Right now RFK Jr. may be the only hope for reforming the democrat party. That said, I fear the real "powers that be" are not going to allow Kennedy to become the candidate, nor are they going to allow Trump to be the candidate for the republicans. A truly sad state of affairs for our nation. Are legitimate honest elections even possible?

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As an Independent, I say RFK Jr. may be the only hope for reforming the USA. In fact, I think he IS our only hope.

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Not true… He is not the only one…

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Short answer: No. ‘Legitimate’ elections - defined very, very loosely - haven’t been possible since 2014, if not earlier. I’m afraid we’re past the point where customary political processes can save America.

I believe that a sustained period of widespread, organized civil disobedience will be necessary (but probably not sufficient) to bring about constructive change.

I say ‘probably not sufficient’ because there are many reasons to think that governments (at all levels, led by both parties) will crack down violently on such activities. And there are zero reasons to assume they won’t.

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Remember the John F Kennedy election was rigged. Of course Nixon did not help himself in the debate. I agree that civil disobedience civil will be necessary and that both parties will crack down violently. The main thing I see is being creative. It is folly to confront police or military. Never give them that. Look at what was set up on Jan. 6th. Too many fools waked right into that trap despite people warning them "its a trap". The better course is to become ungovernable an uncooperative. Always cite the constitution and behave accordingly. Do things like walk away to not participate in the system. If the governments use cryptocurrency to control everyone, set up barter systems. Study the history of revolutions and alternative lifestyles both what worked and what didn't. wear them down like they have been wearing us down. Next big issue to address will be the corporate healthcare system. the is a lot to be thought about there.

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Uncooperative, yes... but learn from the underground. Never let your left hand know what your right hand is doing. Act out independently in unexpected ways, each in his own way. Exchange tactics with likeminded friends verbally - NEVER put anything in print.

Like it or not, we're in a guerilla war.

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I got to learn to check what I write more carefully. My typos and incomplete or doubled words are atrocious in this one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Gv0H-vPoDc

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No worries. Sounds like great minds think alike. There’s a very American tendency to ‘take a stand’ or ‘make a stand.’ Many people stood up to their bosses, and the regime, by refusing the jab. That’s the way of the lion, I guess. The problem is that all too often, you make a stand (as on Jan 6) and it turns into a last stand.

Under the current circumstances, it’s better to opt out, as you say. And to pursue sneaky, underhanded asymmetric countermeasures, the way of the rat (eg convincing-looking fake vaccine documentation.)

We can learn a LOT from revolutionaries around the world.

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The GOP is in on the steal because they are running all the same grift/skimming ops the Bidens are. Trump/Kennedy 2024!

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You could be a prophet here.

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There is no “reforming” the Democrat party. Make no mistake about that. They are too far gone.

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I’m a former journalist and I approve of this message.

See you on Maui next week. Keep up the excellent work.

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Me too! I’ve been in recovery from journalism since 1995. I fell off the wagon a few times, but not since 2004.

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The fact that RFK can even do a pushup, and command falcons, puts him way ahead of 99% of other candidates and past presidents.

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The smear campaign against Ivermectin was so well done. I used to be on Twitter and I tried to just say 'hey this is a real medicine' and I got rolled by folks saying..'no people are literally taking veterinarian medicine and that's the result of misinformation' It worked on me. It made me realize how intense commenting on health related matters can be given you don't know how people may take it and made me keep mum.

The thing is I think it was meant to work on me...on scaring moderate people away from this crazy thing those people, probably MAGA, are doing. I don't think it was in any way, shape, or form meant to actually reach out to right leaning people and get them to not take the animal version of the product. It wasn't failed out reach to the vaccine hesitant. It was a warning shot to moderate people that this was a radioactive subject to dare lend an open ear to the other side on.

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That struck me too. Ivermectin is on the WHO's list of vital medicines. Yet people unaware of this were conditioned to assume it's for strictly veterinary purposes — as illustrated in that Rolling Stone article:

"The rise in people using ivermectin, an anti-parasitic drug usually reserved for deworming horses or livestock, as a treatment or preventative for Covid-19..."

