Congratulations on your book. I'm looking forward to reading it.
Finally, please don't speak of the next emergency. We have to continue the work on this one by prosecuting the offenders. I fear the reason your op-ed got published is that it is focused on the future to a degree that it will be interpreted as a shot in the arm for amnesty.
Congratulations on your book. I'm looking forward to reading it.
Finally, please don't speak of the next emergency. We have to continue the work on this one by prosecuting the offenders. I fear the reason your op-ed got published is that it is focused on the future to a degree that it will be interpreted as a shot in the arm for amnesty.
I hope it’s just the beginning. The infrastructure for making it more than a token move is forming throughout the US. I’m here to help, sharing plans privately with constitutionally-minded influence. Happy to share the plans, which now include molecular and clinical reference labs which appreciate the timing.
I heartily agree. My nurse's husband died a prolonged death from COVID-19 in the hospital. I gave her information on ivermectin during his illness to make them aware of the study published in Chest showing that ivermectin reduced hospital mortality from the novel coronavirus infection by 50%. I also provided them a news report of a story of a Chinese lady, whose father was in the ICU and worsening, until she was able to obtain a court order to administer ivermectin. This was rapidly successful and he left the hospital shortly thereafter. He had come to the U.S. to see his new grandchild.
The hospital intensivists treating him never acted on this and he expired in the ICU.
I believe it is a psychological truth that the individual and the society begin to doubt that anything they did was wrong, unless there is some kind of reckoning for lies designed to harm the sick.
The truth is, as Charleton Heston wrote, “Modern media fills the cultural airwaves with a mist of anesthesia, so that principles and values are slowly desensitized to the coming onslaught. The new culture arrives on the heels of this propaganda. It simply moves in and takes over, like slipping a fine new glove over a numbed hand. The outcome of the war is just as devastating, but without bombs bursting, twisted bodies to bury, or rubble to rebuild. A new class, a different culture, simply takes over.”
But let’s look at specificsof the fake news, shall we? Going all the way back to NY Slimes Pulitzer Prize winner Walter " I don't see no stinkin' starving kulaks in Stalin's Ukraine" Duranty (perhaps around 5 – 6 million were starved to death by Stalin in his Holodomor) to Lincoln "I have seen the future in Stalin's USSR, and it works" Steffens to fake Nobel Prize winner Rigoberta Menchu, accidentally outed by another leftist, to another NY Slimes wunderkind, fiction writer Jayson Blair, who resigned in 2003 after he was outed for stories—some front page—that were fabricated or plagiarized, to Dan "I found a memo!" Rather, to Brian "I was shot down in a helicopter in Iraq in 2003" Williams, and the list goes on and on and on... such as Walter Cronkite telling us (regardless of how you felt about its rightness) that the Viet Nam war was being lost during the Tet offensive, while at the same time North Viet General Giap admitted later on in his memoirs that all was lost unless the American public was lied to and told they were losing, to Mikey Isikoff /Newsweek’s infamous May 9, 2005 issue that cited some “unnamed source” saying the Qu’ran was trashed at Guantanamo – and was later proven false, but not after many were killed in the rioting that ensued overseas (“no matter if people die… as long as their political ends are met, right?). And speaking of fake Pulitzer Prize winners, how about good old Janet Cook and here fake story in the Washington Post, Jimmy’s World. Duranty would be jealous! And speaking of 9/11, don’t forget the famous – and utterly idiotic – tweet from the NYT that said “Airplanes took aim and brought down the World Trade Center.” This tweet was so intellectually vapid it deleted it shortly after. (Reminiscent of “guns kill people” articles… as if guns grow legs and fingers, and run around shooting people with no human operators. And don’t forget Vietnam reporter Peter Arnett and his famed supposed quote from a US officer that I grew up on, “We had to destroy the village to save it” – except that this was later proven to be – wait for it! – another media fake, and when pressed he never could provide evidence of who, exactly, said it. Or perhaps you prefer Charles Jaco of CNN “reporting live from Saudi Arabia” in the 1990” Iraq war…. or should I say, in front of a fake green screen. If you need a refresher, from a linked clip is a video of the broadcast (which I saw myself) or see here as well. The fake news doesn’t care if you see this now (which is why it is allowed on co-opted Youtube), as this has already gone down the Orwellian memory hole of the general public so they don’t care. Only I suggest you should care, as they continue to do this stuff today, only even more.
