Because of what our govt, media, CDC, media, WHO, doctors and nurses did during Covid I no longer trust any of these institutions although I’ve never trusted our govt or media. I will never take another vaccine or trust most doctors and nurses, they did horrible things to people all in the name of money and that is unforgivable! No amount of money should ever be enough to give up on a patient or kill a patient! God bless you and Dr Bowden, you are very much on the right side of history!!!!!

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Yes it does come down to money.

But intimidation and threats of repurcussions were instrumental in cowering the medical profession at all levels. As an outsider I don't (yet) consider the US to be a totalitarian state.

But most are economic slaves controlled by excessive debt and therefore are not free.

So easily controlled by the profit driven managers of for-profit hospitals and the other powerful interests that pull the strings of the marionettes that run the government and the national agencies.

Don't get me wrong, I believe in ethical capitalism! Only "the people" can fix the current problem.

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This was sad and infuriating. But the floodgates are starting to open. The tide is beginning to turn. You will be on the right side of history Dr. Kory and will be recognized as the hero you are. Thank you for always doing the right thing. The world is a better place because of you.❤️❤️

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Thank you for taking your time to help defend these doctors. 🙏

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Dr Kory, I can't thank you enough for being the warrior that you are. I was one of those Mr' Smiths, near death from covid, in a WA hospital. My husband managed to get some ivermectin and sneak it into my room (via a paper bag with food...he cooked all my meals for me while in there and hospital staff brought it to me each morning). Ivermectin turned my near death into what my doctor called a "miraculous recovery" in 7 days. I am also a long covid patient with Leading Edge, and can't thank you and your team enough for trying to help me. No one here in Canada is doing that kind of work, from what I can tell. Although we are not well-off, I bought a year's subscription to this substack because we all have to support doctors who are willing to tell the truth and stand up for their patients. You and Dr. Bowen are obviously two who will, at great personal cost.

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So appreciate this. I have a chapter in my book called "Testimonials" with stories like yours, I would have loved to have put your case in there :)

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Thank you. Next book, perhaps!

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Your loving husband was literally sending you love infused food. Very smart man. Wish we had more like him!

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Yes he did! And of course the ivermectin. He saved my life. Wonderful man, and I am so very lucky.

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This reminds me of a very old book, The Anatomy of an Illness, by Norman Cousins, then the well-known editor of a great magazine, Saturday Evening Post. Cousins fought thru an illness, using IV-Vit. C, then not 'allowed' by most doctors. A friend whose child was near death (meningitis?) sneaked Vitamin C to her daily by packing it into an ice cream container and feeding her. She recovered. Did he tell his physician? Of course not. So this battle of the sick versus the One-Treatment-Fits-All monopoly is an old one. May Dr. Kory help us win the Battle of Medical Freedom!

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Very similar story! I didn't tell my doctors, either. I was just glad to be alive and wanted to see my husband (which of course I was not allowed to). Thanks for sharing this.

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Canada's medical boards are still blocking Ivermectin from being sold in Canadda, even though the USgov that created, printed, and publicized onll lies against its use lost a recent court case and were ordered to remove all their lies. The Canadian Nazi gov does not follow laws, so has not changed their rules against Ivermectin written by the USgov and Murderna.

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Thank you for helping Dr. Bowden. This is a slam dunk of a case, and TMB would be out of their minds if they did not exonerate her. It is the hospital that needs to be investigated for misconduct.

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Thank you for everything.

The TMB is known for power and control hungry moves. They have gone after chiropractors multiple times. Not because they were right, but because they could. They lost every time.

God bless all of the medical rebels who did the right, ethical, and compassionate things.

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Dr. Kory; once again, thanks so much for helping defend these preposterous cases. I pray for your strength; please don't lose faith or hope in your purpose. I'm retired now and feel that I can only help from the sidelines. Have contributed money but if there is anything else that we can do - let us know. Take care,

Kurt Krueger, MD

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You define what “courage “ should look like. God bless you. We will straighten this mess out.

Steve Birkholz m.d.

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The TMB harassed me somewhat after a CVS-national complaint about prescribing ivermectin to people with my same last name, which was wrong in 2 cases of family members I had called and offered treatment when they were sick with COVID, but they refused, though it was right on 3 other counts. How did CVS have those dates and family members "right"? It was not supported by the Rx records they submitted, but then withdrew when I pointed out their error.

