The dying, corrupted medical "system" is using corporate controlled media to try to destroy a Medical Freedom clinic that is attracting patients in droves.
Congrats for being so brave and true to your conscience! We need more practitioners like you. I take ivermectin once a week as a preventative among other supplements! Blessings! Stay strong!
I can relate. Last April, I took a 3 day detour on Amtrak just to attend RFk Jr's announcment speech (unforturnately, I had to leave 5 minutes after he actually started speaking to catch my train out to Seattle for a backpacking trip). I was seated on on the far left side, and took the opportunity to speak to a Daily Beast reporter.
I tried to explain to her that I wasn't an "anti-vaxxer," but an "ex-vaxxer." I got an annual flu shot for 28 years and a bunch of shots in the Army. As a firefighter, I was one of the first to get the Phizer shot in Dec 2020.. A week after my 2nd shot, I had DVT in my calves and the following week was on an IV drip in the hospital for PE in both lungs. It was after an outpatient surgery, so I thought it was coincidental.
It wasn't until next year, when I was considering a booster shot, that I dug into the "conspiracy" theory that the Covid vax was NOT "safe & effective". . . . No booster shot for me, and I made damn sure that my teenage son and nephews didn't get it either over the ojections of my wife and sister-in-law.
I also explained that I was not MAGA, had (regretfully) held my nose and voted for Biden as supposedly the "lesser of two evils", and had campaigned door-to-door for Bernie. Of course, the resulting "Daily Beast" article was a smear job. "Everyone" she talked to was a MAGA, anti-vax, conspiracy theory nut who hated Biden!
P.S. I actually dug into the IVM controversy in June '21 (thanks to Matt Taibbi and Bret Weinstein). I went through all the data and discovered for myself that Kory, Tess Lawrie, etc. had the data and evidence on their side. I even read through the BS Cochrane meta-analysis, where they hid the successful results of a prophalaytic IVM trial in tiny footnotes and like page 298 out of 300!
Propaganda works. I lived in the USSR for a semester as an exchange student in 1976. The media onslaught against DJT was 24/7, beginning at the moment of his announcement of his candidacy for POTUS. We have all been victims of the media's narratives filling our minds with the "correct group think" for decades. I am guilty of recognizing it way too late in life. It was "fitting" for lots of folks to see DJT as the image portrayed by the media, (greater of 2 evils?????) especially because he was rich and "tabloid fodder" in the past. "Show me what you do; then I will believe you." Trump showed me:
> National sovereignty for every nation. >We the People are the target of the deep state.
> The Fake News is, indeed, fake.
Biden and Co., the US Congress (our s-elected officials) are showing us who they are by what they do - EVIL. They and the powers that be (the so-called elites) have nothing but contempt for We The People.
I had suspicions about our media in the late 90's when I detected the scent of the Soviet-style "NO news in The Truth and no truth in The News" reporting. (The 2 sole newspapers in the USSR we named Truth and News) But at that time, I held to the naive notion that my FREE nation was immune to totalitarianism. Hah! Was I wrong!! So here we are. DO. NOT. COMPLY.
Lots of people were hoodwinked by the lesser of two evils lie, especially if they were unable to find information that had been highly censored. The important thing is that many woke up, some sooner some later. Many “late bloomers” have become the staunchest freedom advocates.
Ad hominem attacks with accusations but no facts -- like the “gentleman “who left the name calling, completely devoid of facts phone message -- reflect the ignorance of the attacker. These agents of chaos have NOTHING to support their positions, so they resort to insults. Just sad that Americans and others have succumbed to the cult of hatred. Marxism lives in all its ugly forms.
Thanks. But, now 2 years after the shot, I've still got high blood pressure and poor circulation in my toes like I had mild frostbite (in MI wearing 2 pair of socks and booties to avoid blood blisters). Still, I got off easy compared to many others.
Thanks. Been on Natto for a while. Seemed to have helped a little. Would rather be on that than aspirin or Eliquis ($ for Phizer there!) for a blood thinner. I'll check out Neprinol, haven't heard of that before.
