Four decades ago, I became a MD. Three decades ago, I became a homeopath. No one wanted to hear about all my clinical successes using homeopathics. My professional life was met with daily derision, battles, and career pivots. It wa then I decided to circumvent the system and go directly to parents. That adjustment prepared me for even this greater censorship. The point is we must work in a parallel medical system. The present pharmageddon has too tight of a control on the hierarchy. I’ve been out for decades and I’m delighted to work with other practitioners that know we can do better. 💞

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I’m a nurse at a functional medicine clinic in Sweden with a mission to build that parallel system here (wish us luck!)

I constantly hear stories from people who don’t dare to discuss their “alternative” treatments (that work) with their mainstream medicine caregivers because they get so much crap for it. But what heartens me is that people keep finding and coming to us and I hear of more and more networks of different types of alternative/complementary practitioners. We’ll all get there in the end because we have to, but it’s going to be a rough ride.

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Congrats! Imagine if we all start building our parallel systems, and create "insurance" for those systems. That's part of the issue. Insurance was designed for mainstream medicine. Agree, Michele, they keep finding us.

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I hope you’re joking about inviting insurance companies into a parallel system. I think insurance companies have greatly contributed to this mega monster health system where there is this vicious circle of patients, doctors, hospitals, pharma, and insurance. All are equally captured and held in place by each other. We gotta break out of it. I remember when I was s little girl--my parents directly paid the doctor for my care. And my mom told me prices were affordable for doctor visits and care. It’s when the insurance companies came into the equation that prices went up and quality of care went down.

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I agree. At most, there should only be high-deductible catastrophic insurance, and that needs to be reformed and tightly regulated.

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I don’t know what to say about insurance as so much here is state run and people are used to things being “free”. But when they can’t get the help they need people somehow find the means to pay for the care they want.

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Sep 2, 2023
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Page didn't open, Heather.

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This would be greatly appreciated by families like mine. Since my son was born 4.5 years ago, he’s only ever taken homeopathy. We transitioned to having absolutely no OTC meds or Rxs in our house except ivermectin. We chose not to carry insurance since none of the holistic providers we see accept any. I don’t blame them, but it would be nice if I could go more for myself and my husband. Our son has only had to have two “convenient care” visits in 4 years and both times it was for croup. Those two visits added up to $3500. We haven’t even spent $3,500 in total in 4 years of seeing a holistic practitioner! 😆

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Hello Michele: Would you be willing to share your location in Sweden. My son (from the US) and grandchildren live in Northern Sweden, where he is a professor in a music conservatory. It would be good to know where/how to find you as it seems it is not that easy to access alternative medicine in Sweden.

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Of course! I know there can’t be many practitioners up north but I can ask in my group if you like. I work at a place called Funmed. We have locations in Stockholm and Gothenburg.

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I have a wonderful PCP that as he says, "...a special passion for the amazing healing properties of Homeopathic Medicine". He's also cognizant of traditional medicine when it's warranted.

I've dropped (six) cardiologists that were too blinkered and beholden to Pharma instead of their patients.

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Marvelous! If you are interested there is a chiropractor who has found his way by building the Nutritional Healing Center in Ann Arbor, MI, and building his YouTube channel which is called Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC. Here he is taking you/me/us through an actual patient visit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uuLYGcxcKw

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Thanks, Kathy! Will check it out.

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I would rather follow a homeopathic solution toward wellness than just pop a pill for every ailment. I think more people are wanting that.

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I had Omicron in June. I knew it had to be because I got a headache so bad my teeth hurt. Never had that before and I don't get summer colds. Had the rest of the covid symptoms including a sore throat so bad I didn't want to eat or swallow. Finally went to a doctor: positive for covid and negative for strep throat. Got home and looked up remedies for angry red sore throat and belladona was the top. Had 30c in my remedy kit and 1/2 hour of taking a dose my throat was better by 50% and two more doses over a couple of hours I was fine. Omicron still wiped out my energy.

