Recent FOIA-obtained data from the Department of Emergency Services in Westchester, NY reveal a shocking number of vaccine emergency calls as well as requests for ambulances to be "on standby."
Thank you. This is the point I have been trying to make for the last few years. I have published, peer-reviewed, on the topic of statistical inference. The classical model is set up to nullify real-life experience until we can get p < 0.05 (at which point, an obstinate publisher rejects your submission...). My new approach examines sample size, effect size, and p-value, and makes it easier to discover significance in smaller samples. Let me know if you want to see the paper.
And the plural of data is "equivalent of 'study,' without the money and government collusion to required to tweak the statistics to favor a particular--often wrong--conclusion."
We moved back into our local town of roughly 7k in early Jan 2020 that has a fairly big hospital that services a population area of roughly 20k we had previously lived in this town for ten years and a life flight helicopter coming into town was such a rare event when we lived here previously that my kids and I would all run out of the house to watch it as we were just blocks from the hospital... beginning in the spring of 2021 and up through late summer/early fall of 2022 the amount of ambulances and helicopter flights that would come in literally reached such a crescendo that we became numb to them until the life flight in Aug of 2022 ended up being my best friend dying of a 'massive unusual clot' /heart attack at 43 even tho she had the heart attack literally a mile from the hospital and I had to hold her 10&12 year olds in my arms half the day while they waited for the horrible news.... I'm a stay at home Mom and literally am at home all but maybe 10-15 hours a week max and we went from hearing maybe 1 life flight a month to many times a week multiple times a day... The obituaries around here have been littered with ppl between teens to 50's saying they died unexpectedly but a huge amount of those ppl have been in their 30-40's ...I know of two ppl in my small church alone that had massive heart attacks in the last 2 plus years that were 39 and 43 and one of the two died, multiple people in their 50s and 60s with me onset heart issues without any indication prior, tons I mean tons of pregnancy and infant complications, many miscarriages, several very high fetal age stillbirths, unable to get pregnant, many with full blown eclampsia, we have at least 3 ppl in their 20's that regularly pass out multiple times a week that can't get neuro or cardio consults for 3-9 months
I am speechless in sadness after reading your post. I know this has been the dark reality for many people, at least those that are awake and aware, while the others who are ignorant of the vaccine catastrophe, despite the same things happening to them, instead just put it down to unfortunate strokes of bad luck. Some days I don't know which is worse or if it even matters as the pain of all the dying is unbearable no matter what you think is going on.
The ignorance thing I think is the hardest part to deal with because when I've mentioned something to my other friends like about the fact that four women in our church in less than a two month period all had late onset eclampsia well after giving birth they are just like yea it's weird isn't it... They don't even wonder why!? We have a very high number of births per family among us and I can't honestly say I've maybe heard of someone getting full blown eclampsia a couple times in my whole life before this... When I would try to talk to people after the second person less than 40 had his heart attack people would say things like yea it's too bad he had so much stress... It's mind boggling
I am not so sure it is ignorance, it is compliance to the religion of medicine.
The book "Confessions of a Medical Heretic, by Dr. Robert Mendelsohn, in 1979 blew the whistle on the totalitarian religious structure of the medical profession.
I read it way back then, and have since kept away from them as much as possible.
Now that the WHO and WEF have taken over our gruberments we are seeing their true colours.
Our only hope is individually and as a community and a nation to turn back to.... yes you guessed it God.
For the turning away of the simple kills them, and the ease of fools destroys them. But whoever listens to me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil.
The United States, as most "Western" countries HAVE NO HEALTHCARE SYSTEMS! Instead, they have "Disease Maintenance Systems" that keep people sick and on Big Pharma toxic drugs for life to "treat" conditions that were almost unknown among pre-modern-diet indigenous groups eating in their traditional ways. Glyphosate, pesticides, fluoridated water, high-grain diet, AND HIGH INDUSTRIAL SEED OILS DIET (soybean oil, canola oil, corn oil, cottonseed oil, safflower oil, etc.) high in easily-oxidized omega 6 linoleic fatty acid!!!!! And excess corn syrup, sugar, and caffeine doesn't help, either!
As an Enrolled Agent tax pro I'm always asking about health premiums. Already, I was not calling it health "insurance," because it's not insurance--it's no longer risk based. It's really a prepaid medical plan. Words are important because they change how people think; they are a crucial part of propaganda. So, I may go beyond "health premiums" and begin referring to it with clients as "your prepaid disease maintenance plan."
I may lose a few fascist clients over the terminology, but I'm too tired of the lies to care.
On a related note (I'm thinking aloud here), this suggests our fake "insurance" system has nothing to do with health and, therefore, we MUST take our health into our own hands. I've long said, do your own research. This supports the idea: if you seek health, do not depend on the disease maintenance system.
Food based nutrients. Vitamins made from chemicals produced by Big Pharma are as complicit in questionable nutrients as our prescription drugs. Hold no Harms is not integral to Western Medicine anymore.
The insurance companies are owned by the same investors that own the hospitals and pharma companies. The profit is maximised and if there is more profit in treating people in hospitals then the insurers will support that even if it means higher premiums for the members.
The presence of a doula at a birth reduces the need for caesarian interventions, does not and cannot eliminate it but reduces an expensive intervention. Medical insurers should ALWAYS PAY OUT for a doula service because it is cheaper than the caecers but they do not because the hospitals love caecears because they are routine repeat surgery on healthy and vulnerable patients where mistakes are easy to blame on back luck.
Sometimes I have to wonder about folks. On the ingredients listed on a can of Pepsi, you'll find high fructose corn syrup, caffeine, "natural" flavorings (lol) and carbon dioxide? Isn't that something we expel with every breath? I wonder how the company avoided getting targeted by the "global warming" mob for all that carbon dioxide that gets burped out causing all that excess warming! Product sales security? Hot days means increased sales!
Yes, carbon dioxide (CO2) is something we expel with every breath, but it is also vitally necessary for life. It is what truggers the neurological impulse to breathe, it relaxes blood vessels (similar to nitric oxide), and produces carbonic acid to keep blood pH at the proper level, among other things. If all the CO2 somehow left your body, you would die.
I think you could be onto something Ray- ban Coke and Pepsi for the sake of global warming?
Could kill two birds with the one stone (to use a rather unecological metaphor) -save the planet and don't have rotten teeth,
Also waste reduction from no drink bottles, save on draining the water table to get pure water for these drinks, (they take millions of litres of our best water in Australia for this junk),
And it could give the kids who want to save the world some of the biggest companies in the world to send broke!
Now there's a mission they would like - give them some purpose and meaning, instead of doing something useful like learning a trade, mowing the lawn, or growing their own food!
Yes. This. The food supply is totally polluted and toxic. Looking around, it’s hard to see it’s anything but deadly for health. Eat like the average American and you are asking for bad health and death, along with the dangers of regular visits to your conventional doctors. And vaccines.
Caffeine constricts blood vessels. Not good if someone already has some arterial blockage in a critical organ like the heart or brain. And when the effect wears off it causes a "rebound reaction" of expanded blood vessels— a frequent cause of "caffeine withdrawal" headaches. I suspect that most common headaches are caused by this (and support a big part of the headache pill industry!).
Also, it tends to cause sleep disturbance, perhaps even if people don't realize it or make the connection. Insomnia is big business, judging from all the ads for sleep meds. And adequate, deep sleep is absolutely critical for the immune system and proper brain function, including memory, feeling good, alertness, and proper functioning of the Glymphatic System that flushes toxins out of our brain (only) during deep sleep—a major factor in the prevention of Alzheimer’s Dementia.
Occasional use of caffeine is probably not an issue, but frequent or high consumption definitely can be. PLUS, each time it is consumed and then wears off, it leaves the body MORE TIRED than before it was taken! If frequent consumption is continued, the body cannot get back to a baseline energy level, and, like a heroine addiction, the body requires larger and larger doses just to GET BACK TO the level of energy the person experienced BEFORE they started. In other words, you "can't win". Continued frequent consumption leaves you at a far lower baseline energy level than before you started "using". So then you REALLY feel like you NEED the stuff to get functional at all.
Remember: "what goes up must come down". The body always seeks homeostasis (balance). Artificially stimulating it will always result in a "crash". You are, in effect, "beating a tired horse". You can't "make energy" with caffeine, all you can do is release what is already there— "blowing your wad" all at once.
Much better to support cellular (mitochondrial) health to prduce REAL ENERGY, not the artificial "high" of a stimulant.
I can only believe the Covid vaccines are a method of population control! Bill Gates and the WEF have all been promoting that narrative for a long time. Why the hysteria over Roe vs Wade being reversed and abortion turned over to states? Why the big push to promote homosexuality as “normal” sexual behavior? Why push transgenderism? These all reduce population. I can understand live and let live, but the vaccines are another matter altogether. I believe all vaccines are being tampered with and are most likely unsafe and ineffective. My husband and I will never take another vaccine of any kind.
I get so frustrated bc ppl don’t want to talk about what is going on. Or connect the dots. Its mind wrecking to be aware and many others are not or refuse to even discuss it. At times, I wonder that they can’t handle it I tell myself. Especially if they have been vaxed they maybe terrified of their own health consequences.
Most people I know who complied with several shots aren't talking about it. They pooh-pooh talk of dangers or adverse reactions with lame excuses like "well, of course some people would have side effects" or "They told us about possible side effects". They know nothing of substack or Dr. Kory or excess mortality or any information that is not on MSM. Any deaths were caused by something else and new onset medical conditions are due to natural aging and not the "vaccine". These people still think those who question what happened since 2020 are conspiracy theorists and millions of lives were saved by the "vaccine". It seems it will take a lot more high profile illness or mortality to make a dent in this perception.