I have heard unsubstantiated rumors, in the Covid and Coffee comments, about a long-standing trend of attacks on alternative medicine particularly in Florida.
If you think about the "you're not a horse" campaign, with its attendant totally fabricated follow ups of supposed gun shot victims in line at ERs in the South, who ostensibly couldn't get treatment due to ivermectin overdoses, you know what they are capable of. And they are doubling down. My point is that now they have AI chatbots. Who is to say pharma isn't training AI on Southern idioms and speech patterns of angry Southern people and deploying it to leave threatening messages on the voice mail of groups or individuals considered to be threats.
Functional medicine was making inroads here in MI before the pandemic, at Henry Ford in particular, which had an A rating. They are now at C+ and the whole state is filled with pharma and insurance camp followers. Alternative medicine and integrative and functional have been entrenched in CA for decades, and even those anti-doctor bills in CA excluded the alternative practicioners, so pharma and big corporate medicine can't take poisonous root there so easily, but the evil Leviathan probably bean counts where they think they can nudge and push and villify most easily. They really do think of us as livestock to be commodified and sheepified, whatever BS they spout. Keep outing them, keep outing them!!!
The story about the gun shot victims waiting for emergency care was actually started by a per diem ER doctor who caused that hospital incredible grief. The people who believed it are the same morons walking around wearing masks.
A buddy of mine who got jabbed AFTER easily beating covid, recently repeated the horse paste lie. He had an obvious myocarditis incident afterwards. Has to walk his mountain bike back to the car.
Would Tanya and her organization be setting up a medical clinic anywhere in or near Maryland? I’m honestly disgusted with what the medical establishment has turned into. I don’t trust any doctors or nurses anymore because of what they’ve done with Covid and how they’ve treated people and lied about everything. I honestly thought doctors and nurses who were supposed to be so smart and intelligent would never do the things that they’ve done to people, but in my opinion, they have got to be the worst.
Please reach out to us if you are interested in opening up a center in your town. We would love to help out any interested parties who are ready to commit to the Medical Freedom movement. (941) 265-1776
I, too, have lost patience with those who still remain silent when they know better. If I didn't have my online community of like-minded people, I don't know what I would do.
Pierre, I think the trolls, whether they be AI or paid humanoids or deep state or foreign agents, are a key part of the true "disinformation" strategy infecting our society in many ways. This seems common sense to me, but at some point a "counter-offensive" where we offer a mini-course in knowing what messages to disregard for their lack of meaningful content, whether tweets or blog replies or FB messages, for their highly suspect and surely empty calorie origin, is called for on a large scale. Of course, it means recipients must be able to "unplug" from social media long enough to exercise discernment...which we DO need more of.
omg, you’re in FL? will you be opening a practice? i’d drive however long it takes to get in (i’m in orlando; already drive an hour to my primary in Melbourne).
I’m eagerly waiting for Ken Paxton’s (AG) for Texas lawsuit against Pfizer. We should be able to see their data that they want to seal until 2075. Love that Constitution🇺🇸
Great post Dr. Kory! I am in WA state & have never heard of Dr. Moon (Shocking that that local MSM wouldn't report about that - haha) I'm sorry to hear she's left the Evergreen State, but I don't blame her. The zombie-ism here in the Pacific NW is very real! Thankfully, there are medical professionals who DO know what is going on & did not and are not falling for all of this nonsense. But, they have to keep a low profile as many of my fellow Washingtonians take great joy in vocally (& viciously) "outing" those who don't comply. Sad to see, but the truth keeps they say, the light will always win over the dark. Keep up the great work - you are very inspiring!
Wondering if you / Dr Marik / FLCCC are looking at treating the intracellular grid/matrix? Glycine, NAC and Glutamine? It's the place it all happens!
Dr Judy Mikovits talks a lot about glycine? She's one cool scientist!
