Dr. Kory... A large part of the decision to avoid the experimental gene transfer therapy is the unrelenting perseverance from doctors, nurses, researchers, and other non-medical leaders across all types of institutions who oppose the groupthink. Without that reinforcement from professionals like you that being “unvax’d” was the correct decision, it would have been nearly impossible to avoid the mass “vaccination”. The “unvax’d” are forever grateful to you.

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Dr Kory - I very much agree with what rmac said … I’ve written before about the many medical folks on my husband’s side of the family all of whom have auto immune issues and all vaxxed and boosted up to their eyeballs. And, I recently got uninvited from a family wedding. So many thanks to you, Dr Marik and all the other brave docs, nurses, scientists who stood firm against the tsunami — it helped me to stand firm against my own doctor pushing it (no longer my doctor) along with family members — you kept me sane and healthy - Ivermectin prophylaxis since the beginning and after numerous exposures still covid free!!

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When a huge group of people are doing something and want you to do it also especially when that thing is endorsed by politicians and governments usually that thing is a very very bad idea and can only lead to destruction and death. When former presidents Obama, Bush and CLinton were on TV telling us to take that shot, I knew there was no way I was ever going to get that shot and they cant have my teen kids

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NO TEEN KIDS (nor my almost 8 yr old granddaughter!!!) YEAH awake parents. Thank you!

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Aug 27, 2022·edited Aug 27, 2022

I've had the displeasure of encounter with a 'foot soldier' of the COVID CARTEL He eavesdropped on a conversation I was having with someone and insinuated himself into it without being asked so he could scold and spread his bullshit. It would be a dart throwing guess how many people he has killed (manslaughter) . . . . the encounter was all about his ego, his unbridled hubris and his uncontrolled arrogance. There was a dearth of humanity, compassion, or care, of or for his fellow human beings.

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Yes people like you and Dr. Gold and Dr. McCullough and many many more doctors with the FLCC and the AFLDS gave us the information we needed to hold the line and protect ourselves and family members (who would listen). And the research >lots of research including Dr. Naomi Wolf speaking out fearlessly 🌹. And Senator Ron Johnson who believed the victims and gave them a platform. And RFK Jr for sounding the alarms continuously about PHARMA. Then there are the lawyers, Tom Renz fighting continuously and working with the whistleblowers and Ralph Lorigo fighting for the hospitalized patients to get IVM and savings lives. All of them are true heros.

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Aug 29, 2022Liked by Pierre Kory, MD, MPA

We could not do this without Dr. Mobeen YouTube, then Dr. Zelenko, and your FLCCC … the education was key to this autoimmune patient. Blessed my husband and grown sons research and said no. We needed hope. You give it .. as McCullough, Eric Metaxis, we are all one . It is such a distrust with my doctors now. I don’t question. PHARMA, Govt, the perception is all changed.

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Aug 29, 2022Liked by Pierre Kory, MD, MPA

Agree. I feel that my decision had much to do with luck of personal circumstances, including already being tuned in to media sources like the Dark Horse podcast that platformed Dr. Kory, as well as having a supportive doctor who knew about the FLCCC too.

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TY Dr. KORY for sharing this message. It is validation, personally that in the middle of the storm, IT was STILL THE RIGHT CHOICE FOR ME.......no matter the cost.


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Dear Dr Kory, I cannot tell you how much me and my siblings appreciate you and your colleagues for being the beacon of hope and guidance throughout the past 2.5 years. As a result, me and my 4 siblings, along with our 87 year old mother, have all dug our heals in and stuck together in our unvaccinated and united front - not without cost. Like many, friends and relatives have ‘invited’ us to NOT visit their homes or attend special events but we have stood strong with the unequivocal conviction that we were making the right choices for ourselves. 2.5 years later, evidence has made clear that we made the right choice. Of my ‘jabbed’ friends, almost all of them are experiencing some type of adverse effects and I’ve directed them to your website for help.

We couldn’t have gotten through this without you, Dr McCullough, Dr Merritt, Dr Malone and many others on your amazing team!!