For some reason they trust the media, although the news is even more corrupt since becoming more digital than they were when based in print media.
Many people seem to want to go along with the crowd, no matter how stupid it is- anti jews, anti blacks, anti other nationalities, anti other religions.
Perhaps they just don't want to think, and believe anything they are told, by someone who says they are 'in charge'?
Yes. Brainwashed by the media that bombarded them with fear of death 24/7. I was shut down with a hand in my face and admonished by a close relative when I tried to present research that pertained to my personal medical history (oh that quaint idea!) as to why I was "hesitant". Um, I've worked in healthcare for almost 40 years but apparently I was only allowed to listen to "the experts", not allowed to do my own research (heaven forbid!) and *not* allowed to be treated as an individual.
One Size Fits All with a novel experimental injection, yep, that's how it works now! Even six month old humans are not exempt, inject them too! I keep coming back to the word "weird" to describe this odd era we are living through.
I think they are terrified that they could be wrong- which means all the people in charge are wrong- and that would destabilize their whole view of reality.
Same here, Sharon Wood. No one around me discusses it at all. The Sound of Silence. The elephant in the room. It’s as if people have compartmentalized it all, or erased it. Denial, I guess. Frankly, I find it creepy. As well as annoying.
Could write a new version of Simon And Garfunkly "Sound of Silence"- same when the Nazi's took the first lot of Jews- silence throughout the world media and governments.
Ask around Pierre. In this country, hospitals have a new type of midwife, called a "stillbirth" midwife. Whereas stillbirths were maybe once a month at most, now they are a regular event. On top of that vaccinated mothers are having strokes and heart attacks during labour, if babies are term, they often have the reactions of a premie, and breastfeeding mothers are being given a booster and told to feed their babies immediately, so that the baby "gets the benefit".
Ask around and see what is happening in babyland in your areas. Bystander syndrome is a total shocker.... in this country (New Zealand) and everywhere.
Nothing you say above shocks me or is unexpected. The only thing I found off was the "ask around Pierre" only because I am estranged and ostracized from the former medical and academic community of which I was, I believe, a valued and contributing member. Very few people "on the inside" talk to me anymore..
Not everywhere. Where I live (Scandinavia) the govt. even gave a (half-assed) apology for injecting youth (12+). The <12 yo's have never been jabbed, and for the last nearly 2 years the jabs have been effectively banned for everybody.
Never any mandates, and can't remember the last time I saw a mask.
Wow. Your story sounds identical to mine. Except I am a grandma( young. Lol) It happens multiple times a day. Accidents and crashes into buildings. Also alot of fires! Are people forgetting? I think so. The death we first experienced was my adult kids father. Still they are struggling. I am so sorry about your friend.
We live in a slightly bigger town, very close to the local hospital, a designated trauma center. We would see an occasional med helicopter overhead years back. Now it seems almost constant. Unbelievable.
Close friends got a call from their 37 year old daughter early one morning this summer that something was wrong. She had already called 911 ( independent, healthy, slender, active, mother of 7 yo, lives works in another town) .Entire family vehemently believes in vaccines, boosters and Fauci as infallible. The young lady was dead by the time 911 arrived. Autopsy ruled " natural causes, heart attack". Tragic on every level but the family 100% is at peace that she simply died of a heart attack. Blows my mind. So very many people are NOT seeing the lies or corruption. They militantly believe the government...That frightens me most of all.
I suspect they vehemently believe the government, because they can't face what they've done to themselves, and encouraged be done to their family members and friends. That said, I'm out of compassion for all those who drank the Kool-Aid and still can't accept the reality of what has been done and what they've allowed to be done. Covering one's ears and chanting "I can't HEAR you" over and over is a child's game. Folks need to grow the hell up.
Agree 💯. A pilot friend can no longer fly because he lost vision in one eye due to Bell's Palsy. When I saw him and he shared this I bluntly said "oh, the shot?" And he quickly replied "no, that's not it." So I asked what caused it and he shared his doctor doesn't know, but "it's not the shots." This guy isn't dumb, mid 40s and a runner. I'm flabbergasted.
Keep in mind... most people think only what cnnbbc tell them to think... they are not dissimilar to a parrot...
If cnnbbc do not blame the Rat Juice... their audience will not blame the Rat Juice... if cnnbbc tell them it's cuz of climate change... that is what they will believe -- even the 'smart' ones.
My parents (early 70s) are full ‘believers’ in the current industrial medical complex. Anything a doctors tells them to do, they do it with no questions asked (unless it’s diet or lifestyle related). I tried so hard to give them information about statins after my mom’s doctor put her on them but she politely avoided any further conversations about the issue with me. That was in 2018 or thereabouts. Who the hell am I compared to someone with a degree from a medical school? They trust their doctor explicitly. Actually, they trust ANY doctor without question.
I was trying to explain how dangerous the “vaccines” were because I knew that my parents had gotten the first two and I was hoping to provide them with enough evidence to dissuade them from any more. I was following the VAERS and knew that it was a disaster within a week (actually, reading about the “trials” showed it to be a disaster but the VAERS reports after the roll out to the public confirmed).
It was too late. My mom told me that they went in to get their first booster (headsmack) and the lady administering it told them that they had to call an ambulance for someone who got the jab the day before. My eyes got so big they almost popped out of my head and all I could say was, “and she still gave it to you?!”
I personally wouldn’t interpret this situation (in the article) as a soft attempt at whistle-blowing by the persona calling to request the ambulances be on standby. Not that I am all-knowing but it’s looks to me like evidence that people literally have lost their ability to reason as well as their ability to use logic and remember what the purpose of the vaccine was supposed to be (save everyone from certain death) in the first place. The medical industrial complex trains medical personal to be compliant with all the standard of care protocols and the liability manipulation, etc.
The woman injecting my parents was not ashamed to tell them that she had seen people taken away in an ambulance after being injected. And she wasn’t ashamed to proceed to inject them. And my parents listened and then offered up their arm.
Every time I think about it I feel like I’m living in a horror movie. Whatever psychological manipulation they deployed on the medical community and the population in general was absolutely masterful. I’m definitely wondering how many other areas we are all being manipulated in. I’ve identified several so far. This doesn’t bode well for humanity in general.
Wow. Just wow. Brings to life what was in my article. I agree that it may have been less the blow of a whistle than the complete loss of reasoning. Totally fair.
The World Council for Health had a fascinating live presentation on Facebook by Christoff a few days ago. I imagine the principles of manipulation that he laid out were very applicable.
I know exactly what you mean! The only member of my family that isn't Vaxxed and will listen to me is my nephew. Others: hopeless! My brother is on his sixth shot now. His brain-dead-idiot doctor has him taking Statins and God-knows-what else now. He won't listen to me at all or read anything I send him.
About Statins: the data is UNEQUIVOCAL. Among seniors, the ones who LIVE THE LONGEST are those with the HIGHEST CHOLESTEROL!!!! But, then, it has been known for a long time that cholesterol does NOT cause heart attacks! And that Statin drugs can kill you! And shrink your brain. And cause: dementia, peripheral neuropathy, muscle pathology, diabetes, impair the immune system and increase infections and cancer deaths, and more!
There is ZERO ZERO ZERO evidence that Statins are of benefit to ANY woman (but there is a tiny statistical advantage only for younger men who have already had a heart attack BECAUSE of Statin drugs' slight anti-inflammatory activity— but that has NOTHING TO DO WITH CHOLESTEROL!!!). AND even in that group, it INCREASES MORTALITY from cancers and other problems! ALL RISK, NO BENEFIT except to the "bottom lines" of Big Pharma!
There are so many good books that uncover the fraud of big pharma. (Like Dr. Kory’s book on Ivermectin or Butchered by Healthcare - but there are so many) I’m sure most doctors avoid those books like the plague. If a doctor really understood the depth of fraud going on in trials and on administrative levels and in the regulatory agencies, how could they continue to practice medicine? It would be near impossible.
If I were a family practice doctor and patients came into me with disease, probably 80-90% of the time, I would hand them a book or two about diet and lifestyle and tell them their cure is in the book. And then I would have no patients.
In my view, the people who understand the inherent problems in medicine probably don’t go to medical school so you have this self filtering mechanism that weeds out anyone who can see the inherent problems. Giving vaccines to one day old babies for a sexually transmitted disease? You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that that one is a complete fraud. I feel bad for doctors who figure out what is going on mid or early career. I can only imagine the mental anguish it would cause. I’m in pain watching it and I didn’t even participate.
I love that so much. No truer concept could be uttered.
We have the power if we want it bad enough to take it back. If we all took back our power, on a massive scale, the pharmaceutical industry would collapse under its own weight because people wouldn’t be paying into their coffers. Their billions of dollars they make off of sick people IS their source of power and control over regulatory bodies, politicians, medical journals and most essentially, the media.
Im happy with 250 plus cholesterol as a 75 yo woman. Excellent health. I Learned about that lie in 2010. I test a new doc I might see (hardly see any anyway) with the statin/cholesterol flim flam. Spouts the flimflam and “You’re FIRED”.
I'm with you on that! I'm also 75 and avoid doctors like the plague. Only go to them for employment-related physicals. Or an extremely rare situation like an infection from a deep puncture wound that requires an antibiotic injection (has happened twice in my life), or wanting to get an x-ray like when I broke some ribs falling off a horse 25 years ago!
In case your doctor doesn't know, tell him/her that the seniors with the HIGHEST cholesterol LIVE THE LONGEST by several YEARS more than those with the lowest cholesterol!