The problem here is not whether ivermectin works or not, which is irrelevant to the argument about how the issue was relentlessly propagandized and used to manipulate public opinion.

And, sadly, a majority of those people who bought the story will not be budged out of believing it. I see this in my own friends.

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The WHO literally touted the success story of Uttar Pradesh on its website. They just forgot to mention the I word.

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I noted that. Ivermectin was not mentioned in the Indian news I read. It was only when I attended virtual meetings between lawyers, and an Indian lawyer who filed suit against the WHO, that I heard ivermectin being mentioned.

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Wow so even Indian news is fake.

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I only know that the Hindustan Times didn't report the connection between the non-vaccine treatments that worked for Uttar Pradesh. This propaganda, after all, was a global effort and co-ordinated to impact global media outlets.

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Yeah they must have been stoking hysteria. I had a buddy who was freaking out about the latest wave in India and how we needed the jab.

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There was global news control . Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine were both used frequently but videos were pulled from you tube when docs would come out to discuss their success stories

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Ivermectin was also given to all of the Afghanistan "refugees" brought over, unvetted by our military.

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Pharma shill Fauci pulled the same crap trying to get his Pharmascum pals an AIDS vaccine. BigPharma/BigTech/BigMedia & the devious Swamp RINOs are enemies of the people.

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RFK Junior's book The Real Anthony Fauci goes into great detail, with extensive notes, about Fauci and HIV. That experience refined his strategies during the Covid opportunity.

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So does Celia Farber's book, Serious Adverse Events. She was intimately involved with the HIV/AIDS/AZT hoax in NYC in the 80s. She was one of the first (maybe THE first) to reveal Fauci and Gallo as modern day Mengeles. RFK Jr interviewed her for his book. Celia also writes a substack.



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The Rise of Ivermectin & Infertility

By Rosanne Lindsay, Traditional Naturopath|June 26th, 2023|Categories: blog, June 2023|Tags: anti-fertility drugs, anti-fertlity vaccines, CBD, COVID-19, curcumin, FDA, Gates Foundation, ivermectin, liver, Mactizan, P450, parasites, Pgp, quercetin, remdesivir, river blindness, scabies, sperm, THC, UN Population, WHO, world bank https://www.natureofhealing.org/the-rise-of-ivermectin-infertility/?unapproved=378&moderation-hash=f266c92b4e02e0f1746cff87889bcf9a#comment-378

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I read the linked article 'The Rise of Ivermectin & Infertility' and looked at some of the citations. My interest is in honest and objective interpretation of evidence. I'm not defending ivermectin by any means.

The article states some things with a degree of certainty that's unsupported by the cited evidence, for example:

• 'Ivermectin is a known teratogen in mammals.' The citation for the statement is a small meta-analysis (of a handful of observational studies and one small RCT) that claims only 'very low certainty of evidence' for this, and concludes 'There is insufficient evidence to conclude on the safety profile of ivermectin during pregnancy. Treatment campaigns should focus additional efforts on preventing inadvertent treatment of pregnant women.'

• 'Ivermectin is an anti-fertility drug.' True, in rabbits, and the conclusion was extrapolated to humans.

Under section headed 'Anti-fertility drug studies...there are a number of very concerning studies showing deleterious direct effects of Ivermectin'

• 'Ivermectin and liver toxicity, 2012.' This study concludes 'very rare instances of clinically apparent liver injury.' Compare this to acetaminophen, which is much worse.

• 'Effects of Ivermectin on sperm count, motility, and function, 2011'. The title of this one is 'Effects of Ivermectin therapy on the sperm functions of Nigerian onchocerciasis patients.' Looking at study design can sometimes be useful; the study took 385 men diagnosed with river blindness, and before treatment with ivermectin, tested their sperm count and motility. They rejected any whose sperm count was already 'very low'—90% of the candidate pool. This appears to have been a very preliminary study, and while it can be used in a cautionary way, by itself doesn't allow drawing any firm conclusions. The study doesn't seem to have considered the possibility that this effect could've been caused by the river blindness itself. There wasn't a control group in the 37—all of the subjects were treated, so this was not anywhere near an RCT. The authors themselves 'recommend caution in the use of ivermectin in male onchocerciasis patient and that further researches be conducted.'