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Hmm! I’ve never heard of belladona. Where did you get it and how much did you take? Hope you recovered fully.

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The remedy kit that I have is the one that has 35 common remedies which includes belladona: https://hahnemannlabs.com/cgi-bin/start.cgi/hahnemannlabs.com/home-first-aid-kit.html

Belladonna – Top-grade medicine https://www.drhomeo.com/sore-throat/homeopathic-remedies-sore-throat/

"The first medicine that comes to a homeopathic physician’s mind to treat a sore throat is Belladonna. It is the most prescribed medicine to treat sore throat. Those who need to be administered Belladonna have marked pain in the throat along with sore, bright red, and inflamed throat. There is shooting pain, especially when swallowing liquids, and the throat is dry. Tonsils are also inflamed, swollen and red. Fever with intense heat may be present."

There are other remedy kits available but the one I have is your basic kit for acute sort of everyday symptoms/conditions.

If the remedy is well chosen then a 30C should have some action pretty quickly which was the case for me. I followed up with two more doses which is what my body needed.

Katrina the Hurricane, I hope this helps

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Thank you!

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Homeopathy profoundly altered the health trajectory that allopathic-pharma-induced ill-health placed my son on. That was over 3 decades ago. Once you see the rot as Dr. Kory is a recent victim, you are not the same. The illusion has been shattered. It is frightening to witness the extremes the institutions will go to maintain that illusion; and they are not done. Holocaust is a word and even that is inadequate.

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You and the others who have stood strong are heroes against a massively corrupted establishment. So glad I am not part of the allopathic mafia any more.

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Glad to hear it, Green Hornet. Give me natural remedies or give me death.

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As am I.

I do not miss it.

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“The most wicked thing about censorship is that it is silent - the average citizen has no idea how much accurate information is being withheld so it is only those who are being censored that can really ‘see’ what they are doing.”


This is why I have been calling it Plato’s Propaganda Cave. Those inside the cave think the projections on the telescreen represent reality and that those who are imploring them to climb out of the cave are science-denying-conspiracy-theorist-antivaxxer-far-right-wing-extremist-tinfoil-hatters because that’s what the telescreen tells them.

The greatest trick the propagandists ever pulled was convincing the world they don’t exist.

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Me! ME! I'm one of those! YIPPEE!

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Me too!

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You forgot dirt-worshipping tree-hugger. Count me in.

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Congratulations on living not by half-lies, Avalanche!

• “Letter to a Mainstream Straddler: Live Not by Half-Lies” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-mainstream-straddler)

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The leading crime syndicates (aka, governments) have well organized espionage agencies that penetrate into each other's affairs. They have "transparency." The public used to get glimpses into their shenanigans when a curious investigative reporter or courageous whistle-blower uncovered some heinous malfeasance.

Today a blizzard of government sponsored misinformation blankets the truth.

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Well-stated, Captain Mani Malagon. This is why I have highlighted the importance of whistleblowers and hope to spur others to come forward with the following poem:

• “Ode to a Whistleblower” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/ode-to-a-whistleblower)

This is the video version, which was played during Daniel Ellsberg’s tribute at the Whistleblower summit last month:

• “Ode to a Whistleblower (Video Tribute to Daniel Ellsberg)” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/ode-to-a-whistleblower-video-tribute)

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That was really beautiful & lovely tribute to one of the finest humans among us! <3

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Aww, thank you so much, Pamela! I do hope it can be used to help spark a new generation of whistleblowers as I believe they are the key to blowing the lid off the corruption and lies being used to control the populace.

Unfortunately, the video has gotten very little traction (only 152 views on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bASZkhDROzo), so maybe Pierre can give it a boost if he sees this ;-)

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Hard to beat the censors & whistleblowers aren't favorites of the prevailing regimes!