Yup. Your brain requires cholesterol. The body makes it. I have an elderly friend who avoided fat totally (not that saturated fat causes CVD—it doesn’t). Vegetable oils and PUFAS are the real devil) she was also on statins. She has Alzheimer’s. Her CoQ10 ability was probably nonexistent along with other energy pathways that affected her brain and metabolic function. It’s not called Type 3 diabetes for nothing.
They don’t tell me. The grandkid had it after jabs so we of course couldn’t go out for Christmas in 2021. I’m not normally privy to that information. I don’t know if they test and I don’t recommend it, of course. The good thing is they never have refused to be around us. They drove out to us the summer of 2020 when no one was jabbed Also Never made a fuss we were unjabbed. (Hubby had 1 JNJ.) So I’m grateful for that. Daughter knows “you can always tell a Swede, but you can’t tell ‘em much”. 😁🤔🤷🏼♀️
Wow! It was just recenly I heard COVIDians were on jab seven! How many times can they "spin the wheel" of the revolver before their Russian Roulette game becomes fatal? In real Russian Roulette the gun has six chambers, one "bullet". The metaphore is quite apropos. Eight "spins" are beyond insanity! Statistically, what is the chance of getting all placebos/saline/duds? By now he/she probably has heart muscle damage, brain damage, blood vessel damage and clot formation, and SO MUCH ELSE! Walking time bomb!
Death rates are up in all Vaxxed countries. This may only be the beginning of the biggest die-off of humans in centuries.
I have read several books about cholesterol, but not this one. I just looked at it on Amazon and several "red flags" jumped out at me from the Comments section. From what readers are saying about the book, it appears that Dr. Malhotra is very mainstream-cardiology-oriented (translation= still in "medical Dark Ages" about cardiovascular disease!). For example the following two excerpts:
". . . time was spent discussing all causes of high cholesterol and what you can do to lower it naturally . . . "
". . . learning that reducing refined sugars is more beneficial than reducing saturated fat in lowering cholesterol."
These are very strong indications that he is still stuck on the "cholestetol bandwagon", and perhaps even on the "saturated fat bandwagon", and is completely missing the point! Cholesterol does NOT cause heart disease. Natural saturated fat does NOT cause heart disease!
Cholesterol is a vitally essential substance used for many necessary processes in the body. If someone doesn't obtain enough through diet, their liver has to synthesize it. It is a critical component of every cell membrane. It is a detoxifier. It is essential for proper immune system function. It is a raw material for vitamin D synthesis and other essential hormones. If your cholesterol is "too high" it is probably because you are toxic and need extra, and perhaps because your immune system is being challenged. If you have a chronic infection, such as from infected teeth or gums, or root canals, tonsil infections, gut infections, etc. you need extra cholesterol. If you are low in cholesterol you are much more likely to die from cancer!!!! Your body IS NOT STUPID! It knows when you need more, and people with a genetic predisposition to high cholesterol aren't any more likely to die of heart disease, anyway! IT IS A MYTH!
And if saturated fat could kill us, we would all be dead! What kind of fat does the body manufacture??? What kind of fat gets put in circulation and metabolized WHEN SOMEBODY LOSES WEIGHT? DUH! The body IS NOT STUPID!
You know why the misinformation was spread about saturated fat being unhealthy? Because the test rats WERE FED CRISCO for the "saturated fat", NOT real, NATURAL fat! CRISCO is POISON!!!!
NATURAL FAT is healthiest when it is saturated. THAT is the only SAFE, STABLE fat that won't oxidize and cause major oxidative stress and inflammation in the body. The DANGEROUS FATS are the omega-6 polyunsaturated industrial seed oils like soybean oil, canola oil, cottonseed oil, corn oil, etc. And hydrogenated seed oils and the trans fats that ALWAYS form when oils are hydrogenated.
Industrial seed oils were nonexistent in the human diet until the latter half of the nineteenth century. They didn't become common until well into the twentieth century. And guess what diseases have gone up IN LOCKSTEP with seed oil consumption? Heart disease. Strokes. Cancer. Type 2 Diabetes. Obesity. Alzheimer's. It wasn’t the sugar, it was the OILS!!!!!! Yeah, the sugar didn't help, but it was only a "bit player", not the main culpret! The linoleic omega 6 oil messes up cell membranes and receptors so that they don't work right. They get oxidized. Things don't move through them properly, in or out. How can cells remain healthy and functional if they are constructed out of the WRONG MATERIAL?
Another really big problem with heart disease (many things are "perfect storms" of muliple factors going wrong) is chronic ascorbate deficiency causing structural weakness in the collagen wthin the arteries that allows excessive bulging of the arteries and loss of integrity of the endothelium and glycocaylx layers, contributing to the beginnings of small lesions that then attract lipoprotein(a) into the damaged place to plug it up an prevent leakage of blood into the tissues. Cholesterol is a necessary component of the lipoprotein(a) molecule, the "superglue" the body uses to protect itself from potentially life-threatening damage. Someone with weak arteries and lesions and small tears will make more cholesterol to use for the emergency repairs while the arteries heal. But oxidative damage to arteries from "vegetable" seed oils use up all available ascorbate (vitamin C) to neutralize the oxidation, causing focal deficiencies that result in the arterial weakness and tears/ lesions that can progress to atheroscerosis.
Taking calcium supplements, and being VITAMIN K2 DEFICIENT contributes to calcium deposits in the damaged arteries. Usually only growning children and pregnant or lactating women need or should take calcium, the SECOND most toxic essential nutrient (after iron). It's another diet MYTH that people should take calcium supplements! (beware of TUMS, something else practically no one should take— heartburn is usually caused by LOW stomach acid, not too much! Acid is necessary to close the valve at the lower end of the esophagus and prevent acid reflux.)
(And you still trust doctors who mostly only know how to write prescriptions, not get you healthy???)
So Sorry. My husband and I are watching this in reverse with our daughter and her family. She is our only child. My grandkid our only. I am unvaxxed and husband only one JNJ. No flu shots. My daughter told me to stop saying anything. They buy it all. My grandkid is a trans “boy” (starting at 14) and is now sterile and disfigured from a surgery. On antidepressants along with the blockers. “It’s what he wanted”. The satanic system was in on enabling an obviously a neurological gardisil damaged preteen to “transition”. I only sent 2 articles about the vax and was shut down. The vax is not the only horror I’m worried about. We live 1000 miles away. We know little until it happens. I 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 a lot.
I feel so blessed because I had slowly figured out that the medical system was deeply flawed when I had my own health struggles in my 30s. From there I was able to teach my children about the inherent flaws in the current medical system so none of my children succumbed to the pressure. And my grandbabies are vax free. This probably wouldn’t be the case if I hadn’t had health problems and done extensive research into health and healing.
It absolutely devastates me to know how many people are tricked into all these useless and harmful vaccines, especially when it comes to their babies. Someday, as a society, we will reach critical mass and stop this abomination. We will look back on the horrors of vaccination and weep. So many victims. I hope that will happen anyway. We are up against a powerful force. But many people have stopped vaccinating their children after seeing the Covid scam.
Again, I’m so sorry. So very many people are suffering from this.
I remember reading about that. It put the medical community in a panic because people were not going back to get caught up on vaccines after the lockdowns ended. I noticed in my own social feed, there were lots of adds for people to get their children in right away. It was desperate. And it sounded ridiculous they way they were trying to pretend like there was some big benefit that kids were missing out on. And I loved seeing the laughing emoji on it. They clearly censored the comments. They have since stopped the adds on my feed. I hope the numbers never go back up to pre-Covid numbers. But people are vulnerable to propaganda so we will see. At least it’s no longer as taboo to be an “anti-vaxxer”.
I had tried to warn my niece about vaccines for kids when she asked me about it. I suggested a few books to her. She didn’t want them (the vaccines) but her husband drew a line and said they were going to get them. He made fun of me and my science (to my niece). He has since apologized to her for making her get her kids injected. There’s a glimmer of hope.
Wow! That's so encouraging to see that he's finally seen the light. At least this will afford the children some protection in the days ahead when the school and medical professionals starting pushing the next round of injections (chicken pox, HPV, meningitis, etc.) 🙏🏻
I was getting my haircut back in summer of 2021 when I overheard the woman next to me - who worked in a pharmacy - telling her stylist about how people would either collapse or faint after receiving the shots. She even joked that the pharmacy staff made a game out of predicting which shot recipients would faint based on how they looked. I was horrified. The stylist asked, "is this normal?" "Oh, yes. It happens all the time."
We live in the twilight zone. That’s so horrifying it’s hard to quantify.
I was at church and the person who just gave a talk about ‘loving others’ came down and started talking to the people in the pew behind us. He was/is a pharmacist and he knew that I thought the vaccine was crap. So he starts talking to the people behind me who are retired, highly educated people (perfect profile of people who took the jab). He is relaying to them jokes from a late night show about how people who won’t take the jab get their “science” from Facebook. It was meant to be a total insult. Haha! I know he was talking loud enough for me to overhear because he didn’t want to confront me directly. (He had previously messaged my husband privately before to ask my opinion on herbal remedies and such so he could feel superior from all his “education”.)
The irony is that I could have run circles around him about the “vaccine” because I was learning from censored sources who were telling the truth about bio distribution, ACM in the vaccine group, lack of transmission testing, relative risk reduction, etc. And I’m not even that smart.
Anyway, I have often thought of that moment and wondered how many jabs he has had now that he realizes that they don’t work and that they are dangerous and that the pharmaceutical companies/CDC are going to recommend them twice a year or more forever.
The brainwashing and mind control of pharmacists is so strong. How else could you dispense poison day after day? And make bets on which person is going to die or be dragged out in an ambulance? It’s surreal.