Or think the first Gulf War where the MSM showed ''thousands'' in attendance when Saddam Hussein's statue likeness was toppled by the jubilant masses who were so thrilled by the American liberators.. At least, that's what the camera angles made it look like. In actuality, there were a few dozen individuals there, possibly paid and/or crisis actors, and a rope was attached to an unseen US military Humvee that actually did the work. And of course, more recently, from the media’s “Covid lab leak is a hoax” to “Covid lab leak is confirmed,” it later came out that CNN was ordered not to look into chasing the story down. So much for the Fourth Estate. Orwell’s “We have always been at war with Oceana” to “We have always been at peace with Oceana” is now verified! In fact, in 2023 it came out that, as Defender writes in Private Emails Show NIH Officials Helped Persuade Virologists to Write Key Article Denouncing COVID Lab-Leak Theory, that “Leaders of the National Institutes of Health and the U.K.’s Wellcome Trust played an undisclosed role in persuading virologists to write an influential article asserting a natural origin of SARS-CoV-2, according to a memo released by investigators with the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic.” And re. the Covid scamdemic, Dr. Martin Makary, of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Medicine put it bluntly “Makary told the House Oversight Committee Feb. 28, 2023 that “The greatest perpetrator of misinformation during the pandemic has been the United States government.”
We mustn't ignore the next health emergency because they ARE going to try this again and next time it's going to be with something with a much higher lethality. The only reason this one failed is because they bet big on teh wrong virus. Covid got out and they saw it as a chance to implement this plan in response to a real virus leak. Whether China intentionally or accidentally relapsed covid the worlds leaders saw it as the opportunity to implement the global pandemic plan they had been gamming out. Once it was apparent that covid wasn't lethal enough they tried to counter that with 100's of millions in marketing via teh media but the virus kept getting less lethal as it mutated and so they couldn't maintain the lie. Now that they know that they can get a large enough percent of the public to get onboard with this as long as the virus is truly lethal they WILL do this again. There is WAY too much at risk to not try it again. They came very close to getting that precedent that the Federal Government could during a public health emergency mandate the drugging of the populace. They are NOT going to just let that go. Its the wet dream of every elected person in any National government to have the ability to force drug the populace.
"We mustn't ignore the next health emergency because they ARE going to try this again"
Yes! And this is why I have NOT stopped in trying to REACH the vaxxed-but-lucky... well, at least lucky-so-far... that they really should get PREPPED! GET the stuff in the protocols; REALIZE the majority of the media, govt, and medical world LIES and will lie again!
Some successes, lots of 'I'm fine..." {shrug}
To throw out my fav 'anecdote:
A horseman is riding across the pampas, and comes across a bird lying on his back with his legs stuck straight up into the air. He leans over and asks:
"WHAT are you doing?!"
The bird answers, "The SKY is FALLING!! I'm trying to hold it up!"
There is definitely going to be percentage of those who believed the first pandemic who aren't gong to buy into it again but I fear it will be too few. The problem is the next time they do this I fear they will over do it, use something too lethal, in an effort to make sure they don't see a repeat of covid. If a virus has an actual death rate of the 2 digits range , %10+, that will absolutely be enough to get the vast majority to do as told and problem even less, a slow as a lethality of %5. Whatever it is they will need it to be such that they don't the media marketing it to the public with bogus stories about over run ER rooms because the RE rooms will actually be over-run. I fear in their effort to ensure a repeat of covid does not happen that they'll release something that gets out of their control. If they're smart and wise they'll take a step back and wait another 10-20 years they did this last time after the failed pandemic effort back in 201; I forget what the virus was called. These guys are on a tight schedule and they lost any slack they had when Trump got elected and set them back for as many as 10 years. If a pandemic is going to work it's got to be done before the economic collapse which doesn't appear to be far off.
This generation of elites were told all their lives that it would happen on their watch, that the planned reset of the worlds societies and order would be finally executed and because of Trump, Brexit, resistance by some billionaires like Musk and the failure of covid it's looking like this reset isn't going to happen in their lifetime. Unlike their ancestors who were wise enough to realize plans sometimes have to change these elites are so selfish and psychotic that they'll burn the world down if they have to ensure it happens on their watch.