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Haha, true, although Mistakes Were NOT Made (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ueUXNL-A3Zg) has 75k views, and it has a much more controversial message. Pierre played a HUGE role in that # because he tweeted it out twice and talked about it on Jimmy Dore, bless his soul 🙏😇🙏

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So many pharmacists still don’t know or even want to know about the Early treatments for covid other than paxlovid etc . They don’t even question why steroids were not part of the Mainstream covid protocols March thru June 2020!!! They are not able to comprehend that if early treatments were used at the beginning of the plandemic so many more lives would have been saved . If steroids were allowed initially so many patients would not have needed to go on ventilators and we all know that ventilators were the worst thing for covid pts . Some of these pharmacists I used to think were very intelligent people ... I cannot even look them in the eye now after seeing their complete ignorance, apathy and no thirst to find out the truths . I guess the censorship and constant shaming of the truth tellers has explains why they are that way but if I could put on my detective hat to know what’s going on because things were not making sense why could they not ??

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Yep. Menticide is a bitch:

• “Letter to the Menticided: A 12-Step Recovery Program” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-menticided-a-12-step)

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Gosh I never knew there was a National Whistleblowers Day. We really need to get the word out and make people more aware.

And speaking of which, what is the NPC doing to defend free speech and call out censorship? Far too little, I suspect …..

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What is NPC?

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National Press Club in Washington DC

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What has happened is the government created a medical monopoly and sharing the profits. The people pay the price. I remember a day when government was obligated to breakup monopolies for the benefit of the people and market place. Pharma must be broken into a thousand pieces. Then watch the prices drop and innovation skyrocket.

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I remember those days too. In addition to breaking up big pharma, the media needs to be broken up too. 9 people (companies) own all mainstream media outlets and we can thank Bill Effing Clinton for that. And Reagan had a hand in it too. Looking back we can see when the government started its war against we the people. About the time that government started passing legislation that allowed big pharma to attack us. Katherine Watts has the details.

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Dear Pierre, I saw your senate testimony on ivermectin (you were very angry!!! ) and it became ground zero for my husband and I to refuse the vaccine. I believe I saw it in January or February of 2021. When did YouTube take it down? Did I see it on another platform at that time? Anyway, that testimony became the basis of our hunting for the FLCCC Alliance and trying to get ivermectin. Long story short: My naturopath prescribed us ivermectin only because we were vaccine refusniks. She only allowed us two does each. The first pharmacy refused to fill it. We found a second that was out of it but referred us to another branch of the same chain who still had some left. We both got covid right around New Year 2022. We both took our two doses of ivermectin. My bout lasted 8 days then was gone. I was 66 and practicing low-carb whole foods eating, in very good health. Our primary care physician found out we had it and offered us fluvoxamine. I didn't feel I needed it, but requested it for my husband, (with comorbidities) who slept most of three weeks and became very weak. First pharmacy refused to fill it, and we knew where to go--back to helpful pharmacist #2, who did fill it. My husband did recover fully, but the local medical group board censured our doctor for that Rx. How he challenged them and won (outside of court) is a very interesting story!

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A story I (we) might like to hear!

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Our story very similar as to being refuseniks thanks to Dr Kory's testimony. Our PCP (we've since fired her) refused to prescribe IVM. Found a telehealth provider who gave us a year's worth at 1x/week dosing. During that year we found (via FLCCC website) an offshore pharmacy that we've used ever since, no scrip required. Bottom line, we've been on the FLCCC prevention protocol since February 2021 and never did catch covid. In fact neither of us has had so much as the sniffles in all that time. Ages 77 and 73, in good health for our age and planning to keep it that way. Thank you Drs Kory, Marik, and colleagues. So glad that we're starting to get good news about the attempts to strip "dissident" docs of their licenses and board certifications.

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I don't think new leadership is the answer. New leadership will only happen when enough people understand what's going on, and that's what the censors are trying to prevent: the truth of what's happening.

We're told that "misinformation" is a danger to society and yet this accusation is targeting the very foundation of a free society: the right to speak freely and even-- or especially-- to criticize the government, which right is the true check and balance on undue government power and coercion.

