Thank you! I am a practicing MD (used to be surgical critical care and trauma before the madness, now primary care helping a lot of mRNA injured people). It is nearly impossible to find guidance like this that helps me help others. This concise update is highly valuable and will be easier for me to disseminate this info. I am in your debt

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Thank you to all the doctors who care! This post made me feel hopeful.

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They care NOW. They did not care at the onset, or should I say only the very intelligent high IQ community knew of this psy-op as we warned each other to NOT COMPLY.

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I just posted this to 'Loitering On The Edge' but I think it bears repeating.

I forget who it was that came up with this idea, but it goes something like this:

Technology has far outpaced the ability of the average person to understand how it works, and what its adoption implies. Even people who ought to know have only a narrow understanding of their particular field. This knowledge gap is widening to the point where hardly anyone has a comprehensive understanding of how anything works anymore. Even the experts only understand their narrow specialty and have to either fake it, or defer to other experts in matters they're not familiar with. This leaves the door wide open for charlatans claiming superior knowledge because no one has the necessary understanding to question their claims until it's too late.

Nowhere is this more obvious than in the field of medicine, and it's reasonable to conclude that the the majority of clinicians acting on advice from the WHO, CDC or FDA have no actual basis on which to question their authority. They simply don't know, and so defer to a higher authority for guidance.

So effectively we've gone from the 'ignorance of the masses' which was always an issue, to the 'ignorance of the specialists' who are simply overwhelmed by the complexity of their field, and the amount of time it takes to know anything about it, whatever *it* might be. A recipe for disaster if ever there was one.

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How about the ability to know simple biological concepts and systems??? Oh, wait. I had that course in the 7th grade. IF you are an extremely gifted person who absorbs everything, reads 4-5 books at a time, understands spatial relations, metaphysics and quantum physics, I’d say that even with those courses, THE God-given gift of intuition and prophecy (ability to read people’s energy and know about Hegelian Dialect, etc.) would send up a red flag in your brain to say NO, this is wrong and has no scientific empirical testing data.

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If you want to talk about the gifts that God bestows, I should think the first would be charity, followed by humility.

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Those are the Beatitudes, which Jesus said are character traits we should ascertain as these will produce a fruitful life. I’m talking about Spiritual Gifts from the Holy Spirit (prophecy, teaching, discernment, exorcism.....).

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When Anthony Fauci said, “This is not a vaccine like other vaccines. With this one, your own cells will manufacture the spike protein, and your body will attack and kill it. And this will all happen in a few minutes in your deltoid,” I recall thinking “And why in the ____ would I want that?”

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Thank you and AMD for pursuing this topic, which has concerned me from the outset of the mass injection campaign. I apologize that I have not yet had time to read your full-length series so you may have addressed this previously, but do we have definitive proof that shedding ever stops? I know the durations listed here and in studies I've encountered only correlate to the length of the studies themselves, so it is difficult to tell how long shedding takes place after the initial jabs. It would be reassuring to know if jabbed individuals have been tested after a longer period of time and have been found to no longer be shedding.

Regarding blood transfusions, the case of Baby Alex strongly indicates this may be a greater concern than many may realize. Please take a moment to review the details of his case if you aren't already familiar with them:

• "Baby Alex: The Definitive Account—in His Mother's Own Words": https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/baby-alex-the-definitive-accountin

Specifically, Alex developed a blood clot that extended from his left knee to his heart, and his knee is where the PICC line for the transfusion had been inserted. His fatal clot was almost certainly caused by the transfusion of jabbed blood, and I don't think this is something we should take lightly—hence my proposed #RememberBabyAlex legislation in my letter to Ron Johnson:


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Thank-you so much for this. It has been a very lonely journey for those of us who did not get vaxxed but who got sick enough anyway to be hospitalised with what was called covid (hypoxia and double bacterial pneumonia). After recovering from that I found myself with long covid that has disabled me for nearly two years now. What little help there is has been focused on vaccine injury and very little of it has even acknowledge the existence of the unvaxxed who got sick. I want you to consider one additional idea. I doubt I "caught" whatever it was from shedding - I live alone and I'm just not that close to anyone else. I suspect there are other transfer mechanisms in addition to shedding. But the end result is the same. We are sick and potentially dying, with no-one to even acknowledge us, let alone help us.

