessed for MIS)
-SEVERE headaches that changed over time from full head to episodic altering occipital neuralgia/cluster headaches- none of which I had before
-I did have focalized pain in my head and abdomen
-other neurological impairments-initially eye teaming, vertigo that affected my gait, arm and neck weakness
-ankylosing spondylitis (confirmed genetically, but not symptomatic before)
What support groups exist for us and where can I connect to be a patient advocate? I did get to participate in LISTEN study, although I think I was round two.
I’ve seen handfuls of doctors and have had plenty of dead-ends and gaslighting along the way too. I’d really love to see better urgent response assessment protocols for systemic assessments of severe patients initially, because this goes WAY beyond anaphylaxis and we need much more labs and pathways to diagnostics sooner. (I’ve also been told I wasn’t severe because I wasn’t hospitalized, but I multiple times I thought I was going to die. I went to urgent care twice).
One medical collaborator thinks I had CARPA, Compliment Activated Reaction Pseudoallergy.
I have also identified a compliment C5 deficiency (reduced not absent- and notably a couple of us w PEG severe response w neurological have identified the same!) and several other genes of interest.
A small fact. The priminister of Canada purportedly made a huge amount of money from the company that made the lipid nano sheaths. He invested through his family trust. So no taxes paid.
"Bioweapon Medicine," indeed. It was easy for me to reject the covid vaccine after spending three years being gaslit by the medical profession regarding my daughter's illness -- which turned out to be Lyme.
It's astonishing how many people still have no awareness of the well-funded research programs that have been ongoing since the 40s to weaponize everything that flies or crawls. I wonder how many of those programs will collapse now that this new administration is shining a light in so many dark corners. I pray they all do.
Continue the good fight, Dr. Kory. xox
I doubt it's bio. Past vaccines were problematic mostly because of the toxic chemicals and aluminum.
Notice how Lyme disease and other autoimmune conditions are prevalent among middle class women who tend to get flu shots etc.
These shots are toxic because of the LNPs.
It's simple chemistry, not biological mRNA vaporware.
Here's a paper talking about how without mRNA, they had issues with induced myocarditis.
"The recent observation of a similar adverse event in a recipient of the non-mRNA, peptide-based NVX-CoV2373 in the frame of a phase III clinical trial with 7020 participants in the active treatment arm raises the question whether the lipid nanoparticle sheath, which is a common structural component of these platforms could be implicated in the pathogenesis of vaccine-induced myocarditis."
I’m not anyone who could know this but my suspicion from the start was that most of the action in the vaccines was that it was all junk that acted as an adjuvant. And that was possibly most of its effect.
But again I’m no one that could know that.
"They knew that they (NIAID) were participating in a program that the World Health Organization Global Preparedness Monitoring Board in September of 2019, stated was going to be the
accidental or intentional release of a "LETHAL" respiratory pathogen,
Ladies and Gentlemen, not 'Any' respiratory pathogen,
they used the word 'LETHAL'.
And you know what that means?
That means this was premeditated murder,
that's what it means.
"We need to start treating it for what it is:
It was in fact premeditated murder.
You do not use the word "release of a lethal respiratory pathogen" if you don't mean to kill people.
"That needs to be as chilling as it sounds.
This was never about a 'Public Health Emergency'
it was always about premeditated murder,
using a biological weapon they paid for."
-Dr. David Martin, statement before Oklahoma State Legislature, Oct, 2024.
Lethal flu like pathogen that before the shots did not induce any years of life lost.
The average age of con-vid death was a bit above life expectancy and with almost 3 comorbidities. What does that tell us?
It didn't reduce life span until the jabs.
And we know why the jabs were toxic years before con-vid.
I'm looking for an effective Lyme treatment for my cousin who is gravely ill from undiagnosed Lyme. With all the functional and naturopath doctors I'm finding through these media (Substack, etc), I'm still coming up empty- handed for excellent treatment results in the USA. I know there's a treatment available somewhere in Europe (Germany, I think) but don't know where to get the info. Did you find something helpful for your daughter? Thank you!!