Congratulations on your book. I'm looking forward to reading it.
Finally, please don't speak of the next emergency. We have to continue the work on this one by prosecuting the offenders. I fear the reason your op-ed got published is that it is focused on the future to a degree that it will be interpreted as a shot in the arm for amnesty.
I hope it’s just the beginning. The infrastructure for making it more than a token move is forming throughout the US. I’m here to help, sharing plans privately with constitutionally-minded influence. Happy to share the plans, which now include molecular and clinical reference labs which appreciate the timing.
Feel free to reach me at 336-222-1229; jeff@concentricDNA.com
Thanks, Jeff. Let me look at a few of your substack entries so I don't ask you a dumb question.
I heartily agree. My nurse's husband died a prolonged death from COVID-19 in the hospital. I gave her information on ivermectin during his illness to make them aware of the study published in Chest showing that ivermectin reduced hospital mortality from the novel coronavirus infection by 50%. I also provided them a news report of a story of a Chinese lady, whose father was in the ICU and worsening, until she was able to obtain a court order to administer ivermectin. This was rapidly successful and he left the hospital shortly thereafter. He had come to the U.S. to see his new grandchild.
The hospital intensivists treating him never acted on this and he expired in the ICU.
I believe it is a psychological truth that the individual and the society begin to doubt that anything they did was wrong, unless there is some kind of reckoning for lies designed to harm the sick.
The truth is, as Charleton Heston wrote, “Modern media fills the cultural airwaves with a mist of anesthesia, so that principles and values are slowly desensitized to the coming onslaught. The new culture arrives on the heels of this propaganda. It simply moves in and takes over, like slipping a fine new glove over a numbed hand. The outcome of the war is just as devastating, but without bombs bursting, twisted bodies to bury, or rubble to rebuild. A new class, a different culture, simply takes over.”
But let’s look at specificsof the fake news, shall we? Going all the way back to NY Slimes Pulitzer Prize winner Walter " I don't see no stinkin' starving kulaks in Stalin's Ukraine" Duranty (perhaps around 5 – 6 million were starved to death by Stalin in his Holodomor) to Lincoln "I have seen the future in Stalin's USSR, and it works" Steffens to fake Nobel Prize winner Rigoberta Menchu, accidentally outed by another leftist, to another NY Slimes wunderkind, fiction writer Jayson Blair, who resigned in 2003 after he was outed for stories—some front page—that were fabricated or plagiarized, to Dan "I found a memo!" Rather, to Brian "I was shot down in a helicopter in Iraq in 2003" Williams, and the list goes on and on and on... such as Walter Cronkite telling us (regardless of how you felt about its rightness) that the Viet Nam war was being lost during the Tet offensive, while at the same time North Viet General Giap admitted later on in his memoirs that all was lost unless the American public was lied to and told they were losing, to Mikey Isikoff /Newsweek’s infamous May 9, 2005 issue that cited some “unnamed source” saying the Qu’ran was trashed at Guantanamo – and was later proven false, but not after many were killed in the rioting that ensued overseas (“no matter if people die… as long as their political ends are met, right?). And speaking of fake Pulitzer Prize winners, how about good old Janet Cook and here fake story in the Washington Post, Jimmy’s World. Duranty would be jealous! And speaking of 9/11, don’t forget the famous – and utterly idiotic – tweet from the NYT that said “Airplanes took aim and brought down the World Trade Center.” This tweet was so intellectually vapid it deleted it shortly after. (Reminiscent of “guns kill people” articles… as if guns grow legs and fingers, and run around shooting people with no human operators. And don’t forget Vietnam reporter Peter Arnett and his famed supposed quote from a US officer that I grew up on, “We had to destroy the village to save it” – except that this was later proven to be – wait for it! – another media fake, and when pressed he never could provide evidence of who, exactly, said it. Or perhaps you prefer Charles Jaco of CNN “reporting live from Saudi Arabia” in the 1990” Iraq war…. or should I say, in front of a fake green screen. If you need a refresher, from a linked clip is a video of the broadcast (which I saw myself) or see here as well. The fake news doesn’t care if you see this now (which is why it is allowed on co-opted Youtube), as this has already gone down the Orwellian memory hole of the general public so they don’t care. Only I suggest you should care, as they continue to do this stuff today, only even more.