Thank you for your steadfast and relentless commitment to helping humanity and making this world a better place. I know this has come at a great cost to you and many other experts as well. Please know that there are many of us silent warriors out here who value and appreciate you and your team so very much! God bless you all.

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I will never comply.

The blessing of this unprecedented, global propaganda campaign is that hundreds of millions of people are now wide awake and seeing for the first time that there is a cabal of extraordinarily powerful globalists that control the puppet strings of powerful politicians in major Western nations. We must organize to resist and disable them, permanently.

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The Great Reset is The Great Awakening.

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Dr. Tess Lawrie calling it now The Great FreeSet

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Thanks for your reply. It is worth noting that Pluto will leave Capricorn and move into Aquarius on March 24, 2023 - the same Configuration as just prior to The French Revolution. Astrologer Jessica Adams has written about this - https://www.jessicaadams.com/2022/06/11/blog/astrology-and-covid-in-2023-2024-2025-2026/

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My husband is into this stuff, will share with him. Good forewarning. Mercury in retrograde often is something we notice in real life.

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We're among friends here... I'll keep the Uranus jokes to myself.

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Dr. Kory, this scam/plan demic has injured me, I believe, irreparably. I was a victim of circumstances. Although I chose not to be vaccinated, in June of 2021 I was the victim of an auto crash, and my femur was broken. I underwent major surgery. Post-op the doctor ordered 2 units of blood. I asked if the donors had been vaccinated, they could not tell me. I had the transfusion. I have never recovered. No doctor will even acknowledge that there may be a possibility that I have been vaccine injured. I am completely disheartened. I considered contacting your clinic, but since I cannot prove that I received contaminated blood, I chose not to. Please pray for me

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That is an important case study to document. I hope you find a scientist to explore this. Dr. Peter McCullough has been warning about the blood supply safety problem from the beginning. This is an important warning to others at large--the risk is real, not just theoretical. Unvaxxed family members might consider reaching out to their relatives and make blood available as needed.

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Betsy, is there any way it can be determined if I have spike proteins in my body? Until I find out I don't have anything to base my assumption that I received blood from a vaccinated donor on.

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I wonder if someone like Dr. Ryan Cole or a sympathetic pathologist could acquire a tissue sample through biopsy and explore under microscope. That is where the spike protein and all the inflammatory infiltrates to sequester them are being isolated with photographic documentation.

If it were me, I would act accordingly, assume it was so, and find promising protocols for de-spiking. There are so many talented professonials working on this question including those at FLCCC.

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Betsy, I have been focusing on my genetic SNPs as the cause of my ongoing medical issues. In the past 2 days I have seen several people complaining of symptoms identical to mine after being vaccinated. I now suspect the blood transfusion may be causing my illness.

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Just terrifying. But if you really want to scare the shit out of yourself, think about even more pervasive and spiritual domains that the LNPs--the lipid nanoparticles-- might be undermining. The very basic ability of humans to make connections in large groups:

It is a food for thought article, are LNPs messing with our mojo, or energy fields that interconnect us, something more spiritual even?


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I am so sorry that this has happened to you. This very thing has been a concern for me, the very issue of possibly needing a transfusion and not knowing whether the blood has been donated by a vaccinated person. I truly believe that this is such a important issue that needs immediate attention. Praying for your return to wellness and good health.

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Anecdotal, but I heard rumors that some blood banks were not taking blood from those who had been vaccinated.

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That is not the case, at least not to my recent knowledge. Here in Wisconsin donors are not screened for vaccination status, and as far as I know, it does not occur anywhere in the country. That is why doctors who understand the threat advise people to either give blood and have it stored in case you need it, or have a friend or family member that is not vaccinated do it.

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Deborah, a few months ago I heard an ad on the radio from a Houston area blood bank. They were saying they were low on blood, but then they also said that you had to be "vaccinated" to give blood. No wonder they were low on blood with that insane requirement for the "privilege" of giving blood.