Hi Dana, I'm sorry that your cousin is suffering from Lyme. I wish I could give you a straightforward, simple answer to your question, but there isn't one. We did everything. Ultimately what healed my daughter was her own will-force, directed at self-healing. I know that probably sounds woo-woo, and is not very helpful, but it's the truth. For her, a 6-month detox diet along the lines of Dr. Robert Morse was what turned the tide; she committed to it fully and totally, and believed that it would cure her.
I plan to write a post on my stack (The Art of Freedom) in the near future about her path to health. If you check back on it in the coming months, you'll be able to read a more detailed account of what she/we did to help her.
In the meantime, I send much love to both of you, and pray that your cousin finds his/her own path to wellness. I really believe that there's no one-size-fits-all cure to any illness, but particularly Lyme. xox
Thank you so much for taking time to respond.
Big Pharma has been sued many before for its very toxic products...and it uses the "Stall Technique" to keep on making massive amounts of money, while litigation keeps going on.. Many are now aware that all this focus now on bringing info to light about the CV-19 vax...does not get to the very CORE of the PROBLEM...The profound ignorance of those who call themselves doctors who would inject poisonous matter into the bloodstreams of other human beings...and declare it would provide IMMUNITY???? For 64 years, I have studied a subject called health and is shocking to me to think that educated doctors don't know how the body works! The right food produces energy and health. The wrong food. will produce illness.. Too simple! The AMA was taken over in 1910 by John D Rockefeller to promote his patented petroleum-based drugs...any other healing modality was eliminated. This is not just about the CV-19 health-destroying is about an INDUSTRY that has nothing to do with the subject of HEALTH. The entire INDUSTRY is of no value to mankind.
Pediatricians... (cough cough). Immunologists... 🙄. It must be a fun game for them to play dumb every single day and get paid handsomely to do so.
From the bottom of my heart (pocketbooks empty sadly because I would love to donate), thankyou for your efforts! How can any doctor truly address patients health without acknowledging what could be the cause of disease? Your voice is so important in correcting course in this awful situation, but I get your frustration in feeling unheard! No one wanted to hear voices like mine, since I’m not a doctor and hold zero degrees in this or that. Absurd how many dumb “educated” people there turned out to be, or even worse..just plain evil…hoarding people like my mother and grandmothers into their offices to poison them! Both of my grandmothers are gone now by the way. The lifesaving vaccines didn’t extend their lives. One grandma never caught Covid, she did loose the ability to stand or walk months later. One morning before sun-up she rang me terrified, I hurried over to her because she could not stand up. My other grandma died last August. She came down with a turbo cancer and died a couple weeks later, didn’t even get to say goodbye. She survived “covid” though, or the flu or whatever it was more than once. Anyway, I share this and I know it will be seen by a few and won’t matter in the end…but I know one of you out there feels what I feels and knows what I know, deep in your bones you know that you’re not alone and that’s sad. I did get to throw a little fit in the docs office recently, that felt a little good. I accompanied my mom to her appointment and expressed my astonishment to the doctor that Kaiser is still sending out emails to remind her to get her COVID shot again (really, she had 3 already!!!) and I let him know how pissed I am that nurses are recommending more vaccines before he walked in the door! I let him know how weird it is to me that after she got the Covid jabs, her chart shows cholesterol jumping up into 200 range and never coming back down since…and why haven’t they checked her for blood clots, there’s plenty of info out there. I told him to go home and do his homework, that I had hope for him as a young doctor. I told him i felt sorry for all the patients with Kaiser who weren’t being followed up on with this problem. He turned bright red u def his mask, he was kind and patient to be fair. But I let him know, I see them acting dumb and I’m onto them….smart people acting dumb, or educated dumbasses. A yoga instructor friend of ours, who lived healthily and never needed the hospital for decades, developed life-threatening blood clots throughout his body and now is on blood thinners for life. Asked him if he thought it could be the vaccines, he denied that possibility since his doctors hadn’t considered it…even though his wife also had the same question. All doctors who went along with this should be punished in some way, even if they were simply unaware, they should be reprimanded for not staying up to date on the literature available. To me this is life or death, or something a professional should toy with
Your comment is full of the numerous sadnesses we have all witnessed.. I keep thinking everyone will wake up from the nightmare but alas.. not yet
Sadly it still is and will still be very hard for a LOT of people to admit not only they were wrong but also they were fooled and manipulated to get this gene therapy. It is not easy for most to do a mea culpa for having hurt someone we love because we trusted the government…
I recommend an eye opening movie, Labyrinth of Lies. While it is about Germany after WWII, it brought to my mind exactly how so many people are behaving after the covid holocaust, especially the ones most involved in promoting it.