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It is more than frustrating that the medical industry seems to have a very punitive attitude towards people who refuse vaccines, or any drug they are pushing for that matter. Many reports of unvax'd people being given the short shrift because of this and allowed to die. So glad you have survived to seek ways of rebuilding your health.

One very important thing that is never investigated is the question of why there is such a wide differentiation in susceptibility in people and how they react. We do know that low Vit D levels is a strong contributing factor in disease severity, but it is not the only factor. As we know, the medical industry thrives on disease with ongoing symptoms so they have no motivation for such research

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A POX on the entire medical community who are now begging for forgiveness.

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The entire medical community is not asking for forgiveness; some are still pushing the shots. Last I heard, some people have had 8.

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Yes, like my 92 year old mother now on hospice, cared for in a nursing home, with regular shots!

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I am sorry!

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EIGHT. WHY?????!!!!???? 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢

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👀👀👀👀👩🏼‍💻😳😫😫😫😫 Insanity!!!!

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I’m sorry, Christine. I have a friend who was 61 and healthy when he caught Covid, unvaxxed in January of 2021. He was in ICU for nine days and then in the hospital for another ten days. To this day, he has shortness of breath, cough, fatigue, brain fog, and now, he appears to be developing diabetes, though he is not overweight. Very concerning. I hope you will improve in time with treatments gleaned from FLCCC and other docs trying to help this cohort of people.

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Back in January of 2021, little was being written about the amount of nasal exposure to whatever was circulating. If one was in close proximity for a significant amount of time, in a poorly ventilated environment to people expelling viral particles, that had great bearing on the severity of the illness. Nasal intervention helped mitigate and stop viral replication. Some people knew this, but many didn't. Within a short period of time through the efforts of FLCCC and others, there were protocols developed that would mitigate the course of the disease.

The fact this information was not widely known was criminal.

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Could not agree more. My friend who sickened and nearly died was someone I’ve only met in the last year and a half. I knew about ivermectin from a Mexican friend back in spring of 2020 and by summer of that year, I was using it on everyone I knew who got sick. Not one of them went to the hospital. (I’m a retired NP). By October, the FLCCC had caught on to ivermectin, so people like us were using it with great success before even them! If I’d only known my friend then, I would have helped him too. He is still stricken, but is very slowly improving in some aspects of his health. Lungs will never be the same due to fibrosis, but with the FLCCC I recover protocol, he has begun improving. Nicotine patches are helping him, interestingly enough, which Marik talked about on a recent weekly webinar.

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I got the Covid early. Late December 2019. My husband got it around January 1st. By that time our small rural town, everyone was sick. We all took it in stride. I gave my husband my Heath Dept appointment as I was feeling better, we asked them why he got sick because he had received a flu shot a month earlier. I don’t do flu shots, but because of his COPD they scared him into one. So, they told us he probably contracted type A flu. Why, because that wasn’t in the flu shot. They was real nonchalant about it.

Kind of pissed me off. I ranted about it after we left. This was right before Covid.

What bothered me was no one took it seriously. Why wasn’t anyone curious that why the whole town was infected? Why doesn’t the Heath Dept test or take samples to send in and find out what type of flu is going around? What good are they? They gave my husband a steroid shot and a Zpak. He recovered just fine.

A friend of our died. He was 38, my husband was 62

I changed my diet. We mostly eat meat. Have not been sick since.

I think we were the lucky ones as we got sick early. After that, I’ve not seen everyone sick like that since. Not like 2019/2020

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Just to let you know, Dr. Kory, I bought and read your book and tried to write a glowing recommendation on Amazon. Those buggers wouldn't take/post my review as it somehow didn't fit their guidelines! I assure you that it was reasonably written and contained no harsh language or expletives.