Lately we have heard this about CVS :

U.S. Government ‘Cartel’ Paid CVS, Walgreens Billions to Reject Ivermectin Prescriptions, Push COVID Shots

Dr. James Thorp and attorney Maggie Thorp on Monday published an article in America Out Loud News exposing the U.S. government’s scheme to suppress ivermectin and push COVID-19 shots using some of the nearly $200 billion in “provider relief funds” allocated to hospitals and pharmacies during the pandemic. https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/pharmacies-paid-reject-ivermectin-push-covid-shots/

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I got Covid for the first time this year, April 1, 2024. My doctor immediately tried to prescribe Paxlovid and said “a lot of my patients find it really helps.” I felt so sorry for all those patients, and I lost all faith in my doctor at that moment. I declined and asked for Ivermectin instead. While with a high fever and horribly sick I had to go through nothing short of a war to get a high enough dose of Ivermectin. My doctor only prescribed a measly amount of 3mg tablets that would only be enough for 2 days of the proper dose for my weight. She knew nothing of how to prescribe it beyond the limitations the government made, which was only 3mg per day for 5 days. That’s it. For those of you who don’t understand the protocol yet, a 150lb individual needs about 35mg per day for 5 days to treat an active infection. (.5mg/1kg) I had to find other ways to get more scripts.

When Walgreens found out my prescription was for Covid, the young, snarky pharmacist was absolutely glowing with Gestapo energies to shame me and refuse my script. She proudly announced “the FDA does not approve this medicine for Covid so Walgreens will not fill it.” I informed her that the FDA has no legal power over how a doctor prescribes off-label use of medicines. She said it was the policy of Walgreens and immediately revoked filling it and proceeded to publicly humiliate and berate me in front of other customers, speaking to me like I was some street thug trying to get my hands on illegal drugs to resell. I’m a 58 yr old stay at home mom for goodness sake. I then had to have my oldest son drive 5 hours round trip to a compound pharmacy for just 2 pills at the correct dose. (35mg each) Had I understood more at that time I would have asked for 4 pills, but I was just learning about the proper protocol and aimed for 5 days. I actually needed 7-10 given the severity of my symptoms.

Sadly the online doctors and clinics that help us acquire Ivermectin charge a pretty steep fee for the 5 minute consult and prescription, so I couldn’t afford to use them any further. Each subsequent appt doubles in cost. I feel so many are no better than the Big Pharma and the government since they are taking advantage of everyone in need of the medicine by overcharging and therefore keeping it only accessible to the wealthy. It’s a cheap medicine so they should be ashamed.

So I ended up having to learn to work with the $9 horse paste for my remaining 3-4 days that I still needed. I put it into large vitamin capsules to swallow and it worked beautifully. I was able to get a steady 10 straight days of treatment in total.

By the way, the very first day I took Ivermectin at the proper dose, day 4 of my illness, my horrendous sore throat that my doctor said would take weeks to heal with how ripped up it was from my coughing cleared within 2 hours of my first dose and never returned. All my symptoms were less severe within an hour or so of every dose I took. So for me it definitely made a world of difference.

I agree that no medicine is going to help absolutely everybody. You don’t use examples of those it doesn’t work for as proof that “it doesn’t work” and then block access for everyone. We are all unique. Acetaminophen doesn’t cure my headaches ever so I use Ibuprofen. But most people are helped by acetaminophen. So shall we refuse to sell ibuprofen to someone trying to use it for headaches? That’s why there are multiple medicines for all conditions and illnesses, and off-label uses, so everyone has a chance to find something that works. They took away access to a medicine that may not work for everyone, but it definitely would have helped most.

Shame on Walgreens and their political antics. I will never shop there again after how they treated me. And this was just two months ago!

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I am so glad you found this self care track.

I prescribed ivermectin from August 2020 until I was fired for vaccine refusal in October 2021, and took it myself for Covid at the end of 2021, and it usually worked to benefit over the first night, as you found.

"So I ended up having to learn to work with the $9 horse paste for my remaining 3-4 days that I still needed. I put it into large vitamin capsules to swallow and it worked beautifully. I was able to get a steady 10 straight days of treatment in total. By the way, the very first day I took Ivermectin at the proper dose, day 4 of my illness, my horrendous sore throat that my doctor said would take weeks to heal with how ripped up it was from my coughing cleared within 2 hours of my first dose and never returned. "

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What’s really the most sad in all of this is the self-care is anxiety inducing while already sick. I’m not a doctor. I prefer to have someone with knowledge and experience that exceeds my own to guide me. If doctors had been free to use Ivermectin as they saw fit, they could have guided patients and offered human formulations at an effective dose without wasting time or money and without adding to the patients anxiety and stress levels. But by bullying the doctors to clam up and not work with ivermectin, they leave patients to have to try and figure it out themselves.

