I live in a lesser populated rural area dotted with small communities ranging from 500 to 12,000 (largest community) in population. I have made it a habit to read the local obituaries for the past 18 months. I can say that people dying unexpectedly is an almost daily occurrence. Many of these people were in the prime of their lives. People who do not notice something is very, very wrong are so blind, they are living in another universe. I suppose it could be denial. But either way, they are willfully blind.

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Happening in my rural area as well. And no one seems to be talking about it, but I am. I hope you're yelling too.

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I'm doing my best. I'm either met with silence and a blank stare or vitriol and accusations of being crazy. It's an emotionally charged topic. Most people took the jab. The planners knew the divisiveness would be the cherry on top. Evil is clever.

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You are right. The jabbed generally don't see the problem unless they or a family member have become sick (or died). And still they deny. Saying "I was wrong" is the hardest phrase in the English language to utter.

We're trying like crazy in Idaho to wake people up -- especially the county commissioners. You might have some luck by asking people to listen to some of the audio of testimony in Boise County. I hope this helps: https://eolson47.substack.com/i/140480456/audio-testimony-from-the-boise-county-commissioners-meeting

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Thanks for sending! Will do!

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I say that I have a dead cousin if anyone tries the ‘you are crazy’ tack. That usually gets them flustered. I enjoy that ( but not that my cousin is dead🥲)

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I'm very sorry for your loss Dianne. I feel like almost everyone has a story of a family member or friend maimed or killed by The Sacred Miracle Elixir. You would think there would be a mass primal demand for justice. I guess we're not there yet. We are all hurting, physically and/or emotionally.

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I lost good good friend, 39yo male. Died same day of second dose.

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I wish I could like your comment twice, three times and more! I’ve been injured by Pfizer, and I gently bring the subject up in conversation, which then allows others to share their experiences if they wish. But I’ve also experienced silence and blank stares, denial, and perhaps the most hurtful statement, “But look how many people have been saved by the vaccines!” What they are saying is, “You don’t count. All the others who died or were injured don’t count.” Do they not know that Communism operates the same way - the ‘greater good’ trumps individuals who suffer, no matter how many suffer?Therefore, a blind political ideology has taken root in our societies, worldwide, (including here in Australia,) a political ideology which has manipulated many people to blithely sacrifice their families and friends to this evil practice. Either we value the sanctity of each individual, or we don’t. If we don’t, then we are all at risk. Our dearly loved children can and are being sacrificed to this evil. Despite the personal pain of having to live with this denial of truth, it has strengthened my values and I will continue, quietly, to spread the word.

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I'm really sorry to hear you were injured by the vaccine. I hope you can find some healing and relief. I hope you can connect with people who truly care about your well being and can listen to you without judgment. You bring up some outstanding points. A dark evil is moving across the western world and is permeating every institution. The individual no longer matters. The collective and it's ideology is all that matters. What matters is conformity to the ideology and loyalty to The Party. We are seeing so many people die suddenly from these "vaccines." Yet, somehow they're "safe and effective" and for "the greater good." This is a spiritual, psychological and emotional war. And aside from there being many casualties from the vaccines, there are many people demoralized and in despair.

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Thank you, Blair. As inconveniencing and painful as my injuries are, they are minimal in comparison with those who have died or have suffered catastrophic results. And to know of children who died should be such a wake-up call to everyone and yet, many are blind and deaf to the tragedy. Fortunately, I do have people around me who are aware and who care, as well as those who are perhaps too afraid to change their minds about what has occurred over the last few years. I agree with you regarding the spiritual, psychological and emotional war. It’s very taxing and demoralising to see our values being undermined. At the same time, there are many of us standing up and that gives me some strength.

Frodo, “I wish it heed not have happened in my time.”

Gandalph, “So do I, and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” The Fellowship of the Ring, Book 1, Chapter 2.

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Love this conversation. I had hopes when this all started that we'd come together, but that didn't happen. Instead we fractured in two. Maybe all the right people are coming together, finding each other in all this darkness. Keep going. Never give up. Tend to the light.

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My lifelong friendship with her goes back to when we ten years old with whom I lovingly refer to as “Meme”. We are both sixty-two today.