And Dr M's Alzheimer's current research deep dive. Is he in touch with Dr Patrick Holford Institute of Optimum Nutrition in the UK perhaps? It's one of his specialities. I used his protocol many years ago to reverse this in a friend's husband.
So sorry about how you were treated at our Parliament, not a reflection of the Brits, awful behaviour by those childish ex public school yobs. 🙁 Embarrassing way to treat guests.
Love your work, keep going knowing we are listening and learning. 🙏
Cathleen - here is another interview with an ICU nurse that I received this morning. I can relate as I worked in an ICU & know how labor-intensive it is to care for even one patient, let alone three. These protocols were not meant to save lives. They were meant to kill patients. There is no other way to interpret it....
You're welcome, Cathleen. The more people that know what occurred in our nation's hospitals, the better. As a retired RN & hospital staff nurse, in a large teaching hospital, to say that I am appalled, is an enormous understatement.
Congrats for being so brave and true to your conscience! We need more practitioners like you. I take ivermectin once a week as a preventative among other supplements! Blessings! Stay strong!
wormwood makes a great alternative ... iver is derived from wormwood, as all pharma has graphene oxide in it
I need to do that. Where do you get your “horse paste”?
"I then looked up the Daily Beast Article..."
. . .
I can relate. Last April, I took a 3 day detour on Amtrak just to attend RFk Jr's announcment speech (unforturnately, I had to leave 5 minutes after he actually started speaking to catch my train out to Seattle for a backpacking trip). I was seated on on the far left side, and took the opportunity to speak to a Daily Beast reporter.
I tried to explain to her that I wasn't an "anti-vaxxer," but an "ex-vaxxer." I got an annual flu shot for 28 years and a bunch of shots in the Army. As a firefighter, I was one of the first to get the Phizer shot in Dec 2020.. A week after my 2nd shot, I had DVT in my calves and the following week was on an IV drip in the hospital for PE in both lungs. It was after an outpatient surgery, so I thought it was coincidental.
It wasn't until next year, when I was considering a booster shot, that I dug into the "conspiracy" theory that the Covid vax was NOT "safe & effective". . . . No booster shot for me, and I made damn sure that my teenage son and nephews didn't get it either over the ojections of my wife and sister-in-law.
I also explained that I was not MAGA, had (regretfully) held my nose and voted for Biden as supposedly the "lesser of two evils", and had campaigned door-to-door for Bernie. Of course, the resulting "Daily Beast" article was a smear job. "Everyone" she talked to was a MAGA, anti-vax, conspiracy theory nut who hated Biden!
P.S. I actually dug into the IVM controversy in June '21 (thanks to Matt Taibbi and Bret Weinstein). I went through all the data and discovered for myself that Kory, Tess Lawrie, etc. had the data and evidence on their side. I even read through the BS Cochrane meta-analysis, where they hid the successful results of a prophalaytic IVM trial in tiny footnotes and like page 298 out of 300!
Biden was the "lesser of two evils" and campaigned for Bernie? You really need to learn how to research.
Propaganda works. I lived in the USSR for a semester as an exchange student in 1976. The media onslaught against DJT was 24/7, beginning at the moment of his announcement of his candidacy for POTUS. We have all been victims of the media's narratives filling our minds with the "correct group think" for decades. I am guilty of recognizing it way too late in life. It was "fitting" for lots of folks to see DJT as the image portrayed by the media, (greater of 2 evils?????) especially because he was rich and "tabloid fodder" in the past. "Show me what you do; then I will believe you." Trump showed me:
> National sovereignty for every nation. >We the People are the target of the deep state.
> The Fake News is, indeed, fake.
Biden and Co., the US Congress (our s-elected officials) are showing us who they are by what they do - EVIL. They and the powers that be (the so-called elites) have nothing but contempt for We The People.