I find talking about the role of pseudouridine and biodistribution studies when interacting with shot proponents is typically greeted with an open mouth, then silence then the response, "well, I don't really know about all of the details." And yet, these same people roll up their sleeves without hesitation.
Not only do they roll up their sleeves, some of them want all of us to be forced to roll up our sleeves.
One friend of mine was saying that 18 and 19 year old men should have to take it to protect her elderly mother because they “didn’t have the right to spread the disease” to her mother. When I questioned her if she thought it worked, why would her mother, who got the shot, need someone else to get it? She answered “I don’t know” but she ended her statement by saying that she trusted the experts. Her husband is a RN. Baffling.
I stopped having conversations with her two years ago because you can’t reason with brainwashed people. I would be interested in how she feels about forcing everyone’s to keep getting them now, since the experts still push them. Hopefully people have learned something from this situation but I doubt it. They don’t look at information, they just follow the current narrative.
Reminds me of interviewing for a job at Arthur Anderson years ago (with a subsequent job offer which I refused, BTW). During the break between interviews I was sitting in the company cafe and overheard several of the pharmacy reps laughing and joking about what a killing they were making on all the drugs they were pushing.
The manipulation won't stop, but at least the white house concedes that the hesitancy is growing.
"Achieving this vision will require not only the technical advancements but also necessitate sociological achievements, such as enhancing trust in science and overcoming a growing hesitancy towards safe and effective medical countermeasures."
“enhancing trust in science” -straight out of a dystopian horror novel. But we are living it. With all the AI tools and the complete control of the media, I have no doubt that they will ratchet up the brainwashing with whatever means necessary.
Well, they have a way of forcing people to ‘trust their science’, with mandates, psychological operations, red flag events, driving fear, fake scientific consensus, and other punitive actions. I’m sure they have more efforts in the works for those of us who didn’t drink the kool aid.
No doubt she believes that when people collapse and are taken away in an ambulance... that this means the vaccine is working.... I wonder if she doesn't get that outcome if she offers her victims a second shot?
Actually though, another anecdote- my cousin was at my house for Thanksgiving in 2021 and I happened to walk by while she was telling my sister that she had gotten the first shot and it put her in the hospital. And she literally said, “that means it really, really worked!” And then she asked my sister not to tell her adult daughter because her adult daughter had tried to warn her that they were dangerous so she was hiding it from her that she had to go to the ER be of it. And she was planning to get the second one. Her mother (my aunt) can’t stop getting Covid and has multiple new autoimmune diseases but doesn’t know why- vaxxed to the max.
I literally have almost had a nervous breakdown from watching this unfold. My other sister was injured. Just found out my brother has had epilepsy since April of this year. He no doubt had gotten multiple injections. (Lives in NY city) I have no doubt that other family members are injured as well but they don’t tell me because they know I was trying to warn people. I have to hear it secondhand usually. Like I’ve seen photos on social media of my nephew (teenager) going to a heart hospital but there’s no explanation of why. The insanity is never ending.
There are no words, Brandy . . . . I know this kind of denial exists, but it stuns me nonetheless with every report I hear . . . . So sorry you've had to be a bystander while the health of your family implodes . . .
Yeah, once you start to see it in its fullness in one area of society, you start to see it in ALL areas of society. And you can’t unsee it.
The World Council for Health (on Facebook) had a live presentation a few days ago about mind control with Jason Christoff and how people are manipulated through tv, social media, the nudge to consume coffee and alcohol etc. It was an excellent presentation and the principles were valuable to learn in order to protect one’s own mind. Highly recommend it.
I feel much luckier then. My very lucid 76 year old mom was put on statins following a clot surgery (normal clot, we are both unvaxxed), and I went off on it, enraging my brother, who is vaxxed and a definite adherent to the religion of scientism. He defended himself later by saying he felt I was "forbidding" her to take them, to which I laughed and asked when in our very strong mother's life has anyone ever been able to forbid her to do anything! He laughed and conceded that, at least.
So mom decides to trust the doctor and take them, ends up weak, sick, with brain fog issues, worries she's got dementia like my late father had. I brought up statins again, pointing out how other statins takers have had similar. I showed her AMidwesternDoctor, she starts looking it up herself. So about six months after starting, she starts on her doctors to stop, which they of course don't like but do anyway, but are still on her to lower her cholesterol "or else you have no choice". She's been freaking they will never stop harassing her on it, but she has no intention of feeling like that again--but she hates getting bullied. The doc actually told her she'll die very soon if she refuses statins, but that's her choice. I have been showing her stuff about the cholesterol myth pushed by statins makers, and she's open to it, but says even if the big pharma and pharma trained doctors are right and she'll die without statins, she wont ever touch them. We are big believers in quality of life above quantity and we don't fear death, so the medical establishment has less leverage on us than most.
My mom wants to keep eating the diet that she sees as healthy (which is full of food that is not healthy- like processed seed oils, sugar, and other refined foods) and blame her health issues on genetics, which means the only two options (in her mind) is taking prescription drugs and having surgery, or just living with disease.
There is a third option, which is to change the diet and lifestyle. I’m constantly hoping she will choose this option. It would not fix everything because it takes time to reverse the damage that 70 years of processed foods causes but she would be so much better off than she is now.
It was kind of interesting that she and my dad went on vacation to see a retired doctor. The retired doctor told her all about the statin scam. Then she listened to him and got in touch with me after her trip. (I tried not to be offended that she was willing to listen to a retired doctor and not me- haha! There’s that total trust in the white coat, as if they are magical.)
At that point, I told her everything that I could about a heathy diet. She made changes for a short amount of time but I think she eventually decided it was too difficult because she is not eating anything like what we talked about currently. I try not to pry into her health so I don’t know if she is on the statins now but I know she is not holding to a healthy diet so we shall see what happens.
It makes me sad to see people suffering from our current food system AND our current health system but some people just choose to stay in that paradigm. I still love her and am willing to help her if she ever is interested. It’s hard to break free of our corrupt system. It’s addictive, cheap (the food is anyway), and convenient. It doesn’t go over very well when you tell someone that they will feel better if they eat food that doesn’t taste as good, is more expensive, and is labor intensive. It’s a tough sell. :)
We ARE "called to do the same" ; to act, and to act courageously. In the face of persecution, we MUST be honest, truthful, upright, and unflinching. Many "likes" agree with your sentiment.
A sneaking suspicion nudges my paradigm in a way that this whole ordeal parallels that which God Himself has warned us all by. "No atheists in foxholes" sort of thing. As we witness the carnage and of its increase, the spiritual side of the coin comes up. We temporal beings, of mere flesh and blood, will then face the reality of the permanence of eternal death. And are prompted to consider the Grand alternative: The Truth in the Gospel about God's Plan of Salvation.
No matter HOW terrible things do get, we have a Creator who loves us fiercely, and will provide ample opportunity, uncomfortable as it will probably be, to choose "life over death." The choice exemplifies our God-given "freedom to choose."
I think I meant if I was called to make the same kinds of sacrifices that Dr. Kory and others have made as far as livelihood and career and such.
Of course, we all see how God has brought NEW calling to Dr. Kory and his colleagues, albeit by exquisitely painful means. A resurrection, of sorts, and perhaps not yet fully realized, and found only by walking first through the hell of crucifixion and Holy Saturday.
But YES, every single one of us is called to be a Truth Teller within whatever place God has put us. Thanks for that affirmation.
This brought tears to my eyes. All of this happening early on and the injections continued! They continue today! What is wrong with people!
For awhile now, we've noticed ambulances passing our semi-rural home more frequently than in the past. I can't help but wonder about it. A couple of times my husband listened in on the dispatchers' conversations and heard breathing problems mentioned. I know, of course, that everything can't be blamed on the shots, but it's becoming more and more evident that a lot of harm has been done.
You know what you have when you have hundreds of anecdotal reports showing the same thing?
Clinical data.
Exactly. The plural of anecdote is... data.
Thank you. This is the point I have been trying to make for the last few years. I have published, peer-reviewed, on the topic of statistical inference. The classical model is set up to nullify real-life experience until we can get p < 0.05 (at which point, an obstinate publisher rejects your submission...). My new approach examines sample size, effect size, and p-value, and makes it easier to discover significance in smaller samples. Let me know if you want to see the paper.
And the plural of data is "equivalent of 'study,' without the money and government collusion to required to tweak the statistics to favor a particular--often wrong--conclusion."
spot on Doug...
We moved back into our local town of roughly 7k in early Jan 2020 that has a fairly big hospital that services a population area of roughly 20k we had previously lived in this town for ten years and a life flight helicopter coming into town was such a rare event when we lived here previously that my kids and I would all run out of the house to watch it as we were just blocks from the hospital... beginning in the spring of 2021 and up through late summer/early fall of 2022 the amount of ambulances and helicopter flights that would come in literally reached such a crescendo that we became numb to them until the life flight in Aug of 2022 ended up being my best friend dying of a 'massive unusual clot' /heart attack at 43 even tho she had the heart attack literally a mile from the hospital and I had to hold her 10&12 year olds in my arms half the day while they waited for the horrible news.... I'm a stay at home Mom and literally am at home all but maybe 10-15 hours a week max and we went from hearing maybe 1 life flight a month to many times a week multiple times a day... The obituaries around here have been littered with ppl between teens to 50's saying they died unexpectedly but a huge amount of those ppl have been in their 30-40's ...I know of two ppl in my small church alone that had massive heart attacks in the last 2 plus years that were 39 and 43 and one of the two died, multiple people in their 50s and 60s with me onset heart issues without any indication prior, tons I mean tons of pregnancy and infant complications, many miscarriages, several very high fetal age stillbirths, unable to get pregnant, many with full blown eclampsia, we have at least 3 ppl in their 20's that regularly pass out multiple times a week that can't get neuro or cardio consults for 3-9 months
I am speechless in sadness after reading your post. I know this has been the dark reality for many people, at least those that are awake and aware, while the others who are ignorant of the vaccine catastrophe, despite the same things happening to them, instead just put it down to unfortunate strokes of bad luck. Some days I don't know which is worse or if it even matters as the pain of all the dying is unbearable no matter what you think is going on.