Dr Kory, I was modeling mortality estimates in early 2020, my top sources were Dr John , and Dr Chris Martenson,vypur god buddy. Dr Chris of course , covered your heroic Stan, 250,000 viewers. Only people decent n the plant getting the right answers at the time, wen 95% of human were gaslighting about Horses.
Then I was dropped into what can absolutely be scientifically described as a supernatural hell. I'm religious now, like Dr Clare Craig (I've got 2 science degrees, grounded in facts and evidence). You said "hope people wake up from the nightmare". THEY AIN'T WAKING UP, Dr Kory, I can't get anyone to snap out of the lunacy!! By late 2020, I had graffitied IVERMCTIN D C zinc, NO. OC43 across a government building in a village of 700 old people in Portugal. everyone , was ignoring EVERY SINGLE GOOD THING. POSSESSED? HYPNOSIS? "CONCEPT SPECIFIC DEMENTIA? .
Dr Kory. We ARE doing twighliht zone supernatural. We are under attack.
This Yale study, 5 years in, only bringing vague misleading understanding, even know?? I KNOW WHY!!!!! It's not supposed to be this difficult!
The only thing useful in it is "T cell exhaustion" which is why Angus Dalgelish tried to say, and got ignored.
While your commenters just hypothesis about maybe spike, maybe LNP, not ONE mentions T cells. THEY ARE ALL DELUSIONAL!!!!
Dr Kory. I can wake you up. I could wake you ALL UP, but you have to communicate!
Layers can't get justice, because they still can't do the basic science!!! I can! have been able to the entire time!!!
(continued here) A yoga instructor friend of ours, who lived healthily and never needed the hospital for decades, suddenly required blood thinners for blood clots that formed throughout his body. Asked him if he had considered the jabs as a cause, he denied that possibility! He didn’t think so, his doctors hadn’t mentioned it. His wife even suggested it but no, the doctors know what they’re doing right! I feel ALL doctors who participated in this should be held accountable in some form. Negligence, being unaware, whatever you wanna call it, let there be a side effect to their stupidity and/or culpability. Life or death here, they can’t be allowed to toy with our lives…they can’t be allowed to be so careless as so-called professionals in whom we place trust. Doctors who looked at data, looked at people and corrected course can be excused or receive lesser punishment but those who ignored the evidence, who saw a shift in their patients but ignored, they have to be reckoned with!
You could be right because I have a grade nine education. And one of my first thoughts (due to the shock of doctors saying safe) was that if this mRNA alters the DNA it can’t be known for several generations if it’s safe.
A paper i believe shows the mRNA alters the dna in twenty minutes.
So if someone who is a carpenter with no education can figure that out in under twenty minutes?
You could be right. Especially given the devastation this has done to the human genome.
My guess is that when we find out what they were saying and thinking the fecal matter will hit the swirly thing. (Trying to be polite for Dr Kory). (God bless him!)
It took the VA about 40 years to acknowledge Agent Orange's toxic effects and provide benefits to affected veterans. The government still remains reluctant to attribute a variety of proven adverse health effects to the pesticide. In vaccine injury, litigation MAY shorten that timeline but there is an abundance of resistance by professionals, politicians and citizens. The ultimate solution, for the future, is to gather information and, when appropriate, opt out of injection regardless what effects it has on career, vacation plans, family reunions and relationships. Since our entire health care system is rife with landmines for patients, everyone is forewarned to be cynical and vigilant regarding their legal and civil/human rights. Most importantly, find a physician, like Dr. Kory, who has proved themselves honest and reliable- not a quack or minion draped in sheepskin. The first hint you have the wrong doctor might be an orange beak sticking out from under the wool.