Meme willingly and convincingly took the bioweapons, at that time was joyfully referred to as a “life saving vaccine”. After two pfizer jabs and two boosters, she woke up alone in her home experiencing unbelievable dizziness and was unable to walk but had the sense to dial 911. Minutes before the ambulance arrived, she had somehow crawled out of her bed to unlock the front door where they found her lifeless body. She had no heartbeat. For twenty-eight minutes they worked to get a pulse and alas, the instruments moved with a faint sound. The paramedics said she had had a major stroke.

She spent forty days in the hospital in an induced coma in intensive care and had a heart attack while being kept alive on a ventilator. She lost over thirty pounds and when she finally awoke, she had no idea of where she was or why she was there.

When I finally got to talk with her and rejoice with her that she had lived through the serious series of events, though now she will be confined to her home with an oxygen tank permanently attached to her nose, she will not or can not accept that being vax caused her heart damage. She refuses to discuss even the prospect that the jabs most likely caused her myocarditis, hence, she will not listen to what I consider as reason.

It’s okay. I need not put any additional pressure onto her already frail frame and overtaxed mind. Now is the time for her to heal, physically and spiritually! As Ecclesiastes 3 reminds us:

“To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:”

I believe and trust her life is in the hands of our Heavenly Father’s! May He bring comfort to all who are fearful and confused for He said:

“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:9 GBY ALL! 🙏🏻

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I'm very sorry to hear this news. The past few years have been devastating in so many different ways. I walked in on my friend laying on the ground paralyzed from a stroke in 2019. He ended up passing away in the hospital three days later. I was a hospital chaplain in for a short period of time in my 20's at Huntington Hospital in Pasadena, CA. I was able to minister to patients and family members in a wide variety of situations. I'm so very sorry about your friend. My dad has permanent heart damage and eye damage from the Pfizer vaccine. He just retired after 40 years of dentistry. When the vaccines were introduced, he was still practicing at age 68. Now he is struggling in retirement as a result of the mandatory vaccination. The many people responsible need to he brought to justice for their crimes against humanity. And there are many.

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I’m finding the most people won’t listen because they can’t face what they’ve done to themselves

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Medscape are publishing that the new "old age" is plus minus 40 year old. I am late 70's and if I'd agreed to be vaccinated, I would be dead by now. No I'm not. It seems to me that the purpose behind the vaccines is to reduce "Human Rubbish" which we are, down to a minority of about 500,000 world wide by 2025/26 legally, that is you have to volunteer to be vaccinated and then the issues I discuss above come into force. What was interesting, back in 2019 was that Pfizer's vaccine, so we were told, was put into a herd of Cows in Texas and all of the Cows died within 2 days with 1 Cow living for 9 days before it died, then into humanity. The CDC paid, well here you go from the horses mouth: How Much Did All of This Cost?

The amounts paid out under the contracts with General Dynamics were redacted. But according to this site, the initial amount paid was $9.45 million, with $4.4 million added in late February, and then an additional $16.3 million tacked on in early March. In March of 2022 there was an additional $5.2 million added, though it’s not clear for what since the contract had presumably expired by then. (Best guess is that General Dynamics continued some or all of its work on COVID VAERS reports with Eagle Health brought in for additional support.) Grand total? $35,425,642 of your taxpayer dollars.Military Revealed as Top Funder of Gene Drives; Gates Foundation paid $1.6 million to influence UN on gene drives 2016 December 4, 2017

(VAERS records 1% of all injuries and deaths, so multiply figures given by 41 (x41) to arrive at 100% numbers

1,000 VAERS reports Daily x 41 = 41,000 Injuries or death recorded for $5,925,388.58

But Grand total? $35,425,642 paid which is roughly 7 times the initial contract paid - in America ONLY = 7 x 41,000 = on a sliding scale up to 287,000 injuries and deaths from the Covid vaccines EACH DaY and that was acceptable then in 2021, to continue the vaccine program to 2024?

If this was not a deliberate extermination policy, given the above, what was it?

For the vaccinated, I hope for the best, but expect the worst, because this was never Big Pharma, but the US DOD and DARPA and the Politicians who ran the Governments of your country who complied with this and they are ultimately responsible and so far, they have not instigated whatever they have planned for remaining humanity as a result, yet?

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Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt (both on substack) have extensive proof that DoD is driving it for those above. No testing was necessary that's why the trials were so useless. All just a show

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The thing is ... I asked Sasha how she got her hands on documents that indicate that the DOD has committed crimes against humanity.

She responded with homophobic slurs and suggested I fathered a child with my dog... when I persisted she said that Trump gave her the docs .. and that she has 'very high security clearance'

When I suggested that if she had said clearance and she released docs of this nature she'd be with Assange.... she 'warned' me...