By looking at their website, it looks like they have now changed their requirements and now require people to test negative before donating. https://www.giveblood.org/donate/covid-19-response/

After that I started wondering if the poison in the vaxx could be passed on thru a blood transfusion -- and praying I never need one.

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How I hope that that is true!! And widespread!

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Deborah - Like you, I am not sure if the donor blood had enough spike to cause illnesss, but it is possible. I have not been able to get a straight answer on the incidence or risk of transfusions in this regard, but one of my "spies" (i.e. the nurse whose reports informed my posts "Nursing Reports From the Front Lines of the Vaccine Catastrophe") told me her blood bank coordinator mentioned that mild, acute transfusion reactions were way up in that they have had to throw away more blood than she can remember (mild reactions are things like fever/headache/myalgias) - when these happen, the other donor units are discarded. She also thinks that IVIG is working less well of late in those patients whose autoimmune and/or other illness dependent on regular IVIG infusions have been reporting less control of their symptoms. However, these are anecdotal, no real data here. I would say that if a diagnosis of spike-protein induced disease were to be made in your case, it would depend entirely on the type and number of symptoms you have developed and the temporal associations to the transfusions. Me or my parter would be willing to evaluate if interested.

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Dr. Kory, I would really appreciate it if you could look into my case. Immediately after the surgery on June 10, 2021 I was recovering quickly. The surgeon said I was a rock star. That recovery ceased in a short amount of time after I received the transfusion. I am experiencing so many health issues that I never had before that time. I would really like to know if there is any way to determine if there are spike protein in my blood serum. I have tested negative twice for COVID antibodies. Thank you so much for your response to my comment.

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Good morning Diane. So glad to hear from you. I didn't know Dr. Kory lives in Wisconsin, and, please provide me with his direct contact information.

Hope you are doing well. I am inspired to know that others that have fought the fight I am currently in, eventually found some success. I am discovering that impatient can be a detriment to your health. I do tend to want immediate results. I will learn, eventually.

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Glad to.

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Thank you Diane

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deletedAug 28, 2022·edited Aug 28, 2022
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MCAS a common condition in Lyme and Tickborne illnesses. Ongoing immune provocation to the dead fragments of the pathogens. Triple antihistamine therapies are common in those protocols and also in FLCCC's post vax and long covid: H1 blocker like Claritin, H2 blocker like Pepcid, plus mast cell stabilizer like ketotifen, which is available cheaply compounded.

Check those out with your doctors, takes some time to calm things down. Remember Dr. Shankara Chetty in South Africa early on had great experience with treating the histamine, allergenic facet of COVID, so this literature and thought process has been going a long time with lots of researchers and doctors to listen to and articles to pull up on PubMed. Have some hope that some simple routines could provide a modicum of benefit.

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I do not have lyme disease. I do have 2 MTHFR mutations, as well as several other genetic mutations

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The tickborne illnesses are a set of pathogens that cause chronic illness that have taught us so much about how to treat them and similar illnesses. Many have pointed out parallels in those literatures and the recovery from COVID and spike protein exposure. These genetic mutuations seem to make some more susceptible to a variety of pathogenic exposures.

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Diane, Dr. Kory responded to my comment this morning...September 12

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Diane, did you receive the email I sent you today? I need to speak to you. Please contact me

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No, I don't have your phone number. I must have deleted the email

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Dr Kory, I am a 54 yo ophthalmologist in New jersey. I never got that shot. I had natural covid in aug 21 and got over it in about 10 d w no problems., When the masks went on in april 2020 I knew we were in deep trouble. I knew that masks were useless against viruses. I trained in NYC in the 1990s and have been practicing medicine since 1999. I have a biochem background. I grew up in a failrly conservative religious Jewish home . I would identify as a libertarian. I 've never been a big "joiner"