Or think the first Gulf War where the MSM showed ''thousands'' in attendance when Saddam Hussein's statue likeness was toppled by the jubilant masses who were so thrilled by the American liberators.. At least, that's what the camera angles made it look like. In actuality, there were a few dozen individuals there, possibly paid and/or crisis actors, and a rope was attached to an unseen US military Humvee that actually did the work. And of course, more recently, from the media’s “Covid lab leak is a hoax” to “Covid lab leak is confirmed,” it later came out that CNN was ordered not to look into chasing the story down. So much for the Fourth Estate. Orwell’s “We have always been at war with Oceana” to “We have always been at peace with Oceana” is now verified! In fact, in 2023 it came out that, as Defender writes in Private Emails Show NIH Officials Helped Persuade Virologists to Write Key Article Denouncing COVID Lab-Leak Theory, that “Leaders of the National Institutes of Health and the U.K.’s Wellcome Trust played an undisclosed role in persuading virologists to write an influential article asserting a natural origin of SARS-CoV-2, according to a memo released by investigators with the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic.” And re. the Covid scamdemic, Dr. Martin Makary, of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Medicine put it bluntly “Makary told the House Oversight Committee Feb. 28, 2023 that “The greatest perpetrator of misinformation during the pandemic has been the United States government.”
We mustn't ignore the next health emergency because they ARE going to try this again and next time it's going to be with something with a much higher lethality. The only reason this one failed is because they bet big on teh wrong virus. Covid got out and they saw it as a chance to implement this plan in response to a real virus leak. Whether China intentionally or accidentally relapsed covid the worlds leaders saw it as the opportunity to implement the global pandemic plan they had been gamming out. Once it was apparent that covid wasn't lethal enough they tried to counter that with 100's of millions in marketing via teh media but the virus kept getting less lethal as it mutated and so they couldn't maintain the lie. Now that they know that they can get a large enough percent of the public to get onboard with this as long as the virus is truly lethal they WILL do this again. There is WAY too much at risk to not try it again. They came very close to getting that precedent that the Federal Government could during a public health emergency mandate the drugging of the populace. They are NOT going to just let that go. Its the wet dream of every elected person in any National government to have the ability to force drug the populace.
"We mustn't ignore the next health emergency because they ARE going to try this again"
Yes! And this is why I have NOT stopped in trying to REACH the vaxxed-but-lucky... well, at least lucky-so-far... that they really should get PREPPED! GET the stuff in the protocols; REALIZE the majority of the media, govt, and medical world LIES and will lie again!
Some successes, lots of 'I'm fine..." {shrug}
To throw out my fav 'anecdote:
A horseman is riding across the pampas, and comes across a bird lying on his back with his legs stuck straight up into the air. He leans over and asks:
"WHAT are you doing?!"
The bird answers, "The SKY is FALLING!! I'm trying to hold it up!"
"What? With THOSE little legs?"
"One does what one can!"
There is definitely going to be percentage of those who believed the first pandemic who aren't gong to buy into it again but I fear it will be too few. The problem is the next time they do this I fear they will over do it, use something too lethal, in an effort to make sure they don't see a repeat of covid. If a virus has an actual death rate of the 2 digits range , %10+, that will absolutely be enough to get the vast majority to do as told and problem even less, a slow as a lethality of %5. Whatever it is they will need it to be such that they don't the media marketing it to the public with bogus stories about over run ER rooms because the RE rooms will actually be over-run. I fear in their effort to ensure a repeat of covid does not happen that they'll release something that gets out of their control. If they're smart and wise they'll take a step back and wait another 10-20 years they did this last time after the failed pandemic effort back in 201; I forget what the virus was called. These guys are on a tight schedule and they lost any slack they had when Trump got elected and set them back for as many as 10 years. If a pandemic is going to work it's got to be done before the economic collapse which doesn't appear to be far off.
This generation of elites were told all their lives that it would happen on their watch, that the planned reset of the worlds societies and order would be finally executed and because of Trump, Brexit, resistance by some billionaires like Musk and the failure of covid it's looking like this reset isn't going to happen in their lifetime. Unlike their ancestors who were wise enough to realize plans sometimes have to change these elites are so selfish and psychotic that they'll burn the world down if they have to ensure it happens on their watch.