The devil is in the details of this plandemic and too many people believe their government is god.

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The scam covid vaccines are a genocide programme. They can distort,and try and confuse..the truth is..the scam vaccines are killing people worldwide. And it's going to be on going for years,until everyone vaccinated is either very serious maimed, or dead.those are the facts.Why no arrests? Big Pharmaceutical companies, and the World Economic Forum/The World Health Organisation, and their associates,have all been working together, to corrupt politicians in governments worldwide to enforce their global agenda. Its them against the people. The police and the judiciary have also been corrupted. Their corrupt system, against the world's people. Who can stop what's happening? When they control every institution worldwide?..

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There was never a pandemic from a new novel virus, there was a bioweapon shot and murderous hospital procedures that killed people. Now babies all the way up to the elderly are dying because they took the satanic bioweapon shot. I hope you realize this Dr Kory, if not, please go research and listen to the nurses from when this crap started, they saw people being murdered daily until they quit from disgust at what they were seeing.

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In December 2020 just before the first doses became available to healthcare workers, the Virginia Department of Health issued guidance to all medically licensed practitioners in the state - and I am not making this us - to vaccinate pregnant patients because while there is no evidence to suggest it is safe, there is also no evidence to suggest it is unsafe. In fact, in the first days of ‘frontline’ staff lining up at the hospital for their turn, the OB clinic was sending their patients to sneak in the line to try to pull a fast one on the jabbing crew. Really, the most amazing part is that the VDH (and CDC) still exists, still issues guidance, and folks still believe it to be credible. Until folks understand that an EUA product is a military countermeasure with a legal construct more similar to a bioweapon than a vaccine, they will never be able to grasp what has been done to them.

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Every time I read about the OB-GYNE’s pushing this I just -- it’s so beyond shocking. I mean, they won’t even let you take a Tylenol when you are pregnant. But this? Yeah, this is a GREAT idea. Where were the normal drs? Anyone? Besides the author and his esteemed colleagues? Can’t believe it still.

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Years ago ( my youngest is 40 years old today) and when I was having babies, my ob/ gyn would prescribe prenatal vitamins, nothing else. Of course anyone with working brain cells knows that depopulation was the goal all along. Look at the major players: Gates of hell, Schwab, and their minions.

Some people never catch on. I live in northeastern PA and “ mask” use is on the rise again! I believe it is a lack of critical thinking and some strange form of self-preservation fueled by the completely captured media. Sadly, the medical establishment where I live push the false narrative as well.

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So the deaths caused from the vaccines can include the fetuses lost. I’m sure we will never know the true numbers of the murdered.

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So happy to see this is picking up.

It's just the tip of the iceberg. The effect is present in every subpopulation. In some countries it is hard to spot, due to the complex nature of infectious disease dynamics, but it's still there.

Since I only turned to the German data after finishing the US analysis (which spanned over almost a year), I only found this neonatal signal today: https://vigilance.pervaers.com/p/chart-of-the-day-newborns

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They died from the MRNA shots. Pfizer knew it was deadly to pregnant women and the unborn. The FDA knew too as they tried to hide the Pfizer data for 75yrs so the truth would never be known. It’s time to stop pussyfooting around the topic. It’s time to demonize the FDA CDV and Pfizer and Moderna for this crime against humanity. At least Pierre mentioned the excellent work Naomi Wolf’s group is doing in exposing it. Tired of the well we need to run studies to prove xyz to 1000 degree of right. Guess what the other side has no qualms about lying to us and killing us. Forcing this poison onto us. We need warriors willing to battle and destroy them.

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Remdesevir was the second worst drug in the ebola trial.

How the fk did they decide that it was to be used for covid on any logical basis?

Why did doctors go along like sheep?

Oh wait, they already do with another toxic treatment: chemo.

And statin drugs and acetaminophen....

I can't even get my dentist to admit that mercury fillings are a bad idea. Told him that Europe stopped it a while ago. I also told him that asbestos was banned a decade before us in the UK.

We don't have a threat from socialism, we have a threat from fascism, where the state and corporate power work hand in hand.

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Tragic , and the ACOG still wants pregnant women to get jabbed, despite the statistics. 🤬

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It's all just coincidence. Lots of them. Lots and lots and lots of them, all so strangely similar. Check out my new word, coincidist, describing people who blame medical harm on coincidence. Coincidism is a filthy thing that goes right along with fascism and communism. We counter coincidism with creativity, humor and love.


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The Coroner is the last medical person to see the body before internment/cremation. Who is to say they told the truth. Given the $100,000 plus incentive by FEMA to treat the full course of covid in US hospitals, there is no incentive to call the death anything else. Vax injury treatment gets diddly squat.

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bThere is a reason “they” call it the “kill shot”.. As mentioned previously, I’m done logging and documenting suspected adverse events with Family, Best Friends, Friends and Acquaintances at #26. 🤬, Ed

Edit - I don’t think You can call Me stupid…17 years of helping People/Patients.

Edit Again - It is a Very Tough challenge attempting to get through to People about risk vs. benefit. Start talking abot mRNA, DNA, LNP, etc. They have no clue. Have you seen Steve Kirsch’s data (I Love That Dude…Relentlessness). Who’s that?

Edit 3rd. - For humor, Do You use an optical mouse🤣?

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Making any woman in labor wear a mask is ABUSE. ABUSE of both the woman and the baby.

Whoever put this in place needs to HANG.

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Pierre and all,

The biggest elephant in America after 4 shameful years and over 17 million deaths globally…

Is there any other HIGHEST priority in 2024 to fix without fixing free, fair, lawful and transparent elections in America?

Get to work Americans… https://newswithviews.com/how-the-republican-party-became-the-rino-party/

God bless those willing to use their talents and blessings UNITED, repeat UNITED with strategic planning Leaders!

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