I couldn’t find anybody to give me clear instructions for how to dose the ivermectin paste. Luckily I’m college degreed and have a rather high IQ so I was able to use logic skills and deductive reasoning to figure out how to get a 35mg dose of the paste. That is NOT easy to figure out at all. It was beyond frustrating to be on my own. I used the FLCCC site to guide me with their published protocol, but I didn’t have access to Hydroxychloroquine or any of the antibiotics and I didn’t know where to get the proper formulations for some of the supplements. I needed a knowledgeable, experienced doctor for all of that but I could not find any around me. Luckily I was already a NAC user having some neurological disabilities, and I was on a great regimen of D3, B vitamins, a high dose of C and A, and Co Q10. Possibly that aided in my recovery. I did buy Quercetin Immune, which I started the day I ended Ivermectin. I should have taken it concurrently but I was way too sick to figure all of this out in time, and that’s why a doctor matters so much to us.

Our government didn’t just steal Ivermectin from our toolbox, they stole our doctors from us too and left us all alone.

And now what will doctors be experienced with in the future? So very many missed out on learning how to work with the Ivermectin protocol and so they will have no useful hands-on experience to treat patients in the future. Mine sure didn’t. I had to teach her! 😣

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You did a good job. Some of us were blogging throughout COVID, seeking to find and share useful information. the Quercetin and lecithin make the zinc more available inside your cells when you take them together. Zinc in the cells reduces coronavirus replication, known for 30 years.

This was my last general-self-care information post on my old blog (later sometimes censored by google) https://www.johndayblog.com/2021/12/otc-covid-rxs-for-omicron.html

In all sincerity, I think this is nothing personal from "the deciders", just business, but it kills people while it makes profits. Both aspects may be part of the forward-looking global business model , "Agenda 2030".

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Oh yes! I’ve also been on a 1200mg lecithin dose for past two years so I had that going for me too I guess! My zinc was probably no more than 18-20mg between my multis.

Thanks for the link!! I’ll add it to my toolbox. 😊

I know many good doctors were trying to do the right thing. I do and I love all of them. But couldn’t find anyone or the blogs when searching once I got sick. Google search etc, buries any of the useful results, if they even show them. I had no network to reach out to either. Since joining Substack I feel like I now have a strong band of brothers. ❤️ I’m tearfully thankful for this platform and all who I’ve met.

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Thank you for continuing to get info out. I'm a nutritionist with education based in functional medicine. I put information out there and was called dangerous early in 2020. I've never been called that in my life. It's crazy how people, out of heart sympathy, tried to help but were vilified. I focused on helping people near me or who were family members willing to listen. I made a tea with herbs, including a weed from my yard, that made a huge difference for people. I found research on pubmed that the weed was completely non toxic and has been used all around the world for various conditions. It was listed as an antiviral, so I added it to the concoction. I even made a tincture with it. Learning more about herbs and how to harvest and prepare them is so important since the pharmaceutical industry has been lobbying to prevent natural supplements to be allowed on the market. Canada is fulfilling their wishes. I think other western countries will follow.

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I think there is a power-struggle between global elite factions, and it can't go well for globalists in the longer term. In the short term, they can hurt a lot of us, but you figured that out.

The nationalist elites are not our true friends, but may offer us a better deal. They appear more "rational" about the economics of the world.

We can't support the layer of globalist elites with declining resources and economy. I know that is a really bland statement, but what is possible matters.

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Is there a way for us to get information on herbs, etc? I’d love to learn about this for possible future references.

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Just passing on a comment from Quora a couple years ago. A farmer got enough ivermectin for a 1000-lb. horse, divided it into 5 parts, and took it. He didn't provide the method of ingestion. I empty out my daily probiotic into my smoothie or yogurt and retain the empty capsule for just such an emergency.

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I’ll share what I did for your notes so you have it if ever you need it:

The best way to dose it is further down indicated by ***, after my initial rant, provided because this is an emotional rage-inducing topic for me. 😬

I knew how to use the 250 lb markings on the syringe it comes with, each being 1/5 of the tube, but that isn’t always easy if you’re 150 lb - where in between the markings can you securely and accurately set it? And most plungers don’t have a notch to hold it solid in between, so it can shoot half of it out by accident as it did for me. Actually one day it shot out half the package when I was solidly on a notch because of an air pocket requiring extra force that caused the notch not to hold.