I had suspicions about our media in the late 90's when I detected the scent of the Soviet-style "NO news in The Truth and no truth in The News" reporting. (The 2 sole newspapers in the USSR we named Truth and News) But at that time, I held to the naive notion that my FREE nation was immune to totalitarianism. Hah! Was I wrong!! So here we are. DO. NOT. COMPLY.
im voting for who ever the media and the government dont want you to vote for
Uh...That's exactly what he said he did and he learned some things. Duh...
Lots of people were hoodwinked by the lesser of two evils lie, especially if they were unable to find information that had been highly censored. The important thing is that many woke up, some sooner some later. Many “late bloomers” have become the staunchest freedom advocates.
Ad hominem attacks with accusations but no facts -- like the “gentleman “who left the name calling, completely devoid of facts phone message -- reflect the ignorance of the attacker. These agents of chaos have NOTHING to support their positions, so they resort to insults. Just sad that Americans and others have succumbed to the cult of hatred. Marxism lives in all its ugly forms.
So glad you’re better now
Thanks. But, now 2 years after the shot, I've still got high blood pressure and poor circulation in my toes like I had mild frostbite (in MI wearing 2 pair of socks and booties to avoid blood blisters). Still, I got off easy compared to many others.
Check out Nattokinase, Neprinol AFD, and Nitric Oxide. All quite good for blood flow.
Thanks. Been on Natto for a while. Seemed to have helped a little. Would rather be on that than aspirin or Eliquis ($ for Phizer there!) for a blood thinner. I'll check out Neprinol, haven't heard of that before.
DMSO is good for frostbite too
Have you tried any Pinon Pine ... at the least it will slow down and hopefully over time eliminate the spike proteins
No. Thanks, I'll take a look at that.
I have heard unsubstantiated rumors, in the Covid and Coffee comments, about a long-standing trend of attacks on alternative medicine particularly in Florida.
If you think about the "you're not a horse" campaign, with its attendant totally fabricated follow ups of supposed gun shot victims in line at ERs in the South, who ostensibly couldn't get treatment due to ivermectin overdoses, you know what they are capable of. And they are doubling down. My point is that now they have AI chatbots. Who is to say pharma isn't training AI on Southern idioms and speech patterns of angry Southern people and deploying it to leave threatening messages on the voice mail of groups or individuals considered to be threats.
Functional medicine was making inroads here in MI before the pandemic, at Henry Ford in particular, which had an A rating. They are now at C+ and the whole state is filled with pharma and insurance camp followers. Alternative medicine and integrative and functional have been entrenched in CA for decades, and even those anti-doctor bills in CA excluded the alternative practicioners, so pharma and big corporate medicine can't take poisonous root there so easily, but the evil Leviathan probably bean counts where they think they can nudge and push and villify most easily. They really do think of us as livestock to be commodified and sheepified, whatever BS they spout. Keep outing them, keep outing them!!!
The story about the gun shot victims waiting for emergency care was actually started by a per diem ER doctor who caused that hospital incredible grief. The people who believed it are the same morons walking around wearing masks.
A buddy of mine who got jabbed AFTER easily beating covid, recently repeated the horse paste lie. He had an obvious myocarditis incident afterwards. Has to walk his mountain bike back to the car.
Yes, ma'am! Y'all are right-on about everything. I am a Floridian now and I love the hospitable and polite ways of the south.
Would Tanya and her organization be setting up a medical clinic anywhere in or near Maryland? I’m honestly disgusted with what the medical establishment has turned into. I don’t trust any doctors or nurses anymore because of what they’ve done with Covid and how they’ve treated people and lied about everything. I honestly thought doctors and nurses who were supposed to be so smart and intelligent would never do the things that they’ve done to people, but in my opinion, they have got to be the worst.
I am in MO near St. Louis and interested in a medical freedom clinic like this! Retired RN. Thank you for all your great work! ❤️
I'm a retired RN and sadly, I could not agree more.
Please reach out to us if you are interested in opening up a center in your town. We would love to help out any interested parties who are ready to commit to the Medical Freedom movement. (941) 265-1776
I, too, have lost patience with those who still remain silent when they know better. If I didn't have my online community of like-minded people, I don't know what I would do.