I've been following Dr. Kory for a couple of years. I was diagnosed as having the
PVS in the early 60s. Yes, that's what they called it. I had gotten the live Sabin polio va in the sugar cube. Within 24 hours, I had high fever, and experienced awful pain and swelling in my joints and muscles. The doctor at first thought it was polio from the vax. He Said THEY KNEW that it caused polio in some people. He also said to keep me from my siblings, as I could I fect them also. Since then, I began having slow onset of Reumatoid Arthritis symptoms. I was very athletic in my youth and into my mid 30s. Then, began a series of physical problems such as fibromyalgia ( million dollar word for pain in joints and muscles, along with intense fatigue). In 1983 I was having cardiac events about twice a week, but all tests showed nothing wrong with my heart. The cardiologist put me on a plethora of drugs, which really made me
I didn't continue most of them, but never told him that. He said I had a congenital heart defect, which really made no sense, since it had just showed up.
They gave me 6 months to live at that time.
A friend introduced me to an alternative doctor, and after a short time, maybe 15 minutes, he said my heart was healthy, it was hiatal hernia putting pressure on my heart/Vagus nerve. He showed me a 20 second technique that immediately stopped the arrhythmia, rapid heartbeat, and panic attack that happened each time! A short time later, I started weaning myself off the last two heart meds, and my health improved incredibly. I began to study under that doctor, and worked and learned for 6 years with him. I learned how to research what is in the drugs and vaccines, and the toxic effects ( ongoing 38 years later). In the mid 90s I was tested for SV40 and it was positive. It was, and still is, prevalent in the polio vaxxes.
My family has been about 95% chemical free in lifestyle and diet since the Late 80s. I'm in my late 70s, and today have 8 children, 16 grandchildren, and 6 great grandkids. So much for 6 months to live in the 80s.
However, the RA advanced slowly and continuosly. I have tried all the trending natural treatments, but the only help has been in trying to manage pain, in non-toxic, non chemical ways.
I'm fully mobile, and very active, and I fight the occasional fatigue with excellent nutrition and exercise.
Over the years, I have talked with various medical doctors and nurses who admitted that PVS is very real! Each and every one of them said there is no cure for it.
Interesting that they already knew about it way back then!! You are not onto something new, just something that's been covered up since vaccines were first invented! Wouldn't it be excellent if it were finally made public??!!
Wow. Wow. And Wow. Thanks for this
You are welcome! Over the years, some of my clients have been Nurses, Doctors and Imaging Techs. Several of them admitted that they knew about vaccine injuries, and the SV40 plus Murine retrovirus in many vaccines.
Few knew about the role of foreign DNA, such as live Hamster ovarian cells or genetic modification, involving aborted human fetal cells and DNA in biologic injectable drugs and and in the mRNA therapy injections. It didn't stop them from continuing to push them on their patients, though.
There are a lot of evils that need to be brought into the light of day. We'll see what RFK does, but not holding my breath. We waffles too much, and his and his family member's large investments in big pharma and big biotech give me pause to wonder how he will maneuver this one. However, with all the information coming out in these studies, it's going to be very difficult to hide his conflict of interest much longer.
Thank you for your invaluable contributions, and your commitment to exposing the evils, and attempting to find ways to treat these poor suffering souls!! I certainly empathize with them.
I pray for your successes!
I am thankful for this for you and for your patients! At the same time, in sharing it I have challenged the “newness” of Yale’s discovery and the incredulousness, injustice, and disingenuineness of those who refuse to respect and honor the work of those who went before them and who claim the “better knowledge”. They should now be actively advocating for the doctors who had it right and who were vilified, who lost their jobs and licenses, and whose research studies have been left in preprint, etc. I appreciated your response in your post!
Amen! 🙏
Dr. Kory, I have so much admiration for your persistence in treating and advocating for the PVS patients who have been so badly injured--physically and emotionally and financially. I feel your rage and OUTrage at this system that has destroyed so many lives and refuses to take any responsibility. And now Bayer and friends are trying to pull the same Pharma scam of 'no liability' for any pesticides they choose to unleash on us. Bobby certainly has his work cut out for him--and we all do as well, if we wish to restore some sanity and health to our totally corrupt and confused medical system. I'm suffering from the same OUTRAGE!!!