Then she banned me.

Feel free to ask any of these people how they got their hands on top secret contracts.

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Mar 11, 2024Edited
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Did you see the part where she calls me a homo and suggests I fathered a child with my dog... while bragging about skiing and drinking $400 bottles of wine?

hahaha ... she is a DOD Rat! And MORE-ON... she was probably peddling her arse down on her luck and the DOD said hey you ... wanna make a few bucks?

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Me: I say that the vaccines are a lie and what we have been taught for generations, is that the vaccines and the content of vaccines make "anti bodies" against a disease and protect your body from that disease.

But the human body does NOT make anti bodies, because it has never been designed to, it does not know what anti bodies are, so whatever is injected into it, damages it, sometimes with immediate devastating results, like being given a kill shot for your injury or extermination, by weakening your immunity and making you easier to kill.

Big Pharma and vaccines are a deliberate lie to injure or kill you for money.

Do not take vaccines - I theorize that vaccines cause the injected virus to spead amongst those around the vaccinated person, causing and creating the pandemic, because there were over 250 reported escapes of dangerous viruses and pathogens last year from Level 4 BioLabs reported to the CDC and none eventuated into any pandemic - but Moderna's injected Covid-19 Neucloids virus, patented 2013, is the only one that did and that is injected at the time of the vaccine, you just had and why it did.

The Great Reset is based on vaccines and deliberate population reduction, amongst other "vaccinated things".

I say: Stop taking all vaccines immediately, your life depends on it.

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There will be no Great Reset - that's just another lie to lure you away from the truth https://www.headsupster.com/forumthread?shortId=220

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Not according to Deagle's - it is on track and proceeding as they have pre-determined for 2025/26

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You are being played. If population is culled by any significant amount -- the financial system collapses -- global supply chains collapse --- and anyone alive will starve.

See page 56 chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://www.feasta.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/Trade_Off_Korowicz.pdf

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I don't get the local rag (newspaper) it is politically motivated and I prefer to read nothing and have a mind free of inconsistencies others have put there. I did not post here with the intention of poaching anyone from this substack but if you really want to know what is going on overall, then I suggest you read my post: https://christine257.substack.com/publish/posts/detail/142620806?referrer=%2Fpublish%2Fhome%3Futm_source%3Duser but you have to have a membership to read it, or sign up for one, because Steve Kirsch who owns and runs this substack has arranged that new posts can't be accessed by clicking on the URL to read the article, you have to be a registered member to do that with new posts - and this one is really new - if you are vaccinated and happy in your own little world, then I seriously suggest you do not read it, because you really don't want to know what is actually happening now, in my opinion and unfortunately, once vaccinated, you can't rewind the clock, you have sealed your future by whoever decides what that will be and for want of a better explanation ,you are fucked - don't fall for the cures you pay for to reverse what has been injected into you, you are just being taken advantage of by those who want to put their hands in your pockets and steal your money away from you, for no cures possible, actually. If you can access my substack and see my posts it is the 2nd or 3rd post or thereabout you need to read and it starts off with conundrum:

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Nature does not forgive

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I have a Huge problem with the term' Long Vax'! I understand it is slowly being accepted but it dimishes what it really is.. Vaccine Injury! Long Vax.. What does that mean? Too many vaccines in a short amount if time? A vaccine that takes too long? I am serious! We all know what it really means. Making up new terms and words that the Establishment chooses.. Only reinforces there language! Just like calling these injections, VACCINES! They clearly are NOT!

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Good point. But it does associate 'vax' with a health problem, which should help seed the idea that vaccines -- any vaccines -- aren't always safe. Perhaps a step toward getting people to think more critically about them.

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please see my comment below to Shelle and thanks

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While I'm sympathetic to your view, a catchy term is needed. If people don't use it, then getting the perfect phrase doesn't mean anything. Is long vax a term that will lodge in minds and become mainstream? I don't know, but I do know we need something that becomes part of everyday vernacular.

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the correct term and we must educate the public is ‘Vaccine Enhanced Disease’. Long vax term assumes the gov did not know and hides their known harms perpetuating more deceit. Teach others the correct term to place the blame where it belongs.

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You are absolutely right, they are not vaccines, anyone who looks under a microscope can see it.