The censorship is everywhere and on-going.

And regarding the business of shedding, I have witnessed what I believe are related healthcare issues in several friends...as there are no other palpable or obvious reasons for their manifestations. One (unvaxxed) individual awakened to spontaneous overall jaundice, and her subsequent hospital work-up found no underlying reason for the sky-high bilirubin. She is a massage therapist and her clients represent both sides of the vaxxed/unvaxxed population.

Regardless, keep up the crucial work and research. Thank you!

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Del Bigtree from The Highwire had www.SafeBlood.com on his show a while back. It is a start up for unvaccinated blood donations. I hope it is successful!

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It doesn’t make sense to me that vaxxed transfusions aren’t a more serious issue than this study seems to say.

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Your point is a valid one. I had surgery a year ago and the anesthesiologist was very upset when I said no blood transfusions (I am unjabbed). Fortunately the surgeon smoothed the way and my surgery went off without any problems. But even with Dr. Kory saying he believes the risk is low I still would find other ways if at all possible vs. getting blood transfusions from those who got the mRNA poison jabs.

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Both authors of this excellent article update are saying what they say (risk is low) just to protect themselves personally & professionally.

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I also refused ALL blood products at an outpatient diagnostic procedure, not long after the vax roll-out began. After waiting several months for my appt (and being forced to produce a negative covid test) I was in the ONLY person in that facility that afternoon. I had 4 nurses, the anesthesiologist and the gastroenterologist. The head nurse and her side kick were PISSED and very rude. After confirming I was not Jehovah Witness, she told me "Well, I hope you understand that if we accidentally hit an artery, you'll bleed out on the table." I told her "Well, I hope y'all are extra careful then." 😕 What a thing to say to a patient!!! After my procedure, they pushed me out the door almost as soon as I woke up. I barely got dressed and was handed a can of coke when being put in the wheel chair. My husband was already gone to get the car. I asked if the doctor was coming, as he said he would before the procedure. The nurse said the doctor had already talked to my husband. Once I got in the car, I asked my husband what the doctor said. He said he never saw the doctor! And then, I got "covid" 2 days after coming home. I was furious!! Ivm, a bunch of vitamins and nebulizing food grade hydrogen peroxide worked wonders, tho.

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I wonder how many others have had this same thing happen? Probably more than we know. Hopefully they stood strong and did not fold to the fear porn.

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I did a lot of praying on the way to the hospital as it was during all the hospital malfeasance and threats to the unvaxed but I really had no choice but to go. If it was gonna be my time, I had accepted that. There's not much else one can do, imo. We've both decided that unless there's a serious accident or severely broken bone, we won't willingly seek allopathic medical care ever again. We used to be go quite regularly.

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That’s complete ignorance and malfeasance on Kory’s response. WTF - he “believes”????? Dude Kory, at least COMMENT to legitimate questions!!!!!!!!

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I totally agree. And also, I totally disagree with the statement that nicotine is addictive. Dr. Bryan Ardis explains the deception about nicotine very well. Essentially, it's the chemicals added to cigarettes, not the nicotine, which lead to addiction. As an ex-smoker myself, I'm not the least bit nervous about chewing 2 mg nicotine gum after exposure to a crowd full of people, of whom some are likely to be shedding, as so many in my church did the trust-the-bishop thing.