Thank you for posting free of charge.
Much appreciated...
Many of us have been dissed by our primaries....
Blessings & gratitude PK. HOPE for Today - in God we Trust.
Thank you Dr. Kory. I've been following you since 2021 and watched you testify during the C19 hearings. When will the studies come out showing the actual physiological damage done by these poisons? Physiological effects that can't be found in standard blood work or scans. When will they develop new testing to actually determine wtf is going on inside people that are suffering? I have seen very young people who have the vasculature of a 90yr old now. Death would have been a kinder outcome. When will they do the necessary autopsies and post mortem tests to shut this nightmare down?
It's all write here in this post I wrote from a while back:
Pierre - Tom Haviland is walking around CPAC with a vial containing a 6 inch, very thick white clot that Richard Hirschman sent him. He’s showing it to anyone willing to look at it. Not one push back so far. Everyone KNOWS. Whether they admit it or not.
Thank you. I still rewatch Dr. Burkhardt's interview from 12/2022 as he breaks down everything he saw and evaluated. I wish the VS's I work with had a clue... seems like they scratch their heads with wonder every time a 30yr old has a dissected aorta.
Many of the aortic dissection victims of the jab have ended up in funeral homes. "Heart Attack" on death certificates but no autopsies performed.
right 😉
They knew it was problematic years before con-vid, mRNA, or spike protein.
Makes you wonder why these doctors aren't bringing that up but are focused on spike protein.
Here's a paper talking about how without mRNA, they had issues with induced myocarditis.
"The recent observation of a similar adverse event in a recipient of the non-mRNA, peptide-based NVX-CoV2373 in the frame of a phase III clinical trial with 7020 participants in the active treatment arm raises the question whether the lipid nanoparticle sheath, which is a common structural component of these platforms could be implicated in the pathogenesis of vaccine-induced myocarditis."
Wasn't the LNP used in the anthrax vax or another one required for the military? I never knew how trusting people are with their and their childrens health. I pray we can get through this with some sort of resolution. Healthcare needs to be gutted.
The anthrax vaccine used squalene.
But you brought up an interesting question in my mind.
The Johnson, Astra Zeneca, and Sputnik V shots are supposedly DNA vector shots but they have the same clotting issues that the LNP shots like Pfizer and moderna had.
Perhaps vaccines don't actually follow GMP anymore.,. Sasha Latypova said COVID didn't follow gmp, but I wonder about flu and other shots now.
Amen. I got pneumonia from a flu shot in 2016... I am "required" to get it for work. Never again! I just cannot imagine pharmacists have no idea what is happening. How could you be that clueless???
Thank You Dr. Kory for this analysis and summaries and explaining the VALUE of this extremely imperfect study. Why? Because this study did NOT include NORMAL HUMAN BEINGS, i.e. ANY non-covid jabbed controls, all what is being compared are the PVS group 2-ice jabbed, to the control which got 4 covid shots!!! Here the quote from the preprint:
"Most individuals in each cohort completed the primary series of vaccines based on WHO recommendations (83.3%, PVS; 100%, Controls; Fisher Exact test, p = 0.09). Participants with PVS received significantly fewer COVID-19 vaccine doses compared with controls, median vaccine numbers (2, PVS; 4, controls; Fisher Exact test, p = <0.01)."
That alone is shocking. Then claiming that everyone got the shots because of WHO and not because of mandates, is clearly a LIE. ANd the lie started already in the first sentence:
"COVID-19 vaccines have prevented millions of COVID-19 deaths. "????
So the more of the shots and more frequently, the 'healthier' you are?
I guess one needs to LIE these days in order to put out ANYTHING out there what only slowly opens the huge can of worms...