The ignorance thing I think is the hardest part to deal with because when I've mentioned something to my other friends like about the fact that four women in our church in less than a two month period all had late onset eclampsia well after giving birth they are just like yea it's weird isn't it... They don't even wonder why!? We have a very high number of births per family among us and I can't honestly say I've maybe heard of someone getting full blown eclampsia a couple times in my whole life before this... When I would try to talk to people after the second person less than 40 had his heart attack people would say things like yea it's too bad he had so much stress... It's mind boggling
I am not so sure it is ignorance, it is compliance to the religion of medicine.
The book "Confessions of a Medical Heretic, by Dr. Robert Mendelsohn, in 1979 blew the whistle on the totalitarian religious structure of the medical profession.
I read it way back then, and have since kept away from them as much as possible.
Now that the WHO and WEF have taken over our gruberments we are seeing their true colours.
Our only hope is individually and as a community and a nation to turn back to.... yes you guessed it God.
For the turning away of the simple kills them, and the ease of fools destroys them. But whoever listens to me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil.
(Proverbs 1:32-33)
The United States, as most "Western" countries HAVE NO HEALTHCARE SYSTEMS! Instead, they have "Disease Maintenance Systems" that keep people sick and on Big Pharma toxic drugs for life to "treat" conditions that were almost unknown among pre-modern-diet indigenous groups eating in their traditional ways. Glyphosate, pesticides, fluoridated water, high-grain diet, AND HIGH INDUSTRIAL SEED OILS DIET (soybean oil, canola oil, corn oil, cottonseed oil, safflower oil, etc.) high in easily-oxidized omega 6 linoleic fatty acid!!!!! And excess corn syrup, sugar, and caffeine doesn't help, either!
As an Enrolled Agent tax pro I'm always asking about health premiums. Already, I was not calling it health "insurance," because it's not insurance--it's no longer risk based. It's really a prepaid medical plan. Words are important because they change how people think; they are a crucial part of propaganda. So, I may go beyond "health premiums" and begin referring to it with clients as "your prepaid disease maintenance plan."
I may lose a few fascist clients over the terminology, but I'm too tired of the lies to care.
On a related note (I'm thinking aloud here), this suggests our fake "insurance" system has nothing to do with health and, therefore, we MUST take our health into our own hands. I've long said, do your own research. This supports the idea: if you seek health, do not depend on the disease maintenance system.
Thank you, Faith.
Food based nutrients. Vitamins made from chemicals produced by Big Pharma are as complicit in questionable nutrients as our prescription drugs. Hold no Harms is not integral to Western Medicine anymore.
We LOVE it!
The insurance companies are owned by the same investors that own the hospitals and pharma companies. The profit is maximised and if there is more profit in treating people in hospitals then the insurers will support that even if it means higher premiums for the members.
The presence of a doula at a birth reduces the need for caesarian interventions, does not and cannot eliminate it but reduces an expensive intervention. Medical insurers should ALWAYS PAY OUT for a doula service because it is cheaper than the caecers but they do not because the hospitals love caecears because they are routine repeat surgery on healthy and vulnerable patients where mistakes are easy to blame on back luck.
Alcohol too!
Sometimes I have to wonder about folks. On the ingredients listed on a can of Pepsi, you'll find high fructose corn syrup, caffeine, "natural" flavorings (lol) and carbon dioxide? Isn't that something we expel with every breath? I wonder how the company avoided getting targeted by the "global warming" mob for all that carbon dioxide that gets burped out causing all that excess warming! Product sales security? Hot days means increased sales!
Just thinking... if you can call it that.
Yes, carbon dioxide (CO2) is something we expel with every breath, but it is also vitally necessary for life. It is what truggers the neurological impulse to breathe, it relaxes blood vessels (similar to nitric oxide), and produces carbonic acid to keep blood pH at the proper level, among other things. If all the CO2 somehow left your body, you would die.
I think you could be onto something Ray- ban Coke and Pepsi for the sake of global warming?
Could kill two birds with the one stone (to use a rather unecological metaphor) -save the planet and don't have rotten teeth,
Also waste reduction from no drink bottles, save on draining the water table to get pure water for these drinks, (they take millions of litres of our best water in Australia for this junk),
And it could give the kids who want to save the world some of the biggest companies in the world to send broke!
Now there's a mission they would like - give them some purpose and meaning, instead of doing something useful like learning a trade, mowing the lawn, or growing their own food!
Just a bit of a bitch from a grumpy old man!!
Yes. This. The food supply is totally polluted and toxic. Looking around, it’s hard to see it’s anything but deadly for health. Eat like the average American and you are asking for bad health and death, along with the dangers of regular visits to your conventional doctors. And vaccines.
Wait. You lost me at caffeine.
Caffeine constricts blood vessels. Not good if someone already has some arterial blockage in a critical organ like the heart or brain. And when the effect wears off it causes a "rebound reaction" of expanded blood vessels— a frequent cause of "caffeine withdrawal" headaches. I suspect that most common headaches are caused by this (and support a big part of the headache pill industry!).
Also, it tends to cause sleep disturbance, perhaps even if people don't realize it or make the connection. Insomnia is big business, judging from all the ads for sleep meds. And adequate, deep sleep is absolutely critical for the immune system and proper brain function, including memory, feeling good, alertness, and proper functioning of the Glymphatic System that flushes toxins out of our brain (only) during deep sleep—a major factor in the prevention of Alzheimer’s Dementia.
Occasional use of caffeine is probably not an issue, but frequent or high consumption definitely can be. PLUS, each time it is consumed and then wears off, it leaves the body MORE TIRED than before it was taken! If frequent consumption is continued, the body cannot get back to a baseline energy level, and, like a heroine addiction, the body requires larger and larger doses just to GET BACK TO the level of energy the person experienced BEFORE they started. In other words, you "can't win". Continued frequent consumption leaves you at a far lower baseline energy level than before you started "using". So then you REALLY feel like you NEED the stuff to get functional at all.
Remember: "what goes up must come down". The body always seeks homeostasis (balance). Artificially stimulating it will always result in a "crash". You are, in effect, "beating a tired horse". You can't "make energy" with caffeine, all you can do is release what is already there— "blowing your wad" all at once.
Much better to support cellular (mitochondrial) health to prduce REAL ENERGY, not the artificial "high" of a stimulant.
A "seconded" motion from a brother!
Yours in Christ
I can only believe the Covid vaccines are a method of population control! Bill Gates and the WEF have all been promoting that narrative for a long time. Why the hysteria over Roe vs Wade being reversed and abortion turned over to states? Why the big push to promote homosexuality as “normal” sexual behavior? Why push transgenderism? These all reduce population. I can understand live and let live, but the vaccines are another matter altogether. I believe all vaccines are being tampered with and are most likely unsafe and ineffective. My husband and I will never take another vaccine of any kind.
Sleepwalking over a cliff!
I get so frustrated bc ppl don’t want to talk about what is going on. Or connect the dots. Its mind wrecking to be aware and many others are not or refuse to even discuss it. At times, I wonder that they can’t handle it I tell myself. Especially if they have been vaxed they maybe terrified of their own health consequences.
Most people I know who complied with several shots aren't talking about it. They pooh-pooh talk of dangers or adverse reactions with lame excuses like "well, of course some people would have side effects" or "They told us about possible side effects". They know nothing of substack or Dr. Kory or excess mortality or any information that is not on MSM. Any deaths were caused by something else and new onset medical conditions are due to natural aging and not the "vaccine". These people still think those who question what happened since 2020 are conspiracy theorists and millions of lives were saved by the "vaccine". It seems it will take a lot more high profile illness or mortality to make a dent in this perception.
For some reason they trust the media, although the news is even more corrupt since becoming more digital than they were when based in print media.
Many people seem to want to go along with the crowd, no matter how stupid it is- anti jews, anti blacks, anti other nationalities, anti other religions.
Perhaps they just don't want to think, and believe anything they are told, by someone who says they are 'in charge'?
Yes. Brainwashed by the media that bombarded them with fear of death 24/7. I was shut down with a hand in my face and admonished by a close relative when I tried to present research that pertained to my personal medical history (oh that quaint idea!) as to why I was "hesitant". Um, I've worked in healthcare for almost 40 years but apparently I was only allowed to listen to "the experts", not allowed to do my own research (heaven forbid!) and *not* allowed to be treated as an individual.
One Size Fits All with a novel experimental injection, yep, that's how it works now! Even six month old humans are not exempt, inject them too! I keep coming back to the word "weird" to describe this odd era we are living through.
Sheeple is the explanation.
I think they are terrified that they could be wrong- which means all the people in charge are wrong- and that would destabilize their whole view of reality.
Martin, I agree that’s probably the reason. However, it freaks me out that most people don’t want to exist in reality.
Yes that is scary, but self delusion is very strong. But I think it goes even deeper than that.
We are told that it is Satan who deceives the whole world Rev 12:9
Now that is a truth that not many people are willing to accept!!
Most don't believe in Satan's existence, no doubt deceived by him to do so!
Yes Christ talk about him often.
