The Substack of Rav Arora and Jay Bhattacharya has so much great potential, but it is truly saddening that they are still claiming that mRNA vaccines save lives in elderly people. In the Pfizer and Moderna gold-standard randomized clinical trials (the only truly unbiased mortality data), the OLDER age groups had EXCESS ALL-CAUSE MORTALITY WITH VACCINATION (compared to placebo), even at the height of the pandemic and at peak vaccine effectiveness. In the two clinical trials combined, among the OLDER age groups, there were 21 deaths in the vaccine groups versus 16 deaths in the placebo groups. A 31% INCREASE in all-cause mortality with the "lifesaving" vaccine, in the OLDER age groups.

Among the older age group (>65) in the Moderna RCT, there were 9 deaths in the vaccine group versus 6 deaths in the placebo group. https://www.nejm.org/doi/suppl/10.1056/NEJMoa2113017/suppl_file/nejmoa2113017_appendix.pdf - see page 53, Table S19

Among the older age group (>55) in the Pfizer RCT, there were 12 deaths in the vaccine group versus 10 deaths in the placebo group. https://www.fda.gov/media/152256/download - see page 57, BOTTOM of Table 25

And finally, the same age-related trend appears in VAERS as well, over 70% of unexpected post-vaccine deaths with known ages were in people aged >65 (and about 90% with known ages were in people over age 50). https://openvaers.com/covid-data/mortality

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Yeah, newsflash: just because people don't agree with your particular position doesn't make them incorrect. I think an intellectually honest look at the data would render a very complicated view and the fact is that we don't know.

These sample sizes are so tiny that it's almost impossible to say what's going on. Full stop. You need to learn some basic math and probability.

That said, we absolutely can't rule out the claim you make and it should be examined. It could be very likely. But you are playing games with tiny numbers and percentages without any demonstration of basic statistical knowledge, such as a confidence interval, which would provide the necessary context for percentages. Actually, this is exactly what Pfizer did when they pushed their initial results ("96% effective"). You are no different, just pushing the opposite claim using the same erroneous, bullshit number games.

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The important point is that, knowing what we now know about these poisonous "vaccines" overall, NO ONE should support the claim that "it benefits the elderly", AND WE SHOULDN'T BE GIVING THEM TO *ANYONE*, ESPECIALLY CHILDREN, THE ELDERLY AND THE DISABLED. And we don't know too little either. Yes, of course we need to know more, and more and more IS coming out already, but look at the expert work that DailyClout has done, and the FACTS that they've brought out, THAT THESE PEOPLE KNEW BEFORE THEY FRAUDULENTLY CLAIMED THAT THESE KNOWINGLY MASS-MURDEROUS "VACCINES" WERE "SAFE AND EFFECTIVE", THAT THEY WEREN'T, from the released Pfizer documents. Each time something else was proven didn't work for these "vaccines", the mass-murderous globalist PTB just adjusted their story, and their claims, to fit whatever was coming out, as if they had the story-changes prepared in advance, which they in all likelihood did have prepared in advance for such, prepared just as everything they're doing was prepared well in advance of all of this.

Let's face it, we don't have definitive proof for it YET but, these people KNEW all or most of these things were going to happen before they happened. And they knew that there was going to end up being a huge outcry when more and more people become aware of the TRUTH of the lethality of what has been injected into them. You can safely bet that the PTB are prepared for all of this, that's why they already made sure that unconstitutional "laws" are on the books, through Presidential Directives, Executive Orders, and National Security [sic(k)!]] Directives etc., and that FEMA concentration camps were built all over the U.S., including in Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico (etc.?), and some in Canada, for Continuity of Government (COG) plans in case of nuclear or biological attack, AND "PANDEMICS", AS WELL AS SOCIETAL REVOLT. They are of course hoping they will get all or most of us to march passively to our demise, like they got most of the Europeans to do during W.W.2, but they're prepared for the worst. They already have lists of who lives and who dies, and on and on.

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Interesting post but I think you are stopping short and should go all the way. Who is controlling the narrative and calling the shots? It’s certainly not Pfizer. They are expendable. You have to go past them and deeper. Pfizer is and was working for the Dept of Defence throughout the COVID debacle of the last three years. And they are an arm of the central bank oligarchs which include the Rockefeller’s etc etc. Unfortunately if you follow the trail you will find our own governments controlled by them. And what do they want?