That also is not the best dosing for full-blown illnesses anyway. That’s great for a preventative dose. If you’re already infected you need a higher treatment dose.

I had to really dig to find a friend whose family had used it for over 25 years, and they informed me that you need about 3-4x your weight of a dose when you are symptomatic. So, staying conservative aiming for 3x, a 150lb person would need a dose for 450lb.

Precise weight dosing is a lot trickier when that’s 45% of the tube. How do I measure that??

I knew I needed 35 mg of ivermectin. —>> .5mg per 1kg of weight is the treatment dose.

So I tediously researched to find how many mg of ivermectin is in each gram of the paste. I could not find it anywhere. I was in tears and so angry because Googling yielded no results about it at all, everything thrown in my face was how it isn’t approved and doesn’t work. All the media stories and RCTs showing it was dangerous, and I was a delusional, braindead hillbilly for trying, etc. (forget my higher education degrees, I was relegated to the society of fools for trying to understand.) Anyway, I wasn’t asking if it was effective or approved, I asked how many mg we’re in each gram of the paste. Period. Heck I could have been new to farming and trying to dose smaller animals! How would Google know? That’s when I realized Google was part of the deep state machine.

Guess where I finally found the answer? I had to use the Brave search engine and it popped up right away at the top. But it took me a long time to find a search engine that wasn’t compromised.

*** There is 18.7mg of ivermectin per gram of paste. A tube has 6 grams total. So a sick 150lb individual would need 2 grams of the paste for a daily “treatment” dose, which is 1/3 of the tube, not 1/5 as a 250lb increment is.

So I used a gram scale and evenly divided two tubes into 6 doses and filled capsules with each dose. Messy, sloppy work. Some doses took 3-4 total capsules cuz I was shaky and sick. LOL. But in the end it was really accurate and very easy to take. 😊

Keep those capsules like you are!! Smart, smart, smart. We need large ones to have an easier time filling them with paste.

Isn’t this just crazy that we have to become our own pharmacists or lab specialists to figure all this out on our own while we are sick with fever? Even my doctor didn’t understand any of this and wouldn’t spend time to help me.

The silver lining is one tube is only $9. I only spent $18 to get 6 day’s worth of Ivermectin doses. Now I fully appreciate why my friend’s family has used it for 25 years. The criminals online that sell ivermectin in a “kit” etc charge upwards of $299 for a 5-day dose. That makes it only accessible to the wealthy. Suddenly the paste is a gift from God, especially when you understand how to work with it.

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Thank you!!! . vax damage (cardiac, etc.) and overwrought immune system.

I will copy your post and keep it posted on my fridge and elsewhere. You are so kind.

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You did good work.

Here is that last compilation of OTC COVID Rxs I put together just before Christmas 2021, with links and information. I got Delta COVID about a week later and treated promptly, mostly in line with this.


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People say the apple flavored horse paste tastes ok.

My friend who has rabbits says the rabbits like it too. He was raised with critters, and took it with them every 6-12 months because worms get around.

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I hope you are still practicing, even if you moved or are using telehealth. We are desperate for honest, independent physicians.

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I have mostly just blogged since being fired October 2021, only a little bit of work for a very small group.

Social Security...

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I can only hope you can find a way to expand your valuable work to the rest of us. Best wishes.

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Thank You, RL.

Take a peek at my current, not-directly-funded, "right livelihood", if you would.


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So many found help w Durvet apple flavor Ivermectin, our friends told us about Amazon even sales this brand. When doctors tried to keep it from us, we also found this a great alternative. Ivermectin saves lives!

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I'm so glad you managed to get some IVM! It is insane how we have come to a place where doctors and pharmacists have become gatekeepers for safe, life-saving drugs. I know that, even in Mexico (where it's OTC), Costco started requiring a prescription when I was there in 2022. Just outrageous.

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Any idea where IVM is OTC in Europe (incl. Greenland and Iceland)? Thanks in advance.

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The system is not only broken, it’s evil. To not allow medication for an illness that could be cured BEFORE the patient becomes too sick is a crime.

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I’m sorry that you had to deal with TMB as well. I had to lawyer up for telling the truth to my patients. TMB drug it out as long as they could but finally dismissed it.

I also agree with your comments about CVS and Walgreens. I treated all of my OB COVID patients with hydroxychloroquine and CVS was notorious for refusing to fill. One of my patients ended up in the ICU with twins because of these refusals. I’m sure you can imagine how difficult it was to prone a patient with a 3rd trimester twin belly!

Many thanks to Dr.Kory for speaking out from the beginning. He’s a brave hero.