I think all this made me resistent to the propaganda. But when we had to do ridiculous things like wear masks as we walked through a restaurant and then take them off when we sat, then I knew the world had gone insane. I 've felt like Ive been living in an insane asylum . You and Peter McCullough, Malone, Childers, Marek, Paul alexander, Berenson and so many more have kept me sane. I was pretty obvious by the summer of 2020 that covid was not dangerous to most health adults and young people; about the same death rate as a reg flu about 0.15. When the vax came out I read everything I could find. The original pfizer EUA docs had no data about preventing infection spread and transmission. It was clearly not a sterilizing agent and was not devleoped for that reason. So when it then became a moral " duty" to get the vax I really got scared . I kept saying to my medical colleagues , " hey this shot is new and experimental and it wont stop infection and spread. it MIGHT reduce the severity of the illness, but younger not at risk people have a very low chance of hospitalization and death anyway, so there is no reason to pressure people to get this and no reason to fear unvaxxed people."

I said this repeatedly and I knew I was right. I was persecuted. I lost hospital privilege. Every institution seemed IGNORANT. The supreme court OK'd mandates for health care workers.

THe world went insane and we are still not out of it.

For me it was very simple. A government agency wanted me to take an experimental drug to "help" me and wanted me to give it to my familiy. That was enought to run the other direction.

everything govenrment does and touches it destroys.

I understood the phenomenon of antibody dependant enhancement and understood that the spike protein was toxic, there was no IGA response.

I was fearful that the whole thing would backfire and there would be a mass causualty event and my fears were justified.

Thank you for all you do

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I admire your path of choices immensely. I wish all our personal doctors were like you.

Wouldn't it be great if an assortment of displaced COVID sensible docs would create a mobile set of practices that could travel in medically equipped RV's and stop in a variety of towns for all manner of routine care? Hearing, ophthalmology, optometry such good examples. Podiatry and dermatology annuals, and freezing off of various skin growths. Routine physicals enhanced with all the good blood tests and simple tests like CIMTs and EKGs for microclotting and electrico-cardio problems would be great to start. Some care could be followed up by telehealth as needed.

My healthy active stepdad in his early 80's starting having eye bleeds in both retinas just after the shot along with scabbing skin rashes. The opthalmologist did not want to consider the vaccine, but I got his primary care doc to try adding some safeguards to his blood pressure medicine in case they would help. This is in addition to the traditional anti-VEGF shots in just one eye. Several oral compounds were chosen inspired by FLCCC and Dr. McCullough's protocol recommendations and the hypothesis that this was a microvascular irritation of some sort. All symptoms came under control and stable in 6 weeks. But it would have been great to have an eye doctor closely collaborating on this condition and learning from it. Steve Kirsch, and early on Dr. Jessica Rose have talked about eye issues and the shots. It is another massive source of oncoming disability and misery.

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Well, the sots may not sterize the virus, but they might sterilize you😐

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I am unvaxxed and just got 2nd Covid. Nothing more than a head cold. First round was intense with Omicron. Ivermectin knocked out any replication and simply low energy for two weeks. This time a head cold and scratchy throat. Ivermectin again. THANK YOU FOR ALL OF YOUR EFFORTS! Our entire family avoided the shots, including two daughters who remained unvaxxed and had healthy babies!!! Yes, a couple of lazy doctors were fired through the process.

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Thank you so much Dr. Kory for sharing this message to the unvaccinated. Of all the people in my life of 70 years, be they family or friends, there are only less than a dozen that I know who remain unvaccinated and resistant to the narrative being force-fed to the people of this country, and indeed, the people of the world. At times, in the beginning, I did doubt and start to waiver to the pressures from my family. But the very act of questioning myself forced me to look again at science, logic, and common sense. Re-examining the data re-enforced my conviction that my decision to not accept this experimental mRNA injection was the right one for me. I take ivermectin weekly, follow the FLCCC prophylactic protocol and have never had covid-19. Many of us are still withstanding the heartbreaking relational storms from our loved ones...so what an encouragement this message has been. Whenever I'm missing family and friends or needing support and encouragement I will return to this message, read it again, and STAND FIRM. I WILL NOT COMPLY.