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I am a survivor of a serious mold injury from my workplace from 2004-09. Thanks to an “Environmental Health” functional medicine specialist I have survived that and the subsequent breast cancer. This doctor told me in 2009 to never vaccinate again! So, I am one of those “sensitive” people that you mentioned in this article. I think that I had an “exposure” at Thanksgiving with my family visiting in my home. The joint pain, stiffness and fatigue skyrocketed during the holiday week and I couldn’t understand why. I also developed a head cold with a strange foamy nasal discharge that lasted for weeks. I know at least one family member present had been recently boosted and there may have been more since they all believed in the shots. So, thanks to Dr. Kory and AMD’s posting I have been able to discern that this was probably an exposure event for me. And the blessing is that my new doctor, who is a functional medicine specialist, took me seriously last week when I described these events and he looked at my bloodwork. He has ordered a d-dimmer test and prescribed Ivermectin and compounded Methylene Blue. He also agreed I should start the Baobob drink protocol that Dr. Kory emailed out last week, which I did. He also made sure I was on the supplement protocol for spiked proteins. I think this is the “kitchen sink” approach but I am desperate to feel better and am finally doing better these last few days. Thank you doctors, for giving me the real information here so I could discuss this intelligently with my local doctor. And thank God that there are other doctors out here that are understanding what is going on with the shots and shedding, listening and thinking openly and trying different things to help their patients!

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I too had a serious mold toxin injury and subsequent breast cancer. This needs to be studied. I ‘fired’ my internist when she looked at me and said she didn’t think ‘mold is a thing’. I provided her with scientific papers that she declined to read. Thankfully I found a functional medicine doctor who guided me through an intense detox. I discovered methylene blue doing my own research. 24% of the population are unable to detox mold efficiently and avoid toxic levels. I believe there are thousands and thousands of people miserable with mold toxicity and have no clue. Now we throw COVID and the spike protein into the caldron. Some nasty stuff is the result.

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so what becomes of the 24% that can't detox efficiently? Do they need special detox, or just for longer?

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These people simply cannot detox in pace with toxin exposure so the first thing is for them to get away from the source of mold. Then they typically need to utilize sauna, glutathione to provoke the liver to release toxins and follow with GI binders (charcoal, zeolite clay) to bind the toxins in the bowel and poop them out. There is no pill to remove mold toxins. You have to provoke your own detox pathways to release them. Sweating is one primary way to release the toxins. Now that we all live in temperature controlled environments, we have to induce intense sweating. So via sweat, urine and stool, the toxins have to be intentionally removed. What makes mold toxin illness difficult to get a handle on is that some people in the same moldy building may experience zero symptoms. They are able to detox the toxins efficiently. So the people, family members, co-workers, will think the person who is sick is just nuts because they all feel fine. Testing for mold toxins is a simple test, a first morning urine collection which needs to be sent to a lab like Great Plains Laboratory. This has to be ordered by a licensed practitioner. At least this was the case the last time I tested.

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Omg, your comment took me back to my husband working in a moldy building. He had 6 female coworkers get breast cancer, and he got lung cancer. One of the women even found mold growing on books in her office. We went to 4 funerals in 6 months, and he passed a couple of years later. I am so glad you got effective alternate help. I was never able to convince him to get more help on the side.

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Evidence Shows Biological ID System Has Already Been Deployed

Fluorescent glow in the faces of the vaxxed under UV light


FEB 20


Emotionally, it is easy to dismiss the work of Doctor Ana Maria Mihalcea for it is very disturbing. But her work is shown through scientific testing and backed up by government and NGO documentation. And the evidence shows that humanity has already been infected with cutting edge surveillance nanotechnology. This is a follow up to my last report on Doctor Mihalcea’s Hydrogel research.

New research shows that those who received the COVID shots emit a fluorescent orange glow in their faces that is visible under a UV light of 365 nano-meters. And those who have been exposed to shedding emit this glow around their nose.

After his wife was coerced into getting the COVID shot, PhD Justin Coy began his own research. He found that the more shots a person received, the more they glowed under UV light. The glow can be seen initially around the nose, and over time spreads throughout the entire face and into the neck.

After a hot shower, filaments are expelled through the skin of the vaxxed. And these filaments also emit a glow under UV light. These filaments not only glow, but they have been shown to move on their own in spastic movements. And they are also attracted to people. In videos they can be seen trying to latch on to a finger. And when a person who has received the shot has dry skin, these expelled filaments will become airborne. This could explain how shedding occurs from the vaxxed to the unvaxxed. The Pfizer trial documents stated that an unvaxxed individual in close proximity to someone who’s been vaxxed can be infected by inhalation and skin contact.