Not a subject I discuss much, but it seems to be the ultimate foundation of the problem.
Same here, Sharon Wood. No one around me discusses it at all. The Sound of Silence. The elephant in the room. It’s as if people have compartmentalized it all, or erased it. Denial, I guess. Frankly, I find it creepy. As well as annoying.
Could write a new version of Simon And Garfunkly "Sound of Silence"- same when the Nazi's took the first lot of Jews- silence throughout the world media and governments.
Re: the silence, this is a great read:
Great article. The silence is a forewarning of worst to come perhaps.
Ask around Pierre. In this country, hospitals have a new type of midwife, called a "stillbirth" midwife. Whereas stillbirths were maybe once a month at most, now they are a regular event. On top of that vaccinated mothers are having strokes and heart attacks during labour, if babies are term, they often have the reactions of a premie, and breastfeeding mothers are being given a booster and told to feed their babies immediately, so that the baby "gets the benefit".
Ask around and see what is happening in babyland in your areas. Bystander syndrome is a total shocker.... in this country (New Zealand) and everywhere.
Nothing you say above shocks me or is unexpected. The only thing I found off was the "ask around Pierre" only because I am estranged and ostracized from the former medical and academic community of which I was, I believe, a valued and contributing member. Very few people "on the inside" talk to me anymore..
Not everywhere. Where I live (Scandinavia) the govt. even gave a (half-assed) apology for injecting youth (12+). The <12 yo's have never been jabbed, and for the last nearly 2 years the jabs have been effectively banned for everybody.
Never any mandates, and can't remember the last time I saw a mask.
Left-leaning govt. btw.
But obviously one that had not lost the power of reasoned thinking. Unlike most others....
Seemingly not; however, they did roll them out to a good percentage of the population, even without mandates, due to massive trust in govt.
We moved away from there back to the country in late 2022 so we don't know how bad it is still but the obituaries haven't let up that's for sure
Local papers now charge for obituaries so deaths are hidden.
Wow. Your story sounds identical to mine. Except I am a grandma( young. Lol) It happens multiple times a day. Accidents and crashes into buildings. Also alot of fires! Are people forgetting? I think so. The death we first experienced was my adult kids father. Still they are struggling. I am so sorry about your friend.
We live in a slightly bigger town, very close to the local hospital, a designated trauma center. We would see an occasional med helicopter overhead years back. Now it seems almost constant. Unbelievable.
Close friends got a call from their 37 year old daughter early one morning this summer that something was wrong. She had already called 911 ( independent, healthy, slender, active, mother of 7 yo, lives works in another town) .Entire family vehemently believes in vaccines, boosters and Fauci as infallible. The young lady was dead by the time 911 arrived. Autopsy ruled " natural causes, heart attack". Tragic on every level but the family 100% is at peace that she simply died of a heart attack. Blows my mind. So very many people are NOT seeing the lies or corruption. They militantly believe the government...That frightens me most of all.
It is frightening. The quote "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." comes to mind. Stay vigilant.
Thanks Sunshinegirl. I would like to use that one.
Please do, if memory serves I believe it's Voltaire.
Also, "it is easier to fool someone than to convince them they've been fooled."
I suspect they vehemently believe the government, because they can't face what they've done to themselves, and encouraged be done to their family members and friends. That said, I'm out of compassion for all those who drank the Kool-Aid and still can't accept the reality of what has been done and what they've allowed to be done. Covering one's ears and chanting "I can't HEAR you" over and over is a child's game. Folks need to grow the hell up.
Agree 💯. A pilot friend can no longer fly because he lost vision in one eye due to Bell's Palsy. When I saw him and he shared this I bluntly said "oh, the shot?" And he quickly replied "no, that's not it." So I asked what caused it and he shared his doctor doesn't know, but "it's not the shots." This guy isn't dumb, mid 40s and a runner. I'm flabbergasted.
I think it's called cognitive dissonance.
I refer to these people as TFIs... Total F789ing Idiots
Yeah, it is so natural for a 37 yo woman to die suddenly from a heart attack.
I remember when they would at least look for WHY she had the heart attack at such a young age.
Keep in mind... most people think only what cnnbbc tell them to think... they are not dissimilar to a parrot...
If cnnbbc do not blame the Rat Juice... their audience will not blame the Rat Juice... if cnnbbc tell them it's cuz of climate change... that is what they will believe -- even the 'smart' ones.
Most believe this is real... it's the india moon mission
My parents (early 70s) are full ‘believers’ in the current industrial medical complex. Anything a doctors tells them to do, they do it with no questions asked (unless it’s diet or lifestyle related). I tried so hard to give them information about statins after my mom’s doctor put her on them but she politely avoided any further conversations about the issue with me. That was in 2018 or thereabouts. Who the hell am I compared to someone with a degree from a medical school? They trust their doctor explicitly. Actually, they trust ANY doctor without question.
I was trying to explain how dangerous the “vaccines” were because I knew that my parents had gotten the first two and I was hoping to provide them with enough evidence to dissuade them from any more. I was following the VAERS and knew that it was a disaster within a week (actually, reading about the “trials” showed it to be a disaster but the VAERS reports after the roll out to the public confirmed).
It was too late. My mom told me that they went in to get their first booster (headsmack) and the lady administering it told them that they had to call an ambulance for someone who got the jab the day before. My eyes got so big they almost popped out of my head and all I could say was, “and she still gave it to you?!”
I personally wouldn’t interpret this situation (in the article) as a soft attempt at whistle-blowing by the persona calling to request the ambulances be on standby. Not that I am all-knowing but it’s looks to me like evidence that people literally have lost their ability to reason as well as their ability to use logic and remember what the purpose of the vaccine was supposed to be (save everyone from certain death) in the first place. The medical industrial complex trains medical personal to be compliant with all the standard of care protocols and the liability manipulation, etc.
The woman injecting my parents was not ashamed to tell them that she had seen people taken away in an ambulance after being injected. And she wasn’t ashamed to proceed to inject them. And my parents listened and then offered up their arm.
Every time I think about it I feel like I’m living in a horror movie. Whatever psychological manipulation they deployed on the medical community and the population in general was absolutely masterful. I’m definitely wondering how many other areas we are all being manipulated in. I’ve identified several so far. This doesn’t bode well for humanity in general.
Wow. Just wow. Brings to life what was in my article. I agree that it may have been less the blow of a whistle than the complete loss of reasoning. Totally fair.
It’s hard to know what we are seeing for sure.
The World Council for Health had a fascinating live presentation on Facebook by Christoff a few days ago. I imagine the principles of manipulation that he laid out were very applicable.
I know exactly what you mean! The only member of my family that isn't Vaxxed and will listen to me is my nephew. Others: hopeless! My brother is on his sixth shot now. His brain-dead-idiot doctor has him taking Statins and God-knows-what else now. He won't listen to me at all or read anything I send him.
About Statins: the data is UNEQUIVOCAL. Among seniors, the ones who LIVE THE LONGEST are those with the HIGHEST CHOLESTEROL!!!! But, then, it has been known for a long time that cholesterol does NOT cause heart attacks! And that Statin drugs can kill you! And shrink your brain. And cause: dementia, peripheral neuropathy, muscle pathology, diabetes, impair the immune system and increase infections and cancer deaths, and more!
Yeah ~ my mother's doctor told her statins are so safe and so beneficial they should be put in the drinking water.
Needless to see that was my mother's last appointment with that charlatan.
There is ZERO ZERO ZERO evidence that Statins are of benefit to ANY woman (but there is a tiny statistical advantage only for younger men who have already had a heart attack BECAUSE of Statin drugs' slight anti-inflammatory activity— but that has NOTHING TO DO WITH CHOLESTEROL!!!). AND even in that group, it INCREASES MORTALITY from cancers and other problems! ALL RISK, NO BENEFIT except to the "bottom lines" of Big Pharma!
Seems like there could be safer better ways to accomplish a slight anti-inflammatory effect, imo. Ways without the nightmarish side effects.
There are so many good books that uncover the fraud of big pharma. (Like Dr. Kory’s book on Ivermectin or Butchered by Healthcare - but there are so many) I’m sure most doctors avoid those books like the plague. If a doctor really understood the depth of fraud going on in trials and on administrative levels and in the regulatory agencies, how could they continue to practice medicine? It would be near impossible.
If I were a family practice doctor and patients came into me with disease, probably 80-90% of the time, I would hand them a book or two about diet and lifestyle and tell them their cure is in the book. And then I would have no patients.
In my view, the people who understand the inherent problems in medicine probably don’t go to medical school so you have this self filtering mechanism that weeds out anyone who can see the inherent problems. Giving vaccines to one day old babies for a sexually transmitted disease? You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that that one is a complete fraud. I feel bad for doctors who figure out what is going on mid or early career. I can only imagine the mental anguish it would cause. I’m in pain watching it and I didn’t even participate.
Well said, Brandy. Reminds me of a variation of a quotation originally attributed to Hippocrates:
> "By 40, you become your own doctor, or your own fool."
I love that so much. No truer concept could be uttered.
We have the power if we want it bad enough to take it back. If we all took back our power, on a massive scale, the pharmaceutical industry would collapse under its own weight because people wouldn’t be paying into their coffers. Their billions of dollars they make off of sick people IS their source of power and control over regulatory bodies, politicians, medical journals and most essentially, the media.
Im happy with 250 plus cholesterol as a 75 yo woman. Excellent health. I Learned about that lie in 2010. I test a new doc I might see (hardly see any anyway) with the statin/cholesterol flim flam. Spouts the flimflam and “You’re FIRED”.