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The ABFM jerked my board certification after 32 years, and I had recently recertified, for "advising patients against COVID vaccination", which certainly included all pregnant patients, all young, healthy people, and everybody who already had it, and I did so on my blog, which I sent them copies of before they "charged" me.

Here is the tale of my firing in October 2021, for "Vaccine Refusal" at the public health clinic, where I was the only "early treating" physician, and the OB/GYNs were mad at me.

I was ambushed while planting fall-winter vegetables in the garden I kept at the clinic with my own work and expense, for all my coworkers. Everybody saw it. That's not what "they" wanted. They wanted it to be invisible, over a weekend.


By the way, I used to do OB, c-sections, and teach/staff FP Residents on their deliveries and PNC.

I had gotten the clinic to stock up on HCQ in March 2020, before it became politically-incorrect. They never knew what to do with all those doses. I was forbidden to Rx it in August 2020, and then I saw that first ivermectin (Borody Protocol) study from Bangladesh, and started prescribing Ivm/doxy/Zn and always vitamin-D. I gave away 40,000 doses of 5000IU vitamin-D in 2020.

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I see Canada is not alone in her sins of medical deception and persecution. Thank you Dr. Kory for your compassion in defending falsely accused doctors. I am especially grateful that you will help Dr. Charles Hoffe, since I too live in British Columbia, where we have the most draconian and deceitful Marxist health authority, whose sting I felt too during Covid mandates. Besides, I am a fellow South African who believes in Ivermectin, but here it is forbidden so I still use horse wormer prophylactically!

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Not only this horror but the BC gov illegally passed a law to imprison and charge $250k for MDs and other professionals for telling the truth! They passed their subhuman, fake law without reading it all in the legislature which is illegal! I will never set foot in that province again.

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That is horrifying! I am so sorry things are still that bad in Canada. Love and prayers for you!

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Agreed, Tershia! I live in BC, too. What a horror it is right now. I hope Dr. Hoffe is freed from this witch hunt. Thankfully there are others like Dr. Kory who will be there for him and for truth and justice. Bonnie Henry should be up on charges.

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Thanks Barbra - I have no faith in our judiciary, so I hope Dr. Kory et al will be allowed to testify. When they hauled Jordan Peterson on the mat in Ontario, they would not allow, I think it was Dr. McCullough, to testify. I might not be totally correct on this.

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You are a hero to me and to many others. Thank you for defending this doctor. I pray that all will be revealed and that proper and warranted punishment for these entities be imposed as soon as feasible.

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Oh dear Doctor Kory

the love the passion of your compassionate heart

rings chimes bells gongs of resonance

thank you for everything you do, for every word you speak

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This horrific behavior by the hospital and the TMB is repulsive and reprehensible. Power hungry and arrogant, disregarding actual patient care. Thank you for supporting this brave doctor — it takes one to know one!

And as for “treating without talking to the patient”. Are you kidding me. The man was on a vent.

A friend of mine who worked the COVID ward in July 2020(internist MD) told me pts were sent up from the ER without any doc ever assessing them, simply if the patient had any URI sx of any kind. Where’s the prosecution for that behavior?? She also told me only 1or 2 patients during that whole month actually had Covid the rest were there for something else, never having been seen by the admitting doc. She actually left her job of 20 years with that institution over it. She said “if I would have stayed I would have had to be a whistleblower and you know what they do to them “. What a horrible state our country has come to.

Thank GOD for people of morality and conviction. I continue to pray for you Dr Kory and all those standing up and suffering greatly during this. We love you Dr Kory! God bless you!!

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Believe it or not, at the height of the Ivermectin hysteria, I was prescribing it and Budesonide Inhaled treatments in my office in Southern California. No one reported me. I was able to get the prescriptions filled by a local family run pharmacy. Every time I read a story of a doctor being persecuted for rendering lifesaving care during the Plandemic, I marvel at how I escaped all these horrors.

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That was the key - a local family run pharmacy..

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Mary, are you taking new patients or wanting more friends?

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Yes, interested as well. SoCal born & raised here.

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About time someone directly and overtly called out these strong for having their heads up big Pharma’s ass and the corruption they are complicit in. Anger isn’t a strong enough word

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The day someone buys the rights to this “Treatment” for a damning movie they will have a blockbuster that can bring the medical system to its knees. Indeed the entire Western Empire - DoD biological weapons programme, the AIDS inc. con, the bloody retrospective history of vaccination. That iatrogenic money spinner of death and disability. We are already through the black hole to the other side. They say life is stranger than fiction. So it is.

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