The official world invents these terms because they do not know how to explain that a virus continues to damage months and years. They camouflage with words the damage caused by graphene oxide. This toxin produces covid and its effects last over time because it is indestructible within the body, so the damage persists. But they call it Long Covid.

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Homeopaths, long, long ago, saw chronic disease after vaccination, way back to smallpox vaccine (also forced on populations, also protested after it clearly made things worse, finally mandates were lifted). One physician named it, and every homeopath uses that term today: vaccinosis. For a wild and interesting read by its originator, look up Vaccinosis and Its Cure by Thuja, by J Comptom Burnet. Available for free if you search hard enough. If not, very small paperback, very inexpensive.

Far better term than "long vax," which will sound like a long-acting vaccine to the unaware, who'll be asking for it. Like a "slow release" pill.

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Maybe we can repurpose PTSD to mean Post Traumatizing Syringe Debilitation.

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Does the term, “Longterm Willful Proponent of Impending Global Authoritarianism” sound catchy enough? Or perhaps, “Karma In A Shot” might help them get better? Maybe, “Safe And Effective Disorder” will be acknowledged by authorities?

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Dr. Kory, I will never forget watching your testimony waaaay back at the beginning of this debacle when you passionately spoke about the dire need to be allowed to provide early treatment (IVM, hydroxychoroquine, vitamin C, therapeutic doses of steroids). You were still working in the ICUs at that time. Your voice broke when you spoke about having to stand by and watch people die. I saw the same in Dr. Marik's testimony and in interviews as this nightmare unfolded. There are no words powerful enough to convey my gratitude to both of you for your integrity and bravery. God bless you for being a huge part of the solution to the suffering of patients through your study and experience and for speaking out! Many blessings to you and your family.

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Hear, hear! I have the same feelings of gratitude for these two doctors.

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With "long Vax" finally being brought up as a topic worthy of discussion, has an increase in congestive heart failure diagnoses been linked in any way to long Vax?

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It is more than proven, if you consult the scientific literature you will see the damage caused by graphene oxide, the main component of vaccines, with cardiac damage.

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Graphene hydroxide

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It is the same, graphene oxide when introduced into the body becomes hydroxide due to hydrogen. But what the vials contain is graphene oxide; many Micro-Raman tests have already been done to prove this.

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Very interesting article with great points. Although there's likely differentiation due to the spike protein not being turned off, I doubt that these covid injections are causing a very new condition, as I recognise the descriptions perfectly with my own chronic disease and did not have the vax.

I'm very glad the pre-existence of ME/CFS has here been acknowledged and its similarities to the covid vax injuries; also that we can have some idea of how many have long covid versus vax injury. I think there's a glaring fact we are taking years/decades to come to terms with: that vaccines in general may be contributing to many chronic conditions resulting in similar damage.

As a '60s child I had relatively few vaccines compared to young kids in the U.S. now. However I was BCG-vaxed at 1 year's old (great uncle had recurring TB); received extra tetanus jab (dog bite) and had yearly flu jabs at boarding school, etc. A cousin of mine was severely brain damaged by his Salk polio vax c. 1960 (can't speak) - I doubt his injury is recorded. My children have some ADHD & autistic tendencies though we have some tools which help. Time to acknoweldge what's happening?

My decades long 'ME' turned out to be (chronic) Lyme disease; however I'm gradually becoming better aware that previous vaccines which overload the immune system may have made me more prone to succumbing to certain pathogens.

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It is past time to acknowledge what's happening. And I don't just mean that vaccines cause brain damage. I mean that an honest look at the available evidence suggests that the industry and their pets at the agencies know that they do, that they deliberately lie and conceal this fact, and that some very powerful individuals, probably not very many, desire this result. We are not in Kansas anymore. Turns out we never were. Our pineals are so crusty from fluoride that it takes something massive like the mRNA crime to wake even a few of us up.

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I got a really nasty case of covid while visiting Mexico back in November. After a month, I wasn't recovering from severe fatigue so looked up your protocol and took a course of Iver. Totally cured me of long covid. Thank you so much.

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I've been practicing Chinese medicine for decades, and it is long been accepted wisdom within Chinese medicine that myalgic encephalitis, chronic fatigues syndrome, and fibromyalgia are typically associated with improperly treated infectious diseases. The Chinese medicine perspective generally refers to this as a pathogen that has gotten trapped in the interior of the body rather than being expelled as would ideally happen if one had an optimally functioning immune system.