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I’ll never forget when my own mother told me that those who abstain from getting vaccinated would essentially “cull the herd.”

We went from talking daily to every once in a while. It’s a struggle to this day.

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And yet the comment is reflected back to her when the vaccinated have a death and injury rate higher than Covid death and injury rate.

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Unimaginable. That would be a daily struggle.

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This is the second such document I have read and both times I became tearful. (The link to the other document is below.) have alienated my brother-in-law and my sister (and who knows who else) by refusing to be silent about what has already, and is still, happening. I'm sorry they are upset, but I refuse to live by lies. (Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn) I don't know if I could have remained strong if I had not found the doctors and scientists with integrity. We were honored to meet Dr. Kory and Dr. Marik several weeks ago and to be able to tell them how much we appreciate them. I am doing my best to educate others and hopefully, sway someone who might be taken advantage of on the next fraud cycle. I know the evil monsters are not giving up, but I will not comply! https://thevincentian.com/the-unvaccinated-will-be-vindicated-p24367-110.htm

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The price so many have paid is staggering. It has only been a minor inconvenience to me in practical terms as I’m self employed in a southern USA state. The emotional and relational impact has been the most painful with deep fractures with family members, that I love dearly, as well as fear for their ongoing health. However, I’m truly amazed and have so much respect for those who stood firm at a significant, tangible cost. #heroes

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You are my hero Dr. Kory and your brilliant mind helped so many of us say no to the incredible pressure and risk everything. My greatest gift from God is my health and I take good care of this gift. I wasn’t going to risk it over an experimental Mnra shot. The more the pressure built, the more suspicious I became. And yes I had covid twice, once in early 2020 (late January) and then again Omni during Christmas 2022. The first case was harder on me because the news Ivermectin, HCQ had not come out yet. I had a three months lingering cough. The second was so mild because I had your protocols (ivermectin, HCQ et al). . I have passed your website’s amazing protocols on to hundreds of people now, unvaccinated and vaccinated.

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Aug 27, 2022·edited Aug 27, 2022

You are the absolute best! Thank you! Thank you for the many years of bedside care you gave and still give to thousands and thousands of people Doctors and nurses (like me) should never have to choose to take something we believe may harm us to keep our jobs, and we certainly should never encourage anyone else to take something that has come to be known to harm some people. We may know later, that all who took it, came to be harmed. The day you, Dr. Marik and and Dr. McCullough gave testimony in D.C., I believed that this nightmare would end. I thought surely someone with Dr. Marik's credentials, yours, and Dr. McCullough's would give pause. I was shocked that so many are either ignorant or because of their personal agenda turned away from the data you presented. You are a good man, a decent man, and I thank you and appreciate that you come on FLCCC Alliance and speak to the nation (if they choose to listen). I continue to pray for Dr. Simone Gold. What happened to her was not for going into the building, it was because she audacity to speak her mind. It was to shut her up and oppress her into submission. Everyone knows the cycle of abuse. They are looking for ways to do the same to you and all of us that refused to submit.

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I am glad you mentioned Dr. Simone Gold. An atrocity she is in jail, when she is still needed on the front line.

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Thank you for that beautiful message of validation Dr. Kory. I continue to be eternally grateful for the courageous medical professional trailblazers like yourself, who so many of us look to for leadership during these unprecedented times. Thank you for continuing to be our hero.

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Great post, thanks.

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Aug 27, 2022·edited Aug 27, 2022

Thank you, Dr. Kory. I am unvaccinated amongst a mostly vaccinated extended family. As a two time covid survivor, it was I that worked to save the vaccinated using your protocols. Was I terrified I had made a terrible mistake in refusing vaccination? Absolutely. But my intuition, research, and faith led me to say, "NO." Once I heard your hearing re Ivermectin as a viable early treatment drug, it helped me stay the course. I don't think of myself as a hero, but I do believe if I had been in Nazi Germany, my attic would have housed as many Jewish people as I could reasonably hide. I couldn't have done this course without you as my guide. Thank you for all you do. You are the real hero.

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