In 2008 a biological nanotechnology pesticide designed to kill the Brown Moth in the state of California was deployed and appears to have included the same sort of fluorescent invisible micro dye that we see in the scientific research. Doctor Hildegarde Staninger tested individuals exposed to this nano-tech pesticide and found that a glow could be detected in their eyes under UV light. Doctor Staninger called this the Eye of Horus effect due to it’s similar appearance. And claimed it was due to the use of fluorescent thiocyanate in the pesticide. Which according to the literature, would have been used to track the effectiveness of the dispersal.

This idea has been around for decades. The Institute for National Security Studies, Nonlethal Weapons: Terms and References, published in 1997, discusses an invisible infrared dye which is visible under UV light so that rioters can be later identified.

Justin Coy points out how the genetic code for Luciferase, a bio-luminescent enzyme found in nature, is included in the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines along with SV40, which could theoretically allow the Luceiferase to be written into the genetics of the recipient. Coy proposes that this could be what is causing the vaxxed to glow under UV light.

The TRACE act, H.R.6666 - COVID19 Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone Act, was introduced in May of 2020. The bill authorizes the Centers for Disease Control to contact trace and monitor the population.

In late 2020 and early 2021, people all over the world started noticing purple streetlights. Which is the color of UV light.

The quantum dot tattoo research funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation provided a way of detecting whether or not a person was vaccinated by including fluorescent medical information in the vaccines. Invisible near infrared tattoos that would imprint beneath the skin to later be read by customized smartphones. In the scientific literature on quantum dot research, these fluorescent medical information tattoos have a similar appearance to the faces of those infected by the vaxx under UV light.

You may or may not believe in biblical prophecy, but it seems clear that the ones running this diabolical program are using it as their playbook. From Revelation 13:

“And the second beast required all people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark”

But never forget we still have free will.

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A Critique of Nicotine Addiction


Nicotine is almost universally believed to be the major factor that motivates smoking and impedes cessation. Authorities such as the Surgeon General of the USA and the Royal College of Physicians in the UK have declared that nicotine is as addictive as heroin and cocaine.

This book is a critique of the nicotine addiction hypothesis, based on a critical review of the research literature that purports to prove that nicotine is as addictive drug. The review is based on a re-examination of more than 700 articles and books on this subject, including animal and human experimental studies, effects of `nicotine replacement therapies', and many other relevant sources.

This review concludes that on present evidence, there is every reason to reject the generally accepted theory that nicotine has a major role in cigarette smoking. A critical examination of the criteria for drug addiction demonstrates that none of these criteria is met by nicotine, and that it is much more likely that nicotine in fact limits rather than facilitates smoking.

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Thank you for posting. Dr Brian Ardis has made reference numerous times to Harvard research determining unequivocally NICOTINE is NOT ADDICTIVE.

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I've heard of this research. I think it's some other addictive chemicals the tobacco industry adds to the cigarettes. 🤷‍♀️

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Thank you Dr. Kory and Midwestern Dr. for the well researched information.

-found you all on "The Stack" your diligent research and communication skills helped one remain rational and calm during this dramatic world-changing event.

Your information helped to save the life of an uninformed sibling, and stay the course whilst the love of my life was medically kidnapped and done in from the b.s. protocols.

Without your guidance or 'the stack' I surely would have been less able to understand what was happening or how to protect those I love.

You all are doing God's work.

Thank you for providing your intellect, and research FREE of SUBSCRIPTIONS.

You may never know the value you and Dr. Midwestern provide those of us living close to the fence between poverty and middle-class...


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Related question that I’ve been having a hard time finding answers to…

Are there any current available tests (other than in bench laboratories) to test for spike and/or residual mRNA fragments? I have not had any doses of any of the COVID vaccines but am a healthcare provider around a LOT of vaccinated patients, and I’ve recently had two miscarriages back to back when previously I had never had any miscarriages (3 healthy kids with normal pregnancies pre-COVID). My husband and I have both wondered if this could be related to shedding?

