Jul 6, 2022·edited Jul 6, 2022Liked by Pierre Kory, MD, MPA

Trying to de-license Dr. Kory and other frontline docs is the equivalent of trying to confiscate Mother Teresa's passport (after you cause a famine).

Going after the few doctors who treat covid (& vaccine injuries) is a peerless & despicable moral and ethical abomination.

In a way the endless depths that they keep plummeting through is itself infuriating, there really is no line they won't breach.

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Nice analogy, but you may want to choose a different example because Mother Teresa, as it turns out, glorified suffering and intentionally caused the people under her “care” to suffer while she enjoyed the fringe benefits of celebrity:


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It's like confiscating the passport of the fictional idealized version of Mother Teresa.

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She was not nearly as good a person as portrayed unfortunately.

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Dr. Kory,

Your Substacks are brilliant! My disdain for the extortionist medical boards is even more brilliant. These boards should get over themselves and start doing their jobs: Serving doctors and patients! Oops, asking too much. I'll settle for a satisfying debate between YOU and THEM!

I love watching you, Dr. Marik, and your team on the weekly FLCCC webinars (https://covid19criticalcare.com/webinars-lectures/). We treasure your dedication to doing the right thing at great personal, professional, and financial risk. Thank goodness for your snarky sense of humor -- which you need to get us all through this.

Thank you!

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you are the best, thanks for this!

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Right back at ya! Thank YOU!

🤚 💉💉 stop the shots

🛑 👑 stop the tyranny

👍 🥼 🥼 🐝 🩺 🥼 🥼 let doctors bee doctors

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I couldn’t agree more! I look forward to each and every substack~ you are a brilliant writer! Thank you for fighting for what’s right. We are forever grateful!!! 🙌🙌🙌

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I do love his biting wit myself.

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I have emailed Dr. Baron asking for a retraction and apology. The response was not from him and was unrelated to my email and his threat. I was Pul/CCM/Sleep. I go back to early AIDS/Pneumocystis days and had a battle over the use of corticosteroids which was brief compared to what you are challenged with. Fauci was pushing ineffective AZT at that time. It was similar to now though, and the stakes were high then too. It was gratifying to watch moribund patients turn around overnight. You and the FLCCC have done what the government and so called mainstream medicine have failed to even attempt. I can't thank you enough for what you and all of your colleagues are doing for all of the rest of us, our patients, and our families.

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Leonard, you are one of the "O.G's" as they say (original gangsters) - you were on the front lines of the AIDS crisis and Fauci's ACT 1 suppressing use of steroids and Bactrim while pushing a crazy stupid drug like AZT (modern analogies are HCQ, IVM vs. paxlovid/molnupiravir). Crazy how history repeats itself.. maybe because Fauci has led the U.S bio-medical industrial complex for 40 years now. Insane. Thanks for your support my friend.

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amazing to see one MD supporting another MD ! (new subscriber here... if i may say so...)

(as it should be, in the name of sanity, UNITY among the SANE is the REAL key to change for the better imho)

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I wrote my lawmakers here in Texas, when Dr. McCullough first received his ABIM letter, to tell them what the board is doing to physicians and to encourage them to join Sen. Ron Johnson in trying to defend these physicians and medical freedom in general.

My gut told me to write ABIM directly, just as a random citizen.

The man who raised me was a OB/GYN oncology surgeon, and my step-brother, a trauma surgeon, currently manages ERs for one of the healthcare management corporations (or are these nonprofits too?). Though I don't know my step-brother's position on any of the covid-related issues, my step-dad, trained prior to Pearl Harbor, would be livid over what's being done to Dr. McCullough, Marik and Kory and to the patients as a result. His patients used to call our house at all hours, but my step-dad always seemed thrilled to hear from them and tried to help, no matter what time they called or what their care required. Seeing such dedication set my expectations for all physicians. (You should see my surgeons' faces, when my husband asks if they'll give him their personal cell numbers. Doctors today probably have more patients than my step-dad did, so this isn't really my expectation; but my husband does it as a gauge of commitment.)

My guess is that most in healthcare would not encourage us (random, non-physician citizens) to write the board and say, "Please stop what you're doing to these doctors!" but its leadership and Dr. Baron need to know how patients, observing from afar, perceive the situation and how harassment of these physicians further undermines our faith in our healthcare system. Mine's certainly been blown. I avoid doctors and hospitals now. If being this way sends me to an early grave, I can accept that. I spent half a lifetime, trusting in the system and ended up a total mess, until I lost everything, and could no longer afford even my copays, therefore stopped seeing doctors. Maybe it was coincidence, but my health has improved dramatically!