I'm with you on that! I'm also 75 and avoid doctors like the plague. Only go to them for employment-related physicals. Or an extremely rare situation like an infection from a deep puncture wound that requires an antibiotic injection (has happened twice in my life), or wanting to get an x-ray like when I broke some ribs falling off a horse 25 years ago!
In case your doctor doesn't know, tell him/her that the seniors with the HIGHEST cholesterol LIVE THE LONGEST by several YEARS more than those with the lowest cholesterol!
You go, girl!
Yup. Your brain requires cholesterol. The body makes it. I have an elderly friend who avoided fat totally (not that saturated fat causes CVD—it doesn’t). Vegetable oils and PUFAS are the real devil) she was also on statins. She has Alzheimer’s. Her CoQ10 ability was probably nonexistent along with other energy pathways that affected her brain and metabolic function. It’s not called Type 3 diabetes for nothing.
Have a relative who is on jab #8.
I know, right? I don’t live near them so no idea state of their being. Do know they’ve had the Rona more than once...
They don’t tell me. The grandkid had it after jabs so we of course couldn’t go out for Christmas in 2021. I’m not normally privy to that information. I don’t know if they test and I don’t recommend it, of course. The good thing is they never have refused to be around us. They drove out to us the summer of 2020 when no one was jabbed Also Never made a fuss we were unjabbed. (Hubby had 1 JNJ.) So I’m grateful for that. Daughter knows “you can always tell a Swede, but you can’t tell ‘em much”. 😁🤔🤷🏼♀️
Wow! It was just recenly I heard COVIDians were on jab seven! How many times can they "spin the wheel" of the revolver before their Russian Roulette game becomes fatal? In real Russian Roulette the gun has six chambers, one "bullet". The metaphore is quite apropos. Eight "spins" are beyond insanity! Statistically, what is the chance of getting all placebos/saline/duds? By now he/she probably has heart muscle damage, brain damage, blood vessel damage and clot formation, and SO MUCH ELSE! Walking time bomb!
Death rates are up in all Vaxxed countries. This may only be the beginning of the biggest die-off of humans in centuries.
Well said, Faith.
It’s unbelievable
The power of propaganda/Mass Formation Psychosis!
Agree! I love Desmet’s book (although I always qualify it by saying that I disagree on the chapter that denies a global conspiracy).
Dr. Aseem Malhotra's 2021 book: A Statin-Free Life
Thank you for the link.
I have read several books about cholesterol, but not this one. I just looked at it on Amazon and several "red flags" jumped out at me from the Comments section. From what readers are saying about the book, it appears that Dr. Malhotra is very mainstream-cardiology-oriented (translation= still in "medical Dark Ages" about cardiovascular disease!). For example the following two excerpts:
". . . time was spent discussing all causes of high cholesterol and what you can do to lower it naturally . . . "
". . . learning that reducing refined sugars is more beneficial than reducing saturated fat in lowering cholesterol."
These are very strong indications that he is still stuck on the "cholestetol bandwagon", and perhaps even on the "saturated fat bandwagon", and is completely missing the point! Cholesterol does NOT cause heart disease. Natural saturated fat does NOT cause heart disease!
Cholesterol is a vitally essential substance used for many necessary processes in the body. If someone doesn't obtain enough through diet, their liver has to synthesize it. It is a critical component of every cell membrane. It is a detoxifier. It is essential for proper immune system function. It is a raw material for vitamin D synthesis and other essential hormones. If your cholesterol is "too high" it is probably because you are toxic and need extra, and perhaps because your immune system is being challenged. If you have a chronic infection, such as from infected teeth or gums, or root canals, tonsil infections, gut infections, etc. you need extra cholesterol. If you are low in cholesterol you are much more likely to die from cancer!!!! Your body IS NOT STUPID! It knows when you need more, and people with a genetic predisposition to high cholesterol aren't any more likely to die of heart disease, anyway! IT IS A MYTH!
And if saturated fat could kill us, we would all be dead! What kind of fat does the body manufacture??? What kind of fat gets put in circulation and metabolized WHEN SOMEBODY LOSES WEIGHT? DUH! The body IS NOT STUPID!
You know why the misinformation was spread about saturated fat being unhealthy? Because the test rats WERE FED CRISCO for the "saturated fat", NOT real, NATURAL fat! CRISCO is POISON!!!!
NATURAL FAT is healthiest when it is saturated. THAT is the only SAFE, STABLE fat that won't oxidize and cause major oxidative stress and inflammation in the body. The DANGEROUS FATS are the omega-6 polyunsaturated industrial seed oils like soybean oil, canola oil, cottonseed oil, corn oil, etc. And hydrogenated seed oils and the trans fats that ALWAYS form when oils are hydrogenated.
Industrial seed oils were nonexistent in the human diet until the latter half of the nineteenth century. They didn't become common until well into the twentieth century. And guess what diseases have gone up IN LOCKSTEP with seed oil consumption? Heart disease. Strokes. Cancer. Type 2 Diabetes. Obesity. Alzheimer's. It wasn’t the sugar, it was the OILS!!!!!! Yeah, the sugar didn't help, but it was only a "bit player", not the main culpret! The linoleic omega 6 oil messes up cell membranes and receptors so that they don't work right. They get oxidized. Things don't move through them properly, in or out. How can cells remain healthy and functional if they are constructed out of the WRONG MATERIAL?
Another really big problem with heart disease (many things are "perfect storms" of muliple factors going wrong) is chronic ascorbate deficiency causing structural weakness in the collagen wthin the arteries that allows excessive bulging of the arteries and loss of integrity of the endothelium and glycocaylx layers, contributing to the beginnings of small lesions that then attract lipoprotein(a) into the damaged place to plug it up an prevent leakage of blood into the tissues. Cholesterol is a necessary component of the lipoprotein(a) molecule, the "superglue" the body uses to protect itself from potentially life-threatening damage. Someone with weak arteries and lesions and small tears will make more cholesterol to use for the emergency repairs while the arteries heal. But oxidative damage to arteries from "vegetable" seed oils use up all available ascorbate (vitamin C) to neutralize the oxidation, causing focal deficiencies that result in the arterial weakness and tears/ lesions that can progress to atheroscerosis.
Taking calcium supplements, and being VITAMIN K2 DEFICIENT contributes to calcium deposits in the damaged arteries. Usually only growning children and pregnant or lactating women need or should take calcium, the SECOND most toxic essential nutrient (after iron). It's another diet MYTH that people should take calcium supplements! (beware of TUMS, something else practically no one should take— heartburn is usually caused by LOW stomach acid, not too much! Acid is necessary to close the valve at the lower end of the esophagus and prevent acid reflux.)
(And you still trust doctors who mostly only know how to write prescriptions, not get you healthy???)
I understand.... That sickening affect of watching a train wreck, and helpless to stop it... Many prayers for peace for your kind & wise heart..
So Sorry. My husband and I are watching this in reverse with our daughter and her family. She is our only child. My grandkid our only. I am unvaxxed and husband only one JNJ. No flu shots. My daughter told me to stop saying anything. They buy it all. My grandkid is a trans “boy” (starting at 14) and is now sterile and disfigured from a surgery. On antidepressants along with the blockers. “It’s what he wanted”. The satanic system was in on enabling an obviously a neurological gardisil damaged preteen to “transition”. I only sent 2 articles about the vax and was shut down. The vax is not the only horror I’m worried about. We live 1000 miles away. We know little until it happens. I 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 a lot.
Speechless and, like you, deeply saddened at the above situation
My heart breaks for you. I can’t even imagine.
I feel so blessed because I had slowly figured out that the medical system was deeply flawed when I had my own health struggles in my 30s. From there I was able to teach my children about the inherent flaws in the current medical system so none of my children succumbed to the pressure. And my grandbabies are vax free. This probably wouldn’t be the case if I hadn’t had health problems and done extensive research into health and healing.
It absolutely devastates me to know how many people are tricked into all these useless and harmful vaccines, especially when it comes to their babies. Someday, as a society, we will reach critical mass and stop this abomination. We will look back on the horrors of vaccination and weep. So many victims. I hope that will happen anyway. We are up against a powerful force. But many people have stopped vaccinating their children after seeing the Covid scam.
Again, I’m so sorry. So very many people are suffering from this.
A dramatic reduction in SIDS was a direct result of cutting back on these "well baby" visits during the lockdown:
I remember reading about that. It put the medical community in a panic because people were not going back to get caught up on vaccines after the lockdowns ended. I noticed in my own social feed, there were lots of adds for people to get their children in right away. It was desperate. And it sounded ridiculous they way they were trying to pretend like there was some big benefit that kids were missing out on. And I loved seeing the laughing emoji on it. They clearly censored the comments. They have since stopped the adds on my feed. I hope the numbers never go back up to pre-Covid numbers. But people are vulnerable to propaganda so we will see. At least it’s no longer as taboo to be an “anti-vaxxer”.
I had tried to warn my niece about vaccines for kids when she asked me about it. I suggested a few books to her. She didn’t want them (the vaccines) but her husband drew a line and said they were going to get them. He made fun of me and my science (to my niece). He has since apologized to her for making her get her kids injected. There’s a glimmer of hope.
Wow! That's so encouraging to see that he's finally seen the light. At least this will afford the children some protection in the days ahead when the school and medical professionals starting pushing the next round of injections (chicken pox, HPV, meningitis, etc.) 🙏🏻
I'll pray with you, Janet. I have no words.
I was getting my haircut back in summer of 2021 when I overheard the woman next to me - who worked in a pharmacy - telling her stylist about how people would either collapse or faint after receiving the shots. She even joked that the pharmacy staff made a game out of predicting which shot recipients would faint based on how they looked. I was horrified. The stylist asked, "is this normal?" "Oh, yes. It happens all the time."