• later in the article is the statement 'Ivermectin now is used for multiple disease conditions, including a rising incidence of intractable cases of skin infestations (Scabies), as well as for cancer.' The citation for this statement is 'Ivermectin, a potential anticancer drug derived from an antiparasitic drug', published in 2021. Being a cancer survivor myself, I've become interested in ivermectin as a possible cancer treatment. As far as I've been able to tell, it's still being *investigated* and is not being used to actually treat cancer.

In sum, while I don't disagree with some of the arguments and the theme of 'The Rise of Ivermectin & Infertility', it's got an obvious bias and uses the cited research in an exaggerated if not misleading way.

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When people are more fearful of what the populace can do to them instead of what the Creator can, they are easily manipulated into whatever psyop is running. We see it constantly with a host of issues. Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" has been in full play for a couple decades now. People keep falling for it.

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Thanks for the reminder to refresh my daily complaint to Twatter and Elon ("Great God"? The effrontery!) Muskox. Yeah, I have Elon Musk Derangement Syndrome. They'd impose onchocerciasis on everyone! Don't use Twatter, even if they haven't banned you.

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Have never subscribed and never will. Don't need any added aggravation.

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Banned here, and suddenly very satisfied with that status.

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At only a week away from 64 it still amazes me people trust government and or the media. In grade school I was the historical outcast always asking and challenging authority and its shills. High school was even rougher. Almost failed history because I wanted to know what the difference was between fascism and communism, as I seen none. Both lied, both enslaved both murdered and committed mass murder. The Marxist sympathizer teacher did not take kindly to my statement above. So from an early age I knew government lied ALL the time. Their was never a government in history that did not or does not. Full stop.

So it's hard for me to understand any adult capable of basic thought processes just swallowing the in your face lies told by government on just basic things let alone wars, covid or bigger things. I seldom do anything without asking why and looking at it. Dr Cory is multiple times smarter than this barely made it through school dumb a$$ yet I see the scam everytime. Ahead if time. It's not how long you go to school, how many sheep skins you have or letters on the end of your name, it's all about being inquisitive and not accepting because I said so.

Im glad so many like Dr Cory and others have somewhat awakened. It's late but their is hope that we can still salvage our freedom.

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Nice. In high school I wrote about Watergate. I argued that virtually every politician was likely guilty of much worse and that Nixon had done plenty of good.

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His cover up was where the crime was- cover up was criminally stupid. He was however the guy that gave us many of these unconstitutional agencies like epa,Osha etc..

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Well yeah I was 16 and just wanted to piss everyone off. Wasn’t a deep dive!

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That's not what I did or posted. I asked serious questions and listened for thought out logical answers. Their is a wide gap between being an a$$ and asking serious thoughtful questions and wanting thoughtful logic answers.

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love the point about what is the difference between fascism and communism .... so true isn't It?? every time I think I'm sufficiently skeptical, another topic comes up and I'm like oh my .. I didn't think to question that :) . Thank you for your comment.

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Thank you. Another point I make with others is their are only two sides in this political world freedom and authoritarianism. White and black supremacists, fascist, communist, Marxist, socialists, liberal as it's used today, conservatives that want more government, most leaders in both parties are all support authoritarianism and are merely schism of authoritarianism.

Licenses are government permission slips. Words have meaning and WE that want freedom better figure this word game out. I may use the word licensing but always say that is a merely a better sounding adult word for permission slip. It just never dawns on people how we are manipulated with words. Mandates are edicts/orders. As an adult I accept requests and will consider them, but also as an adult I reject orders out of hand. If a spouse request you do something it let's a different taste if they order you to do the same thing. I compare words a d use the most distasteful one for authoritarian measures

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Dr. Kory, I honor your integrity... So many caved for the almighty $$$...those of you who hold firm to your moral convictions have been beacons of light in a very dark world!

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Haha how about the Ivermectin grifter smear? Yeah, I can see the lake houses and ferraris piling up with those $80 scripts.