Then covid began. I watched closely, read every word of Pfizer's and Moderna's trials myself (prior to EUA) and observed how the boards, doctors, hospitals, and regulatory bodies behaved. (I expected the drug companies to act in the interest of profits over patient outcomes, but wondered if the regulators and HC professionals would follow their lead. The majority did.)

What I've seen fortified my thinking that few have the patient's best interest at heart. I know many doctors and nurses do, but if they're being strong-armed to put the company's or drug industry's interests before the patients or to obey the regulators to save their careers, how they feel and what they wish to do to help the patients really doesn't matter.

We're moving toward what I've started calling 'vending machine healthcare.'

You just walk up and type in your symptoms, AI diagnoses you, and the (newest, NIH-mandated, Standard of Care, on-patent prescription) drugs pop out the bottom. Think of it! Such a system would eliminate those pesky, costly, (and potentially life-saving) doctors. Think of the margins! The P/E ratios!

Everyone needs to contact their lawmakers and demand the harassment of these physicians be stopped immediately. I am not sure whether writing the ABIM directly might help or hurt the cause. I'd love to hear anyone's thoughts about this.

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You definitely have your finger astutely on the pulse of what is happening. Continue to spread the word. I think it is a power and money grab with a giant junta at all levels backing the vax narrative. The ACA architects, WEF, NIH, CMS and others with their leaders all working in lockstep has been the dtiving force I am afraid. There are a lot of dollars but they are finite. A Ronald Berwick, MD has been one who has actually touted mainly NPs with a computer and AI with few if any specialists needed in the future. This is just the beginning. Scary. I enjoyed your post very much.

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Jul 6, 2022Liked by Pierre Kory, MD, MPA

I hope you will sue.

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Jul 7, 2022Liked by Pierre Kory, MD, MPA

Wishing you strength and courage to fight this shameful group. Where I work, I spoke to a few IM residents regarding your protocols and asked them to discuss this with your ABIM attending. (Who put an addition on his medical building for antibodies and mad business dried up). They ignore me like most of the medical staff. Thank you for being a bright light in this dark time.

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Always love your comments. I really wonder when they are going to fully wake up on the inside. Are you getting the sense that is happening at all where you work?

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No. An internist passed away a few weeks ago . Dr. Ralph Raper, fully vaxed and boosted . Nice guy but a true believer.

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ACOG and ACOOG have lost their minds.

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Thank you . Tried to introduce myself at Columbus, but you were busy.

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bummer! Would have been great to connect.. next time

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Jul 6, 2022·edited Jul 8, 2022Liked by Pierre Kory, MD, MPA

Bring. It. On.

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PLEASE find out the laws in the state where this 'hearing' is taking place and RECORD the proceedings if allowed. You may be allowed to record the meeting regardless if ABIM says you can't. Any attorney can help advise on this. RECORD this for your own protection and for awesome sound clips for later use to show what a clown court looks like. If it's a so-called "two party state" (California, Delaware, Florida, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, and Washington) then all parties need to be notified. If it isn't a two-party state then you should be able to record the meeting no matter what the ABIM says.

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Oh this is brilliant :)

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- Kory and Kirsch Takedown pHARMa-Sponsored Medical Mafia aka ABIM

- Dr Kory takes on Gangsters at ABIM

- Dr Kory Defends Patient-focused Medical Practice from Medical Mafia Dons

- Steve Kirsch Monitors What the Gangsters at ABIM Wanna Do to Dr Kory

- K&K Take On Establishment Death Cult at ABIM with Facts Galore

- ABIM Attacks Highly- Credentialed Dr Kory IRL

- ABIM Supports "COVID Death Cult" for pHARMa Mafia Dons, Instead of Patient Care Advocate Dr Kory

- Guts and Glory with Dr Kory and Steve Kirsch (supporting role, brings the popcorn)

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great idea for a skit, since it would be unlikely IRL?!(unfortunately!!)