We live in the twilight zone. That’s so horrifying it’s hard to quantify.
I was at church and the person who just gave a talk about ‘loving others’ came down and started talking to the people in the pew behind us. He was/is a pharmacist and he knew that I thought the vaccine was crap. So he starts talking to the people behind me who are retired, highly educated people (perfect profile of people who took the jab). He is relaying to them jokes from a late night show about how people who won’t take the jab get their “science” from Facebook. It was meant to be a total insult. Haha! I know he was talking loud enough for me to overhear because he didn’t want to confront me directly. (He had previously messaged my husband privately before to ask my opinion on herbal remedies and such so he could feel superior from all his “education”.)
The irony is that I could have run circles around him about the “vaccine” because I was learning from censored sources who were telling the truth about bio distribution, ACM in the vaccine group, lack of transmission testing, relative risk reduction, etc. And I’m not even that smart.
Anyway, I have often thought of that moment and wondered how many jabs he has had now that he realizes that they don’t work and that they are dangerous and that the pharmaceutical companies/CDC are going to recommend them twice a year or more forever.
The brainwashing and mind control of pharmacists is so strong. How else could you dispense poison day after day? And make bets on which person is going to die or be dragged out in an ambulance? It’s surreal.
I find talking about the role of pseudouridine and biodistribution studies when interacting with shot proponents is typically greeted with an open mouth, then silence then the response, "well, I don't really know about all of the details." And yet, these same people roll up their sleeves without hesitation.
Not only do they roll up their sleeves, some of them want all of us to be forced to roll up our sleeves.
One friend of mine was saying that 18 and 19 year old men should have to take it to protect her elderly mother because they “didn’t have the right to spread the disease” to her mother. When I questioned her if she thought it worked, why would her mother, who got the shot, need someone else to get it? She answered “I don’t know” but she ended her statement by saying that she trusted the experts. Her husband is a RN. Baffling.
I stopped having conversations with her two years ago because you can’t reason with brainwashed people. I would be interested in how she feels about forcing everyone’s to keep getting them now, since the experts still push them. Hopefully people have learned something from this situation but I doubt it. They don’t look at information, they just follow the current narrative.
Reminds me of interviewing for a job at Arthur Anderson years ago (with a subsequent job offer which I refused, BTW). During the break between interviews I was sitting in the company cafe and overheard several of the pharmacy reps laughing and joking about what a killing they were making on all the drugs they were pushing.
The manipulation won't stop, but at least the white house concedes that the hesitancy is growing.
"Achieving this vision will require not only the technical advancements but also necessitate sociological achievements, such as enhancing trust in science and overcoming a growing hesitancy towards safe and effective medical countermeasures."
“enhancing trust in science” -straight out of a dystopian horror novel. But we are living it. With all the AI tools and the complete control of the media, I have no doubt that they will ratchet up the brainwashing with whatever means necessary.
It's ridiculous right? Either you trust their 'science' or you don't.
Well, they have a way of forcing people to ‘trust their science’, with mandates, psychological operations, red flag events, driving fear, fake scientific consensus, and other punitive actions. I’m sure they have more efforts in the works for those of us who didn’t drink the kool aid.
This "follow the science" propaganda of the last 3 years afforded me an opportunity to gather a LOT of resources on this insanity!
Ugh. So disgusting.
No doubt she believes that when people collapse and are taken away in an ambulance... that this means the vaccine is working.... I wonder if she doesn't get that outcome if she offers her victims a second shot?
Actually though, another anecdote- my cousin was at my house for Thanksgiving in 2021 and I happened to walk by while she was telling my sister that she had gotten the first shot and it put her in the hospital. And she literally said, “that means it really, really worked!” And then she asked my sister not to tell her adult daughter because her adult daughter had tried to warn her that they were dangerous so she was hiding it from her that she had to go to the ER be of it. And she was planning to get the second one. Her mother (my aunt) can’t stop getting Covid and has multiple new autoimmune diseases but doesn’t know why- vaxxed to the max.
I literally have almost had a nervous breakdown from watching this unfold. My other sister was injured. Just found out my brother has had epilepsy since April of this year. He no doubt had gotten multiple injections. (Lives in NY city) I have no doubt that other family members are injured as well but they don’t tell me because they know I was trying to warn people. I have to hear it secondhand usually. Like I’ve seen photos on social media of my nephew (teenager) going to a heart hospital but there’s no explanation of why. The insanity is never ending.
There are no words, Brandy . . . . I know this kind of denial exists, but it stuns me nonetheless with every report I hear . . . . So sorry you've had to be a bystander while the health of your family implodes . . .
The psychological manipulation was, is and continues to be rampant:
Yeah, once you start to see it in its fullness in one area of society, you start to see it in ALL areas of society. And you can’t unsee it.
The World Council for Health (on Facebook) had a live presentation a few days ago about mind control with Jason Christoff and how people are manipulated through tv, social media, the nudge to consume coffee and alcohol etc. It was an excellent presentation and the principles were valuable to learn in order to protect one’s own mind. Highly recommend it.
I feel much luckier then. My very lucid 76 year old mom was put on statins following a clot surgery (normal clot, we are both unvaxxed), and I went off on it, enraging my brother, who is vaxxed and a definite adherent to the religion of scientism. He defended himself later by saying he felt I was "forbidding" her to take them, to which I laughed and asked when in our very strong mother's life has anyone ever been able to forbid her to do anything! He laughed and conceded that, at least.
So mom decides to trust the doctor and take them, ends up weak, sick, with brain fog issues, worries she's got dementia like my late father had. I brought up statins again, pointing out how other statins takers have had similar. I showed her AMidwesternDoctor, she starts looking it up herself. So about six months after starting, she starts on her doctors to stop, which they of course don't like but do anyway, but are still on her to lower her cholesterol "or else you have no choice". She's been freaking they will never stop harassing her on it, but she has no intention of feeling like that again--but she hates getting bullied. The doc actually told her she'll die very soon if she refuses statins, but that's her choice. I have been showing her stuff about the cholesterol myth pushed by statins makers, and she's open to it, but says even if the big pharma and pharma trained doctors are right and she'll die without statins, she wont ever touch them. We are big believers in quality of life above quantity and we don't fear death, so the medical establishment has less leverage on us than most.
Good for your mom! I like her spunk.
My mom wants to keep eating the diet that she sees as healthy (which is full of food that is not healthy- like processed seed oils, sugar, and other refined foods) and blame her health issues on genetics, which means the only two options (in her mind) is taking prescription drugs and having surgery, or just living with disease.
There is a third option, which is to change the diet and lifestyle. I’m constantly hoping she will choose this option. It would not fix everything because it takes time to reverse the damage that 70 years of processed foods causes but she would be so much better off than she is now.
It was kind of interesting that she and my dad went on vacation to see a retired doctor. The retired doctor told her all about the statin scam. Then she listened to him and got in touch with me after her trip. (I tried not to be offended that she was willing to listen to a retired doctor and not me- haha! There’s that total trust in the white coat, as if they are magical.)
At that point, I told her everything that I could about a heathy diet. She made changes for a short amount of time but I think she eventually decided it was too difficult because she is not eating anything like what we talked about currently. I try not to pry into her health so I don’t know if she is on the statins now but I know she is not holding to a healthy diet so we shall see what happens.
It makes me sad to see people suffering from our current food system AND our current health system but some people just choose to stay in that paradigm. I still love her and am willing to help her if she ever is interested. It’s hard to break free of our corrupt system. It’s addictive, cheap (the food is anyway), and convenient. It doesn’t go over very well when you tell someone that they will feel better if they eat food that doesn’t taste as good, is more expensive, and is labor intensive. It’s a tough sell. :)
Thanks, Dr. Kory, for looking at the carnage (again) and reporting it for us.
I thank God for your courage and hope and trust that I will act likewise if called to do the same.
Dear fellow warrior,
We ARE "called to do the same" ; to act, and to act courageously. In the face of persecution, we MUST be honest, truthful, upright, and unflinching. Many "likes" agree with your sentiment.
A sneaking suspicion nudges my paradigm in a way that this whole ordeal parallels that which God Himself has warned us all by. "No atheists in foxholes" sort of thing. As we witness the carnage and of its increase, the spiritual side of the coin comes up. We temporal beings, of mere flesh and blood, will then face the reality of the permanence of eternal death. And are prompted to consider the Grand alternative: The Truth in the Gospel about God's Plan of Salvation.
No matter HOW terrible things do get, we have a Creator who loves us fiercely, and will provide ample opportunity, uncomfortable as it will probably be, to choose "life over death." The choice exemplifies our God-given "freedom to choose."
Happy New Year to everyone reading!
Yes! We ARE all called to do the same!
I think I meant if I was called to make the same kinds of sacrifices that Dr. Kory and others have made as far as livelihood and career and such.
Of course, we all see how God has brought NEW calling to Dr. Kory and his colleagues, albeit by exquisitely painful means. A resurrection, of sorts, and perhaps not yet fully realized, and found only by walking first through the hell of crucifixion and Holy Saturday.
But YES, every single one of us is called to be a Truth Teller within whatever place God has put us. Thanks for that affirmation.
This brought tears to my eyes. All of this happening early on and the injections continued! They continue today! What is wrong with people!
For awhile now, we've noticed ambulances passing our semi-rural home more frequently than in the past. I can't help but wonder about it. A couple of times my husband listened in on the dispatchers' conversations and heard breathing problems mentioned. I know, of course, that everything can't be blamed on the shots, but it's becoming more and more evident that a lot of harm has been done.