“I thought most doctors were – like me – committed to finding interventions to help our patients with whatever was challenging them.”

How I wish most doctors (all doctors!) were like you, Pierre!! You are a rare gem of integrity and compassion in a sea of bribe-collecting group-thinkers.

Looks like a wonderful lineup of speakers for the conference. Will the lectures be available online after the conference is over?

I wanted to let you know I shared your phenomenal article on informed consent in #7 of this article:

• “50 Reasons to Give Your Child the COVID Shot” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/50-reasons-to-give-your-child-the)

Not to fear, the title is satirical! I have crafted it along with my social media messaging (https://twitter.com/MargaretAnnaAl1/status/1566439797622591489) to appear pro-vaxx in an attempt to entice people into clicking what they think will support their confirmation bias—only to be met with a litany of scientific evidence and heartrending examples of vaxx injuries and deaths. My hope is this will penetrate their propaganda bubble and prick them to at least think and start researching before automatically signing their children up for injection.

I am modestly aiming to get this in front of every parent in the world 😁 Given how enthusiastically people have been sharing it and outlets have been reposting it, it feels like that might just be possible :-)

One of my contacts is even reaching out to JP Sears about him using the content for a video as it is perfect for his style (someone even mentioned imagining it read in JP’s voice as he went through the list).

Meanwhile, this can serve as an evergreen tool for people to share with all parents they know in the hopes of saving as many children as possible 🙌

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I already read your tongue in cheek article - brilliant as always.. And yes, the lectures will be available on FLCCC website, unclear whether it will be free or a modest sum as the FLCCC wants to drive funding support for the org but either way, will be modest - JP Sears would be an excellent vehicle to focus on the inanity of jabbing a toddler my gosh

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Lovely, and thanks, Pierre! And yes, it would be fun to see what JP would do with this 🤞

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your using reverse psychology to get through to people. Its unfortunate that this is the way we must go.... but to be truthful, the past 2 generations were raised on "reverse psychology" by their parents. I dont know what "brilliant" person came up with that idea.. but that's the way life is.

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This is brutally honest. Thank you for putting this together.

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I wish you all the best, to everyone in attendance. May the outcome be what you hope for, further the cause of truth and help build resolve, strength, and endurance for the road ahead. I stand behind you.

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This is excellent. Thank you all! I am not a healthcare provider but I applaud this. You’re doing what our federal programs should have done in the spring of 2020.

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You wrote it. I buy it. "Medicine is not easy." Can't think of anyone more committed to the fight, and who I trust more. With you all the way.

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Supporting scientific debate, let’s apply it to Juan Chamie’s work you have cited and has been funded by FLCCC. He may or may not be there.

His own work on ivermectin and Covid is unpublished and is not peer-reviewed (as far as I could ascertain). The preprint below on Peru, however, appears to be his most advanced (Juan as lead author, with two others, which apparently became the basis of the FLCCC graphs for Peru at https://covid19criticalcare.com/ivermectin-in-covid-19/epidemiologic-analyses-on-covid19-and-ivermectin):

Ivermectin for COVID-19 in Peru: 14-fold reduction in nationwide excess deaths, p < 0.002 1 for effect by state, then 13-fold increase after ivermectin use restricted


Unpublished preprint, last edited August 22, 2021


“Juan J. Chamie was funded by the Front Line COVID Critical Care Alliance a non profit organization.”

I could not find any evaluation of it, except this on Twitter dated August 8, 2022:


Two points are important, among the other observations:

a) Ivermectin had already been distributed considerably by July 3, 2020 (after governmental approval on May 3 and over-the-counter availability). Yet, the preprint claims ivermectin was responsible only after August 1, 2020 (in some states only Aug. 13-14). In other words, the decline should have begun considerably earlier, if actually due largely to ivermectin usage.

b) Nothing in the preprint refers to actual use of ivermectin by those living in the various states cited. This absence contrasts to other studies such as for Uttar Pradesh, India, or for Itajaí, Brazil, where much firmer information is available.

The preprint claims more than is justified.

In no way am I questioning your own medical expertise and experience with use of ivermectin, etc. Please understand this. I am siupporting deepening scientific research, the purpose of this conference.

Thanks for reading. Paul

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This is exciting. I do hope there will be discussion about the benefits vs. risks of keeping fluvoxamine anywhere on the FLCCC protocol. Fluvoxamine and other psychotropics can cause serious harm in some people, even when taken in very small amounts and for short periods of time.

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Susan, I hear you and we spent a lot of time around this issue. It is essentially never needed any longer in acute COVID (at least with the current variants), i..e I have not used it in well over 8 months for that indication, however, every single medicine has risks and benefits. You are focused solely on relatively rare risks and are ignoring the massive responses we have seen in debilitated long haulers and vaccine injured. Medicine is not easy. Requires judgement, prudence, close observation and communication atop fully informed consent. With those in hand, that medicine can be used very effectively and safely, you are not seeing the robust and transformative responses we have achieved in select patients. We also have found it is not needed for prolonged periods, and I worry way more about the risks in younger age groups but am cautious in all

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Thank you, Dr. Kory, for your thoughtful response. My concern is that the (likely inadvertent) messaging I have seen regarding fluvoxamine is that this drug could be useful even at the beginning of symptoms. I believe many people at this point have the idea that Luvox could be good to start taking even early on, without realizing real potential detrimental effects. There's a big difference between early treatment and later treatment when things become difficult and fluvoxamine could create robust healing. I believe this difference is not clear to the public. Most people don't need to take Luvox at all, and yet it's been promoted quite broadly as a benign, effective additional treatment you could take from the start (even though it's stated specifically in the protocol to be used in later steps). Even Steve said when he got covid symptoms, he started taking fluvoxamine right away. In a post this past week, Steve said: "If you take just 50mg of fluvoxamine twice a day for 2 weeks, most everyone avoids long-haul COVID symptoms due to the anti-inflammatory properties of this drug (Prozac also works)." I strongly believe - from many stories I've read and heard about - that 100mg of Luvox a day for two weeks can cause serious injury to the brain for some people, and other SSRIs can be just as bad. For early treatment especially, there are plenty of safe options that can be used to get through covid. My wish is for the messaging to be made clear that SSRIs should only be used for the longer, difficult cases.