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To clarify, my husband and I are BOTH unvaxxed.

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I guess you could test for anti-spike antibodies. From what I have read I think you can also test for the s-protein itself, specifically from the s-protein in the vaccine, which is different from the one in the virus; but I guess these tests are not available for the general population, sounds like something more related to research.

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What exactly is "spike protein"?

Damaged proteins.

You're saying it's a special "spike" because you're treating the obsession with genetic testing like PCR which detects these segments as "COVID spike".

The real killer are the lipids, even way before con-vid.

They cause micro clots all over the body, leading to lagging cleanup. This is what y'all detect as "spike protein".


Here we go, the history explains what makes the shots toxic, and it's not mrna or graphene. It's the lipids!

"For Moderna, that meant putting its Crigler-Najjar therapy in nanoparticles made of lipids. And for its chemists, those nanoparticles created a daunting challenge: Dose too little, and you don’t get enough enzyme to affect the disease; dose too much, and the drug is too toxic for patients."


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My puppy's vet says he needs to receive injections of human LH orr human HCG in the next week. He does nt have access to any synthesied versions. I don't trust human homores and I suspect they contain the mRNA. After a discussion, I learned that those receiving thyroxin and other hormone medicine are also in danger. So I would hope that there would be artificial hormones available. Do I need to worry about the puppy shedding if he gets the human LH inections? I want to ensure his health but the mRNA would also be deleterious to his health. At this point, I'm turning them down unless I know they are safe.

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Let’s back up a step: as this is far from a normal treatment, what’s the vet’s diagnosis?

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Good question.

FYI renters in apartments are now requiring your pets to register with a 3rd party pet registering. All jabs mandatory. The only way you can evade registry is if you are on disability (Fed & State law accommodation exceptions)

An entire new industry to make it more “convenient” if you move to a different apartment.

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3rd party? Where is this happening? It makes me furious when entities like landlords overstep like this. Do they know immunology? Duration of immunity? Are they going to take financial responsibility when your pet falls into chronic disease from an unnecessary vaccine??

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I am in metro Portland and all the big complexes do it, and they require DNA from the dogs to check poo that is not picked up. The services also rate your pets on a point system including their age.

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if your landlord can afford DNA analysis for every pile of dog poop then you are paying way too much rent 😂

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The rent is abominable, but the tenant has to pay for the pet rating services and submit it with the application for a lease

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I’m in the outskirts of Tampa (county); one of the *smart cities.*. Been here 5 yrs & was livid at the amount of private info they wanted this time from me given my impeccable history here. The pet registry a first & sent me to the internet. Another industry popped up which neatly fits into global new order, Thankfully I can opt out via HUD laws. Leases have several places where they essentially absolve themselves from any liability.

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Nice. You’ve got some valuable info to share, sounds like. I’ve got a big audience with this question not uncommon among them. Email me if you are interested in spreading the word. Drfalconer@vitalanimal.com

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Dr, I think there is a need to quantify what are probably shedding injuries in our family pets. Just in my very small circle I know of several cats and dogs who got cancer and are gone now. Some had vaxxed parents, some had unvaxxed parents who caught covid.

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The puppy i5 weeks and one of his testicles can't be felt and apparerntly they need to starrt the treatment by 16 weeks. The altenative is apparently surgery. I don't like either option and don't want to do either. Do you have any alterrnate suggestions?

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If you don't have a show dog, an undescended testicle is virtually harmless. Some believe there is an increased testicular cancer risk -- but having 55-years experience in dog breeding, I can tell you your pet is more likely to died from obesity or being hit by a car. An undescended testicle won't prevent your dog reproducing, either. The remaining one can do the job.