I know many people are champions of Mattias Desmet's work and his analysis of the road to totalitarianism in the mass formation of the people, but as someone who has examined his book in depth, I'm here to tell you that book is the exact opposite of the truth.

Totalitarianism begins with censorship. Never forget that. It begins with censorship of the truth. It does not begin with the "mechanistic thinking" of the people themselves-- Desmet's thesis-- which is then taken advantage of and manipulated. Thus, according to Desmet, there is no real conspiracy, only lower-level "manipulation." His chapter 8 makes that very clear, and this is the central thesis of his book. It's wrong. Desmet is attempting to provide cover for the conspirators.

There really is a vast conspiracy. We have to practice looking at the truth, as awful as it is, with a calm and open mind. Most people recoil because they can't believe such things could be happening, or they don't want to live in a world like that, etc., etc. Or they can't believe such evil could exist. But, we are the opposition. We must know the enemy. We are the people they're trying to censor.


The above link may seem radical, bizarre, conspiratorial. But, look with a calm and open mind. What happened? How do we explain things? Just "dolts botching shit" (incompetence, etc.) or something much more deliberate? I don't have the answers, but when we look at the deliberate and evil malfeasance that happened during Covid, we might begin to see a pattern.

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Jim, thanks for writing this. It’s truth. Andy Andrew’ 72-page best-seller cuts thru the psychobabble. “How Do You Kill 11 Million People-You Lie To Them.” Subtitle: Why The Truth Matters More Than You Think. Censorship is sinister & manipulative. The “covidians” cannot grasp they were the experiments, the obedient &, as a result, dangerous to freedom. It takes a curious mind to resist the narrative and a compliant one to bolster censorship that is the highway to totalitarianism.

Pierre, if you are reading, never, ever underestimate the heroics it took for you & Paul to take on the leviathan. I can’t help wonder if Oliver Anthony was subliminally influenced by the unraveling of the covid big lie. That unraveling began with the brainy gusto of men & women like you who CREATED the resistance to the singular narrative at great personal & professional risk. New political leadership will help, but not reliance upon the politicians to reverse evil. That, my friend, is up to us…

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I am a retired MD with asthma. When I got a cold it always progressed to pneumonia. Last time I took zinc and 3 days of ivermectin and was symptom free on day 3. Why had my doctors never tried this.

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Most mainstream doctors are taught that zinc does not work . Infectious disease docs don’t usually recommend zinc . Zinc has to be taken at the 1st sign of cold: viral and it does not work if started after several days of symptom onset . Hydroxychloroquine or quercetin are great zinc ionophores as well as ivermectin. If baseline vitamin D level

Around 50 the duration abs severity of respiratory illness can be shorter too , along with diet low in sugar and carbohydrates

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Sorry if my message was unclear , zinc does work as it blocks viral replication but it has to be started early . It’s sad that so many doctors and pharmacists don’t believe in it . I guess it’s not glamorized in the big journals and alphabet agency guidelines.

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Well, zinc, just like vitamin d etc. doesn’t make the big bucks.

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Could you reply to me your exact protocol in this situation? How much zinc and any other supplements such as C? I have a dear friend who suffers major bouts of asthma every year, and this last year it led to bronchitis and pneumonia. She is vaxxed, but I believe is desperate enough to try something outside of mainstream medicine. She is a retired nursing instructor, about 70.

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I am not vaxxed for covid or flu.

I took 50 mg zinc on day one and 14 mg ivermectin on days one, two and three. I drink 2 glasses of orange juice twice a day and 50 mcg vit d3 daily. If I have any cold symptoms I add 50 mg zinc daily until symptom free. I am 86 years old.

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We should ALL stop using Paypal, GoFundMe, Utube, etc. No exception. In all my commerce and as a business owner, I never used Paypal.

Another article was very informative related to the subject matter of this editorial. We have a ruling class and have had for numerous decades. The will of the people would disrupt their war profiteering, pharma profits and real property acquisitions, to name just a few agendas. It is their mission to silence all dissent on the internet. On the other hand, I believe it is our mission to be water. When the hand smashes down on the puddle (the people) we disperse and re-pool elsewhere; we don't disappear. When we're jammed up, we find ways to escape and leak out. We do that by building parallel structures: businesses, medical, educational.