One of the earliest books on the treatment of disease in Chinese medicine was actually focused on epidemic diseases. It described a series of levels in the body through which a pathogen progressed. At a superficial level of being trapped, the symptoms would be the milder ones of fatigue, brain fog, etc. However, as the pathogen progressed into the deeper layers of the body, all manner of serious chronic illness could result.

It almost goes without saying that when a susceptible patient is vaccinated with any type of injectable vaccine, the stage has been set for the pathogen to become trapped. The reason for this is that the typical pathogen enters through the respiratory or digestive tract. In Chinese medicine, the blood level is considered a much deeper and more serious place for a pathogen to lodge than the respiratory or digestive tract, where they are more easily expelled from the body. Injecting any type of vaccine directly into the bloodstream is essentially sending a pathogen directly to the place where it can do the most harm. Although the vast majority of people do not experience acute blood level illness when receiving a vaccine, there is a strong argument to be made that injectable vaccines of any form immediately set in process the progression to all manner of chronic disease.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has long made the case that the explosion of chronic illness in children really ramped up in proportion to the childhood vaccine schedule. Despite white he has been erroneously accused of saying by the mainstream media, he never claimed that the vaccine schedule was the definite cause but rather said it was a possible culprit that demanded serious investigation.

I would say, from the Chinese medicine perspective, there is no more likely cause of chronic illness in modern society than repeated vaccination and/or improperly treated infectious disease. The primary form of improper treatment of infectious disease in modern society includes the inappropriate use of fever lowering medicines, anti-inflammatories, symptoms suppressing medicines, and prophylactic antibiotics administered to those without bacterial infections. All of these things interfere with the body's natural mechanisms of expelling a pathogen.

It is worth noting that early 20th century homeopathic and naturopathic physicians were beating the same drum until they were driven out of business by the Rockefeller foundation as a result of the Flexner report.

Dr. Kory, you're probably aware that your friend AMD has a fairly extensive knowledge of Chinese medicine. I've discussed other CM mechanisms with him in his Substack over the past few years. I don't believe we ever broached the topic of the various Chinese medical treatises on the treatment of epidemic disease. I recommend looking into this if you have not already done so.

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Where do you suggest one start looking into chinese wisdom medicine (not from communist china)?

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Long Vax = Vax Injured. In many cases, Long Covid = Vax Injured too.

In order to get published, Dr. Kory had to use a benign term, to move the needle so to speak. But those who ARE free to speak openly (and that number's diminishing) should call a spade a spade. In this case, the spade is a jab and "Vax injured" is more accurate.

People (especially kids) were vax injured for many decades before COVID ever reared its evil head (Children's Health Defense and ICAN have been fighting for years). But only when adults were forced to endure jabs and their aftermath did this issue get the attention it has long deserved.

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Please help educate others this was known by fda and gov they are guilty and this is called ‘Vaccine Enhanced Disease’ as they listed it. The long vax term assumes they didn’t know and hides the direct harm.

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Both the FDA and politicians are guilty of this genocide. They knew what they were doing, they knew what they had put into the vaccines, and they kept going.

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You are right, but only starting in 2021, we are seeing children and young people die suddenly, with strokes and heart problems.

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Dr. Kory, the Disinformation Playbook has been well studied by the government. COVID and IVM are just two of the victims.

I ask your readers to read and share widely some recent articles on Substack about informed consent (or lack thereof), poisoning of the people, and ways to fight back. The first step, of course, is knowing the problem, which is why I hope people will share.

1. Idaho's County Commissioners Advise Against Gene Therapy Shots. A dedicated team successfully encouraged Commissioners in several Idaho Counties to advise against Gene Therapy Shots pending investigations and full informed consent. You can do this in any state (tools 🔦✂️🔨🔪 provided)! https://eolson47.substack.com/p/idaho-county-commissioners-advise

2. Cloud Seeding Experiment in Idaho. Should state agencies and for-profit companies be given special liability exemptions for experimental projects carried out in an open-air environment? Where there is risk, there must be liability. Is this happening in your state? https://eolson47.substack.com/p/cloud-seeding-experiment-in-idaho

3. Informed Consent and Human Health: From mRNA Gene Therapy Injections to Self-Amplifying Vaccines. What is happening & what we must do to avoid tyranny & medical slavery. Latest scary vaccine tech. Important definitions (informed consent, EUA, nullification). 7 Steps to freedom. References & links. https://eolson47.substack.com/p/informed-consent-and-human-health

4. Gordon’s American Patriot Gems (Feb and Mar 2024) in which Emmett Mayor Gordon Petrie cites examples of big government acting against the interests of the American people. Over several memos, readers will learn about the irradiation of the western United States in general, and Gem County in particular, due to above-ground nuclear test shots in Nevada. Informed consent? No way!: https://eolson47.substack.com/p/gordons-american-patriot-gems (scroll down to 2024 entries)

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My husband got covid, he is in his 70's, took ivermectin and got a z pack and in 3 days he felt great!