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Steve Kirsch (and all due respect to him for the great work he is doing), likes to promote fluvoxamine as you say. I suspect that is on account of the study at the Bay Meadows Race Track that he funded. As an MD with long experience I would be very hesitant to recommend any drug based on a single study. All drugs have possible side effects and fluvoxamine is no exception. I've treated about forty people with acute Covid. I only used fluvoxamine in a few patients later during the acute phase. I was basically prescribing it in order to try to prevent Long Covid. I can't say that it actually did that. One of those patients, despite the fluvoxamine treatment, did go on to develop Long Covid. Unfortunately, because the public health authorities are not funding the studies we desperately need, we are being forced to work in the dark more than we should need to be. As always in medicine, it is a cost/benefit judgement to use any drug.

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Yes, I am thrilled that Steve is doing an incredible job getting the word out there about how dangerous the vaccines are. He’s making a huge positive impact in this area. However, in the area of fluvoxamine, you always have to go back to “First do no harm.” I humbly and strongly believe that the promotion of an SSRI as an early treatment method for covid is likely doing more harm than good.

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I agree but I cut him slack on that. He’s not an MD or even in the medical profession so people shouldn’t blindly follow his advice. He’s never had a patient have an awful reaction to a treatment so his perspective is perhaps not the best on that one.

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I'm not able to cut anyone slack on something this detrimental to health. I call people on the dangers of SSRIs whether it happens to come up during a lunch conversation, or when someone - whoever it happens to be - is promoting it to thousands. The potential for injury is just too dire. First do no harm.

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Merci Docteur !

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Merci Docteur !

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IMPORTANT : This Article is Proof Positive that Something is being done at the Judicial Level


"A lawsuit against the federal government – Anthony Fauci in particular – from the Attorneys General of Missouri and Louisiana has been brewing for a good part of the summer of 2022. ... We know for sure that this censorship began early in the pandemic response and included exchanges between Fauci and then head of NIH Francis Collins, who called for a “quick and devastating takedown” of the Great Barrington Declaration. .. .On September 6, U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty released a decision that orders the government to give up information relevant to the case and do so in 21 days. "

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We have a new doctor because we were unwilling to go back to the previous practice which was pushing the jabs so fiercely. We offered to cover part of the cost for our new doctor to attend this conference, but she has ignored our offer. She has been unwilling to discuss the vaccines with us, but at least she has not pressured us to get the vaccine. We've only seen her for a couple of months and wish we could find a doctor like Dr. Kory or Dr. Marik!

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I won't be able to attend the conference because of a conflict with previous plans. I plan to purchase the recording. Please let those of who can't make it know via your substack. Thanks!

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IMPORTANT : This Article is Proof Positive that Something is being done at the Judicial Level


"A lawsuit against the federal government – Anthony Fauci in particular – from the Attorneys General of Missouri and Louisiana has been brewing for a good part of the summer of 2022. ... We know for sure that this censorship began early in the pandemic response and included exchanges between Fauci and then head of NIH Francis Collins, who called for a “quick and devastating takedown” of the Great Barrington Declaration. .. .On September 6, U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty released a decision that orders the government to give up information relevant to the case and do so in 21 days. "

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The Bell and the Blackbird

The sound of a bell

Still reverberating,

or a blackbird calling

from a corner of the field,

asking you to wake

into this life,

or inviting you deeper

into the one that waits.

Either way

takes courage,

either way wants you

to be nothing

but that self that

is no self at all,

wants you to walk

to the place

where you find

you already know

how to give

every last thing


The approach

that is also

the meeting


without any


at all.

That radiance

you have always

carried with you

as you walk

both alone

and completely


in friendship

by every corner

of the world



David Whyte

From: The Bell and the Blackbird

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Excess non-COVID deaths in UK are >1500 a week‼️ Watch Dr. Campbell’s excess mortality video, after expressing his sadness over the Queen’s death. At the end of the video, he alludes to the vaccines as a potential contributor, but can’t come right out and say it due to YouTube’s censorship‼️https://youtu.be/4WZHtxGF4Cc

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Will we be able to see this later on? Hope so. You are a hero

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Sep 7, 2022
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Please try his website: https://drpierrekory.com/. He says at the end of every Substack article that people who believe they are vaccine injured can seek help there.

Best of luck and I’m so sorry to hear of your situation.

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This possibility was a big concern of mine early on. I'm a retired MD and have extensive experience with blood transfusions from OR experience. I contacted an acquaintance who is an executive level PhD at our county Red Cross Blood Bank. We had an involved discussion about this risk as I remembered the early AIDS days and infection risks were handled completely differently. Our discussion broke off once he raised some of my issues with his chief. I just never heard from him again. On either this or another Substack I saw the same issue raised with a likeminded pathologist who sounded well-informed. His opinion was that the dose of spike protein from the vaxx in donated blood should be so small that a competent immune system should be able to easily handle it. Of course, that was only conjecture and not based on any valid sample. Dr. Kory does have a clinic for this issue and that would be where I would go for advice.

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