They are open about it: chip us , depopulate many of us and control us throughout complete surveillance.

This group owns the media and also owns the big pharma players as well as the military industrial complex.

To fight this problem at all we need to be aware of how deep it goes.

For interesting thoughts on this check out substacks by Yeadon, Sasha Latypoca

Katherine Watt, Sage Hana etc

Listen to the Day tapes and maybe an interview with Aaron Russo

Good for thought

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Discussion concerning overt control of the earth, and solutions

Dr. Steven Greer, Monday June 12, 2023

Press Club, Washington D.C,


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Jun 15, 2023
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Just one of many things outlining the plan. Think of all the predictive programming sci fi out of Hollywood, also owned by the same globalists. Albert Pike 33rd degree Mason wrote about 3 world wars. We are in the Third now.

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Jun 15, 2023
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Great question! I am not sure if I trust it either but the predictive power of what was discussed in 1969 already as documented in the Day tapes is amazing. When you see the trajectory of the oligarch globalists and what they are doing today and in the past 50 years it makes me think they might be believable

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How do you know you exist?

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I was not aware you asked me anything, just commented generally. Now Fuck Off

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Occasionally, I, too, check out what asinine “news” is being put out there. I like to know exactly what everyone (my family members specifically, who have remained steadfast mainstream media output sponges) is being dished out before sharing anything new that I’ve got that has, thus far, all turned out to be irrefutable factual information on every controversial matter. Do they wonder how that might be? At this point, I’m questioning whether or not they’re even mentally capable of connecting those dots that I, myself, have not found to be all that difficult to do. And I’m no brain surgeon. Once you know, though...it is literally impossible to un-know it or be persuaded back to the profoundly ignorant side. There’s way too much evidence to even question the legitimacy anymore.

...Losing our voices (again) completely and for good is such a horrifying thought that has me losing sleep over...

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Mattias Desmet and others have said that only 10-30% are not “hypnotized” by an ideology that the others embrace. Be thankful you are one of the critical thinkers and keep trying.

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I am grateful for that every single day

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Yes, it’s 1am. Are you up, too?

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I have been reflecting of late on how to make peace with this insane and disappointing world we live in. The values and stories we were raised with vs the infuriating reality of what it is.. the gap is wider than the cliff in Thelma and Louise. Infinite respect and admiration to you for working to change it.

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Wow! I didn't know how bad the newspaper cabal truly has been. Thank you for your insight, Dr. Kory!

It is a good thing that we now have many other sources of information, including your voice.

In a similar vein, I watched a recent Senate hearing in which an FBI guy totally refused to give any actual answers. Why? That's not their "process". So frustrating!!! Oh yes, I also saw testimony from Dr. Wallensky was similarly NON-responsive!

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I was literally just listening to your NEW conversation with Bret Weinstein on the Dark Horse Podcast (only 1/3 done, but excellent talk so far). You're an inspiration Pierre.

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Dr. Kory - I'm not sure if you are aware of this, but in either the first or second wave of the virus, a nursing home in France needed to treat their residents for an outbreak of scabies. They used Ivermectin to treat them. None of the residents came down with covid. I wish I could find that published piece of information, but I distinctly remember reading it.

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“Whoa. Thankfully, we haven’t had any concerns with election integrity lately.”


Thank you for alerting me to “The Brass Check,” which I promptly ordered on Audible. I’ve read “The Jungle,” of course, but somehow I missed his exposé on yellow journalism.

Intriguingly, I just discovered Sinclair also wrote a book called “The Fasting Cure,” so he was well-ahead of his time in discovering the benefits of autophagy for healing a variety of conditions and maintaining health.

To understand the power of Hearst [a.k.a. the MSM] to make or break a person, one need only learn the story about how his two-word telegram reading “Puff Graham” turned Billy Graham into a celebrity overnight and made him the most popular evangelical preacher in the nation, if not world:


P.S. I know why you put “friends” in scare quotes, but I was confused by your use of scare quotes for “truth-tellers” when referencing Upton Sinclair, given that you appreciate his journalism 🤔

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Excellent piece Dr. Kory. With thanks to you for your amazing efforts.

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We keep getting lessons how the world we think we know really runs and who runs it. It has been the same, seemingly forever. The generations come and go but the hands on the tiller keeps passing through the same families and adding more as they prove their worth. As George Carlin said: "It is a big club and you're not in it."