I did a small sequence analysis on Kirsch's substack showing that the Spike has some homolgy with gp42 from EBV, and what is missing in that comparison is exactly that peptide which the authors were looking at.. To have the spike for 2 YEARS, is incredible, it must be the gene continuing the expression and not the Spike protein itself, although there was a mention that Spike's S1 subunit is sufficient to cause formation of trypsin-resistant fibrin clots when added to plasma from healthy individuals (white clots hint...)
The most shocking however was this:
Among the PVS-I participants, anti-calprotectin/S100 IgM, anti-genomic DNA IgA and anti-ssDNA IgA reactivities were significantly higher while anti-histone H3 IgG, anti-MBP IgA, and anti-PR3 IgA reactivities were higher among the controls-I (Figure S4C, Table320 S5)...
I'm not MD, nor immunologist, but doesn't it indicate that those poor injected people are getting antibodies to their own genetic material AND to the protection fortress of that genetic material, which are histones???? This is REALLY GENE surgery, right there, in my opinion, and that should put down any lawyer who claims, nothing to see here.
Totally agree they should have done more comparisons, like to the non-jabbed, Covid naive people (there are still a few out there) as well as to the non-jabbed Long Covid
How many with long COVID took flu shots?
How many of them were put on toxic remdesevir and/or ventilators?
Long COVID of what? We know the IFR of con-vid is similar to the flu...
I think 2019 flu shots were the starter of C19... or primer?
I think starter. My senior dad had the same low oxygen issues back in 2018 a month after getting a flu shot and some booster.
Thankfully back then they gave him steroids and oxygen and he recovered fast but his idiot doctor convinced him that he has a heart issue.... I can't stand specialists, they're beyond idiotic. His heart was acting up because of the low oxygen condition, not the bullshit diagnosis!
but even the few may be affected by the shedding, with You being the biggest specialist on that matter;) I do believe those who received many of the old style real vaccines, are the ones who suffer most, that just from my own experience.
Oh, would the whole genome sequencing of the victims suffering most be enough for the courts to proof the worst possible nightmare, the genetic incorporation of the spike genome into the human genome?
Spike is a distraction.
Here's a paper talking about how without mRNA, they had issues with induced myocarditis.
"The recent observation of a similar adverse event in a recipient of the non-mRNA, peptide-based NVX-CoV2373 in the frame of a phase III clinical trial with 7020 participants in the active treatment arm raises the question whether the lipid nanoparticle sheath, which is a common structural component of these platforms could be implicated in the pathogenesis of vaccine-induced myocarditis."
A good overview of how LNP's work is titled "The role of lipid components in lipid nanoparticles for vaccines and gene therapy". The above article you cite here shows that the authors do not discuss what kind of lipids are being used here, which is the missing key. It is essential to use CHARGED lipids of the opposite sign than the cellular membrane, so that via electrostatic forces the penetration of all different cells happens. That 'merger' is totally unspecific, that's why all different organs are affected by LNPs, not only heart. The Spike's proteins binding partners are ACE2, TMPRSS2, and more. That specific binding to ACE2, will affect everything where ACE2 plays a role. And because ACE2 is a critical regulator of blood volume, systemic vascular resistance, and thus cardiovascular homeostasis, that's why so many blood related issues, which normally had nothing to do with flu... Making anything what causes production of antibodies to the most essential part of the human body, like the ACE2 was the most idiotic thing which was allowed to happen, in particular while targeting via the LNPs ALL cells, and not only the usual ones affected by the flu (nasal mucus, lung epithelia) and actually exactly because of that, to target entire body, like in the last resort GENE THERAPY, for a dying cancer sick person, it was not only idiotic, but criminal!
That's why bioweapon, and that's why Spike is NOT a 'distraction' but exactly that, bioweapon.
Do you have any data showing that the polar DMSO is 'taking apart' the ionizable lipids???
The simple fact is that if the LNPs are designed to not break down, that's why they are hard to eliminate and build up in the vascular system and cause damage much like a pile up traffic incident.
This fulfills Occam's Razor.
No need to into the high tech pseudo biology. Even the ace receptors thing is just a theory.
try to find a half live of the synthetic N1-methylpseudouridine, it is hard to find, meaning, it is equally accumulative..., equally 'designed to not break down'..