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deletedJul 7, 2022·edited Jul 7, 2022
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"that show tonight" is on yt, limited, too, fwiw... excellent idea for RAV! and how insane is your airport story... hard to believe... if someone asks you why you're taking pictures next time, you can tell them that no one would believe it, if they couldn't see it! 😆

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deletedJul 7, 2022·edited Jul 7, 2022
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i think it's pretty easy to discreetly take vid in airport... everyone is on their phones... fwiw! I'm sure it was so shocking, it was difficult to process... i always use earphones in airports, so i can do whatever i need to and document issues in airports, altho no flights for me since late '20.... sigh... complicated... looooong story!

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you should def submit your awesome ideas to THAT SHOW TONIGHT... a sense of humor is a SURVIVAL SKILL imho... and experience...

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I just want to thank you for your hard work to become a physician and to treat patients in the tide of lies against science and you, personally. Also thank you for your tenacity to stand up against the AUTHORITARIAN BULLIES that hide behind being a "certifying organization". What frightened little children they are, actually, afraid of losing brownie points with their Big Pharma puppet masters. Truth? Science? Who needs that stuff when you have payola? THANK YOU for what you do, and THANK YOU for shining Light on the Darkness.

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Jul 7, 2022Liked by Pierre Kory, MD, MPA

"People are tired of arrogant public officials and compromised institutions who believe they have all the answers but constantly get it wrong and make no apologies as they steamroll those who don’t support the current narrative."

Nailed it; we are done! Big time kudos & thanks for being such a bad-ass freedom fighter! <3

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Jul 6, 2022Liked by Pierre Kory, MD, MPA

Praying for you. So grateful for you! ~ Kellie

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Love your work and admire your courage in standing up to these thugs!

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Jul 7, 2022·edited Jul 7, 2022Liked by Pierre Kory, MD, MPA

You’re not only a talented doctor, but a great writer too! Go get ‘em doc! We got your back! I’m going to order your book but would love an autographed copy!

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ME, too! And I'm thinking .... in Dr. Kory's "spare time." :-)

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:-D Under his white coat must be a skin tight shirt with an "S" on the front. If we can get Dr. Kory to agree to it, and he gets an overwhelming response, I will volunteer a day to go and help him package and ship autographed books!

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I'll come along and help, too!

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Autographed would be AMAZING!

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p.s. I'm proud to say, before i got sent home for not being able to tolerate a mask in early '21, i dispensed several IVERMECTIN scripts for prophylaxis (cash pay, no problem)... all while refusing to get/give experimental jabs ... loooong story, short story available here, in PINNED comment, if interested... https://colleenhuber.substack.com/p/conscientious-objection-for-pharmacists/comments#comment-7589955

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Jul 7, 2022Liked by Pierre Kory, MD, MPA

fascinating link. ty for sharing!

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No Pierre, I'm not jealous. Your "hearing" will be totally one sided where they sit and say nothing. You don't think they are going to let you ask THEM questions, do you? Come on.

There is no way any of these people are going to answer any questions. They are simply never going to let themselves be accountable for their actions. It's not the way they roll.

Prove me wrong.

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Too bad they can't sell tickets to this hearing. Imagine the crowd.

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Dr. Kory, you have all my admiration and support. Funny how Dr. Fauci is not being formally accused of “misinformation”.

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Dear Dr Kory,

I have been listening to and learning from you for over 2 YEARS now.

“They” are fearful of you and other doctors like you. “They” didn’t plan on professional doctors & scientists being critical thinkers and for speaking out directly against “their” lingo, aka “science“. “They” did not plan on your love of humanity ♥️ Nor did “they” plan on your courage (to say the least). The cowards never openly speak out, do they? (Well, I guess a few have). I honestly don’t know how “they” sleep, EVER!

It is people like you, who keep me sane, brave, knowledgeable, help teach me to always believe in myself, and give me the strength I never knew I possessed. I have so much more faith and courage than I ever imagined possible. Thank you and God Bless you, for all you have taught us & for your leadership. I believe all you have been doing must have lead to immeasurable costs (and I’m considering losses not only financial but, the loss of connection to colleagues, friends, & others who may have alienated you for standing up for the truth). You have made a difference that goes beyond words♥️🌈

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Jul 7, 2022·edited Jul 8, 2022

Indeed, Dr. Kory has shown us the way. He has taught us that fear is the enemy. We had to shake ourselves awake to hear truth over fear. So thankful for Dr. Kory's "love of humanity" as you put it.

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100% ✅! as someone once said (sorry, i just recall the statement, not the source) :



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