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You’re lost.... hopefully not forever....YOUR CHOICE!

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I don't know if Kennedy will be "allowed" to run and I don't know if Trump will be "allowed" to run. I do know this...Kennedy's voice on the v@x and other matters are allowing for great discussions and conversations that our country hasn't had in 20+ years.

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I don't believe either will be chosen as "our" choices. I saw that some "conservative" outlet pushing Pence as the most viable candidate against Biden. That was SO laughable! 🤣

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Great piece thanks.

However, it fails to acknowledge the fact that these techniques have been used to create a fake pandemic. The crimes didn’t start with the suppression of treatments.


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He wasn't claiming that. He even acknowledges that such gaming techniques have been going on for a long time with tobacco, etc. Ivermectin was just an example that affected him personally.

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I must admit I lost some respect when I read you voted for Biden. How anyone with even a little knowledge would vote for that racist politician known to be on the wrong side of issues for 40+ years, especially foreign policy issues. I guess voting for ‘party’ outweighed any oversight of Biden’s horrible decisions and behavior. He basically hid in his basement for a year. I guess democrats vote for whoever the party selects. 🤦‍♀️🤬

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It’s a process, my dear. I was a democrat until summer of 2021. I had quit MSM April 2020 and watching the deceit develop reached a tipping point. By midterms election I voted against every dem on my ballot as a punishment. Not exactly to support republicans. I will need to see a hell of a lot more from them before I vote for any of them. Trump even. I’m tired of holding my nose for just the other side of the 2 faced devil we dance with. They just take turns leading. Uniparty.

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Yeah I’m kinda similar. Lifelong Democrat, but switched to Independent sometime between 2012-2016 (the collusion against Bernie was the last straw), and last election I voted all Republican just to send the Dems a message that I’m sick of their shit, not because I supported the Reps.

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Racist is the least of it

HE'S A PEDOPHILE! He's also a mask wearing clone. The OG has been dead for years!

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Well I could use many adjectives and nouns to describe the POS, but racist popped in my mind first. Definitely a pedophile, and no bounds including his daughter.

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Thanks. Great article. I'm Republican but I had just donated to RFK when he started doubletalking on gun bans.: ~"I'm a Bill of Rights minimalist, so I won't take your guns, but if there's a consensus to ban assault weapons and it passes by majority, I'll sign it." Too much like Trump, contradicting himself in the same sentence. RFK opposes "consensus science" on pharma issues, but he's all for it on rapid climate change. I was already hesitant because he never retracted & clearly disowned his statement that "climate deniers" should be prosecuted. He's for constitutional rights until a majority ("consensus") wants to override them. That was the last straw. I canceled the check.

Hey, any thoughts on this:


The patch trial is extremely small and lacks a control group - 4 patients, but interesting. However, I looked over the science papers and studies of published statistics in France, China, US etc - they seem very compelling. Like 50-75% reduction in covid death in smokers compared to non-smokers if I'm reading it right. Sad there haven't been any other trials (if there haven't been). But nicotine is even more politically incorrect than HCQ, IVM, D, C, K2, Quercetin and Zinc, probably mainly since there's no Big Money for Big Pharma in nicotine patches.

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In other interviews, he has said an AW ban would not stand up under decisions like Heller and McDonald. i.e. Unconstitutional. Yet he would sign it! Unacceptable.

However, on searching for his denier punishment clip, I found a Reason interview in which he somewhat moderates his earlier quote about punishing people who "deny all science and reason" on global warming, namely politicians. Reason let him bigfoot, filibuster, focus & whitewash the "out of context" Koch part of the clip too much, IMO. I still don't trust him on that issue. Just because *some* Exxon scientists made claims about global warming, doesn't mean that has to be Exxon's official position. I think we're only hearing part of the story. Probably many others at Exxon who disagreed with the alarmists, and the corporation has a right to choose between differing opinions. It's not as if there isn't a hysteria-mongering massive rapid climate change industrial complex out there heavily dominating the discussion. Extremely dangerous ground criminalizing opinion as fraud.

