James Corbett made an excellent documentary on Edward Bernays in 2008 that be found here: https://www.corbettreport.com/meet-edward-bernays-master-of-propaganda/

He also did an epic documentary, "Who is Bill Gates?", here: https://www.corbettreport.com/who-is-bill-gates-full-documentary-2020/

Thank you, Dr. Kory, for publishing this excellent article!

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Fantastic, always informative. We are on the right side of history, expose the evil.

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I always appreciate A Midwestern Doctor's ultra-deep dives, and it makes me happy to think of you guys getting to know each other (did you get to meet in person?).

Pierre, ICYMI, I referred to your “riveting series The Criminal Censorship of Ivermectin’s Efficacy by the High-Impact Medical Journals” in the piece I just published :-)

• “What If They Threw a Pandemic and Nobody Came?” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/what-if-they-threw-a-pandemic-and)

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Yes, Bernays could be considered the father of modern propaganda. Many of his ideas were adopted by Goebbels. This further demonstrates the dark and dangerous road with which Covid had led us.

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Thank you so much for this, Dr. Kory and "A Midwestern Doctor." I have not seen a more illuminating or clarifying explanation for the catastrophe that has unfolded over the past 2 1/2 years.

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I just ate a bunch of ice cream to cool my thoughts after reading this article. I generally have healthier solutions for my hatred for the corruption of America.

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I really hope this gets out there! So informative! Gates is a monopolizer! That is part of what he does. Understanding the plan is a step in defeating it. thank you for sharing this.

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All of what was in the article is true for Australia & our government's response, which mirrored that of the U.S.. Our T.G.A., F.D.A. equivalent, has, 2 days ago, 'approved' the Pfizer 'vaccine' for those 6 months to 5 y.os.. Not only that, but they continue to push the 'need' for 'boosters', for adults. This is criminal. Not only are they, the T.G.A., ignoring all the evidence, but continue to fear monger & push expensive 'anti-virals', have banned doctors from prescribing ivermectin & hydro'quin or any other early treatments i.e. the FLCCC protocols. They based the band of ivermectin on the recommendation from the Cochran Library, who only looked at ONE study!! Until about May 2021, one Sky News presenter championed ivermectin, then suddenly stopped. Wonder why??A.H.P.R.A, the body which licences doctors, warned doctors NOT to discuss alternative treatments on the threat of loosing their licence. Thankfully many doctors are rallying against this & have set up a new body to push back on 'bad' medicine.

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Exactly the same in the US. Word for word! Bill Gates is an evil troll who is monopolizing the world! I just do not understand why most governments are ok with it. I'm still waiting for our congress to hit back on WEF and Gates, the obviously failing jabs. All if it. Crickets!! Good news is we, the people are waking up. Many more today than a few years back. Question is is it too late? The more that know to not comply the better off we will all be. No matter how uncomfortable it gets we can not comply. By organic foods as much as possible. I read at a certain percent it really impacts them and it isn't much. Like 15% Using cash, supporting small businesses as much as possible, stop giving these woke companies money. Get together with like-minded people and support those that are working for a better future. All of these things help and do a lot of good.

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Publishing this is a great public service.

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I suspect that the herb mentioned in a study that caused the drug company to threaten a medical journal was Saint johns wort for depression. It seems to work as well or better for some people than SSRIs, without the nasty side effects of sleeplessness, suicidal ideation, suppressing normal sexual function, And probably even inciting some of the younger patients to commit acts of violence. When you hear about the school shootings, some of the perpetrators went from taking ADHD drugs to taking anti-depressants when they hit their teens, which some experts say mixing with teenage hormones can create a very volatile individual.

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Well done. Excellent article. I pre-ordered 5 copies!

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Lots of good information. Thanks so much for sharing the article! Have already forwarded it to some people who I keep hoping will "see the light."

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Under §2 (https://pierrekory.substack.com/i/75820051/conducting-large-randomized-clinical-trials)

"Further, the strength of findings from conclusions from trials of non-randomized trials Collections of observational trials reach the same conclusion as collections randomized controlled trials on average throughout history the second point I make is that high quality trials do not reach different conclusions and low quality trials. It really wasn't about size. I'm happy to send you both references"

This paragraph looks Frankensteined from different pieces, even from personal correspondence. I can guess the gist, but what's the final draft?

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Not so fun fact - that was the only paragraph I wrote. I did it while in an airport, interrupted to get on the plane, crappy wifi, cursor jumped to next section without me noticing, the real paragraph is in the next section etc etc.. A colossal fuck up.. that has been fixed. Ugh.

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You are wonderful. I can't escape my training to read closely, but I understand you're busy —if that's a colossal fuck up, then I appreciate how exacting you demand yourself to be and how that carries over to the rest of your work, life, political act, and play.


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Incredible research and truly damning portrait of the system that has us dying for profits. It's wonderful to see synergies among the truth champions.. love you both to the moon & back!

Try Firefox browser with Presearch as default search engine so results are always unfiltered and web surfing like 2008 again! Tech types can detail virtues of its Blockchain distributed nodes & crypto integration but for me it's all about seeing results Silicon Valley Mafia bury. https://presearch.io/

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As the foregoing broadly relates to the Fermi Paradox:


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