By the way, I am enjoying reading your book The War On Ivermectin. I actually bought 2 hardback copies that arrived a couple days ago. I wanted one copy to pass on to a friend.

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Censorship/propaganda is the real problem. These are the true beginnings of totalitarianism.

The real enemy we're facing is massive censorship: so many other problems stem from that. A free society can only happen with free and open debate as the people themselves, in their words and thoughts, are the true checks on state power that always tends toward dictatorial power if it's not accountable to the people.

Censorship is one side of the coin; propaganda is the other. I'd like people to consider the recent essay by Mattias Desmet, re-published by Malone, and ask a serious question: is this essay a defection from the problem? Desmet says that the real problem is that there are so many digitally disconnected people and "that lonely mass that, together with its leaders, forms the backbone of the ultimate symptom of our rationalistic society: the totalitarian state." https://mattiasdesmet.substack.com/p/digital-depression-and-lonely-masses?publication_id=949937&post_id=128268987&isFreemail=true So up to 40% of society is lonely, as Desmet says? Really? And this atomization of people leads to masses that can't think critically?

Listen carefully: read carefully. People can't think critically when their critical faculties have been culled by groupthink messages that largely originate from consensus narratives put out by those who desire to control others; it's not at all because we've become atomized masses. The lesson is contained right there in the Covid narrative where "masses" were formed that did what they were told because the authorities-- supposedly looking out for our safety (but really wittingly or unwittingly looking out for the new world order agenda)-- brutally suppressed and censored alternative narratives. Never forget that.

The fight against censorship and propaganda is the real fight; censorship and propaganda are the heart of the beast. We the people, in our supposedly atomized and lonely condition, are not the problem. Why are we being led to believe that we are? Could it be that the true fight today is over the right to speak and think freely and on the one side people are catching onto this and holding the feet of the authorities to the fire, while on the other side those who can't or won't see this or have been compromised are trying to deflect from this in any way they can?

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I think the article here explains censorship & propaganda has been around for a long long time. Its just that now because of technology its beyond any semblance of free thought. Yes, the people are too engrossed in other things like phones and social media, but THAT WAS PART OF THEIR CONTINUED PLAN. Condition people to pay attention to the wrong things since the things they should pay attention to are censored anyhow or attacked so viciously they become lost in a confusing mess.

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Fantastic read. Thanks for opening our eyes to the truth! Censorship is alive and flourishing in what USED to be the United States

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No one is coming to save us. We must do it ourselves. The political party system has hijacked democracy. Ruled by money, it serves the tyranny of wealth rather than the well-being of the public. If we can establish local resistance networks before the next round of government attacks (censorship, mandates, digital IDs, CBDCs, climate change hysteria, lockdowns, 15-minute cities, etc.) we may still have a chance to communicate and live freely.

LocalResistance.org provides a safe, anonymous search tool to easily locate neighbours in your own city or town who share your concerns and who are willing to stand together and press for truth locally. By linking locally we can find strength and support, we can communicate, coordinate, educate and resist, we can pool resources and organize alternatives.

We need a worldwide network of independent local resistance cells, too numerous to eliminate, autonomous and locally controlled, acting continuously to expose and expel all of the corrupt politicians, bureaucrats and corporations who would deny our personal freedom, sovereignty and natural rights. Check it out. Spread the word. Thank-you. https://localresistance.org

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Jun 15, 2023
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You don't reveal your real name and your email address is shielded... what more can I do?

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Thanks Dr Kory. I wasn’t aware Sinclair had gone after AP, so his findings were eye-opening. As it happens I worked for AP for a few years in the late 20th century, and the experience - censorship and news suppression - prompted me to abandon journalism in disgust and pursue a medical career.

Sad to see our corporate overlords have now basically destroyed medicine too, using AP and other corporate media to suppress rather than report the truth.

I have a Substack blog that nobody but me reads. I mainly just use it to vent, I haven’t posted anything since January, and I’m certainly not looking for paid subscribers. But my last post was a long detailed account of how I realized the ‘pandemic response’ was a hoax, a political psy-op, even before the lockdowns. Here’s the link, if you’re interested. https://jackmccord.substack.com/p/my-covid-story

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🎯.... Thank you for writing this piece Dr.Kory , I don’t have Twitter or Facebook. What a time we are living in , we the people need to stand up .

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I love the line

"It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it."

On the mark🎯 and applicable to up to 95% of shill doctors in Australia who I no longer trust.

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