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RFK Jr is a fence sitter. He's pro-choice but then says every abortion is a tragedy because he's Catholic. On 2A, he says taking away guns from "the people In the south who's identity is based on owning guns" would be "too polarizing", not that the 2nd Amendment protects our right to bear arms. He claims that his family has been "touched by gun violence" but then says the CIA was involved in the assassination of his father and uncle.

I don't believe any of this matters because there is NO WAY the DNC will allow him in the WH, due to his potential threat to big pharma's bottom line. It's all a distraction to occupy our time. Whoever is going to be president of the US in 2024 has already been chosen. "Presidents are selected not elected" ~ Franklin D Roosevelt

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Yep. His condescending weasel politician doubletalk is disappointing.

Pro-abortion pols like RFK & Pelosi are fake Catholics.

He's a big "environmentalist" but he has 5 kids, like another fake enviro, James Cameron.

As if banning civilian guns would've stopped the CIA from murdering his family. 😂

It's gaslighting. His fans are supposed to pretend there's no contradiction, or just hear the part the want to.

I disagree with "all presidents are chosen". Otherwise Hillary would be Pres today and Nixon would've been Pres in 1960.

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So you’re the one who may deny us an honest broker. 🤔

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Uh huh. I'm THE ONE who may deny us all an "honest broker" who appears to be honest on only one subject.

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Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, Oct 1, 2018

Vitamin D acceptance delayed by Big Pharma following the Disinformation Playbook

Commentary by William B. Grant, Ph.D.

(OMNS Oct 1 2018) A "Disinformation Playbook" has been used for decades by corporations to delay government action on matters of public interest that would adversely affect their income and profit. Some well-known examples include the big tobacco companies, the coal and oil industries, the sugar industry, and the National Football League. The Union of Concerned Scientists has outlined five "pillars" of the Playbook [Disinformation Playbook], [Alvord 2017]. Big Pharma may be using the Playbook to slow the adoption of strong support for vitamin D. This article is the product of my further analysis.

The Disinformation Playbook

1. The Fake

Conduct counterfeit science and try to pass it off as legitimate research.

2. The Blitz

Harass scientists who speak out with results or views inconvenient for industry.

3. The Diversion

Manufacture uncertainty about science where little or none exists.

4. The Screen

Buy credibility through alliances with academia or professional societies.

5. The Fix

Manipulate government officials or processes to influence policy inappropriately.

Background and evidence that vitamin D improves health outcomes

Big Pharma and its allies in the U.S. and perhaps also in Europe are opposing major recommendations for increases in vitamin D intakes and higher serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] levels [above 30 or 40 ng/ml (75-100 nmol/l)], apparently because such measures can significantly reduce the burden of human disease and, therefore, would reduce income and profit from treating disease. Healthcare in the U.S. now consumes almost 20% of the gross domestic product......................

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page 245-246 of Dr. Michael Holick's book, (a 40 year researcher on vitamin D), published in 2010, "The Vitamin D Solution" ...................... "For some, even physicians, it's incomprehensible that vitamin D can reduce the risk of heart attack by as much as 50 percent; reduce the risk of common cancers of the colon, prostate, and breast by as much as 50 percent; reduce the risk of infections [typo in book? infectious?) diseases, including influenza, by as much as 90 percent; reduce the risk of type 1 diabetes by 78 percent in a child who gets 2000 IU of vitamin D a day in the first year of life; decrease the risk of type 2 diabetes; decrease the risk of dementia and depression; wipe out cases of fibromyalgia that have been misdiagnosed; and dramatically decrease the risk of multiple sclerosis and other auto-immune diseases. When in doubt, I always go back to this simple fact; every tissue and cell in the body has a vitamin D receptor." end of excerpt from page 245-246 of Dr. Michael Holick's book "The Vitamin D Solution".

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Although D3 is naturally synthesized in the human body and consumed via diet

I’ve always been a believer in some supplemental D3

The further north you go.

A higher prevalence of skin cancers are observed.