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What is the increased risk of cancer if one is up? Papillons generrally have a low risk and the thought of cancer kind of frightens me. My kids are grown and away and so my dogs are like my children. I had an almost fourteen year old dog who died last spring from pneumonia he caught at the vet and I felt as if I had lost a son. I borrowed money to pay the vet fifteen thousand to save him during a three day period and he died---but I think they just wanted the money. BTW, if you are in Califorrnia, never go to the VCA Scecialty Vet in Tustin on Edinger. He got pneumonia there and each day they demanded about five thousand dollars in advance and they told me if I took him elsewhere, he'd die on the way.

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Somewhere 2022 I started dating a triple vaxed lady. The last injection was a while ago, since she already refused the second booster, nr4 so to say.

Six weekends in a row I spent at her place. And after weekend nr 4 or 5 I started to realise that always from monday tuesday on, I was sick…flu,like symptoms, feverish…I hadn’t been sick since my youth ! And I am now 59. And three weeks in a row I was really sick ! Y thursday I seemed to improve and friday she came to pick me up and back to Antwerp it was !

After the sixth time, I stopped the relationship, and haven’t been sick eversince.

Shedding was back then a questionnable maybe even a non-issue, but I started reading about it. Found a “credible” report about a yearly mouse(mice) infestation in Australia, where they, by vaccinating around 1000 mice. They managed to sterilise a 1.000.000 population by a shedding application…so it WAS, is, possible. Since then I will not again date a vaccintated lady.

Okay nr 2 then.

My mom, 97, lives with me. Not vaxed !

Never sick, had a triple hug, a bit over the top hug, by a (drunk) six time vaxed “lady friend”

Mom became sick a couple of days later. Broozes all over her back, and pain in the muscles.

Doctor came and after an oxygen in the blood test, just something on your finger and sees % of oxygen…no nose test…dr concluded no covid.

One week later the symptomps changed… she had a heavy flu, shingles like things on her leg, that went away in the afternoon but were back there in the morning.


I never mentioned the word Covid to her, not to scare her…I know my mom she would have panicked.

I gave her a mixture of lemon, ginger, kurkuma(turmeric) and honey. And balanced food, when she could eate.

Four weeks she was sick as she had never been before, her words. But afterwards, it was crysta clear that her immune system had had a boost. Like a fitness training and she has been healthier than ever since then !! Oh and, her yearly flu shot she has missed for two years now.

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Excellent article, thank you.

Reading through, I noticed where many 'links' appeared to not be there...for example in this sentence, "To be more specific, we know of three cases, (two here and here, and..."

There are others.

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Yes shedding is real.

Yes they knew.

I believe and have said from the beginning that this was always their plan. The benign innocent explanation for this crime. They wanted to create the need for a new annual "flu" shot.

I have told Mike Yeadon this. I have said as much to AMD.


The risk to the "unjabbed" is NOT the same as the risk to the "jabbed".

The " unjabbed" still have a functioning immune system which develops antibodies to all the shedding produced by the victims of this criminal enterprise. It's proven by the example of "unjabbed" children producing antibodies to the spike protein.

And it's proven by my continued attendance of regular AA meetings in the central Mass area where I continue to hear the horror stories of those victims.

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And.... The saying "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" isn't just some cute saying, it's the God's honest truth.

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Perhaps those contacts could write to AMD or Dr. Kory to expand their examples compilation.

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Maybe they both will read my comments. After all Dr. Kory was kind enough to recognize my work regarding obituaries.

Me 👇 on CHD


Dr. Kory 👇 talks about me.


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I did not realize that was you.🙏🏻

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😉 ty

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I may be a madman shouting in the woods (someone you should ignore), but I'm telling you that, when I read this:

"Most Common Symptoms: Menstrual abnormalities (by far), Decidual Cast shedding, Headaches, Tinnitus, Nosebleeds, Painless, inexplicable bruising, Dizziness, Brain Fog/Malaise, Skin Rashes"

I think of electromagnetic hypersensitivity.

p.s., I just posted an essay on this at my newsletter.

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