Plus once the foreign genetic material is integrated in the human genome, the damage goes into infinity. That's what you do here, cover up the gene therapies, like many of the professionals.
I’m not anyone who would know anything but I’m suspecting that it will turn out that the molecules we make may turn out to not be suitable for humans. (And we sue the pants off big pharma). I’m guessing like plastic is to the environment kind of thing. It really doesn’t fit in. But seems so benign at first.
Many thanks Pierre. I am a veteran of ME/CFS of over 45 years. It began following a Coxsackie B infiction whilst I was working as a nurse here in Australia. The disbelief, gaslighting etc was always there and a proper diagnosis was only made after 10 years by a very competent neurologist. At least that gott me out of the Psychiatric basket!
I truly feel for all PVS patients now as the new wave of ME/CFS.
I KNOW MANY IN THE USA AND HERE IN AUSTRALIA in the field are working very hard to understand the many mechanisms of this debilitating illness.
I am grateful to you and FLCCC for being my guides during the past 5 years enabling me to negotiate COVID with appropriate medications and supplements.
I hear you, I feel you, and hope you have found some recovery. 45 years. Wow.
The Yale study had a fair amount of focus on immune disregulation. Problem is, the "control group" was also vaxxed, but just didn't have any symptoms.
What would those CD4 and CD8 counts look like if compared to an actual (unvaxxed) control group? I know the WHO definition of AIDS includes a CD4 < 200. I'm not medical enough to understand the sub-types they listed. Is this study showing "VAIDS", as your friend Berenson suggests? I have this vaxxed friend that gets sick a whole lot now - like monthly - so it is important.
I'm concerned there's a sub-current of immune suppression even in those who aren't more dramatically injured that might only show up in a couple of years. Kinda like AIDS did way back when.
Rumor has it: Early Treatment Saves Lives.
Is there even a true control group at this point? Even many of the unvaxed had covid.
Now that's an interesting point. Maybe two "control" groups. One group from "pre-covid" (pulled from old blood tests?), another group who just got covid, and the PVS group.
Yep, that may be the only way because of shedding. What might make a good study is the DNA and other physical differences between those who are sensitive to shedding and those not. Seems to me there could be clues here also for post vaccine issues. I think that 23 and Me permits researchers to access DNA of those who allow it and respond to questionnaires. Could be a great source. I am not highly sensitive, but like my allergy to dogs, prolonged exposure and I become increasingly uncomfortable. AMD did a long series about shedding sensitivity.
Dear Mr. Robert Malone,
If gain of function research has been such an outstanding success,
Where is the science?
It is a serious question.
Where are all the lab studies?
And all of the published papers?
Clearly, if you are the type of person who is convinced that they pulled a rabbit out of a hat, ( I mean really pulled a rabbit out of a hat) you’d want to see how they did it.
And, Scientists being Scientists, they would be screaming from the rooftops, wanting to show you what they did, and to take credit.
But no.
Instead …
You sit and clap.
Scientists "screaming" about the risks of gof research reached Obama back in '14 or '15. In response, Obama "paused" the research.
He looked the other way while Fauci & Ralph Baric of UNC moved the tech & specimens via Peter (???) to EcoHealth (???) in the UK to Wuhan.
Obama then quietly ended the pause shortly before Trump took office.
A Wuhan researcher defected early on in the scamdemic, along with a thumbdrive of docs with Fauci's signature all over them. She subsequently disappeared from public sight after being de-briefed,along with the docs, but not before some had been leaked.
"Cleanup in aisle 4" has long since erased the track record from the internet.
However, you can probably find research docs in the fda files.
One item that wasn't erased was an email dated in March 2020 buried in the thousands from Fauci's foia release. On it, a researcher described how they added an HIV protein to the "bioweapon." It still pops up from time to time.
Are you aware whether there were emails from fauci showing he, his family and friends were taking hydroxychoriquin and other things when covid first appeared?
It’s something that I read early in the pandemic (of the psychopathic)… and haven’t heard anything since.
Really thought I would, since he was condemning the use of it to the president at the time.