Compare skin cancer somewhere in the United Kingdom to Mexico, Texas or Florida

The high dose vit D/cholecalciferol extracted from sheep’s wool movement was here before the rona

I always wondered why there are treatment protocols for horses 🐎 dogs 🐕 cats that accidentally consume Cholecalciferol vit D3 at doses that humans take

Hyper calcemia

Among arsenic, phosphorus.

Vit d is used as a poison in rodenticides

Why is it so toxic to mice and horses and other animals and not humans ?

I’ve heard the answer word salads

I like working on my tan.

I haven’t taken supplemental vit d3 in a year

My vit d tests are nórmal

My Nieghbor makes a grip selling sheep’s wool for D3

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But why doesn’t the producer of Ivermectin go to court, with a billion dollar lawsuit, due to lost turnover.

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It's off-patent. Merck was told what to say. Look at their weasel statement disavowing their own product for off-label use:


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Even if it’s off-patent, whoever produced it prior to Covid19, should be able to claim lost turnover I would say ?

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Merc dissed their own product because they wanted to market a new antiviral. And it was off patent.

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Even if it’s off-patent, whoever produced it prior to Covid19, should be able to claim lost turnover I would say ?

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Since ivermectin is off-patent, there's several manufacturers in several countries such as India and Australia.

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Even if it’s off-patent, whoever produced it prior to Covid19, should be able to claim lost turnover I would say ?

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When did we cross the Rubicon?

We now live in an environment in which a) the authorities have no liability, b) the people have no say on what the authorities do od don’t do, c) the media create fake or ad hoc stories, d) politicians are appointed to carry out specific operations, and not for a term of office, e) and remove from position when they get burned, f) the state is no longer bound by the continuity principle, g) health services do not exist, h) laws are being put in place to enable specific operations, and not for the better organisation of the community, i) deep fakes are impossible to detect, j) including speech creation, k) firearms are forbidden for registered citizens, but completely freestyle elsewhere, l) wars are being made up for fancy reasons, not even for raw minerals, m) mass social transformations are being unleashed to destroy the homogeneity of communities, n) parties and colours are no longer in peaceful cooperation for the better good of everybody or even somebody, o) public funds are being redirected, transferred, lost, unaccounted for, re-assigned, granted with no oversight and no accountability, p) the elderly are being targeted and annihilated by those assigned by law and professional “ethics” to care about them, q) science is officially repurposed and relabelled contrary to scientific views, tradition and principles, r) governments kill more of their own citizens than international wars, s) technological concepts are being implemented worldwide with zero future vision, zero sustainability, and zero integration with the existing infrastructures, t) but we are happy burning trillions tons of fossil fuel in fake rockets traditionally fired out since 1960s with traditional zero point zero zero benefit (as at today), u) and we are extremely happy driving 70-t heavy metal vehicles carrying 3 persons and zero useful load while consuming 500 litres of high-cost fossil fuel every 50 miles, and scrapping these vehicles after the average of 5 minutes in the field, v) and we are absolutely happy flying giant airplanes burning more fossil fuels with the actual fuel consumption worse than an average all-terrain truck, w) and we are orgasmically happy producing more waste than useful products and leaving said waste all over the place, x) and we are so self-satisfied with killing and destroying the only source of life on the Earth: CO2, y) which we gladly support by destroying whatever live organisms we can wipe out without any conscience, z) the media create and promote temporary figures of authority while completely neglected primary education leaves everybody a helpless kid for lifetime.

Can a single person wake up from this daymare? Or tapping a smartphone is more important? Or uploading a non-contributory text? Or throwing out all personal matters all over the place?

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Well said!

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I have watched you since you began to speak up nationally. Thank you! You and the actions you took are what makes America great! I’m a big fan and a big follower. We can make a difference in the world!

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People have to want to be educated and most of them would rather get drunk while watching trash television, the most modern form of propaganda.

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I think the reality is about 50/50. Education should produce people who can think critically, but there are probably personality characteristics that cause even bright people to be rigid in their beliefs until they personally are impacted by the truth. Even then they might ascribe the negative result to the wrong causes.

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We may not know the number of people who died from the suppression of Ivermectin and other existing methods. However, we do know that every person that died from the gene therapy shots, died as a result of the suppression of safe and effective treatments.

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