Hats off to you Doc!
To have this much energy this much drive just in the name of truth and justice for all of us??!!
You are our Superman.
Pierre, I think the trolls, whether they be AI or paid humanoids or deep state or foreign agents, are a key part of the true "disinformation" strategy infecting our society in many ways. This seems common sense to me, but at some point a "counter-offensive" where we offer a mini-course in knowing what messages to disregard for their lack of meaningful content, whether tweets or blog replies or FB messages, for their highly suspect and surely empty calorie origin, is called for on a large scale. Of course, it means recipients must be able to "unplug" from social media long enough to exercise discernment...which we DO need more of.
Dr. Kory,
Love the concept of a Medical Freedom Clinic!
Time to get them established every where!
omg, you’re in FL? will you be opening a practice? i’d drive however long it takes to get in (i’m in orlando; already drive an hour to my primary in Melbourne).
#TringaliVibrantHealth, palm beach Gardens, FL 33408. 561-234-0707. Connor is the director of operations. Elizabeth Tringali is the
PA-C for functional alternative health.
PS proofreading note: need the link to the book in the last line 💪
Reach out to us at (941)265-1776 or
I’m eagerly waiting for Ken Paxton’s (AG) for Texas lawsuit against Pfizer. We should be able to see their data that they want to seal until 2075. Love that Constitution🇺🇸
That data is already available at
I really like him. His impeachment attempt was disgusting. He’s an ethical and brilliant Attorney General.
Agree, appears the States AG’s are our last stance against big government. We have a pretty good one here in Ohio, Dave Yost
Armani - I beg to differ about AG Yost.
In OH? Yost? I see no evidence that’s the case.
EverybodyDuck - neither do I. Watch the video I posted to Armani’s comments
Consider supporting ICAN. They won the lawsuit to get that terrible data released
The truth is everywhere
Great post Dr. Kory! I am in WA state & have never heard of Dr. Moon (Shocking that that local MSM wouldn't report about that - haha) I'm sorry to hear she's left the Evergreen State, but I don't blame her. The zombie-ism here in the Pacific NW is very real! Thankfully, there are medical professionals who DO know what is going on & did not and are not falling for all of this nonsense. But, they have to keep a low profile as many of my fellow Washingtonians take great joy in vocally (& viciously) "outing" those who don't comply. Sad to see, but the truth keeps they say, the light will always win over the dark. Keep up the great work - you are very inspiring!
Medic question for you ☺️, dear Dr Pierre.
Wondering if you / Dr Marik / FLCCC are looking at treating the intracellular grid/matrix? Glycine, NAC and Glutamine? It's the place it all happens!
Dr Judy Mikovits talks a lot about glycine? She's one cool scientist!
And Dr M's Alzheimer's current research deep dive. Is he in touch with Dr Patrick Holford Institute of Optimum Nutrition in the UK perhaps? It's one of his specialities. I used his protocol many years ago to reverse this in a friend's husband.
So sorry about how you were treated at our Parliament, not a reflection of the Brits, awful behaviour by those childish ex public school yobs. 🙁 Embarrassing way to treat guests.
Love your work, keep going knowing we are listening and learning. 🙏
Thank God there are practitioners who stand up for truth and freedom. God bless them all.
She tells the truth:
In keeping with this topic is this interview with a California nurse practitioner as to what she witnessed & experienced during covid at her hospital in the Bay area...
Thank you so much for sharing this must-watch interview.
Cathleen - here is another interview with an ICU nurse that I received this morning. I can relate as I worked in an ICU & know how labor-intensive it is to care for even one patient, let alone three. These protocols were not meant to save lives. They were meant to kill patients. There is no other way to interpret it....
You're welcome, Cathleen. The more people that know what occurred in our nation's hospitals, the better. As a retired RN & hospital staff nurse, in a large teaching hospital, to say that I am appalled, is an enormous understatement.