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Long vax is the whole thing. COVID was most likely linked to the flu jabs. Same with me/cfs/lyme disease. Those are mostly caused by jabs.

In 2018, my father had identical symptoms. A bad cough for a week or so. No pneumonia, docs were clueless.

A few days of no symptoms, feeling great.

And then low oxygen issues! Luckily back then, he got steroids and oxygen in the hospital and got better in 2 days.

(This matches the exact symptoms seen by a doctor that treated COVID in South Africa... I wish I remembered his name, he was doing it outdoors for those without money. He followed similar treatments y'all discovered.)

After it all, I asked him if he got any shots. Yep, flu shot and some booster (I think tetanus or measles).

This article goes into why the disease responds to allergy stuff like steroids! If you scale back anaphylaxis, it can be less severe but still cause oxygen issues etc.


Ooh and the spike is a result of damage, not the cause. This is the cause, the lipids:

"For Moderna, that meant putting its Crigler-Najjar therapy in nanoparticles made of lipids. And for its chemists, those nanoparticles created a daunting challenge: Dose too little, and you don’t get enough enzyme to affect the disease; dose too much, and the drug is too toxic for patients."


And hey, there was no pandemic if you look at the total deaths all over the world. What kind of infectious disease stops at State borders?

You were in the center of an op, where they split off visiting doctors into triage while the hospital itself besides y'all was chilling and doing dancing videos. Think about it man! You stayed isolated at a hotel... You didn't know that the rest of the NYC hospital was not swamped!


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Your intuition is very accurate. If you look under the microscope you will see that this is how they created covid, with the flu vaccines from the 2019 campaign. We already demonstrated it in 2021

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Please educate others and use the correct terms, it is not in the vast majority of cases long covid or long vax it is ‘Vaccine Enhanced Disease’ which the fda listed well before rollouts. If this is not corrected it perpetuates more lies and again, lets the gov and others off as simply ignorant rather than intentionally covering up jab harms.

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Yep, plain old poisoning..

It used to be aluminum and the preservatives in past shots.

With the new shots it's the lipids, which moderna had issues with years before con-vid.

Everything spike protein is pure nonsense and based on PCR detection which is a bullshit maker machine.


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"Long Covid" is nothing more than vaccine side-effects.

They had that ready to trot out before they started the vaccinations.

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Correct, these are the symptoms that graphene oxide produces in human biology. But they call it Long Covid

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Please educate others and use the correct terms, it is not in the vast majority of cases long covid or long vax it is ‘Vaccine Enhanced Disease’ which the fda listed well before rollouts. If this is not corrected it perpetuates more lies and again, lets the gov and others off as simply ignorant rather than intentionally covering up jab harms.

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For most people to truly understand what was done to us on so many levels would rock their world so hard they would no longer have solid ground to stand on. Hence the widespread denial.

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Millions have done it to their children and accepted autism diagnoses... the foundation has been laid.

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Thank you for highlighting the historical diagnosis of ME/CFS. I have been aware of ME/CFS for around a decade now. My own symptoms are MCS/EI which is equally gaslit, especially as big chem / big pharma want no recognized opposition to their profits. (Although finally some hospitals have recognized VOCs as a problem for vulnerable kids.) Hopefully a wider understanding of ME/CFS comes of this and people are able to heal.

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Spikes gonna spike. Safe & Effective.

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slide 16 Vaccine Enhanced Disease! among other deadly now common issues

Please stop using ‘long vax’ and ‘long covid’ and educate others and use the correct terms, it is NOT in the vast majority of cases long covid or long vax it is ‘Vaccine Enhanced Disease’ which the fda listed well before rollouts. If this is not corrected it perpetuates more lies and again, lets the gov and others off as simply ignorant rather than intentionally covering up jab harms.

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In reality it is about the effects of graphene oxide poisoning. A virus does not attack all the organs of the body, a toxin does.

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