He also sited a study that showed hcq as toxic. But if you read the body of the paper they used ten times the normal dosage. How long until you discover aspirin are toxic at forty per day instead of four? Or ten liters of water a day instead of one? Or even breathing ten times faster than normal and you find air is toxic?
Long live dr. Mr. I am the science. (In prison).
I remember her. She was compelling, but I heard she was taken to a safe place because her statements put her in danger. Who knows? Always seemed strange to me that the "vaccine" could create the spike in your body yet somehow was supposed to have some from nature.
I started a spreadsheet of many of the links related to covid, research, immunity, and such. Interestingly some of the links have disappeared from the Internet, though I can't say why, as it could just be updating a site. These three say a lot, though I have many more. And advanced forms of biological warfare that can target "specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool." page 60 (but note the date on this paper: it takes usually months to put a paper together, if not longer)
ME/CFS is indeed quite destructive. I am a fan of Diana Garroway (of Youtube Physics Girl fame) and her life became hell due to spike induced illness. Looks like there is a new experimental treatment to help restore the endocrinal pathways called "stellate ganglion block:". Do you see this as a something that could be added to your toolbox?
SGB has been, like almost every other therapy I have used, transformative in some and worthless in others. - SGB has been helpful but has an overall very low batting average with a decent slugging average
The older vaccines damaged via aluminum and toxic chemicals like formaldehyde.
These COVID shots damaged because of the LNPs.
Spike protein and mRNA are a distraction, like sv40 was with the aluminum based shots.
And yes, even non mRNA LNP shots cause myocarditis.
"The recent observation of a similar adverse event in a recipient of the non-mRNA, peptide-based NVX-CoV2373 in the frame of a phase III clinical trial with 7020 participants in the active treatment arm raises the question whether the lipid nanoparticle sheath, which is a common structural component of these platforms could be implicated in the pathogenesis of vaccine-induced myocarditis."
I actually think you bring up very important points but in this case appears be a case or risk of BOTH/AND.
I also had a severe reaction with what I feel was PVS/ ME/CFS, but I don’t think that encapsulates all of it -I now know I have a severe reactivity to PEG (polyethylene glycol) the microplastic nanoparticle which should have been medically caught years before, but the medical world has treated it as inert. So much more research and discussions need to be occurring about these chemicals most especially in medications. For example high molecular weight PEG is in and reactions most of the cancer drugs with worst side effects and was in depo-provera birth control which was under litigation for brain tumors.
However, I also have a sister who was unvaccinated and almost died from severe covid. While she was much more severe (mine was still terrifying and unacceptable) long term our recovery has had many spooky parallels. This seems like maybe we both reacted to the virus components as well.
I also think me/cfs has affected others in our family from other viruses.
Other notable things about my case:
-slightly delayed anaphylactoid response that went on for days
-angioedema (although I wish I had also been assessed for MIS)
-SEVERE headaches that changed over time from full head to episodic altering occipital neuralgia/cluster headaches- none of which I had before
-I did have focalized pain in my head and abdomen
-other neurological impairments-initially eye teaming, vertigo that affected my gait, arm and neck weakness
-ankylosing spondylitis (confirmed genetically, but not symptomatic before)
What support groups exist for us and where can I connect to be a patient advocate? I did get to participate in LISTEN study, although I think I was round two.
I’ve seen handfuls of doctors and have had plenty of dead-ends and gaslighting along the way too. I’d really love to see better urgent response assessment protocols for systemic assessments of severe patients initially, because this goes WAY beyond anaphylaxis and we need much more labs and pathways to diagnostics sooner. (I’ve also been told I wasn’t severe because I wasn’t hospitalized, but I multiple times I thought I was going to die. I went to urgent care twice).
One medical collaborator thinks I had CARPA, Compliment Activated Reaction Pseudoallergy.
I have also identified a compliment C5 deficiency (reduced not absent- and notably a couple of us w PEG severe response w neurological have identified the same!) and several other genes of interest.
We need more answers.
frequent Accupuncture and cranial/cervical occupational therapy have been most helpful. Possibly LDN too.
A small fact. The priminister of Canada purportedly made a huge amount of money from the company that made the lipid nano sheaths. He invested through his family trust. So no taxes paid.