This seems workable, if it is allowed, which, since "workable" makes it a threat, it may not be.
Even if state governments are corrupt, they may not all be corrupted in the same direction, so debate outcomes could be different, and results compared.
We could still expect widespread statistical obfuscation and confounding, as we've seen already with comparisons of vax rates and fatalities.
This seems workable, if it is allowed, which, since "workable" makes it a threat, it may not be.
Even if state governments are corrupt, they may not all be corrupted in the same direction, so debate outcomes could be different, and results compared.
We could still expect widespread statistical obfuscation and confounding, as we've seen already with comparisons of vax rates and fatalities.
We are seeing an example of this right now in terms of state abortion laws and abortion policy referenda. This and likewise, transgender surgery for minors is also being settled in the states. Different cultures have different attitudes and there is no need for the one size fits all and we can calm some of these divisive issues to at least some extent in this manner. The FDA should have no power to do anything but make recommendations. It is neither infallible nor incorruptible.
Big Money may find itself getting smaller, if it has to bribe and influence fifty different state health departments. It's hard to keep a lid on the truth of matters, when important matters are at stake. Doctors will speak freely, if their livelihoods are not in jeopardy.
Then the task (of world-managers/tyrants) will become to corner the market on some vital resource that all states need. Which means that *general* decentralization will be critical. Can it be achieved?
It might be time for me (and others) to learn to play Go. Surround too little, and you get evaded, surround too much and you get penetrated.
What are the great archtypal strategic games? Chess is one, go and poker are two others.
This seems workable, if it is allowed, which, since "workable" makes it a threat, it may not be.
Even if state governments are corrupt, they may not all be corrupted in the same direction, so debate outcomes could be different, and results compared.
We could still expect widespread statistical obfuscation and confounding, as we've seen already with comparisons of vax rates and fatalities.
We are seeing an example of this right now in terms of state abortion laws and abortion policy referenda. This and likewise, transgender surgery for minors is also being settled in the states. Different cultures have different attitudes and there is no need for the one size fits all and we can calm some of these divisive issues to at least some extent in this manner. The FDA should have no power to do anything but make recommendations. It is neither infallible nor incorruptible.
I fear that every system not already captured by Big Money will be captured eventually if it can be made to wield sufficient influence.
Big Money may find itself getting smaller, if it has to bribe and influence fifty different state health departments. It's hard to keep a lid on the truth of matters, when important matters are at stake. Doctors will speak freely, if their livelihoods are not in jeopardy.
Then the task (of world-managers/tyrants) will become to corner the market on some vital resource that all states need. Which means that *general* decentralization will be critical. Can it be achieved?
It might be time for me (and others) to learn to play Go. Surround too little, and you get evaded, surround too much and you get penetrated.
What are the great archtypal strategic games? Chess is one, go and poker are two others.
I suppose I digress.