Like the people of Maui, we must help ourselves; we must be aware that no one is going to save us. Afghanistan has survived as long as it has because it is decentralized. No one has been able to cut the head off the proverbial beast. It gives hope to those who battle enormous foes, in terms of population, technology, etc. Maui's decentralized network of people is saving itself even while the government seems to be working against them.

The people of the US have had ample opportunity to awaken. Those who have not, may never. Our primary focus should not be on mainstream (although a collateral benefit of our efforts might be that we become the mainstream) but on building our society. In one of his interviews, Oliver Anthony said that he got together to sing with his own friends. He didn't write the song or sing it to: "take the world by storm." In fact, he has rejected offers of fame and notoriety. He serves as a good role model for us; and if, as a result of following his example, we win over more people, then that's a good thing.

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The problem is I only find people who think like me on these substacks and some other platforms. In my daily life, the people I run into are not thinking like this . They are not discussing any of the wrongs , they are not aware of what is actually going on and will dismiss anything that doesn’t go along with the narrative. I feel an living in 2 realities.. one virtual and one physical. I really is has been the twilight zone for me. I agree with whatever you said especially about the need to build parallel systems. That is the only recourse out ! I just need to find more people who are awake !

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Have to make sure that the ivermectin doesn’t have titanium dioxide in it as a filler. That has been shown to have nano tech in it! The ivermectin has to be verified clean!

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And just where do you order the ivermectin without the titanium dioxide in it? That ingredient is everywhere, I am discovering, e.g. toothpastes, candies, anything that wants a "white" look.

can you say so on this platform or do I need to give you personal info?

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For toothpaste go to Vanman.shop and check out their other awesome product.

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Ivermectin can be ordered via a compounding pharmacy through myfreedoctor.com.

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I agree 100%. I remember last year speaking with my nurse practitioner about Ivermectin. Her response “ I would prescribe it to my patients, but I’m not allowed to by the institution I work for”. Wow! She can prescribe any other medication deemed appropriate with many having much worse safety profile, but not something as benign as ivermectin off label!

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I might want to go home. You might want to go home. But what we don't get to to do is to go to heaven until we fight like hell.

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Just finished your book. It’s phenomenal and heart wrenching at the same time. We are big fans. Got to talk to you at Dallas Fortworth conference. You are a true Warrior and Patriot , aka hero. Mankind owes you and your family a great debt of gratitude.

God bless you!


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Everytime evil is called out, evil censors TRUTH. Thank you Dr. Kory for your dedication, devotion & commitment in speaking Truth to medical tyranny. You are appreciated & are on the right of of history. GOD bless you . . .

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P.S. I am unvaxxed and will not consider the flu shots, pneumonia shots, nor the Covid gene transfections

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Excellent article!

You have now witnessed things firsthand for 3 years. Those that don’t bow down to pharmaceutical companies, and use alternative modalities for their patients have been battling this for decades.

But with the heroic docs like yourself and others, the numbers are growing for those in the fight for what’s best for the patient.

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"Even when scientific insights are widely upheld, challenging of established beliefs has led to innumerable scientific advances throughout history." This is a powerful argument that has potential to reach more people if instead of making an abstract assertion, real-life, easy to understand examples are given. Give specific examples of erroneous beliefs and/or harmful practices that were once widely embraced and the dissenting voices, that were initially controversial and often censored but eventually recognized as truth and are now widely accepted. People need to grasp that new advancements virtually always depart from mainstream thinking and are initially attacked or ridiculed before, over time, being accepted as true. Name ideas or treatments that are now universally accepted that were once rejected by the mainstream and point out how that advancement never would have occurred had it been subjected to the kind of censorship that's occurring today. People who aren't being censored need to understand through vivid real world examples how they and all of society is being harmed nonetheless. Make it personal.

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